668 research outputs found

    The role of building surveyors in rural land use planning

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    The State Planning Commission has prepared a draft Rural Land Use Planning Policy which aims to provide an effective framework for planning in rural areas. The Policy proposes that local authorities currently experiencing land use conflicts or pressure for development and subdivision, prepare a Local Rural Strategy prior to the Commission considering any major development proposals

    The effect of tunnel construction particles on Daphnia magna

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    Particles originating from drilling and blasting during tunnel construction have the potential to end up in the environment, however, there is a knowledge gap concerning the effect of these particles on aquatic biota. In this master thesis, acute toxicity tests (48h and 72h) were performed with the test species Daphnia magna to identify concentrations causing immobilization, particle uptake, and abnormal appearance. In a laboratory setup, the daphnids were exposed to starting concentration of total suspended solids (TSS) with a range between 200-3000 mg/L of tunnel particles and control. TSS and turbidity were measured to identify changes in suspended solids (SS) during test periods. The particles concentration (EC50 values) that caused immobilizations were 761 (± 532) mg/L for the 48h test and 649 (± 82) mg/L for the 72h test. The EC90 values were 1641 (± 2361) mg/L for the 48h test and 941 (± 271) mg/L for the 72h test. For the higher estimated doses, the daphnids were more sensitive in the more extended test. The no observed effect concentration (NOEC) for the 48h and 72h tests were 492 mg/L and 562 mg/L, respectively. Exposed daphnids differed from the control in weight. Correlation tests showed a moderate negative correlation between the daphnids' weight and TSS for both 48h (R= -0.57) and 72h (R= -0.54). As the TSS increased, the daphnid's weight decreased. This can be explained by the particles being within the daphnid feeding size, which led to the daphnid ingesting the particles and getting less nutrition than the control. Therefore, the growth rate was lower. Particles in the filter apparatus of daphnids possibly leading to ingestion were also confirmed with an environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) of exposed daphnids. Additionally, element quantification of digested daphnids with ICP-MS showed elements like Yttrium (Y) and Thorium (Th) associated with the daphnids and positively correlated with TSS. These elements have low leaching capacity and are most likely associated with particles in or on the daphnids. The immobilization of daphnids occurred on concentrations over usually permitted values for projects. Furthermore, there were other effects like weight decrease and particles associated with the daphnids. Therefore, chronic effects would be interesting to study.M-MIN

    Dee and Charles Wyly Theatre

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    Material of interest and material used: Tubular aluminum. Properties of material: Unlike a typical theatre, the Wyly accommodates back-of-house and front-of-house areas above and beneath the auditorium rather than wrapped around it, liberating its perimeter – a glass façade with optional blackout blinds – for direct contact with the urban surroundings.https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/bcs/1023/thumbnail.jp

    Effect of a Pre-Treatment Educational Video in Improving Patient Satisfaction with 5-Fluorouracil Treatment for Actinic Keratoses: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

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    IntroductionPatient treatment satisfaction and adherence may be affected by the initial understanding of outcomes in the treatment of actinic keratoses with 5-fluorouracil 5% cream (5-FU). Pre-treatment educational videos may optimize this understanding. The objective of this study was to determine whether prospective patient viewing of an educational video delineating treatment effects and expectations improves patient satisfaction and treatment completion rates for the treatment of actinic keratoses with 5-FU.MethodsForty-four participants were recruited to the UC Davis Dermatology outpatient clinic. Each participant was randomized to the video (group A) or control group (group B), and topical 5-FU cream treatment was conducted for 2 weeks in both groups.ResultsA follow-up questionnaire was performed to assess patient satisfaction and adherence to the treatment regimen. The results of these questions were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test. One item on the questionnaire asked the patient to rate their overall level of satisfaction on a score of 0-100. The results of this question were analyzed using the unpaired t test. The results of the statistical analysis show no significant difference between the patient group that viewed the video and the patient group that did not view the video.ConclusionsWe speculate that this study may establish a foundation for subsequent studies that may affect the broader medical community and promote development of educational videos

    The View from the Cheap Seats. An Archaeologist Grappling with Multispecies Entanglements

