383 research outputs found

    Odin observations of ammonia in the Sgr A +50 km/s Cloud and Circumnuclear Disk

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    Context. The Odin satellite is now into its sixteenth year of operation, much surpassing its design life of two years. One of the sources which Odin has observed in great detail is the Sgr A Complex in the centre of the Milky Way. Aims. To study the presence of NH3 in the Galactic Centre and spiral arms. Methods. Recently, Odin has made complementary observations of the 572 GHz NH3 line towards the Sgr A +50 km/s Cloud and Circumnuclear Disk (CND). Results. Significant NH3 emission has been observed in both the +50 km/s Cloud and the CND. Clear NH3 absorption has also been detected in many of the spiral arm features along the line of sight from the Sun to the core of our Galaxy. Conclusions. The very large velocity width (80 km/s) of the NH3 emission associated with the shock region in the southwestern part of the CND may suggest a formation/desorption scenario similar to that of gas-phase H2O in shocks/outflows.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    First detection of [N II] 205 micrometer absorption in interstellar gas

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    We present high resolution [NII] 205 micrometer ^3P_1-^3P_0 spectra obtained with Herschel-HIFI towards a small sample of far-infrared bright star forming regions in the Galactic plane: W31C (G10.6-0.4), W49N (G43.2-0.1), W51 (G49.5-0.4), and G34.3+0.1. All sources display an emission line profile associated directly with the HII regions themselves. For the first time we also detect absorption of the [NII] 205 micrometer line by extended low-density foreground material towards W31C and W49N over a wide range of velocities. We attribute this absorption to the warm ionised medium (WIM) and find N(N^+)\approx 1.5x10^17 cm^-2 towards both sources. This is in agreement with recent Herschel-HIFI observations of [CII] 158 micrometer, also observed in absorption in the same sight-lines, if \approx7-10 % of all C^+ ions exist in the WIM on average. Using an abundance ratio of [N]/[H] = 6.76x10^-5 in the gas phase we find that the mean electron and proton volume densities are ~0.1-0.3 cm^-3 assuming a WIM volume filling fraction of 0.1-0.4 with a corresponding line-of-sight filling fraction of 0.46-0.74. A low density and a high WIM filling fraction are also supported by RADEX modelling of the [NII] 205 micrometer absorption and emission together with visible emission lines attributed mainly to the WIM. The detection of the 205 micrometer line in absorption emphasises the importance of a high spectral resolution, and also offers a new tool for investigation of the WIM.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 11 June 201

    On the accretion process in a high-mass star forming region - A multitransitional THz Herschel-HIFI study of ammonia toward G34.26+0.15

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    [Abridged] Our aim is to explore the gas dynamics and the accretion process in the early phase of high-mass star formation. The inward motion of molecular gas in the massive star forming region G34.26+0.15 is investigated by using high-resolution profiles of seven transitions of ammonia at THz frequencies observed with Herschel-HIFI. The shapes and intensities of these lines are interpreted in terms of radiative transfer models of a spherical, collapsing molecular envelope. An accelerated Lambda Iteration (ALI) method is used to compute the models. The seven ammonia lines show mixed absorption and emission with inverse P-Cygni-type profiles that suggest infall onto the central source. A trend toward absorption at increasingly higher velocities for higher excitation transitions is clearly seen in the line profiles. The J=3←2J = 3\leftarrow2 lines show only very weak emission, so these absorption profiles can be used directly to analyze the inward motion of the gas. This is the first time a multitransitional study of spectrally resolved rotational ammonia lines has been used for this purpose. Broad emission is, in addition, mixed with the absorption in the 10−001_0-0_0 ortho-NH3_3 line, possibly tracing a molecular outflow from the star forming region. The best-fitting ALI model reproduces the continuum fluxes and line profiles, but slightly underpredicts the emission and absorption depth in the ground-state ortho line 10−001_0-0_0. The derived ortho-to-para ratio is approximately 0.5 throughout the infalling cloud core similar to recent findings for translucent clouds in sight lines toward W31C and W49N. We find evidence of two gas components moving inwards toward the central region with constant velocities: 2.7 and 5.3 km \,s−1^{-1}, relative to the source systemic velocity. The inferred mass accretion rates derived are sufficient to overcome the expected radiation pressure from G34.26+0.15.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures, accepted by A&A 3 October 201

