1,540 research outputs found

    Epäasiallinen kohtelu työpaikalla

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    Opinnäytetyön aiheena oli epäasiallinen kohtelu työpaikalla. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää työntekijän ja työnantajan velvoitteet työpaikalla sekä mitä epäasiallinen kohtelu todellisuudessa tarkoittaa. Tutkitaan myös kuinka toimia häirinnän tai epäasiallisen kohtelun ilmetessä ja mitä toimia säännösten rikkomisesta seuraa. Menetelmänä opinnäytetyön tekemisessä on käytetty lainoppia. Tutkimustulokset on saatu systematisoimalla voimassaolevaa oikeusjärjestystä. Lähteinä on käytetty ajan-tasaisia lakeja, lakien valmisteluasiakirjoja ja sekundäärisiä lähteitä, kuten oikeuskirjallisuutta. Lopputuloksista käy ilmi, että työturvallisuuden takaaminen sekä epäasiallisen kohtelun ja häirinnän poistaminen on pääasiallisesti työnantajan velvollisuus. Myös työntekijän on toimittava hyvien tapojen mukaisesti sekä huolehdittava omalta osaltaan, ettei epäasiallista kohtelua ilmene.This thesis deals with inappropriate treatment at workplace. The goal of the present paper is to figure out the obligations of both employee and employer at the workplace as well as the definition of inappropriate treatment. In addition, this study provides information on reactions to harassment or inappropriate treatment at workplace as well as the consequences of breaching promises. The nature of the study was jurisprudential. The research results were gathered by sys-tematizing the operative judicial system. The current laws, law drafting documents and secondary sources such as literature regarding law were used as a source materials. The outcome of the project shows that it is mainly the employer’s duty to take care of the occupational safety and to stop inappropriate treatment or harassment. The em-ployees’ duty is to act appropriately and not take part in inappropriate treatment

    Hankintalain kokonaisuudistus 2017 ja epäkohdat sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluhankinnoissa : hankintaohje Tampereen kaupungin avo- ja asumispalveluille

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    Opinnäytetyö käsittelee julkisia hankintoja Tampereen kaupungin avo- ja asumispalveluiden näkökulmasta ja se on tehty helpottamaan lainsäädännön asettamien vaatimusten täyttämistä. 1.1.2017 tuli voimaan uusi hankintalaki, jonka taustalla on Euroopan parlamentin ja neuvoston direktiivi 2014/24/EU. Hankintalain kokonaisuudistuksella pyritään selkeyttämään hankintojen sääntelyä sekä lisäämään avoimuutta ja syrjimättömyyttä. Uudessa laissa pyritään ottamaan entistä paremmin huomioon ympäristönäkökohdat sekä innovatiivisuuden lisääminen. Myös pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten osallistumista tarjouskilpailuun on haluttu helpottaa. Opinnäytetyön tavoite oli kirjoittaa selkeä ohje hankintojen tekemiseen Tampereen kaupungin avo- ja asumispalveluille. Erityinen tarve oli pien- ja kansallisia hankintoja tukevalle tiiviille paketille, jonka käyttäminen päivittäisessä työssä olisi vaivatonta. Hankintaohjeen lisäksi tuli muokata ja kirjoittaa puhtaaksi muistilistan omainen työkalu, jossa hankintoja koskevat pääkohdat oli esitelty lyhyesti. Ohjeiden rinnalle ja niiden tueksi raporttiosaan avattiin vuonna 2017 voimaan tulleen uuden hankintalain taustoja, tavoitteita sekä keskeisimpiä muutoksia. Uudistusten lisäksi työ painottuu sosiaali- ja terveyspaleluhankintoihin, sillä toimeksiantaja toimii pääsääntöisesti tällä alalla. Työssä on käsitelty Ei myytävänä -kansalaisaloitetta, jonka päätavoitteena on rajata vammaispalvelut hankintalain ulkopuolelle, sillä lakia pidetään tältä osin ihmisoikeuksien vastaisena. Työstä tuli ennalta asetettujen tavoitteiden mukainen. Hankintaohjeesta tuli toimiva työkalu tukemaan julkisten hankintojen tekemistä, sillä se on räätälöity avo- ja asumispalveluiden tarpeisiin. Raporttiosa kokoaa kaikki hankintalain kokonaisuudistuksen merkittävimmät muutokset yhteen ja auttaa hahmottamaan uutta lakia. Haasteellista työssä oli lähteiden ja oikeuskäytäntöjen vähyys, mutta toisaalta työn vahvuus on juuri sen ajankohtaisuus ja tuoreus.This thesis studies public procurement from the viewpoint of the non-institutional and housing services of Tampere, and it was conducted to make it easier to meet the requirements set by the legislation. On 1 January 2017 the new Procurement Act, which resulted from the directive 2014/24/EU by the European Parliament and Council, became valid. The complete reform of the Procurement Act aims at making procurement regulation clearer and adding accessibility and non-discrimination. The new act aims at taking environmental factors into consideration and showing innovativeness more than before. The act also tries to help small and medium-sized businesses to participate in the bidding competition. The goal of this thesis was to write a clear procurement guide for the non-institutional and housing services of Tampere. There was a special need for an instruction package for small and national procurements, a package that would be easy to use on a daily basis. In addition to the procurement guide, there was a need to modify and type out a list-like tool where the main sections are briefly explained. To support the instructions, the background and goals of and the main changes in the new Procurement Act are explained in the thesis. In addition to the renewals, the thesis focuses on the social and health care procurements because the commissioner of the thesis mainly operates in these sectors. The thesis also takes a look at the citizens' initiative called ”Ei myytävänä”, the main goal of which is to leave the disability services outside the Procurement Act, for it is considered to be against human rights. The thesis reached the goals that were set for it. The procurement guide turned out to be a functional tool to support public procurements, because it was tailored to the needs of the Non-institutional and Housing Services of Tampere. The thesis gathered up all the significant changes in the new Procurement Act and gave a clear view of the Act. The challenging part in making the thesis was the lack of sources but then the strength of this thesis is its topicality

