779 research outputs found
Actor interaction in the EIA process in Sweden
In the growing concern for the state of the environment more tools are being integrated in the decision-making processes. Sweden actively makes use of environmental impact assessment (EIA), which is supposed to minimise negative impacts of a project, policy or plans on the environment. The EIA process in Sweden still requires certain improvements to be more efficient. In this study actor interaction was analysed with trust being the framework for analysis. The aim is to find out whether it is possible to use trust as a framework for analysis since trust research is very discipline dependent. For this analysis impersonal trust between organizations as interaction was mostly used. The chosen framework was applied to a case study of the wind power project in Tönsen. Methods for the study include a literature review and surveys. The results include suggestions on how to better design a detailed framework for analysis.
It was found that there is a need for more cross-disciplinary or interdisciplinary view of trust and further development of certain aspects of the theory such as quantification, dynamics, reciprocity, and classification. Actor interaction in the EIA process proved to be an interesting, but challenging task since it involves many interactions of different nature. In practice the biggest challenge is in the interaction between developer and the general public. It is argued that with further research in applying trust to actor interaction in the EIA process, the process can be improved and relationships between certain actors can become better.Det finns en växande oro för miljöfrågor i många länder nuförtiden, därför integreras olika verktyg i beslutsfattandet. Sverige använder miljökonsekvens¬beskrivning (MKB) som ska minska negativa miljöeffekter i samband med genomförande av projekt, policy eller plan. MKB-processen behöver förändras för att bli mer effektiv. Syftet med denna studie har varit att se på om man kan analysera interaktionen mellan aktörerna inom MKB-processen genom teori om förtroende. I analysen användes främst opersonligt förtroende mellan organisationer inom interaktion. Analysramen tillämpades på en fallstudie av vindkraft verksamheten i Tönsen. Studien bygger på litteraturstudier och enkätresultat.
Studien föreslår hur analysramen kan förbättras. Den visar att det behövs en mer interdisciplinär eller tvärvetenskaplig uppfattning av förtroendet. Några teoretiska aspekter, bl. a. kvantifiering, dynamik, ömsesidighet och klassificering kräver ytterligare utveckling. Interaktion mellan aktörerna inom MKB-processen visade sig vara intressant, men utmanande för analysen eftersom samverkan mellan aktörerna var av olika karaktär. I praktiken visar samverkan mellan verksamhetsutövare och allmänhet vara det mest problematiska. En slutsats av studien är att fördjupade studier inom området kan förbättra MKB-processen och samverkan mellan vissa av aktörerna.Вопросы окружающей среды приобретают все большее внимание со стороны правительств многих стран мира, в свете чего различные инструменты, призванные способствовать охране окружающей среды, интегрируются в местные законодательства. В Швеции широкое распространение приобрела оценка воздействия на окружающую среду (ОВОС), призванная минимизировать негативные последствия для окружающей среды, вызванные хозяйственной деятельностью. В данной работе проводится анализ взаимодействия участников процесса при помощи теории доверия на примере проекта ветряной фермы Тёнсен (Tönsen). Задача данного исследования выяснить, применима ли теория доверия, точка зрения на которую сильно зависит от дисциплины ее изучающей, к данной ситуации. Для данной ситуации использовалось безличное доверие между организациями. Результаты предлагают рекоммендации по дальнейшему исследованию в области доверия с целью улучшения анализа ситуций.
