42 research outputs found

    M comme mère, M comme monstre

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    De tout temps, la monstruosité des mères a suscité l’intérêt de la société. Déclenchant les débats éthiques, des déchaînements médiatiques, elle est aussi à l’origine d’un nombre impressionnant d’œuvres artistiques complexes

    Building essential biodiversity variables (EBVs) of species distribution and abundance at a global scale

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    Much biodiversity data is collected worldwide, but it remains challenging to assemble the scattered knowledge for assessing biodiversity status and trends. The concept of Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) was introduced to structure biodiversity monitoring globally, and to harmonize and standardize biodiversity data from disparate sources to capture a minimum set of critical variables required to study, report and manage biodiversity change. Here, we assess the challenges of a 'Big Data' approach to building global EBV data products across taxa and spatiotemporal scales, focusing on species distribution and abundance. The majority of currently available data on species distributions derives from incidentally reported observations or from surveys where presence-only or presence-absence data are sampled repeatedly with standardized protocols. Most abundance data come from opportunistic population counts or from population time series using standardized protocols (e.g. repeated surveys of the same population from single or multiple sites). Enormous complexity exists in integrating these heterogeneous, multi-source data sets across space, time, taxa and different sampling methods. Integration of such data into global EBV data products requires correcting biases introduced by imperfect detection and varying sampling effort, dealing with different spatial resolution and extents, harmonizing measurement units from different data sources or sampling methods, applying statistical tools and models for spatial inter- or extrapolation, and quantifying sources of uncertainty and errors in data and models. To support the development of EBVs by the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON), we identify 11 key workflow steps that will operationalize the process of building EBV data products within and across research infrastructures worldwide. These workflow steps take multiple sequential activities into account, including identification and aggregation of various raw data sources, data quality control, taxonomic name matching and statistical modelling of integrated data. We illustrate these steps with concrete examples from existing citizen science and professional monitoring projects, including eBird, the Tropical Ecology Assessment and Monitoring network, the Living Planet Index and the Baltic Sea zooplankton monitoring. The identified workflow steps are applicable to both terrestrial and aquatic systems and a broad range of spatial, temporal and taxonomic scales. They depend on clear, findable and accessible metadata, and we provide an overview of current data and metadata standards. Several challenges remain to be solved for building global EBV data products: (i) developing tools and models for combining heterogeneous, multi-source data sets and filling data gaps in geographic, temporal and taxonomic coverage, (ii) integrating emerging methods and technologies for data collection such as citizen science, sensor networks, DNA-based techniques and satellite remote sensing, (iii) solving major technical issues related to data product structure, data storage, execution of workflows and the production process/cycle as well as approaching technical interoperability among research infrastructures, (iv) allowing semantic interoperability by developing and adopting standards and tools for capturing consistent data and metadata, and (v) ensuring legal interoperability by endorsing open data or data that are free from restrictions on use, modification and sharing. Addressing these challenges is critical for biodiversity research and for assessing progress towards conservation policy targets and sustainable development goals

    A marine biodiversity observation network for genetic monitoring of hard-bottom communities (ARMS-MBON)

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    Marine hard-bottom communities are undergoing severe change under the influence of multiple drivers, notably climate change, extraction of natural resources, pollution and eutrophication, habitat degradation, and invasive species. Monitoring marine biodiversity in such habitats is, however, challenging as it typically involves expensive, non-standardized, and often destructive sampling methods that limit its scalability. Differences in monitoring approaches furthermore hinders inter-comparison among monitoring programs. Here, we announce a Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) consisting of Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) with the aim to assess the status and changes in benthic fauna with genomic-based methods, notably DNA metabarcoding, in combination with image-based identifications. This article presents the results of a 30-month pilot phase in which we established an operational and geographically expansive ARMS-MBON. The network currently consists of 20 observatories distributed across European coastal waters and the polar regions, in which 134 ARMS have been deployed to date. Sampling takes place annually, either as short-term deployments during the summer or as long-term deployments starting in spring. The pilot phase was used to establish a common set of standards for field sampling, genetic analysis, data management, and legal compliance, which are presented here. We also tested the potential of ARMS for combining genetic and image-based identification methods in comparative studies of benthic diversity, as well as for detecting non-indigenous species. Results show that ARMS are suitable for monitoring hard-bottom environments as they provide genetic data that can be continuously enriched, re-analyzed, and integrated with conventional data to document benthic community composition and detect non-indigenous species. Finally, we provide guidelines to expand the network and present a sustainability plan as part of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre (www.embrc.eu).Peer reviewe

