343 research outputs found

    Water for the Displaced Population's Health: An Urban-Rural Dichotomy Revisited

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    This paper is a review and analysis of the health impacts of inadequate and unsafe water supplies on displaced populations. The investigation focuses on the overall health implications of the current praxis of water supply recovery and reconstruction, which is often biased towards urban areas, neglecting the water needs of those living in rural areas. Having explored a series of water quantity and quality issues, and their inter-relationship to public health, by comparing urban and rural settlements in the Tuzla Region of Bosnia-Herzegovina, this paper concludes that the overall strategy of responding to water needs of displaced populations requires equal attention and care to both urban and rural areas.Cet article propose un récapitulatif une analyse de l’impact sanitaire d’une distribution inadéquate et insécuritaire de l’eau chez les populations déplacées. La recherche concentre son attention sur l’impact sanitaire global des pratiques actuelles de distribution des eaux, qui privilégie souvent les zones urbaines au détriment des zones rurales, dont les besoins en eau potable sont sciemment négligés. On explore un certain nombre de questions relatives à la quantité et à la qualité de l’eau, et leur relation avec santé publique, en comparant des installations urbaines et rurales de populations déplacées de la région de Tuzla, Bosnie-Herzégovine. L’article conclut que la stratégie globale visant à répondre aux besoins en eau potable des populations déplacées doit être aussi attentive et minutieuse en zone rurale qu’en zone urbaine

    Wind energy potential estimation and micrositting on Izmir Institute of Technology Campus, Turkey

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    The aim of this study was to predict the wind energy content over the campus area of Izmir Institute of Technology. The wind data were collected at 10 and 30 m mast heights for a period of 16 months. Mean wind speeds were 7.03 and 8.14 m/s at 10 and 30 m mast heights, respectively. The 'WAsP' and 'WindPRO' softwares were used for the wind statistics and energy calculations. Suitable sites were selected according to the created wind power and energy maps. Wind turbines with nominal powers between 600 and 1500 kW were established for annual energy production calculations and best fitted ones were used for the micrositting.İYTE (AFP-2001 MUH 01

    The European Union Regional Policy and Turkey’S Harmonisation in the Framework of the European Commission Progress Reports For the Period of 1998-2007

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    DergiPark: 326439trakyasobedDemocracy, good governance and the rule of law are the determinants of global and local security. The global integration is the diffusion of political, social and economic relationships between countries, coexistence of different cultures and religions in an integrated way, and spreading of the spiritual and material values across national borders to the world. In this context, the best example that can be given for such an integration is the European Union (EU). The economic advancement in developing countries may not start in all regions of the country at the same time and the subsequent development concentrates in certain areas. Hence, regional disparities emerge. In order to eradicate its own regional disparaties the EU has formed the EU Regional Policy. Through the Structural Funds that have been formed as part of this policy, various assistance to the regions in need are provided, and some of such assistance takes place as donations. Since Turkey is not a full member of the EU it cannot benefit from the Structural Funds for the time being. However, it can implement the grant programmes within the context of the Pre-accession Financial Corporation Programme. Even the results do not require us to be pessimistic, they emphasize the need to work much harder. They indicate that the negotiations for full membership will not only be about political issues, but also will undergo harder in Acquis TitlesDemokrasi, iyi yönetişim ve hukukun üstünlüğü; küresel ve bölgesel güvenliğin düzenleyicileridirler. Küresel bütünleşme, ülkeler arasında siyasi, sosyal, ekonomik ilişkilerin yaygınlaşması, farklı kültür ve inançların entegre olmuş şekilde birlikte yaşamaları, maddi ve manevi değerlerin ulusal sınırları aşarak dünyaya yayılması demektir. Bu bağlamda böyle bir bütünleşmeye verilecek en güzel örnek; Avrupa Birliği’dir (AB). Kalkınma süreci yaşayan ülkelerde ekonomik gelişme, ülkenin tüm bölgelerinde aynı anda başlayamayabilir ve sonucunda ortaya çıkan gelişme belirli noktalarda yoğunlaşır. Neticesinde bölgesel farklılaşmalar meydana gelir. AB, kendi içinde yaşadığı bölgesel farklılıkları ortadan kaldırmak için AB Bölgesel Politikası’nı oluşturmuştur. Bu politika kapsamında geliştirilen Yapısal Fonlar aracılığıyla, ihtiyaç duyulan bölgelere çeşitli yardımlar yapılmakta, bu yardımlardan bazıları hibe programları ile gerçekleştirmektedir. Türkiye tam üye olmadığı için Yapısal Fonlar’dan şimdilik yararlanamamaktadır. Katılım Öncesi Mali Yardım Programı kapsamında geliştirilen hibe programlarını ise uygulayabilmektedir. Sonuçlar kötümser olmamızı gerektirmese de daha çok çalışmamız gerektiğini vurgulamaktadır. Tam üyelik müzakerelerinin sadece siyasi olaylarla değil, müktesebat başlıklarında daha çetin geçeceğinin sinyallerini vermektedi