Результаты показали, что необходим более междисциплинарный подход к доверию и дальнейшее равзвитие определенных аспектов, таких как, например, взаимность, классификация, квантификация и динамика. Процесс ОВОС включает в себя взаимодействия большого количества участников, а потому является сложным для анализа. С практической точки зрения наибольшие проблемы, в том числе, связанные с доверием, встречаются в отношениях заказчика и общественности. Разумно предположить, что при более глубоком анализе доверия в процессе ОВОС процес возможно улучшить, так же как улучшить взаимоотношения между участниками
Objective: This study was performed in order to estimate clinical effectiveness of antibiotic therapy in acute and recurrent obstructive bronchitis. For estimation the following was used: the Fishbern method of antibiotics distribution according to clinical effectiveness levels with the help of weighted coefficients and classical cost–efficiency†pharmacoeconomic analysis of the given antibiotic therapy. Then, for the first time ever, the obtained results of both methods were combined.Methods: Materials were presented by the data on antibiotic therapy, given for patients who were hospitalized to the in-patient medical facilities due to acute or recurrent obstructive bronchitis. Medical records of 2 259 patients were included in the study. The patients were 0 to 18 y old. In order to determine the weighed coefficients of each used antibiotic with subsequent distribution according to the levels of clinical effectiveness the Fishbern method was applied. Three levels of clinical effectiveness were used in this study, i.e. high, medium and low. The cost–efficiency†pharmacoeconomic analysis was applied to combine costs and efficiency of the compared therapy courses in acute and recurrent obstructive bronchitis.Results: Finally we found out that the highest probability of positive effect of cephalosporins group agents was associated with the use of Cefotaximum. (Biosynthesis). From the pharmacoeconomic point of view the most effective in treating acute and recurrent obstructive bronchitis in children in the in-patient facilities was Ceftriaxonum (Synthesis). Out of protected penicillins group, we used Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid–original drug Augmentin (Smithkline Beecham Pharmaceuticals) and generic drug Amoxiclav (Lek d. d). Augmentin effectiveness was 0.591, and Amoxiclav effectiveness–0.530. Cost of Augmentin treatment course was 106.26 rub. (1.68 US). Augmentin use turned out to be the most reasonable. Augmentin treatment course was characterized by lower ICER coefficient versus Amoxiclav. We found out that from the pharmacoeconomic point of view Azitromicin (Vertex Ltd.) treatment turned out to be the most reasonable of the whole macrolides antibiotics for treatment of acute and recurrent obstructive bronchitis. However, according to the Fishbern clinical effectiveness classification this antibiotic belonged to the group with medium effectiveness level. The group with high effectiveness level included Sumamed, Azitral, Hemomicin, Clacid, Zitrocin and Clabax. Clacid and Clabax were excluded during the pharmacoeconomic analysis. The highest value of ICER coefficient was obtained for Sumamed and made up 39,367.50 rub. (621.53 US) and 1812.22 rub. (28.61 US$) respectively). Therefore based on the clinical economic analysis these medical agents turned out to be the most suitable.Conclusion: The results of the pharmacoeconomic analysis showed that the most effective drugs in treatment of acute and recurrent obstructive bronchitis in children in in-patient facilities appeared to be the following: out of cephalosporins-Ceftriaxonum (Synthesis), out of protected penicillins-Augmentin (Smithkline Beecham Pharmaceuticals), out of macrolides-Azitromicin (Vertex Ltd.). According to the Fishbern classification, these drugs belonged to the group with medium level of effectiveness.Â
Objective: This study was undertaken to determine the link between the presence of atypical†infections in patients with acute obstructive andrecurrent obstructive bronchitis (AOB/ROB) and bronchial asthma (BA) development based on the concept of risk.Methods: The materials for the study were the data records of patients hospitalized with AOB or ROB and whose analysis was performed to identifyantibodies to atypical†microflora (796 patients). The study period was 4 years from 2008 to 2011. In the analyzed period, immunosorbent assay forthe detection of antibodies to atypical†microflora (Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Mycoplasma hominis) was performed. Theconcept of risk identification was based on the determination of the absolute risk, attributable risk (AtR), relative risk, population attributable risk, aswell as on the definition of the standard errors for each type of risk and the confidence interval.Results and Conclusion: Methodical aspects of determining the relationship between the presence of atypical†infections in patients with AOBor ROB and BA development were based on the concept of risk. The analysis showed a direct link between the increase of cases of BA formationagainst the backdrop of atypical†infections. Therefore, the performed analysis of atypical pathogens influences on BA occurrence in patients withAOB/ROB which indicates direct dependence increase of BA incidence on atypical infection. In experimental group, Frequency of event is 14.84% inexperimental group. Frequency of event is 1.67% in control group. The risk factor increases probability of event by 13.17%, the risk factor increasesprobability of event by 13.17%. Presence of atypical infection leads to increase of BA incidence by 8.9 times. Number needed to harm (NNH) is 7.59,i.e., in the presence of atypical infection in patients with AOB/ROB, each eighth exposed person develops BA in addition to background level of BAincidence.Keywords: Acute obstructive bronchitis, Recurrent obstructive bronchitis, Bronchial asthma, The concept of risk, Risk factor, The absolute risk,Relative risk, Attributable risk, Population attributable risk, Number needed to harm
