48 research outputs found

    Name und Namenforschung: Produktnamen im onymischen System.: Dargestellt am Beispiel von Vodka-, Kosmetik- und Süßwarennamen im Russischen.

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    Der Ausgangspunkt der Arbeit ist die Einführung in das Forschungsfeld der Thematik Onomastik. Dabei liegt ein besonderes Interesse auf einer namen- und forschungsspezifischen Systematik im Bereich der Namenforschung, dargestellt anhand ausgesuchter theoretischer Grundlagen verschie-dener Onomastikforscher aus der Perspektive der onomastischen Theorie und Methodologie. Des Weiteren werden präzise die für das Forschungsfeld NAME relevanten Begriffe wie Onym, Ökonym, Ergonym, Chrematonym usw. definiert, analysiert und in ihrem Gebrauch mit zahlrei-chen wissenschaftlichen Schriften verglichen. Demzufolge wird die Klärung der Begriffe Waren-, Produkt- und Markenname aus dem Bereich der russischen Alkohol- und Süßwarenindustrie aus rechtlicher, ökonomischer und sprachwissen-schaftlicher Sicht dargestellt und an ausgewählten Beispielen erläutert. Ihre Gestaltungsstrategien werden unter anderem unter der Berücksichtigung des Spannungsfeldes zwischen Globalisierung und Kulturspezifik Russlands näher betrachtet. Es gibt wohl kein anderes Produkt (außer vielleicht Süßwaren), das so ausgeprägt (mit mehr als 250 Marken und 1000 Namen) sowohl national als auch international repräsentiert wird wie russi-scher Vodka. Hier werden im Rahmen der betriebswirtschaftlichen Einordnung neue Tendenzen und Perspektiven des Branding und Naming herausgearbeitet. Darüber hinaus werden sowohl se-mantisch-strukturelle und morphologische Klassifikationen als auch eine detaillierte sprachliche Analyse, Benennungsmethoden in Hinsicht auf Produktnamenbildung und Entwicklungstendenzen auf dem russischen Spirituosenmarkt verdeutlicht. Ein weiterer Teil der Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Slogans. Einerseits werden die neuzeitlichen Rahmenbedingungen bei der Werbung beschrieben; andererseits werden die Besonderheiten und Trends der Werbung bzw. Slogans von Produkten erläutert, wie z.B. zu welchen Mitteln die Wer-bemacher heutzutage greifen, um das Produkt möglichst schnell erfolgreich zu vermarkten, auf dem Lebensmittelmarkt durchzusetzen und letztendlich die Kundschaft zum Kauf zu motivieren, ohne die bestehenden gesetzlichen Verordnungen zu verletzen. Auf Basis der vorliegenden Analy-se wird die Slogansprache als eine spezielle Sprache betrachtet, die als Symbiose zwischen größt-möglicher Expressivität und „sprachlicher Sparsamkeit“ fungiert, wobei jede Aussage direkt oder indirekt mit Emotionen und Suggestionen verbunden ist. In einigen Teilen der Arbeit werden auch Beispiele aus dem ukrainischen Korpus als Vergleich herangezogen.:Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Einführung 5 1.1 Gegenstand, Struktur und Ziele der Studie 5 1.2 Das Korpus 7 1.3 Der Aufbau der Arbeit 8 2 Onomastik: Rolle und Bedeutung in der Kommunikation 9 3 Name: Definitionen und Funktionen 22 3.1 Definition des Begriffes “Name” 22 3.2 Theoretische Überlegungen zum Namensbegriff 27 3.2.1 Appellativa vs. Eigennamen 32 3.2.2 Name als soziale Tatsache 36 3.2.3 Namen und ihre Funktionen in den sprachlichen Mitteilungen 38 4 Namenkategorische Begriffe 41 4.1 Stellung der Chrematonyme und Ergonyme in der Onomastik 41 4.1.1 Eigenschaften und Funktionen der Chrematonamen 43 4.2 Warennamen 48 4.2.1 Typologie von Warennamen 51 4.2.2 Sind Warennamen Eigennamen? 54 4.2.3 Warennamensystematik (Kommerzielle Nomenklaturen) 54 4.2.4 Bildung der Warennamen 58 Bildungstypen der Warennamen nach G. Grundke 61 Bildungstypen der Warenamen nach A. Lötscher 62 Bildungstypen der Warennamen nach Ch.Platen 63 Bildungstypen der Warennamen nach G.Koß 64 4.3 Definitionen und Funktionen des Produktnamens 66 4.3.1 Platz der Produktnamen im Sprachsystem 70 4.3.2 Charakteristik der Produktnamen 72 4.4 Motivation und Assoziation von Warennamen (Benennungsmotive) 74 4.4.1 Die linguistischen Ansätze der Benennungsmotive 78 4.4.2 Einige Beispiele der Benennungsmotive bei russischen Schokoladennamen 85 5 Charakteristik der Vodka- und Schokoladenamen als Warennamen 91 5.1 Charakteristik der Kosmetiknamen als Produktnamen 94 5.2 Produktnamen in der Süßwaren-, Kosmetik- und Spirituosenindustrie in Russland vor und nach 1985 96 5.2.1 Die Schokoladenamen 98 5.2.2 Die Vodkanamen 102 5.2.3 Die Kosmetiknamen 112 5.3 „Snickerisierung: Konsum zwischen Verwestlichung und Nationalisierung“ 115 6 Detaillierte linguistische Analyse russischer Vodkanamen 117 6.1 Ein kurzer Überblick über die morphologische Struktur des Markennamens 117 6.2 Zu Produktnamen (am Beispiel von Vodkanamen) 122 6.3 Vodka und seine Attribute 125 7 Produkt- und Markenpolitik 132 7.1 Markenpolitik 132 7.2 Markennamen, Markenarten und ihre Funktionen 133 7.2.1 Marke in Russland 136 7.2.2 Die Besonderheiten des russischen Konsumgütermarktes 140 7.2.3 Konsumtrend in Russland: Westlich ist gut, russisch ist besser 144 7.3 Die „Suche“ nach dem richtigen Produktnamen 151 7.4 Produktnamen und Gesetz oder die rechtliche Seite eines Markennamens 155 7.5 Warennamen als Geschäftsmittel (oder -einheit) 160 7.6 Kreativität bei der Namensgebung der heutigen Zeit (am Beispiel der Tätigkeit mancher russischen Agenturen) 167 8 Werbung 172 8.1 Aufbau der Werbung 177 8.1.1 Einige relevante Werbeziele 179 8.1.2 Sprach- und Wortzeichen in der Werbung 183 8.2 Etappen der russischen Werbung im Kurzüberblick 190 8.2.1 Das Werbegesetz 193 8.2.2 Das Sprachgesetz in der Werbung in Russland 196 8.3 Definition und Funktion der Werbeslogans 202 8.3.1 Werbeslogans und ihre Formen 206 8.4 Lexikalische Aspekte der Bildung von Slogans 209 8.4.1 Stilisierte Phraseologie 218 8.5 Das Bekanntmachen und Einprägen des Warennamens im Slogan 223 8.6 Das Einprägen des Slogans im Ganzen 228 8.6.1 Stilistisch-syntaktische Merkmale der Slogans 228 8.6.2 Semantische Figuren und Stilmittel 245 8.7 Das Wortbildungssystem bei Produktnamen in ihrer Funktion als Werbenamen 247 9 Resümee 260 10 Literaturverzeichnis 264 10.1 Internetressourcen 276 11 Tabellenverzeichnis 278 12 Abbildungsverzeichnis 27