    Möglichkeiten und Grenzen epidemiologischer Analysen zu Langzeitfolgen der Holzschutzmittelexposition in Wohnräumen anhand der Akten des Frankfurter Holzschutzmittelprozesses 1984-1993

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    Mit der vorliegenden epidemiologischen Untersuchung anhand der Akten aus dem Ermittlungsverfahren zum „Holzschutzmittel-Prozess“ wurde versucht, einen systematischen Zusammenhang zwischen der niedrigschwelligen chronischen Holzschutzmittel (HSM)-Exposition in Innenräumen und dem Auftreten von ausgewählten subjektiven Beschwerden, Symptomen und Erkrankungen wissenschaftlich nachzuweisen. Die umfassenden, alters- und geschlechtsbezogenen Analysen einer Prozesskohorte bestehend aus 179 Haushalten mit insgesamt 602 Personen lassen Beziehungen zwischen einer Exposition gegenüber den gesundheitsgefährdenden Stoffen PCP und Lindan in HSM und gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen erkennen, erfordern aber gleichzeitig eine Diskussion möglicher Limitationen. Die im Hauptstaatsarchiv des Landes Hessen gelagerten Prozessakten mit (1) den Selbstausfüller-Fragebögen und (2) einer systematischen Erhebung sämtlicher Laborwerte (Konzentrationen von PCP und Lindan in Blut- und Urinproben sowie in Holz-, Raumluft- und Staubproben aus den betroffenen Haushalten) bildeten die Datengrundlage. Allerdings limitierten das Design und die Verwendung von zwei unterschiedlichen Selbstausfüller-Fragebögen im Verlauf der staatsanwaltschaftlichen Ermittlungen die durchgeführten Analysen. Pro Person wurden bis zu 62 Gesundheitsbeschwerden und Krankheitssymptome genannt, die im zeitlichen Zusammenhang mit HSM-Anwendungen bei den Mitgliedern der betroffenen Haushalte aufgetreten waren. Die fünf häufigsten Beschwerdenennungen unterscheiden sich bei Männern und Frauen nur in der Rangfolge und entstammen mehrheitlich – mit Ausnahme der Infektanfälligkeit und Schlafstörung – dem neurologischen Bereich: Kopfschmerzen, Konzentrationsstörungen und Mattigkeit. Für Kinder (< 14 Jahre) innerhalb der Kohorte wurden zahlenmäßig weniger Gesundheitsbeschwerden berichtet als für Jugendliche/Erwachsene (≥ 14 Jahre). Die Beschwerdenennungen unterscheiden sich außerdem deutlich im Spektrum. Bei Kindern sind die internistischen/immunologischen Beschwerden z.B. Infektanfälligkeit und Durchfall am häufigsten. Zwischen der Gesamtanzahl der Beschwerden pro Person und der verstrichenen HSM-Menge bzw. Größe der behandelten Fläche wurden numerisch geringe, jedoch statistisch signifikante positive Korrelationen ermittelt. Diese Hinweise auf einen möglichen Zusammenhang wurden sowohl für die gesamte Kohorte als auch für die Untergruppe der Selbstanwender beobachtet. In Bezug auf einzelne Beschwerden wiesen logistische Regressionsanalysen bei Männern einen signifikanten Zusammenhang zwischen der HSM-Menge bzw. dem Verhältnis HSM-Menge/Anstrichfläche und dem Auftreten von Bindehautentzündungen, Haarausfall oder Konzentrationsstörungen nach. In der Gruppe der Frauen zeigten sich positive Assoziationen zum Auftreten von Kopfschmerzen oder Schlafstörungen. Trotz der erhöhten HSM-Exposition der Betroffenen wiesen Mortalitätsanalysen für die untersuchte Kohorte eine deutlich und statistisch signifikant erniedrigte standardisierte Mortalitätsratio [SMR 0,51 (95 %-KI: 0,39-0,67)] auf. Diese Ergebnisse konnten durch Cox Regressionsmodelle bestätigt werden. Anhand der Altersverteilung, der Angaben zur Lebensweise und der berichteten Berufe lässt sich abschätzen, dass die betroffenen Personen nicht als repräsentativ für die Allgemeinbevölkerung angesehen werden können. So umfasst die Kohorte vergleichsweise weniger Raucher und Übergewichtige. Auch ist ein geringerer Alkoholkonsum zu verzeichnen. Zusammen mit dem Fakt, dass die Kohorte hauptsächlich aus Personen der mittleren bzw. höheren sozialen Schicht besteht, könnte der beobachtete gesündere Lebensstil eine Ursache für die niedrigere Mortalitätsrate darstellen. Eine hohe Selbstselektierung der Kohortenmitglieder, die sich aufgrund eigener Initiative als Zeugen gemeldet hatten, schließt eine unkritische Verallgemeinerung der erzielten Studienergebnisse auf die Allgemeinbevölkerung aus. Die Analyse der Prozessakten, der Verfahrensweisen bei der Datenerhebung durch die Staatsanwaltschaft, der