Віртуальні ігри як феномен сучасної культури
У статті зроблено спробу детермінувати роль відео/комп'ютерних ігор як феномену сучасної культури в реаліях постіндустріального суспільства з точки зору соціальної філософії. При аналізі окресленої наукової проблематики автори апелюють до класичної культурологічної концепції homo ludens голландського філософа Й. Хейзінги. Особливу увагу приділено розгляду протиріч дійсності, з якими неминуче стикається кожен індивід, зокрема, в штучно сконструйованій псевдореальності віртуальних ігор, оскільки, на думку авторів, саме ця суперечність є одним із факторів посилення кризи легітимації соціальних інститутів у сучасному постіндустріальному суспільстві
Background: Social engineering is an acute threat to modern enterprises. In large companies, dynamic information flows and changes in management processes increase the number of attack points for social engineers, which entails possible unwanted information outflows. Objective: The study aims to analyze social engineering attacks, identify their complexity, and compare them with the types of attacks. The primary objective is to determine the key mechanisms to counter social engineering. Methods: The paper analyzes the current body of scientific literature concerning the legal regulation of social engineering methods and the study of criminalized social engineering. The methodological foundation of the study is a combination of scientific research methods, including the abstract-logical approach, correlation analysis, and the comparative method. Results: The existing research testifies to the dynamic spread and development of social engineering technologies, which necessitates the development of an effective system to counter social engineering attacks. The most promising approach appears to be the one based on the technical component and simultaneously involving the training of employees of enterprises and organizations in counteracting unauthorized access to information. This approach will reduce the risk of information leakage and strengthen the information security of modern companies
False-Positive Serologic Reactions for Syphilis
The epidemiologic situation of syphilitic infection warrants attention to diagnostic methods. Nontreponemal tests (rapid plasma regain, Venereal Disease Research Laboratory) are less reliable, as there are certain situations when false-positive reactions for syphilis antibodies may appear. Variable examinations were performed and proved that it was necessary to assess the titer of antibodies, as well as confirmation of the diagnosis by treponemal tests (fluorescent treponemal antibody, treponema pallidum hemagglutination assay, enzyme immunoassay, Western blot), were obligatory. In recent decades, new methods were elaborated (e.g., BioPlex total screen, tests with β2-GPI-dependent anticardiolipin antibody, the ARCHITECT syphilis treponema pallidum chemiluminescent immunoassay, the Elecsys immunoassay (Roche Diagnostics)). We present the review of publications on syphilis serologic diagnostics and present our own research. We did not find any mention of a false-positive test in atopic dermatitis and present a case of false-positive reactions for syphilis in such patients
New forms of coal industry management
The article studies progress and problems of development of coal industry in modern Russia and views regulatory basis and perspectives of use of new forms of coal industry management, which include public-private partnership and formation of territorial clusters.peer-reviewe
Educational Reforms in the Context of Contemporary Civilizational Changes
Analysis of educational system seems to be the most reasonable when the key points are reformation and modernization of education, since the mentioned processes are the response to transformations in adjacent social spheres caused in their turn by objective changes, which may include civilizational, transnational changes in education at national level. This article is devoted to the estimation of educational reforms in the context of contemporary civilizational changes. The research aimed to systematize the features of development of reforms in the field of education, to develop measures on coordination of activities among main participants in educational process, to determine its main features in the context of civilizational changes. It has been established that the key point is to detect balance between autonomous right of a university to render education and scientific studies for economy and society, and responsibility of state for assurance of quality, accountability, integrity, and availability of education. It has been proved that the education sector needs investment to improve learning and research conditions. Another issue is implementation of new forms of financing, including on competitive basis, to support interest and interaction between universities and business environment. It has been determined that new trends in cooperation should not only concern the development of innovations and commercialization but also attract employers to cooperation aiming at development of new or updating the existing learning programs
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