    Gamification, coaching, scribbling, storytelling in Ukrainian literature classes: innovative potential and effectiveness of application

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    The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the application of innovative technologies and methods in the lessons of Ukrainian literature. The article aims to highlight the main characteristics, content, and practical importance of the innovative potential of gamification, coaching, scribing, storytelling, their impact on improving the quality of teaching. To evaluate the effectiveness of the application of these innovative methods, the article applied theoretical and empirical methods, including the study of professional literature and the conduct of scientific and pedagogical experiment in the lessons of Ukrainian literature in the seventh grade of secondary school. As a result, confirmation of the effectiveness of such innovative teaching methods as gamification, coaching, scribbling, storytelling was obtained. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the demonstration of the emergence of the effect of complementarity in the application of these methods in the classroom, which makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of their application. The practical value of the research consists in the fact that its results and conclusions can be used in pedagogical activity aimed both at training students and professional development of specialists in the field of pedagogy

    Modernising the theoretical and practical aspects of national education system development

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    The purpose of scientific exploration is to determine the factors influencing the processes of modernization of education in the national cluster.  The task of the article is to characterize the socio-economic, political, and cultural elements of national development that influence the educational space, forming the basis for the implementation of innovative transformations in the practical learning activity and their prospects in the strategies of educational development.  In addition, modernization of education occurs in the context of globalization challenges, which leads to a certain leveling of the national factor.  However, it is the national characteristics that often become the fundamental elements identifying the educational identity of a state or region.  The methodological arsenal through which the attempt is made to implement the objectives of the scientific article can be divided into a  general scientific cluster (analysis, systematization, classification); elements of scientific-pedagogical discourse (pedagogical experiment, modeling); philosophical-scientific methods (dialectics, synergy)   The optimal result of education modernization is to increase the efficiency of the educational system while preserving the national authenticity of the educational environment

