387 research outputs found

    Kalibrering av ikke-metriske kameraer

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    I denne oppgaven ble kalibrerings funksjonene i Photomodeler og Nlhbunt vurdert for bruk innenfor nÊrfotogrammetriske formÄl pÄ Universitetet i Oslo. Universitetet i Oslo disponerer et digitalt Canon kamera og et analogt Hasselblad kamera, og det ble derfor gjort forsÞk pÄ Ä beregne den indre geometrien for disse to kameraene. Som grunnlag for kalibreringen i Nlhbunt er det opprettet et romlig testfelt, bestÄende av tre fotostasjoner og 47 kontrollpunkt innmÄlt med en totalstasjon. Det viste seg at kalibreringene stiller hÞy krav til nettverksgeometrien, derfor ble det gjort forsÞk med utvidet testfelt. Og pÄ grunnlag av ulike testfelt er kvaliteten av kalibreringene vurdert. Ved Ä tilbakefÞre kalibreringsparameterne til Image station, den fotogrammetriske programvaren som i dag er i bruk pÄ instituttet, var formÄlet Ä vise hvilket forbedringspotensialet en innfÞring av kalibreringsparametere har. Kalibreringsparameterne fra Photomodeler viser seg Ä vÊre vanskelig Ä overfÞre til annen programvare. Nlhbunt viser derimot at en innfÞring av kalibreringsparametere gir hÞy nÞyaktighetsgevinst

    The acute phase protein, haptoglobin : a potential parameter in welfare assessment?

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    Physiological parameters are important measures in animal welfare assessment. To assess the amount of stress an animal experiences, stress hormones like cortisol are frequently used. However, measuring cortisol has major disadvantages due to its rapid reactivity and decline and many influencing factors. Other potential alternative markers are acute phase proteins, since stress is known to affect the immune system. A pilot study was conducted to investigate the response of the acute phase protein, plasma haptoglobine (HP), in pigs subjected to a stressor (food deprivation) and to examine the correlation between HP levels and average daily growth (ADG). Forty grower pigs (25.1 ± 4.4 kg, mean ± SD) (sex and former pen mates balanced), were allocated to 4 conventional pens, 2 treatment (T) and 2 control (C) groups (10 pigs per pen). After 10 days of adaptation the experiment started and ran for 3 weeks. In the 2nd week, T groups were repeatedly subjected to an 8-hour food deprivation (day 1, 3, 5 and 7 of week 2), C groups had normal, unrestricted, access to food. Pigs were weighed twice a week and blood was collected once a week (every 5th day). Mean levels of plasma HP of C and T groups showed large variation between individuals (C groups, week 2: 1.84 ± 3.11 mg/ml; T groups, week 2: 1.40 ± 1.16 mg/ml). No significant differences (Kruskal-Wallis test) in HP levels or growth were found between the C and T groups or between the different weeks within the T groups. Significant negative weak to moderate correlations were found between ADG and HP levels (HP week 1 and ADG week 1: rs = -0.47, p=0.005; HP week 2 and ADG total; rs= -0.60, p=0.015; HP week 3 and ADG total: rs = -0.43, p=0.025; average HP total and ADG total: rs= -0.41, p=0.017). Large variations in HP levels between individuals were shown and no effect of treatment on HP levels or growth was found. Possibly, food deprivation had no apparent stress eliciting effect. Despite these results, interesting correlations between the level of HP and ADG were found, corroborating the inverse relationship between the acute phase response and growth. To further investigate the relation of the acute phase response and stress a successive experiment will be conducted in which we apply a stronger stressor (mixing pigs) and combine the physiological data with behavior

    Experiencing challenges when implementing Active Management of Third Stage of Labor (AMTSL): a qualitative study with midwives in Accra, Ghana

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    Background: Post-partum hemorrhage (PPH) is the major cause of maternal mortality in Ghana and worldwide. Active management of the third stage of labor (AMTSL) is a globally recommended three-step method that in clinical trials has been proven effective in prevention of PPH. The AMTSL guidelines were introduced in 2003, modified in 2006, and has been part of the national guidelines in Ghana since 2008. In 2012, the guidelines were modified a second time. Despite its positive effects on the incidence of PPH, the level of adherence to the guidelines seems to be low in the studied area. This appears to be a problem shared by several countries in the region. An in-depth understanding of midwives' experiences about AMTSL is important as it can provide a basis for further interventions in order to reach a higher grade of implementation. Methods: Twelve in-depth interviews were conducted with labor ward midwives who all had previous training in AMTSL. The interviews took place in 2011 at three hospitals in Accra Metropolis and data was analyzed using qualitative latent content analysis. Results: Our main finding was that the third step of AMTSL, uterine massage, was not implemented, even though the general attitude towards AMTSL was positive. Thus, despite regular training sessions, the midwives did not follow the Ghanaian national guidelines. Some contributing factors to difficulties in providing AMTSL to all women have been pointed out in this study, the most important being insufficiency in staff coverage. This led to a need for delegating certain steps of AMTSL to other health care staff, i.e. task shifting. The fact that the definition of AMTSL has changed several times since the introduction in 2003 might also be an aggravating factor. Conclusions: The results from this study highlight the need for continuous updates of national guidelines, extended educational interventions and recurrent controls of adherence to guidelines. AMTSL is an important tool in preventing PPH, however, it must be clarified how it should be used in countries with scarce resources. Also, considering the difficulties in implementing already existing guidelines, further modifications must be made with careful consideration

