1,032 research outputs found

    Factorization problem with intersection

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    We propose a generalization of the factorization method to the case when G\mathcal{G} is a finite dimensional Lie algebra such that G=G0MN\mathcal{G}=\mathcal{G}_0\oplus M \oplus N (direct sum of vector spaces), where G0\mathcal{G}_0 is a subalgebra in G\mathcal{G}, M,NM, N are G0\mathcal{G}_0-modules, and G0+M\mathcal{G}_0 +M, G0+N\mathcal{G}_0 +N are subalgebras in G\mathcal{G}. In particular, we consider the case when G\mathcal{G} is a Z\Z-graded Lie algebra. Using this generalization, we construct some top-like systems related to the algebra so(3,1)so(3,1). According to the general scheme, these systems can be reduced to linear systems with variable coefficients. For the top-like systems first integrals and infinitesimal symmetries are found

    The Study of Thermal Reversibility of the Freezing-defrost Process of Browned Onion

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    The features and dynamics of the freezing-defrost processes of the studied sample of browned onion were established and studied. At the research it was revealed, that at freezing temperature –20 °С the value of maximal freezing speed does not change.The process of defrost of browned onion was carried out using calorimeter with the reverse connection on temperature and PID-regulator, on the temperature curve of its freezing. It was determined, that the process of defrost of the studied sample needs more heat that is educed at freezing. The modes of stepped defrost that testify to the possibility of thermal reversibility of freezing process were experimentally established.The direct dependence of educed and consumed heat quantity on the mode of thermal processing of studied sample was revealed. The more moisture was eliminated from the food product, the less heat must be consumed for defrost. The analogous dependence is typical also for the freezing process.The received data can be used for determination of the rational modes of freezing and defrost of the browned onion

    Status and prospects for the development of credit unions in Ukraine

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    Кредиті спілки, які виконують специфічну соціально-економічну роль, пов’язану із забезпеченням своїх членів необхідними фінансовими послугами на неприбуткових засадах, підвищують соціальну спрямованість і ефективність ринкової економіки. На жаль, в Україні роль кредитної кооперації недооцінюється. В статті розглянуто передумови, стан, та визначено перспективи розвитку кредитних спілок в Україні як важливої складової економіки. На основі прогнозування розвитку кредитних спілок, що ґрунтується на використанні методів аналітичного вирівнювання динамічних рядів, кореляційно-регресійного аналізу та екстраполяції, надано оптимістичний та песимістичний сценарії розвитку кредитних спілок в Україні

    Innovative technologies of management of social work in the Russian Federation

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    The purpose of studying innovative technologies of social service of elderly people in the Russian Federation is to analyse and synthesize the best regional practices on the organization of social work with elderly people. It is particular importance during political and economic crisis when elderly people become the most wounded group of the population. As a result of this research it has been revealed that the main document organizing social work with elderly people is "Road map" at the regional level. It is described as the basic principles of increase in efficiency and quality of services in the sphere of social service of the population in the Novgorod region for 2013 - 2018. The training, medical-correctional, social and psychological, health saving and spare time of work are revealed with citizens of elderly age.peer-reviewe

    Theoretical and methodological foundations for studying the problems of developing social resources of territorial communities

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    The article is devoted to the development of theoretical and methodological foundations for studying the problems of developing social resources of territorial communities. The relevance of the research is due to the social order formed in modern society for the effective and optimal use of the social resources available in the territory as the basis for development. The purpose of the research is to determine theoretical and methodological foundations for studying the problems of developing social resources of territorial communities. Theoretical substantiation and research methods were laid by the works of domestic and foreign sociologists who substantiated the importance of the resource approach for the development of socio-economic systems. The application of system analysis made it possible to reveal the interdependence of the development of social resources and the territory. The totality of the components of the social resources of an individual, proposed by V.A. Yadov, most meaningfully reflects the targets of this research. In this regard, it has been proposed to use this material for the formation of sociological tools for obtaining primary information (questionnaires). The use of statistical data makes it possible to obtain an objective idea of the state of the environment and the main trends in territorial development. The systematization of factual and evaluative data has significant potential, which will be realized as part of the construction of a research construct. Summarizing, it can be said that the complexity and diversity of the concept of «social resources» is projected onto the process of forming the methodological foundations of the research. A systematic approach allows us to turn to the analysis of subjective and objective data and compare the received materials. Relying on the resource approach, it is possible to formulate measures to improve the development efficiency of both the territorial community as a whole and individual component of social resources

    The simulation model of the computer cluster

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    Simulation is often used in cases when it is impossible to carry out experiments with real complex objects. The article represents the description of the computer cluster simulation model. Parameters, which affect the cluster performance, were selected, a simulation model was designed, and experiments were conducted. The obtained model allowed finding the optimal variant of the cluster performance, which consists of five computers

    Modeling of titanium alloys processing parameters

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    The article discusses the modeling of the efficient cutting tool life in the processing of titanium alloy. To realize this aim, an effective method for processing research results has been selected. The features and algorithm of using the TensorFlow platform for the design, creation and study of models in the field of machine learning are presented

    Modeling of parameters of the milling of parts from heat-resistant steel

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    The article discusses the problems of research of the machinability of alloy steels during their machining. The results of face milling of heat-resistant steel under different processing modes are presented. With using the TensorFlow platform tools, the technological process of milling is modeled. The results of predicting the processing power at different cutting modes are presented

    Development of French language listening skills in students of humanitarian specialties

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    Review of the teaching textbook "Teaching foreign language listening: an auditive workshop in the French language", authors E. M. Kolesova and N. N. Sergeeva.Рецензия на учебно-методическое пособие «Обучение иноязычному аудированию: аудитивный практикум по французскому языку», авторы Е. М. Колесова и Н. Н. Сергеева