    Propensity for Suicide among Gifted Schoolchildren of General Secondary-Education Establishments: the Role of Deviant Behavior

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    The article deals with the analysis of the results of the research on propensity for suicidal behavior among gifted schoolchildren of general secondary education institutions. The research is focused on the analysis of the role of deviant behavior exercised by gifted schoolchildren with the signs of mono- and polydeviation in the development of propensity for suicidal behavior. The diagnostics of the propensity of gifted schoolchildren for suicidal behavior is viewed upon as an important direction in preventive activities of institutions of general secondary education aimed at avoiding irreversible consequences of this phenomenon. The gifted schoolchildren from establishments of general secondary education of Ukraine aged from 10 to 17 took part in the research. The conclusion was made that gifted schoolchildren with an explicit propensity for polydeviation were characterized by higher indicators of the propensity for suicidal behavior if compared to monodeviant pupils

    Interrelationship of Psychotherapy, Psychocorrection and Psychoconsultation

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    Modern neurorehabilitation is focused primarily on the restoration of speech and cognitive mental processes, considering the rehabilitation of the individual as a task of psychotherapy. The article shows that a gentle attitude, a change in "body image" and neurotic experiences, characteristic of most patients with organic brain lesions, significantly affect the effectiveness of neuropsychological rehabilitation. Neurorehabilitation focuses on the restoration of speech and cognitive processes, considering the rehabilitation of the individual as an object of psychotherapy. On the basis of clinical cases, it has been shown that the weakened attitude, body image changes, and neurotic experiences characteristic of most patients with idiophrenic disease affect the effectiveness of neuropsychological rehabilitation. The article examines the theoretical and methodological principles and defines the main concepts of the topic. The relevance of the article is determined by the new innovative social needs in solving problems of a psychological nature, taking into account the neurological features of human thinking. Scientific intelligence in the field of neurorehabilitation provides grounds for determining the most effective methods of psychocorrection. The purpose of the study is to determine the relationship between psychotherapy, psychocorrection and psycho-counseling based on neurorehabilitation. After studying the data, it was determined that the ischemic attack of the brain was unspecified, it was suggested that the observed neurological symptoms (disorders of speech, movements, emotional sphere) are related to residual (residual) symptoms after a transient ischemic attack, which requires a detailed study.</p

    Вплив теплової обробки антиоксидантами на утилізацію активних форм кисню впродовж зберігання огірків

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    The effect of heat treatment with antioxidants on the degree of chilling injury, the dynamics of malonic dialdehyde and enzymatic antioxidants in the storage of cucumbers is analyzed. It is shown that the combination of heat treatment and the antioxidant composition Chl+I+A makes it possible to avoid chilling injury until the end of storage.Cucumbers with heat treatment with antioxidants for the entire storage time demonstrate deviations from the background value of malonic dialdehyde by no more than 13.5 %, which reflects the stable functioning of the antioxidant system. Heat treatment with biologically active substances can slow the rate of decrease in activity of superoxide dismutase, which contributes to its activity at 60 % of the initial value after 28 days of storage.The use of this treatment induces catalase activity in cucumbers, which grows according to the degree of their cold tolerance. Heat treatment with antioxidants regulates the activity of peroxidase in cucumbers, which is evidence of the slowing down of aging processes.Исследовано воздействие тепловой обработки антиоксидантными композициями на снижение симптомов окислительного стресса, обусловленного охлаждением в огурцах. Установлено, что применение такой обработки снижает степень повреждения холодом при хранении огурцов. Комбинирование тепловой обработки и антиоксидантов способствует индуцированию энзиматического комплекса антиоксидантной защиты и снижению уровня пероксидации тканей при хранении огурцов.Досліджено вплив теплової обробки антиоксидантними композиціями на зниження симптомів окисного стресу, зумовленого охолодженням в огірках. Виявлено, що використання запропонованої обробки зменшує ступінь пошкодження холодом під час зберігання огірків. Комбінування теплової обробки та антиоксидантів сприяє індукуванню ензиматичного комплексу антиоксидантного захисту та зниженню рівня пероксидації тканин під час зберігання огірків

    Integration of Internet memes when teaching philological disciplines in higher education institutions