    Grasshopper DCMD : an undergraduate electrophysiology lab for investigating single-unit responses to behaviorally-relevant stimuli

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    Author Posting. © Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience, 2017. This article is posted here by permission of Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education 15 (2017): A162-A173.Avoiding capture from a fast-approaching predator is an important survival skill shared by many animals. Investigating the neural circuits that give rise to this escape behavior can provide a tractable demonstration of systems-level neuroscience research for undergraduate laboratories. In this paper, we describe three related hands-on exercises using the grasshopper and affordable technology to bring neurophysiology, neuroethology, and neural computation to life and enhance student understanding and interest. We simplified a looming stimuli procedure using the Backyard Brains SpikerBox bioamplifier, an open-source and low-cost electrophysiology rig, to extracellularly record activity of the descending contralateral movement detector (DCMD) neuron from the grasshopper’s neck. The DCMD activity underlies the grasshopper's motor responses to looming monocular visual cues and can easily be recorded and analyzed on an open-source iOS oscilloscope app, Spike Recorder. Visual stimuli are presented to the grasshopper by this same mobile application allowing for synchronized recording of stimuli and neural activity. An in-app spike-sorting algorithm is described that allows a quick way for students to record, sort, and analyze their data at the bench. We also describe a way for students to export these data to other analysis tools. With the protocol described, students will be able to prepare the grasshopper, find and record from the DCMD neuron, and visualize the DCMD responses to quantitatively investigate the escape system by adjusting the speed and size of simulated approaching objects. We describe the results from 22 grasshoppers, where 50 of the 57 recording sessions (87.7%) had a reliable DCMD response. Finally, we field-tested our experiment in an undergraduate neuroscience laboratory and found that a majority of students (67%) could perform this exercise in one two-hour lab setting, and had an increase in interest for studying the neural systems that drive behavior.Funding for this project was supported by the National Institute of Mental Health Small Business Innovation Research grant #2R44MH093334: “Backyard Brains: Bringing Neurophysiology into Secondary Schools.

    Water and ammonia abundances in S140 with the Odin satellite

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    We have used the Odin satellite to obtain strip maps of the ground-state rotational transitions of ortho-water and ortho-ammonia, as well as CO(5-4) and 13CO(5-4) across the PDR, and H218O in the central position. A physi-chemical inhomogeneous PDR model was used to compute the temperature and abundance distributions for water, ammonia and CO. A multi-zone escape probability method then calculated the level populations and intensity distributions. These results are compared to a homogeneous model computed with an enhanced version of the RADEX code. H2O, NH3 and 13CO show emission from an extended PDR with a narrow line width of ~3 kms. Like CO, the water line profile is dominated by outflow emission, however, mainly in the red wing. The PDR model suggests that the water emission mainly arises from the surfaces of optically thick, high density clumps with n(H2)>10^6 cm^-3 and a clump water abundance, with respect to H2, of 5x10^-8. The mean water abundance in the PDR is 5x10^-9, and between ~2x10^-8 -- 2x10^-7 in the outflow derived from a simple two-level approximation. Ammonia is also observed in the extended clumpy PDR, likely from the same high density and warm clumps as water. The average ammonia abundance is about the same as for water: 4x10^-9 and 8x10^-9 given by the PDR model and RADEX, respectively. The similarity of water and ammonia PDR emission is also seen in the almost identical line profiles observed close to the bright rim. Around the central position, ammonia also shows some outflow emission although weaker than water in the red wing. Predictions of the H2O(110-101) and (111-000) antenna temperatures across the PDR are estimated with our PDR model for the forthcoming observations with the Herschel Space Observatory.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, 10 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics 14 November 200

    The Killer Fly Hunger Games: Target Size and Speed Predict Decision to Pursuit.