Dokumentation und des Datenbestandes im Kontext des HSM-Prozesses ermöglichen es jedoch, Limitationen aufzuzeigen und methodische Schwierigkeiten bei der wissenschaftlichen Aufarbeitung der HSM-Problematik zu identifizieren. Hieraus können Empfehlungen für ein zukünftiges Vorgehen bei der Untersuchung ähnlicher toxikologischer Risiken abgeleitet werden.The presented epidemiological study is based on data of the wood preservatives trial and had the approach to examine the relationship between a low-level chronic indoor exposure to wood preservatives and the reports of selected subjective complaints and diseases. The comprehensive, age and sex-based analyses of the process cohort that comprise 179 households with a total of 602 people suggested associations between the exposure to the harmful substances pentachlorophenol (PCP) and lindane in wood preservatives and health problems. However, the investigations have limits, which should be considered by the interpretation of the findings. The used records of the case, which are stored at the Central State Archive of the State of Hesse, included comprehensive data based on (1) self-administered questionnaires and (2) a systematic survey of all laboratory values (concentrations of PCP and lindane in blood and urine samples, as well as in wood, indoor air, and dust samples from the affected households). The design of two different self-administered questionnaires used during the official investigation by the department of public prosecution limited the data quality and, thus, also the performed analyses. Up to 62 health issues and symptoms, temporarily related to the use of wood preservative, were reported per single person of the affected households. Among men and women, the five most common complaints differs only in the ranking and are mainly assigned - with the exception of susceptibility to infection and sleep disorder – to the field of neurology: headache, concentration problems and faintness. Within the cohort, children (< 14 years old) reported fewer health issues as teenagers/adults (≥ 14 years) and these include a different spectrum with mainly internal medicine/immunological complaints, e.g. susceptibility to infections or diarrhea. The investigations suggest a weak but significant correlation between used quantity of wood preservatives or size of painted area and the total number of health issues per person. Indications of possible associations were observed both for the whole cohort and among different subgroups. Logistic regression analyses of certain health issues demonstrated a significant association between the quantity of wood preservatives or the ratio of this quantity vs. painted surface and the occurrence of conjunctivitis, baldness or concentration problems among men. In contrast, positive associations with the occurrence of headaches or sleep disorders become apparent for the subgroup of women. Despite higher exposures to wood preservatives of the investigated subjects, mortality analyses showed a significantly lower standardized mortality ratio [SMR 0.51 (95% CI: 0.39 to 0.67]. These results were confirmed by Cox regression models. Based on the age distribution, information regarding the lifestyle and the reported professions, it can be assumed that the study cohort is not representative for the general population. This is supported by the fact that the cohort comprises a lower proportion of smokers as well as overweight peoples. Furthermore, a lower alcohol consumption were reported. Together with the fact that the cohort is mainly composed of middle or higher social class people, the observed healthier lifestyle could be a reason for the detected lower mortality rate. A high self-selection of cohort members, who had reported on their own initiative as witnesses, excludes an uncritical generalisation of the study results. However, the analyses of the records of the case and the procedures of data collection by the prosecution, the documentation and the data set in the context of the wood preservatives trial make it possible to identify limitations and methodological difficulties in scientific analysis of wood preservatives related research questions. Hence recommendations can be derived for future investigations of similar toxicological risks