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    Üniversite sanayi işbirliği, modern sanayinin çıkış noktası olan İngiliz sanayi devrimiyle birlikte oluşmaya başlamıştır. 1975-1985 döneminde 1970’lerden bu yana gittikçe yaygınlaşan üniversite-sanayi araştırma işbirliğinin önemi günümüzde bir kat daha artmıştır. Yeni bilimsel bilgiye duyulan ihtiyaç, sanayi ve akademik kurumlar arasındaki bağlantıyı artırmaktadır. Özellikle Küçük ve Orta Boy İşletmeler (KOBİ) içinde bilimsel ve teknik bilginin önemli ölçüde dağılımına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu çalışmada dünyada üniversite-sanayi işbirliği önce ele alınacak, daha sonra Türkiye’de üniversitesanayi işbirliğinin gelişimi incelenecektir. Bu çerçevede Avrupa Birliği entegrasyon sürecinin bu işbirliğine getirdiği katkılar mercek altına alınacak ve bu çerçeveden Trakya Bölgesinde yaşanan üniversite sanayi işbirliği değerlendirilecektir.The cooperation between university and industry has begun nascent with the British industry revolution which was the starting point of modern industry. During the 1975-1985 period, the importance of university-industry research cooperation which has become widespread gradually since 1970s has increased even more at present. The necessity of new scientific knowledge enhances the relationship between industry and academic units. This is specially the case as a considerable distribution of scientific and technical knowledge within Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is needed. In this study, first, the cooper2 ation between university-industry in the world will be tackled, and then the development of university-industry cooperation in Turkey will be analysed. In this framework, the contribution of the European Union integration process to this cooperation will be examined and the university-industry cooperation in Trakya Region will be evaluate

    Effect of geometrical parameters on heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of plate fin and tube heat exchangers

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    In this study, the influences of the changes in fin geometry on heat transfer and pressure drop of a plate fin and tube heat exchanger are investigated, numerically. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) program called Fluent is used in the analysis. The segment of one tenth of fin is used in the modeling, due to symmetrical condition. The results of heat transfer, static, and total pressure drop values of ten different fins are tabulated and the normalized values of them are, also, given for the comparison of the models. The distance between fins is found to have a considerable effect on pressure drop. It is observed that placing the fin tube at downstream region affects heat transfer positively. Another important result of the study is that increasing ellipticity of the fin tube increases the heat transfer while it, also, results in an important reduction in pressure drop

    Classification of anomaly patterns with using neural networks

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    Kayaç deformasyonu sonucu oluşan piezo-elektrik kökenli elektrik alan ölçüm değerleri içinde deprem öncesi oluştuğu öngörülen özel bir örüntünün varlığı saptanmıştır. Bu çalışmada deprem ile ilişkilendirilebilen bu değişimin saptanması hedeflenmiştir. İlk aşamada, işlenen örüntü boyutunun büyük olması nedeniyle Hebbian tabanlı ilkesel bileşen analizi kullanılarak örüntü boyutu indirgenmiştir. İndirgenen örüntüler ile ağın eğitimi sağlanmıştır. Eğitilen ağın çıkışında, giriş örüntüsünün içeriğine bağlı olarak olağan veya olağan dışı örüntü olduğuna ilişkin sonuç üreten bir düzenek gerçeklenmiştir. Gerçeklenen uygulamalarda, kayaç gerginliği sonucu oluşan elektriksel alanın içinde yer alan deprem haberci örüntüsü yüksek bir olasılıkla saptanmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Deprem, örüntü sınıflama, yapay sinir ağlarıEarthquake is a natural event which has no linear property in time and space and cannot be modelled exactly. Estimation of an earthquake by means of pattern learning and recognition property of artificial neural networks (ANN) is the essential goal of this study. The values obtained through the sensor to measure earthquake-related monopolar electric field constitute time dependent patterns. These patterns are analysed and evaluated by the help of ANN. Phases of evaluation process can be explained briefly : the computation load of the artificial neural network was increased because of the large pattern size. So, in order to decrease this computational load the pattern size is reduced by an Hebbian based component analysis methods. In the next phase, these reduced-size patterns are used as training set for the process of artificial neural network training. At the output layer of network, a mechanism is realized that produces results related with pattern?s being normal or abnormal and this result  depend on the input pattern?s content. As a result of applications covered in this study, the measurement of electric field resulted from regional tectonic stress and the earthquake forerunner pattern which resides in this field is detected with a high success rate. In addition, it is observed that learning is improved and success is increased by the increase in the number of pattern which includes abnormal change.Keywords: Artificial neural networks, earthquake, pattern classification