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    Predatory animals have evolved to optimally detect their prey using exquisite sensory systems such as vision, olfaction and hearing. It may not be so surprising that vertebrates, with large central nervous systems, excel at predatory behaviors. More striking is the fact that many tiny insects, with their miniscule brains and scaled down nerve cords, are also ferocious, highly successful predators. For predation, it is important to determine whether a prey is suitable before initiating pursuit. This is paramount since pursuing a prey that is too large to capture, subdue or dispatch will generate a substantial metabolic cost (in the form of muscle output) without any chance of metabolic gain (in the form of food). In addition, during all pursuits, the predator breaks its potential camouflage and thus runs the risk of becoming prey itself. Many insects use their eyes to initially detect and subsequently pursue prey. Dragonflies, which are extremely efficient predators, therefore have huge eyes with relatively high spatial resolution that allow efficient prey size estimation before initiating pursuit. However, much smaller insects, such as killer flies, also visualize and successfully pursue prey. This is an impressive behavior since the small size of the killer fly naturally limits the neural capacity and also the spatial resolution provided by the compound eye. Despite this, we here show that killer flies efficiently pursue natural (Drosophila melanogaster) and artificial (beads) prey. The natural pursuits are initiated at a distance of 7.9 ± 2.9 cm, which we show is too far away to allow for distance estimation using binocular disparities. Moreover, we show that rather than estimating absolute prey size prior to launching the attack, as dragonflies do, killer flies attack with high probability when the ratio of the prey's subtended retinal velocity and retinal size is 0.37. We also show that killer flies will respond to a stimulus of an angular size that is smaller than that of the photoreceptor acceptance angle, and that the predatory response is strongly modulated by the metabolic state. Our data thus provide an exciting example of a loosely designed matched filter to Drosophila, but one which will still generate successful pursuits of other suitable prey.This work was funded the Air force Office of Scientific Research (FA9550-10-0472 to Prof. Robert Olberg). An Isaac Newton Trust / Wellcome Trust ISSF / University of Cambridge Joint Research Grant to Gonzalez-Bellido. BBSRC TO TREVOR WARDILL The Swedish Research Council (2012-4740) to Nordström and a Shared Equipment Grant from the School of Biological Sciences (U. of Cambridge).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Karger via http://dx.doi.org/10.1159/00043594

    Herschel observations of the Herbig-Haro objects HH52-54

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    We are aiming at the observational estimation of the relative contribution to the cooling by CO and H2O, as this provides decisive information for the understanding of the oxygen chemistry behind interstellar shock waves. Methods. The high sensitivity of HIFI, in combination with its high spectral resolution capability, allows us to trace the H2O outflow wings at unprecedented signal-to-noise. From the observation of spectrally resolved H2O and CO lines in the HH52-54 system, both from space and from ground, we arrive at the spatial and velocity distribution of the molecular outflow gas. Solving the statistical equilibrium and non-LTE radiative transfer equations provides us with estimates of the physical parameters of this gas, including the cooling rate ratios of the species. The radiative transfer is based on an ALI code, where we use the fact that variable shock strengths, distributed along the front, are naturally implied by a curved surface. Based on observations of CO and H2O spectral lines, we conclude that the emission is confined to the HH54 region. The quantitative analysis of our observations favours a ratio of the CO-to-H2O-cooling-rate >> 1. From the best-fit model to the CO emission, we arrive at an H2O abundance close to 1e-5. The line profiles exhibit two components, one of which is triangular and another, which is a superposed, additional feature. This additional feature likely originates from a region smaller than the beam where the ortho-water abundance is smaller than in the quiescent gas. Comparison with recent shock models indicate that a planar shock can not easily explain the observed line strengths and triangular line profiles.We conclude that the geometry can play an important role. Although abundances support a scenario where J-type shocks are present, higher cooling rate ratios than predicted by these type of shocks are derived.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    The killer fly hunger games : target size and speed predict decision to pursuit