    Finnish and spanish families in converging Europe

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    Background of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004. WP1: CompilationThe study explores the family and its changes during the 20th century and, particularly, between the 1960s and 1990s by comparing Finland and Spain within the West European context. The examination of the family arises from the following questions: (i) How, to what degree and why are family institutions in Europe different or similar? (ii) What are the roles and significance of the family in contemporary societies? (iii) How is the family defined and what social and cultural factors have affected the definitions in different countries?. The family is viewed as a social institution, with the interest lying in macro-level social changes and in the interrelationship between the family and other social institutions such as the welfare state, the labour market, politics, legislation and religion. The family as an institution has been examined from the viewpoints of family ideology and family practices. Family ideology has been studied by analysing how public and political institutions such as legislation and family policy define the family and how these definitions changed during the 20th century and, second, by looking at attitudes and values concerning intimate relations, the family and family practices. Family practices have been studied by analysing and comparing socio-demographic statistics between the 1960s and 1990s, the focus being on the formation of the first family. Furthermore, cross-national differences and similarities concerning patterns of family formation and prevailing family ideologies have been examined in association with legislation, social policies, the labour market, housing policies, education, gender relations, and religion. The study questions the stereotypical notions of the modern North and traditional South and their typical families and demonstrates that differences between Finnish (Northern) and Spanish (Southern) families have been greatly exaggerated and oversimplified. Fundamentally, the family ideologies are the same based on Christian tradition and, furthermore, the evolution of ideologies has moved in the same direction along with modernisation processes, albeit at a different pace. The study demonstrates that the variations are not due to fundamentally different conceptions of the family but to the historical, social and political developments of the countries. Analyses of demographic statistics and data on Finns and Spaniards values and attitudes indicate that demographic statistics suggest a crisis of The Family, for in neither of the countries does a fixed or typical family form exist and the growing plurality of family forms is a fact. On the other hand, the study also shows that The Family ­ the conjugal nuclear family - is very much alive and well as an ideological model and ideal. Looking at patterns of family formation and considering a variety of hypotheses usually presented as explaining the differences: contraceptive use, premarital cohabitation and women s labour market participation, the study shows that these reasons do not explain the differences between Finnish and Spanish patterns of first family formation. The study suggests that family-relevant public policies, housing policies and the labour market in particular are factors that better explain why Spaniards have fewer children and form families later than Finns even though the female employment rate is considerably lower and the use of modern contraceptives and premarital cohabitation is clearly more infrequent in Spain than in Finland. Analysis of the role of family formation in the process of attaining adult status shows that financial independence and self-reliance have taken over from marriage and parenthood as the principal markers of adulthood both in Finland and Spain. However, prolonged periods in education and erratic labour markets tend to complicate the attainment of such independence, reflected in the postponement or even rejection of family formation, especially marriage and parenthood. Yet, a de-familialised welfare state like the Finnish one eases gaining independence and family formation even with limited means, whereas a familistic welfare state like the Spanish one makes it more difficult to cut the cord to the parental home and to form new families. The study elaborates a complex and subtle model for explaining both the differences between countries and changes in the West European family institution in general. The model emphasises the role of public policies, housing policies, legislation and the labour market in particular in shaping the framework within which people in different countries make their decisions concerning family and family life. This comparative study is a dissertation comprised of a lengthy summarising article that links four empirical studies that were previously published as articles in international scientific journals and edited volumes

    Rajoja pimeydelle. Pelinjohtamisen ja haasteellisten pelisisältöjen monimuotoisuus Vampire-pöytäroolipeleissä