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    Moving beyond entanglement as a generic cue for human-animal relationships requires intellectual enquiry and an engagement with various approaches and different strands of evidence. Christina Fredengren has produced a stimulating text that enfolds these factors. It is rich in theoretical discussions and brings out important nuances in approaches to relationships between humans and more-than-humans, and she explores ways of pushing the boundaries for how close we can get to past multispecies lifeways – and deathways. Throughout the text she raises a number of interesting questions that can help us push our horizons further. I will address some of these.publishedVersio

    A Changing Focus: a historiographical analysis on the Swedish Era of Great Power in scholarly literature from before 1940 to the modern day

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    Denne masteroppgaven er en historiografisk studie av fokuset på individer og hendelser, struktur, Sveriges konflikter med Danmark, i Tyskland og i øst samt de politiske, militære, sosiale og økonomiske aspektene i fagliteratur om Sveriges stormaktstid. Dette fokuset er påvirket av et historiografisk bilde i forandring. Denne masteroppgaven skal analysere dette fokuset i periodene før 1940, mellom 1940 og 1990-tallet og etter 2000. Analysen skal oppnå dette med å investigere fokuset i syv forskjellige litterære verk fra hver periode og sammeligne resultatene. Oppgaven skal oppnå dette gjennom kvalitative, kvantitative og komparative arbeidsmetoder. For oppgaven har jeg dannet en hypotese som forventer å finne et stort fokus på individer og hendelser, konfliktene med Danmark og de politiske og militære aspektene i perioden før 1940, et stort fokus på struktur, konfliktene i Tyskland og de sosiale og økonomiske aspektene i perioden mellom 1940 og 1990-tallet og til slutt et relativt likt fokus i perioden etter 2000, men med et større fokus på konfliktene i øst. Kort konkludert ser vi at funnene i analysen stemmer stort sett overens med hypotesens forventninger for periodene før 1940 og etter 2000, men at de ikke helt stemmer overens med forventnignene for perioden mellom 1940 og 1990-tallet.Historie mastergradsoppgaveHIS350MAHF-LÆHRMAHF-HI


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    Oma Zainal Falah. 2019. Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Teks Puisi Berorientasi Pencitraan  dengan Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learnig Pada Kelas VIII SMP  YWKA Bandung. Berdasarkan wawancara yang telah dilakukan, beliau  juga mengemukakan masih ada beberapa faktor yang menjadi kendala lain  dalam penulisan puisi yaitu  pembelajaran menulis puisi hanya dilakukan dengan teori sesuai dengan buku paket. Pendidik menjelaskan materi tentang menulis puisi kemudian memberi tugas kepada peserta didik untuk langsung praktik menulis puisi. Akibatnya peserta didik terkesan pasif, diam dan hanya mendengarkan apa yang disampikan  oleh pendidik. Sejalan dengan pernyataan itu, bahwa kemampuan peserta didik mengenai materi  menulis teks  puisi  berkaitan dengan kompetensi dasar menyajikan teks puisi masih berada di bawah Ketuntasan Belajar Minimal (KBM) sebesar 70  Data hasil belajar peserta didik kelas VIII A tahun pelajaran 2019/2020 pada kemampuan menulis teks puisi  dari 34  peserta didik hanya 15 peserta didik (50 %) yang sudah mencapai Ketuntasan Belajar Minimal (KBM) Salah satu model pembelajaran yang tepat dan dapat menumbuhkan minat  peserta didik dalam pembelajaran Menulis  teks Puisi  berorientasi pencitraan  yaitu menggunakan  model pembelajaran  discovery learning. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data penelitian, penulis memperoleh gambaran bahwa model pembelajaran Discovery Learning dapat memberikan hasil positif dan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis teks puisi berorientasi gaya bahasa  dan Keberhasilan tersebut dibuktikan dengan peningkatan proses aktivitas peserta didik  dan hasil pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan. Pada siklus kesatu, nilai hasil belajar peserta didik dalam menulis teks puisi berorientasi gaya bahasa   hanya mencapai rata-rata 65,03  Pada siklus pertama, peserta didik yang telah mencapai Kriteria Batas Minimal (KBM) sebesar 70 sebanyak 12 orang (35,29%)   dan sebanyak 22 orang  ( 64,71%) belum mencapai KBM. Pada siklus kedua, nilai hasil belajar peserta didik dalam menulis teks puisi  hanya mencapai rata-mencapai rata-rata 75,18. Pada siklus kedua, peserta didik yang telah mencapai Kriteria Batas Minimal (KBM) sebesar 70 sebanyak 25 orang  ( 73,53%)  dan sebanyak 9  orang  ( 26,47%) belum mencapai KBM. Pada siklus ketiga, semua peserta didik telah mencapai KBM sebesar 70. Peningkatan nilai hasil belajar peserta didik tersebut sebagai dampak peningkatan nilai proses aktivitas  belajar peserta didik. Pada siklus pertama, rata-rata proses belajar peserta didik mencapai nilai 2,14 siklus kedua 3,00 pada kriteria baik, dan siklus ketiga 3,80 pada kriteria sangat baik. Data tersebut menunjukkan bahwa proses belajar peserta didik dalam menulis teks puisi berorientasi gaya bahasa   mengalami peningkatan. Data di atas menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis penelitian dapat diterima. Artinya, model pembelajaran Discovery Learning dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar menulis teks puisi berorientasi gaya bahasa  pada peserta didik kelas VIII A SMP YWKA Bandung tahun pelajaran 2019/2020