    Grensene for arbeidsgivers styringsrett: Arbeidsavtalen som ramme for arbeidsgivers ensidige endringsbeslutninger

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    Problemstillingen tar for seg begrensningene den individuelle arbeidsavtalen legger for arbeidsgivers styringsrett. DrÞftelsen deles inn etter ulike type endringsbeslutninger. FÞrst vil stillingsendring behandles, deretter vurderes endringer i arbeidstid, sÄ endringer i Þkonomiske ytelser og endelig endringer av arbeidssted. Avslutningsvis vurderes det, fra et rettspolitisk perspektiv, om det er behov for Ä lovfeste arbeidsgivers styringsrett.MasteroppgaveJUS399MAJURMAJUR-

    Visuell identitet for det ukjente konseptet eventdesign i Norge

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    Oppgaven tar for seg utviklingen av visuell identitet for et nytt eventdesignbyrĂ„, et konsept som per i dag er ukjent i Norge. Bakgrunnen for valget av dette konseptet er min egen interesse for eventdesign, og idĂ©en om et potensielt marked for nevnt konsept i Norge. Med utgangspunkt i dette er hovedproblemstillingen som fĂžlger ”hvordan utvikle en visuell identitet som kan sette fokus pĂ„ det ukjente konseptet eventdesign i Norge?”, med de tre underproblemstillingene ”hvordan benytte det visuelle uttrykket aktivt for Ă„ oppnĂ„ en tydelig identitet og skape gjenkjennelse?”, ”hvordan skape et visuelt uttrykk som passer eventdesign, men samtidig differensierer seg fra eksisterende festmagasiner?” og ”pĂ„ hvilken mĂ„te kan fotografi benyttes som et bĂŠrende element i den visuelle identiteten?”. Oppgaven kan ses som todelt. PĂ„ den ene siden handler den om Ă„ rette et nytt konsept inn mot det norske markedet, mens det pĂ„ den andre siden er et faglig fokus pĂ„ utviklingen av den visuelle identiteten. Resultater fra kvantitativ undersĂžkelse om interesse for eventdesign, konkurrentkartlegging av lignende aktĂžrer og kartlegging av mĂ„lgruppe er faktorer som har vĂŠrt avgjĂžrende i utviklingen av konseptet, og har senere blitt benyttet som retningslinjer for de designmessige valgene. Sammen med teoretisk bakgrunn med fokus pĂ„ blant annet markedsfĂžring og forbrukersosiologi, samt et dypere innblikk i designmessige aspekter som typografi og fargebruk har dette til sammen vĂŠrt med pĂ„ Ă„ skape utgangspunktet for den visuelle identiteten. Med utgangspunkt i research og kartlegging, teoretiske begrunnelser og en grundig skisseprosess hvor flere retninger har blitt utforsket, er oppgavens endelige resultat en visuell identitet bestĂ„ende av logo, typografi, farger, mĂžnster og fotografi. Den visuelle identiteten kan sees implementert pĂ„ de ulike profilbĂŠrerne nettside for desktop og mobil, sosiale medier, emballasje og visittkort

    Willingness and acceptability of cervical cancer screening among HIV positive Nigerian women

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    Background: The proven benefit of integrating cervical cancer screening programme into HIV care has led to its adoption as a standard of care. However this is not operational in most HIV clinics in Nigeria. Of the various reasons given for non-implementation, none is backed by scientific evidence. This study was conducted to assess the willingness and acceptability of cervical cancer screening among HIV positive Nigerian women. Methods: A cross sectional study of HIV positive women attending a large HIV treatment centre in Lagos, Nigeria. Respondents were identified using stratified sampling method. A pretested questionnaire was used to obtain information by trained research assistants. Obtained information were coded and managed using SPSS for windows version 19. Multivariate logistic regression model was used to determine independent predictor for acceptance of cervical cancer screening. Results: Of the 1517 respondents that returned completed questionnaires, 853 (56.2%) were aware of cervical cancer. Though previous cervical cancer screening was low at 9.4%, 79.8% (1210) accepted to take the test. Cost of the test (35.2%) and religious denial (14.0%) were the most common reasons given for refusal to take the test. After controlling for confounding variables in a multivariate logistic regression model, having a tertiary education (OR = 1.4; 95% CI: 1.03-1.84), no living child (OR: 1.5; 95% CI: 1.1-2.0), recent HIV diagnosis (OR: 1.5; 95% CI: 1.1-2.0) and being aware of cervical cancer (OR: 1.5; 95% CI: 1.2-2.0) retained independent association with acceptance to screen for cervical cancer. Conclusions: The study shows that HIV positive women in our environment are willing to screen for cervical cancer and that the integration of reproductive health service into existing HIV programmes will strengthen rather than disrupt the services

    The Association between HIV Infection, Antiretroviral Therapy and Cervical Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions in South Western Nigerian Women.

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    Findings from studies that evaluated the effect of antiretroviral drug use on the development of cervical squamous intraepithelial lesion differed in their conclusions. This study investigated the association between HIV infection, antiretroviral drug use and cervical squamous intraepithelial lesion in a high HIV and cervical cancer burden setting- Nigeria
