68 research outputs found

    International experience of crime investigation in the field of human trafficking

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    The paper aims to define an effective anti-human trafficking system in Ukraine. On the basis of theoretical information and international experience systematic analysis, the peculiarities of investigating crimes in the field of human trafficking are identified: timely receipt of information concerning crimes commission, assigning a case of human trafficking to an investigator or prosecutor with positive experience in detecting such crimes, cooperation of law enforcement agencies with each other and law enforcement agencies of other states in regard to effective ways of such crimes investigation, an effective system of human trafficking victims support. It is possible to increase the effectiveness of combating human trafficking through activities in the following areas: training of law enforcement officers in accordance with international standards; exchange of experience between Ukrainian law enforcement officers with the employees of relevant institutions of other countries; enshrinement at the statutory level of stricter responsibility for such crimes commission; monitoring the compliance of the Ukrainian anti-human trafficking system activities with international standards; creation of a comprehensive support system for human trafficking victims

    Prognosis in patients with myocardial infarction with ST-elevation depending on the timing of interventional revascularization

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    Проверена е прогнозата (болничния и следболничния леталитет до края на 6-ия месец) при 300 болни (212 мъже и 88 жени) с първи миокарден инфаркт със ST- елевация (STEMI) на средна възраст 62.9 год. в зависимост от срока на извършената първична коронарна интервенция (PCI) след началото на симптомите. В зависимост от срока на извършената РСІ болните са разделени на 4 групи: до 3-ия, до 6-ия, до 12-ия и до 24-ия час след началото на инфаркта. Болничният леталитет за всички болни е 6.3%, a до края на 6-ия месец - 13.3%, еднакъв при І-ва и ІІ-ра група и достоверно по-малък, отколкото при ІІІ-та и ІV-та група, по-голям при жените, при болните над 65 г., с ФИ <35.0% и с тромботична оклузия на LM и LAD.The prognosis (in-hospital and post-hospitalization lethality by the end of the 6th moth) of 300 patients (212 men and 88 women) with a first myocardial infarction with ST-elevation (STEMI) at an average age of 62.9 years was studied depending on the timing of the conducted primary coronary intervention (PCI) after the onset of symptoms. Depending on the timing of the conducted PCI, the patients were divided into 4 groups: by the 3rd, 6th, 12th, and 24th hour after the onset of the infarction. The patients` in-hospital lethality was 6.3%, and that by the end of the 6th month - 13.3%. It was the same for groups I and II and significantly lower than in groups III and IV; higher in women, in patients over 65 years of age, with ejection fraction (EF) <35.0% and with thrombotic occlusion of LM and LAD

    LipidXplorer: A Software for Consensual Cross-Platform Lipidomics

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    LipidXplorer is the open source software that supports the quantitative characterization of complex lipidomes by interpreting large datasets of shotgun mass spectra. LipidXplorer processes spectra acquired on any type of tandem mass spectrometers; it identifies and quantifies molecular species of any ionizable lipid class by considering any known or assumed molecular fragmentation pathway independently of any resource of reference mass spectra. It also supports any shotgun profiling routine, from high throughput top-down screening for molecular diagnostic and biomarker discovery to the targeted absolute quantification of low abundant lipid species. Full documentation on installation and operation of LipidXplorer, including tutorial, collection of spectra interpretation scripts, FAQ and user forum are available through the wiki site at: https://wiki.mpi-cbg.de/wiki/lipidx/index.php/Main_Page

    Characters of the Positive Energy UIRs of D=4 Conformal Supersymmetry

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    We give character formulae for the positive energy unitary irreducible representations of the N-extended D=4 conformal superalgebras su(2,2/N). Using these we also derive decompositions of long superfields as they descend to the unitarity threshold. These results are also applicable to irreps of the complex Lie superalgebras sl(4/N). Our derivations use results from the representation theory of su(2,2/N) developed already in the 80s.Comment: 81 pages, input files: harvmac, amssym.def, amssym.tex; corrected presentation on odd reflection

    Development and psychometric properties of the “Suicidality: Treatment Occurring in Paediatrics (STOP) Risk and Resilience Factors Scales” in adolescents

