358 research outputs found

    Strong spectral filtering for a mode-locked similariton fiber laser

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    We propose a novel mode-locked fiber laser design that relies on attracting similariton solutions in fiber amplifiers with normal group-velocity dispersion and strong spectral filtering to compensate increased pulse duration and bandwidth. Stable high-energy, large-bandwidth pulses are obtained that can be linearly compressed, resulting in ultrashort pulses

    High-spin States in \u3csup\u3e191, 193\u3c/sup\u3eAu and \u3csup\u3e192\u3c/sup\u3ePt: Evidence for Oblate Deformation and Triaxial Shapes

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    High-spin states of 191, 193Au and 192Pt have been populated in the 186W(11B, xn) and 186W(11B, p4n) reactions, respectively, at a beam energy of 68 MeV and their γ decay was studied using the YRAST Ball detector array at the Wright Nuclear Structure Laboratory at Yale University. The level scheme of 193Au has been extended up to Iπ = 55/2+. New transitions were observed also in 191Au and 192Pt. Particle-plus-Triaxial-Rotor (PTR) and Total Routhian Surface (TRS) calculations were performed to determine the equilibrium deformations of the Au isotopes. The predictions for oblate deformations in these nuclei are in agreement with the experimental data. Development of nonaxial shapes is discussed within the framework of the PTR model

    \u3cem\u3eg\u3c/em\u3e Factor of the 2\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e\u3csub\u3e1\u3c/sub\u3e State of \u3csup\u3e170\u3c/sup\u3eHf

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    The g factor of the 2+1 state of 170Hf was measured by perturbed γ-γ angular correlation in a static external magnetic field. The result, g(2+1) = 0.28(5), extends the systematics of g factors of even-even Hf isotopes to N = 98 and enables a better test of theoretical models. The g(2+1) experimental values of these isotopes exhibit a remarkable constancy as a function of neutron number. This phenomenon, which was also observed for other isotopic chains in the Gd–W range, is explained in terms of a recently proposed empirical model

    Triaxial Deformation and Nuclear Shape Transition in \u3csup\u3e192\u3c/sup\u3eAu

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    Background: Nuclei in the A≈190 mass region show gradual shape changes from prolate through nonaxial deformed shapes and ultimately towards spherical shapes as the Pb region is approached. Exploring how this shape evolution occurs will help us understand the evolution of collectivity in this region. Purpose: The level scheme of the 192Au nucleus in A ≈ 190 region was studied in order to deduce its deformations. Methods: High-spin states of 192Au have been populated in the 186W(11B, 5n) reaction at a beam energy of 68 MeV and their γ decay was studied using the YRAST Ball detector array at the Wright Nuclear Structure Laboratory (WNSL), Yale University. Results: Based on double and triple γ-ray coincidence data the level scheme of 192Au has been extended up to Iπ = 32+ at an excitation energy of ∼6 MeV. Conclusion: The results are discussed in the framework of pairing and deformation self-consistent total Routhian surface (TRS) and cranked shell model (CSM) calculations. The comparison of the experimental observations with the calculations indicates that this nucleus takes a nonaxial shape similar to other Au nuclei in this region

    The muon Smasher's guide

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    We lay out a comprehensive physics case for a future high-energy muon collider, exploring a range of collision energies (from 1 to 100 TeV) and luminosities. We highlight the advantages of such a collider over proposed alternatives. We show how one can leverage both the point-like nature of the muons themselves as well as the cloud of electroweak radiation that surrounds the beam to blur the dichotomy between energy and precision in the search for new physics. The physics case is buttressed by a range of studies with applications to electroweak symmetry breaking, dark matter, and the naturalness of the weak scale. Furthermore, we make sharp connections with complementary experiments that are probing new physics effects using electric dipole moments, flavor violation, and gravitational waves. An extensive appendix provides cross section predictions as a function of the center-of-mass energy for many canonical simplified models

    Enhanced Mixing of Intrinsic States in Deformed Hf Nuclei

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    Excited low-spin, nonyrast states in 170,172,174Hf were populated in β + /∈decay and studied through off-beam γ-ray spectroscopy. New coincidence data allowed for a substantial revision of the level schemes of Hf170,172 and a confirmation of the level scheme of 174Hf. The Hf isotopes represent a unique situation in which a crossing of collective intrinsic excitations occurs, enhancing significantly the effects of mixing. Using branching ratios from excited 2+ states, this mixing is followed and studied. The resulting mixing matrix elements are found to be ∼30 keV—an order of magnitude larger than estimated previously for nearby nuclei. In the case of 170Hf, the 2+β and 2+γlevel are shown to be completely mixed