    Pneumoscrotum: an unusual complication of double contrast colon graphy (a case report)

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    Pnömoskrotum skrotum içinde gaz varlıgı ile ifade edilen bir durumdur. Uygulamalar ve patolojik nedenlerden kaynaklanan pnömoskrotum oldukça az görülür ve aynı zamanda rektal ve kolonik perforasyonların komplikasyonu olarak nadir rapor edilir. Elastikiyetinden dolayı skrotum vücudun basınç havzası olarak düsünülür. Pnömoskrotuma neden olabilecek etiyolojik faktörler; akcigerler, retroperitoneal kaynaklar, cerrahi islemler ya da gaz üretimi yapabilen mikroorganizmalar ile olusan enfeksiyonları kapsamaktadır Pnömoskrotum orofarinks ile diz arasında bir çok hastalık ya da uygulama sonrası ortaya çıkabilen komplikasyonların habercisi olabilir. Skrotumda hava toplanmasını açıklayan çok sayıda mekanizma vardır. Pnömoskrotum için cerrahi ya da konservatif tedavi seçimi tartısmalıdır. Çalısmanın amacı, çift kontrastlı kolon grafisinin nadir bir komplikasyonu olan pnömoskrotum gelisen bir hastayı literatur esliginde degerlendirmektir.Pneumoscrotum is a term used for the expression of the presence of gas within the scrotum. Pneumoscrotum resulting from procedural and pathological causes is an extremely rare occurrence and also rarely reported as a complication associated with colonic or rectal perforation. Because of its elasticity, scrotum is considered to be the pressure basin of the body. Etiologic factors that cause pneumoscrotum include thoracic or retroperitoneal pathologies, surgical manipulations or infection with gas-producing organisms. Pneuomoscrotum may provide clues to a range of diseases or procedure-related complications between the oropharynx and knee.There are multipl pathways to explain air accumulation into scrotum. The choice of conservative or surgical treatment for pneumoscrotum remains controversial In this report a case of pneumoscrotum as an unusual complication of double contrast colon graphy is presente

    Design and evaluation of a hybrid radiofrequency applicator for magnetic resonance imaging and RF induced hyperthermia: electromagnetic field simulations up to 14.0 Tesla and proof-of-concept at 7.0 Tesla

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    This work demonstrates the feasibility of a hybrid radiofrequency (RF) applicator that supports magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and MR controlled targeted RF heating at ultrahigh magnetic fields (B0>/=7.0T). For this purpose a virtual and an experimental configuration of an 8-channel transmit/receive (TX/RX) hybrid RF applicator was designed. For TX/RX bow tie antenna electric dipoles were employed. Electromagnetic field simulations (EMF) were performed to study RF heating versus RF wavelength (frequency range: 64 MHz (1.5T) to 600 MHz (14.0T)). The experimental version of the applicator was implemented at B0 = 7.0T. The applicators feasibility for targeted RF heating was evaluated in EMF simulations and in phantom studies. Temperature co-simulations were conducted in phantoms and in a human voxel model. Our results demonstrate that higher frequencies afford a reduction in the size of specific absorption rate (SAR) hotspots. At 7T (298 MHz) the hybrid applicator yielded a 50% iso-contour SAR (iso-SAR-50%) hotspot with a diameter of 43 mm. At 600 MHz an iso-SAR-50% hotspot of 26 mm in diameter was observed. RF power deposition per RF input power was found to increase with B0 which makes targeted RF heating more efficient at higher frequencies. The applicator was capable of generating deep-seated temperature hotspots in phantoms. The feasibility of 2D steering of a SAR/temperature hotspot to a target location was demonstrated by the induction of a focal temperature increase (DeltaT = 8.1 K) in an off-center region of the phantom. Temperature simulations in the human brain performed at 298 MHz showed a maximum temperature increase to 48.6C for a deep-seated hotspot in the brain with a size of (19x23x32)mm(3) iso-temperature-90%. The hybrid applicator provided imaging capabilities that facilitate high spatial resolution brain MRI. To conclude, this study outlines the technical underpinnings and demonstrates the basic feasibility of an 8-channel hybrid TX/RX applicator that supports MR imaging, MR thermometry and targeted RF heating in one device