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    A rapid increase of available information affects students’ perception of any message and formation of priorities; the period of concentration on one subject is reduced; students prefer concise vivid visual images. Internet memes become a part of students’ daily communication and broadcast today’s cultural and information realities. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Internet memes integration while mastering philological disciplines (for example, English) by Ukrainian students. The authors experimented to check the methodology proposed within one program unit. We conducted the experiment in the 2020-2021 academic year and involved 68 students and 5 teachers of Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education, Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs and Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovskyi Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade. The authors conducted pre- and post-experimental surveys and informal interviews to compare academic achievements and provided a system of tasks integrating memes. Implementing the experiment, we clarified the dominant way of students’ perception and processing of information and revealed the expediency of integrating memes into teaching English. The authors determined the dynamics of the levels of students’ motivation to learn English through Internet memes integration and established quantitative values of the levels using the method of mathematical statistics. The conclusions emphasize the need to improve teachers’ pedagogical skills, developed critical and creative thinking to integrate memes into educational activities. The authors stress the relevance of the further detailed study of the educational potential of memes in teaching not only philological disciplines but also other subjects of the curriculum

    The Teacher's Role in the Use of E-learning Technologies for English Language Learning in Higher Education: the Neural Impact of Electronic Services on the Student's Brain

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    The process of globalization affects all areas of the education system, necessitating the correlation of the sphere of professional activity with the requirements for the competence of a modern specialist. Mastering the current information and communication space determines the need to master the unified tool of interaction technologies of e-learning English in higher education institutions. Future graduates of higher education institutions, no matter what field they work in, need skills that promote interaction, implementation of professional self-development. Training highly professional specialists with not only theoretical knowledge and practical skills in their specialty, but also advanced means of communication, electronic platforms, knowledge of a foreign language is fully consistent with the main task of the university. Knowledge of a foreign language contributes to professional culture, creates opportunities to freely navigate in the studied scientific research from the field of knowledge. Higher education professors face the task of not only creating the conditions for learning a foreign language, but also to purposefully motivate students to master it as a necessary competence for carrying out professional activities. The study of a foreign language should be professionally oriented, contribute to the solution of cognitive and communicative needs of students. The article researches the most effective e-learning technologies in English classes in higher education institutions (HEI); defines the role of the teacher when using e-learning technologies of English language in higher education institutions; describes the educational centers and platforms for e-learning; defines the neural influence of electronic services on the brain of the student.</p

    Technologies of Visualization of Educational Material - One of the Ways to Form Information Competence

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    The urgency of the article lies in the substantiation of the importance of using visualization technology in the process of education in the current period, defining the difference between this technology and the principle of visualization at the lesson in the today's educational institution. The article covers the concept of information competence and its components, describes techniques of visualization technology of teaching material, aimed at forming this competence. Special attention is paid to the methods of visualization at a lesson for the purpose of better knowledge assimilation. The article also describes different ways of visualization of educational information as a prerequisite for successful teaching of school subjects. The data contained in the article are the results of the analysis of digital services of visualization of educational content and the study of methodological foundations for the use of all kinds of information visualization tools at different stages of learning during the present lesson. The article covers in detail the most modern ways and means of information visualization, including mental maps, timelines, etc., because enormous information flows require the ability to assess this information, to determine its reliability and trustworthiness, to determine the main thing in it. The content of the article is of practical importance for teachers of today's schools. </p

    Вплив теплової обробки антиоксидантами на утилізацію активних форм кисню впродовж зберігання огірків

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    The effect of heat treatment with antioxidants on the degree of chilling injury, the dynamics of malonic dialdehyde and enzymatic antioxidants in the storage of cucumbers is analyzed. It is shown that the combination of heat treatment and the antioxidant composition Chl+I+A makes it possible to avoid chilling injury until the end of storage.Cucumbers with heat treatment with antioxidants for the entire storage time demonstrate deviations from the background value of malonic dialdehyde by no more than 13.5 %, which reflects the stable functioning of the antioxidant system. Heat treatment with biologically active substances can slow the rate of decrease in activity of superoxide dismutase, which contributes to its activity at 60 % of the initial value after 28 days of storage.The use of this treatment induces catalase activity in cucumbers, which grows according to the degree of their cold tolerance. Heat treatment with antioxidants regulates the activity of peroxidase in cucumbers, which is evidence of the slowing down of aging processes.Исследовано воздействие тепловой обработки антиоксидантными композициями на снижение симптомов окислительного стресса, обусловленного охлаждением в огурцах. Установлено, что применение такой обработки снижает степень повреждения холодом при хранении огурцов. Комбинирование тепловой обработки и антиоксидантов способствует индуцированию энзиматического комплекса антиоксидантной защиты и снижению уровня пероксидации тканей при хранении огурцов.Досліджено вплив теплової обробки антиоксидантними композиціями на зниження симптомів окисного стресу, зумовленого охолодженням в огірках. Виявлено, що використання запропонованої обробки зменшує ступінь пошкодження холодом під час зберігання огірків. Комбінування теплової обробки та антиоксидантів сприяє індукуванню ензиматичного комплексу антиоксидантного захисту та зниженню рівня пероксидації тканин під час зберігання огірків