    Correlation of Hemodynamic and Respiratory Parameters in Invasive Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (iCPET)

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    Background: Invasive cardiopulmonary exercise testing (iCPET) is an integral part in the advanced diagnostic workup of pulmonary hypertension (PH). Our study evaluated the relation between hemodynamic and respiratory parameters at two different resting conditions and two defined low exercise levels with a close synchronization of measurements in a broad variety of dyspnea patients. Subjects and methods: We included 146 patients (median age 69 years, range 22 to 85 years, n = 72 female) with dyspnea of uncertain origin. Invasive hemodynamic and gas exchange parameters were measured at rest, 45° upright position, unloaded cycling, 25 and 50 W exercise. All measurements were performed in a single RHC procedure. Results: Oxygen uptake (VO2/body mass) correlated significantly with cardiac index (all p ≤ 0.002) at every resting and exercise level and with every method of cardiac output measurement (thermodilution, method of Fick). Mean pulmonary arterial pressure (PAPmean) correlated with all respiratory parameters (respiratory rate, partial end-tidal pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide [petCO2 and petO2], ventilation/carbon dioxide resp. oxygen ratio [VE/VCO2, VE/VO2], and minute ventilation [VE], all p < 0.05). These correlations improved with increasing exercise levels from rest via unloaded cycling to 25 W. There was no correlation with right atrial or pulmonary arterial wedge pressure. Summary: In dyspnea patients of different etiologies, the cardiac index is closely linked to VO2 at every level of rest and submaximal exercise. PAPmean is the only pressure that correlates with different respiratory parameters, but this correlation is highly significant and stable at rest, unloaded cycling and at 25 W

    Comparison between thermodilution and Fick methods for resting and exercise-induced cardiac output measurement in patients with chronic dyspnea

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    Studies comparing thermodilution (TD) and the direct Fick method (dFM) for cardiac output (CO) measurement are rare. We compared CO measurements between TD (2–5 cold water injections), the dFM, and indirect Fick method (iFM) at rest and during exercise, and assessed the effect of averaging different numbers of TD measurements during exercise. This retrospective study included 300 patients (52.3% women, mean age 66 ± 11 years) having pulmonary hypertension (76.0%) or unexplained dyspnea. Invasive hemodynamic and gas exchange parameters were measured at rest (supine; n = 300) and during unloaded cycling (semi-supine; n = 275) and 25-W exercise (semi-supine; n = 240). All three methods showed significant differences in CO measurement (ΔCO) at rest (p ≤ 0.001; ΔCO > 1 L/min: 45.0% [iFM vs. dFM], 42.0% [iFM vs. TD], and 45.7% [TD vs. dFM]). ΔCO (TD vs. dFM) was significant during unloaded cycling (p  1 L/min: 56.6%) but not during 25-W exercise (p = 0.137; ΔCO > 1 L/min: 52.8%). ΔCO (TD vs. dFM) during 25-W exercise was significant when using one or two (p ≤ 0.01) but not three (p = 0.06) TD measurements. Mean ΔCO (TD [≥3 measurements] vs. dFM) was −0.43 ± 1.98 and −0.06 ± 2.29 L/min during unloaded and 25-W exercise, respectively. Thus, TD and dFM CO measurements are comparable during 25-W exercise (averaging ≥3 TD measurements), but not during unloaded cycling or at rest. Individual ΔCOs vary substantially and require critical interpretation to avoid CO misclassification