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    © The Author(s), 2015. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Brain, Behavior and Evolution 86 (2015): 28-27, doi:10.1159/000435944.Predatory animals have evolved to optimally detect their prey using exquisite sensory systems such as vision, olfaction and hearing. It may not be so surprising that vertebrates, with large central nervous systems, excel at predatory behaviors. More striking is the fact that many tiny insects, with their miniscule brains and scaled down nerve cords, are also ferocious, highly successful predators. For predation, it is important to determine whether a prey is suitable before initiating pursuit. This is paramount since pursuing a prey that is too large to capture, subdue or dispatch will generate a substantial metabolic cost (in the form of muscle output) without any chance of metabolic gain (in the form of food). In addition, during all pursuits, the predator breaks its potential camouflage and thus runs the risk of becoming prey itself. Many insects use their eyes to initially detect and subsequently pursue prey. Dragonflies, which are extremely efficient predators, therefore have huge eyes with relatively high spatial resolution that allow efficient prey size estimation before initiating pursuit. However, much smaller insects, such as killer flies, also visualize and successfully pursue prey. This is an impressive behavior since the small size of the killer fly naturally limits the neural capacity and also the spatial resolution provided by the compound eye. Despite this, we here show that killer flies efficiently pursue natural (Drosophila melanogaster) and artificial (beads) prey. The natural pursuits are initiated at a distance of 7.9 ± 2.9 cm, which we show is too far away to allow for distance estimation using binocular disparities. Moreover, we show that rather than estimating absolute prey size prior to launching the attack, as dragonflies do, killer flies attack with high probability when the ratio of the prey's subtended retinal velocity and retinal size is 0.37. We also show that killer flies will respond to a stimulus of an angular size that is smaller than that of the photoreceptor acceptance angle, and that the predatory response is strongly modulated by the metabolic state. Our data thus provide an exciting example of a loosely designed matched filter to Drosophila, but one which will still generate successful pursuits of other suitable prey.This work was funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (FA9550-10-0472 to R.M. Olberg and FA9550-15-1-0188 to P.T. Gonzalez-Bellido and K. Nordström), an Isaac Newton Trust/Wellcome Trust ISSF/University of Cambridge Joint Research Grant to Paloma T. Gonzalez-Bellido, a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council David Phillips Fellowship (BBSRC, BB/L024667/1) to Trevor J. Wardill, the Swedish Research Council (2012-4740) to Karin Nordström and a Shared Equipment Grant from the School of Biological Sciences (University of Cambridge)

    Circumstellar water vapour in M-type AGB stars: Constraints from H2O(1_10 - 1_01) lines obtained with Odin

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    Aims: Spectrally resolved circumstellar H2O(1_10 - 1_01) lines have been obtained towards three M-type AGB stars using the Odin satellite. This provides additional strong constrains on the properties of circumstellar H2O and the circumstellar envelope. Methods: ISO and Odin satellite H2O line data are used as constraints for radiative transfer models. Special consideration is taken to the spectrally resolved Odin line profiles, and the effect of excitation to the first excited vibrational states of the stretching modes (nu1=1 and nu3=1) on the derived abundances is estimated. A non-local, radiative transfer code based on the ALI formalism is used. Results: The H2O abundance estimates are in agreement with previous estimates. The inclusion of the Odin data sets stronger constraints on the size of the H2O envelope. The H2O(1_10 - 1_01) line profiles require a significant reduction in expansion velocity compared to the terminal gas expansion velocity determined in models of CO radio line emission, indicating that the H2O emission lines probe a region where the wind is still being accelerated. Including the nu3=1 state significantly lowers the estimated abundances for the low-mass-loss-rate objects. This shows the importance of detailed modelling, in particular the details of the infrared spectrum in the range 3 to 6 micron, to estimate accurate circumstellar H2O abundances. Conclusions: Spectrally resolved circumstellar H2O emission lines are important probes of the physics and chemistry in the inner regions of circumstellar envelopes around asymptotic giant branch stars. Predictions for H2O emission lines in the spectral range of the upcoming Herschel/HIFI mission indicate that these observations will be very important in this context.Comment: accepted in A&A, 10 pages, 8 figure

    The NH2D/NH3 ratio toward pre-protostellar cores around the UCHII region in IRAS 20293+3952

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    The deuterium fractionation, Dfrac, has been proposed as an evolutionary indicator in pre-protostellar and protostellar cores of low-mass star-forming regions. We investigate Dfrac, with high angular resolution, in the cluster environment surrounding the UCHII region IRAS 20293+3952. We performed high angular resolution observations with the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer (PdBI) of the ortho-NH2D 1_{11}-1_{01} line at 85.926 GHz and compared them with previously reported VLA NH3 data. We detected strong NH2D emission toward the pre-protostellar cores identified in NH3 and dust emission, all located in the vicinity of the UCHII region IRAS 20293+3952. We found high values of Dfrac~0.1-0.8 in all the pre-protostellar cores and low values, Dfrac<0.1, associated with young stellar objects. The high values of Dfrac in pre-protostellar cores could be indicative of evolution, although outflow interactions and UV radiation could also play a role.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Letter