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    Many tabletop RPG players believe that gamemasters – the persons controlling the storyworld of a role-playing game – have a huge amount of responsibility on handling the issues rising within the communities and the problems coming up during play. What are the types of problems that gamemasters face while running games? How do they handle these problems when they do arise? This research set out to answer these questions by applying thematic analysis on a data set collected from 41 Vampire TRPG gamemasters with an online questionnaire. The results show that there are many types of problems that a gamemaster can face while running their game, including differences in creative agendas; difficult social dynamics; problems in power sharing and problems with bleed – the crossover between character and player. It is also presented that gamemasters use multiple tactics to ensure a safer and more enjoyable game for all participants. These included calibrations, which could be related to the exogenous, endogenous or diegetic frames of the game; directing, which focused on the the diegetic frame of the game and aftercare, which was used to prevent problems in social dynamics after the game, and to facilitate the changing of frames between game and “real life.” I argue that while gamemasters do have a rather comprehensive understanding of safety, consent and boundary setting, a deeper understanding on the cultural issues affecting the gendered nature of power, emotions and bleed is required, as well as studies on the experiences of players. I also point out that there is indeed a small minority of tabletop gamers that still appear to feel threatened by safety mechanics and by studies such as this.Monet pöytäroolipelaajat ajattelevat, että pelinjohtajalla – sillä henkilöllä, joka kontrolloi roolipelin tarinaa ja maailmaa – on valtava vastuu ongelmien ratkaisemisessa sekä yhteisöjen sisällä että pelin aikana. Millaisia ongelmia pelinjohtajat siis kohtaavat vetäessään peliä? Kuinka he hoitavat kohtaamansa ongelmat? Tämä tutkimus pyrkii vastaamaan näihin kysymyksiin soveltamalla temaattista analyysia aineistoon, joka kerättiin 41 Vampire-pöytäroolipelin pelinjohtajalta käyttäen internetin välityksellä jaettua kyselylomaketta. Tulokset osoittavat, että pelinjohtajat kohtaavat monen tyyppisiä ongelmia peliä johtaessaan. Näitä ongelmia ovat muunmuassa eroavaisuudet luovissa agendoissa, vaikeat sosiaaliset dynamiikat, vallanjaon ongelmat sekä bleedin – hahmon ja pelaajan välisen sekoittumisen – aiheuttamat vaikeudet. Tutkimus osoittaa myös, että pelinjohtajat soveltavat monenlaisia tekniikoita varmistaakseen turvallisemman ja miellyttävämmän pelikokemuksen kaikille osallistujille. Näitä ovat kalibraatiot, jotka voivat liittyä joko pelin eksogeeniseen, endogeeniseen tai diegeettiseen kehykseen; ohjaaminen, joka keskittyi pelin diegeettiseen kehykseen, sekä jälkihuolto, jonka avulla pyrittiin estämään ongelmallisten sosiaalisten dynamiikkojen syntymistä pelin jälkeen, sekä fasilitoimaan prosessia, jossa pelaaja siirtyy kehyksestä toiseen pelin ja “oikean elämän” välillä. Tutkimus osoittaa, että vaikka pelinjohtajilla on kohtalaisen kattava ymmärrys turvallisuudesta, suostumuksesta ja rajojen asettamisesta, on silti tärkeää pyrkiä paremmin ymmärtämään niitä kulttuurisidonnaisia ilmiöitä, jotka vaikuttavat vallankäytön, tunteiden ja bleedin havaittuun sukupuolittuneeseen luonteeseen. Samoin on tärkeää saada lisää tutkimustietoa itse pelaajien kokemuksista. Tutkimus osoittaa myös, että pöytäroolipelajista löytyy yhä pieni vähemmistö, joka vaikuttaa kokevan sekä puheet turvallisuudesta, että tämän kaltaiset tutkimukset, jollain tapaa uhaksi omalle harrastukselleen

    Finnish 2001 inventory of HFC, PFC and SF6 emissions

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    Interaction in two modes : Conversation Analysis of face-to-face and computer-mediatedtask-solving situations

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    Discourse studies and conversation analysis has been interested in interaction fora long time. The main focus has been in spoken interaction but also computer-mediated communication has gathered more and more interest. For spoken inter-action, Sacks, Schegloff, and Jefferson (1974) have been fundamental in describingturn-taking in interaction. Swain, on the other hand, has studied how learnersnegotiate for meaning in conversation. In this thesis, the interaction of learnersin two modes of communication, face-to-face and computer-mediated, was studied.The participants were advanced learners of English studying in a Finnish university.The goal of the study was to examine how learners interact in the two modes andwhat considerations should be done regarding learning tasks in updating the lan-guage classroom to the CMC medium. The method of analysis was ConversationAnalysis. Generally, it was found that for most learners the mode of communica-tion does not seem to greatly affect performance but that there are some whoseperformance in one mode does not predict performance in the other. Furthermore,learners have trouble adapting turn-taking rules from the more traditional face-to-face communication mode to the computer-mediated environment. As such, it seemsuseful to offer the learners tools to externally control turn-taking in such situations.It should also not be assumed that high-interaction learners perform similarly in,for example, the computer-mediated environment