    Gain in cellular organization of inflammatory breast cancer: A 3D in vitro model that mimics the in vivo metastasis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The initial step of metastasis in carcinomas, often referred to as the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), occurs via the loss of adherens junctions (e.g. cadherins) by the tumor embolus. This leads to a subsequent loss of cell polarity and cellular differentiation and organization, enabling cells of the embolus to become motile and invasive. However highly malignant inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) over-expresses E-cadherin. The human xenograft model of IBC (MARY-X), like IBC, displays the signature phenotype of an exaggerated degree of lymphovascular invasion (LVI) <it>in situ </it>by tumor emboli. An intact E-cadherin/α, β-catenin axis mediates the tight, compact clump of cells found both <it>in vitro </it>and <it>in vivo </it>as spheroids and tumor emboli, respectively.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using electron microscopy and focused ion beam milling to acquire <it>in situ </it>sections, we performed ultrastructural analysis of both an IBC and non-IBC, E-cadherin positive cell line to determine if retention of this adhesion molecule contributed to cellular organization.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we report through ultrastructural analysis that IBC exhibits a high degree of cellular organization with polar elements such as apical/lateral positioning of E-cadherin, apical surface microvilli, and tortuous lumen-like (canalis) structures. In contrast, agarose-induced spheroids of MCF-7, a weakly invasive E-cadherin positive breast carcinoma cell line, do not exhibit ultrastructural polar features.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study has determined that the highly metastatic IBC with an exaggerated malignant phenotype challenges conventional wisdom in that instead of displaying a loss of cellular organization, IBC acquires a highly structured architecture.</p> <p>These findings suggest that the metastatic efficiency might be linked to the formation and maintenance of these architectural features. The comparative architectural features of both the spheroid and embolus of MARY-X provide an <it>in vitro </it>model with tractable <it>in vivo </it>applications.</p

    LH prevents cisplatin-induced apoptosis in oocytes and preserves female fertility in mouse

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    Premature ovarian failure and female infertility are frequent side effects of anticancer therapies, owing to the extreme sensitivity of the ovarian reserve oocytes to the damaging effects of irradiation and chemotherapy on DNA. We report here a robust protective effect of luteinizing hormone (LH) on the primordial follicle pool of prepubertal ovaries against the cisplatin (Cs)-induced apoptosis. In vitro LH treatment of prepubertal ovarian fragments generated anti-apoptotic signals by a subset of ovarian somatic cells expressing LH receptor (LHR) through cAMP/PKA and Akt pathways. Such signals, reducing the oocyte level of pro-apoptotic TAp63 protein and favoring the repair of the Cs-damaged DNA in the oocytes, prevented their apoptosis. Noteworthy, in vivo administration to prepubertal female mice of a single dose of LH together with Cs inhibited the depletion of the primordial follicle reserve caused by the drug and preserved their fertility in reproductive age, preventing significant alteration in the number of pregnancy and of delivered pups. In conclusion, these findings establish a novel ovoprotective role for LH and further support the very attracting prospective to use physiological 'fertoprotective' approaches for preventing premature infertility and risks linked to precocious menopause in young patients who survived cancer after chemotherapy

    Cisplatin and Doxorubicin Induce Distinct Mechanisms of Ovarian Follicle Loss; Imatinib Provides Selective Protection Only against Cisplatin

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    Chemotherapy treatment in premenopausal women has been linked to ovarian follicle loss and premature ovarian failure; the exact mechanism by which this occurs is uncertain. Here, two commonly used chemotherapeutic agents (cisplatin and doxorubicin) were added to a mouse ovary culture system, to compare the sequence of events that leads to germ cell loss. The ability of imatinib mesylate to protect the ovary against cisplatin or doxorubicin-induced ovarian damage was also examined.Newborn mouse ovaries were cultured for a total of six days, exposed to a chemotherapeutic agent on the second day: this allowed for the examination of the earliest stages of follicle development. Cleaved PARP and TUNEL were used to assess apoptosis following drug treatment. Imatinib was added to cultures with cisplatin and doxorubicin to determine any protective effect.Histological analysis of ovaries treated with cisplatin showed oocyte-specific damage; in comparison doxorubicin preferentially caused damage to the granulosa cells. Cleaved PARP expression significantly increased for cisplatin (16 fold, p<0.001) and doxorubicin (3 fold, p<0.01). TUNEL staining gave little evidence of primordial follicle damage with either drug. Imatinib had a significant protective effect against cisplatin-induced follicle damage (p<0.01) but not against doxorubicin treatment.Cisplatin and doxorubicin both induced ovarian damage, but in a markedly different pattern, with imatinib protecting the ovary against damage by cisplatin but not doxorubicin. Any treatment designed to block the effects of chemotherapeutic agents on the ovary may need to be specific to the drug(s) the patient is exposed to