    Leschenault Peninsula : a study of land resources and planning considerations

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    Leschenault Peninsula is a fragile coastal dune barrier north of Bunbury, Western Australia. Most of the landforms are highly, or potentially highly, unstable and are not capable of sustaining tourism uses other than walking tracks. Minor areas close to Leschenault Inlet are more stable and could be developed for a range of tourism uses including accommodation and day tripper facilities. However, much of the Peninsula is highly degraded and susceptible to wind erosion, while disposal of acid-iron rich li id effluent from the Laporte (SCM) works in lagoons located within the dunes, has contributed to the visual degradation of the area. A land rehabilitation strategy should be developed and implemented prior to any development of the Peninsula for tourism

    Unlocking the Secrets of Multi-Flagellated Propulsion

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    In this work, unique high-speed imaging platforms and an array of theoretical analysis methods are used to thoroughly investigate eukaryotic multi-flagellated propulsion using Tritrichomonas foetus as a test case. Through experimental observations through our imaging system with superior resolution and capture rate exceeding that of previous studies, it was discovered for the first time that the T. foetus employs a strategy similar to that of the “run and tumble” strategies found in bacteria and Chlamydomonas; it has two distinct flagellar beating patterns that result in two different body swimming motions, linear and turning swimming. These two flagella patterns were then analyzed for the first time using two theoretical analysis methods that are often used to analyze uni-flagellated organisms; the Resistive Force Theory (RFT) and the Regularized Stokeslet Method (RSM). These theories were compared to uncover the more accurate method. Results showed that our modified-RFT model out-performed the RSM model. Due to these results, the quantitative analysis of the motion of each flagellum for both the swimming motions were carried out using the RFT method for the first time on a multi-flagellated cell, in both the 2-D and 3-D case. Digital Holographic Microscopy was used to produce the 3-D trajectory of the T.foetus for the first time. Through this method it was possible to for the first time, quantitatively analyze the thrust and energy contributions of each flagella in each direction. We find out that the turning motion dissipates approximately half as much energy as the linear swimming motion which leads to the belief that the motion is more energy efficient. The energy results coupled with the thrust results show the highly coordinated nature of multi-flagellated propulsion. Through this RFT model, it was observed that the propulsive force of the T.foetus is comparable to that of other eukaryotes with varying numbers of flagella like the sperm and Chlamydomonas, suggesting that higher thrust generation is not necessarily the goal of multi-flagellated propulsion, but these strategies result in greater maneuverability or sensing. Results from this study may serve as inspiration for biorobots due to the organism’s ideal size and finely controlled multi-flagellated propulsion
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