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    Suicidality in the child and adolescent population is a major public health concern. There is, however, a lack of developmentally sensitive valid and reliable instruments that can capture data on risk, and clinical and psychosocial mediators of suicidality in young people. In this study, we aimed to develop and assess the validity of instruments evaluating the psychosocial risk and protective factors for suicidal behaviours in the adolescent population. In Phase 1, based on a systematic literature review of suicidality, focus groups, and expert panel advice, the risk factors and protective factors (resilience factors) were identified and the adolescent, parent, and clinician versions of the STOP-Suicidality Risk Factors Scale (STOP-SRiFS) and the Resilience Factors Scale (STOP-SReFS) were developed. Phase 2 involved instrument validation and comprised of two samples (Sample 1 and 2). Sample 1 consisted of 87 adolescents, their parents/carers, and clinicians from the various participating centres, and Sample 2 consisted of three sub-samples: adolescents (n = 259) who completed STOP-SRiFS and/or the STOP-SReFS scales, parents (n = 213) who completed one or both of the scales, and the clinicians who completed the scales (n = 254). The STOP-SRiFS demonstrated a good construct validity—the Cronbach Alpha for the adolescent (α = 0.864), parent (α = 0.842), and clinician (α = 0.722) versions of the scale. Test–retest reliability, inter-rater reliability, and content validity were good for all three versions of the STOP-SRiFS. The sub-scales generated using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) were the (1) anxiety and depression risk, (2) substance misuse risk, (3) interpersonal risk, (4) chronic risk, and (5) risk due to life events. For the STOP-SRiFS, statistically significant correlations were found between the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) total score and the adolescent, parent, and clinical versions of the STOP-SRiFS sub-scale scores. The STOP-SRiFS showed good psychometric properties. This study demonstrated a good construct validity for the STOP-SReFS—the Cronbach Alpha for the three versions were good (adolescent: α = 0.775; parent: α = 0.808; α = clinician: 0.808). EFA for the adolescent version of the STOP-SReFS, which consists of 9 resilience factors domains, generated two factors (1) interpersonal resilience and (2) cognitive resilience. The STOP-SReFS Cognitive Resilience sub-scale for the adolescent was negatively correlated (r = −&nbsp;0.275) with the C-SSRS total score, showing that there was lower suicidality in those with greater Cognitive Resilience. The STOP-SReFS Interpersonal resilience sub-scale correlations were all negative, but none of them were significantly different to the C-SSRS total scores for either the adolescent, parent, or clinician versions of the scales. This is not surprising, because the items in this sub-scale capture a much larger time-scale, compared to the C-SSRS rating period. The STOP-SReFS showed good psychometric properties. The STOP-SRiFS and STOP-SReFS are instruments that can be used in future studies about suicidality in children and adolescents

    Development and psychometric properties of the “Suicidality:Treatment Occurring in Paediatrics (STOP) Risk and Resilience Factors Scales” in adolescents

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    Suicidality in the child and adolescent population is a major public health concern. There is, however, a lack of developmentally sensitive valid and reliable instruments that can capture data on risk, and clinical and psychosocial mediators of suicidality in young people. In this study, we aimed to develop and assess the validity of instruments evaluating the psychosocial risk and protective factors for suicidal behaviours in the adolescent population. In Phase 1, based on a systematic literature review of suicidality, focus groups, and expert panel advice, the risk factors and protective factors (resilience factors) were identified and the adolescent, parent, and clinician versions of the STOP-Suicidality Risk Factors Scale (STOP-SRiFS) and the Resilience Factors Scale (STOP-SReFS) were developed. Phase 2 involved instrument validation and comprised of two samples (Sample 1 and 2). Sample 1 consisted of 87 adolescents, their parents/carers, and clinicians from the various participating centres, and Sample 2 consisted of three sub-samples: adolescents (n = 259) who completed STOP-SRiFS and/or the STOP-SReFS scales, parents (n = 213) who completed one or both of the scales, and the clinicians who completed the scales (n = 254). The STOP-SRiFS demonstrated a good construct validity—the Cronbach Alpha for the adolescent (α = 0.864), parent (α = 0.842), and clinician (α = 0.722) versions of the scale. Test–retest reliability, inter-rater reliability, and content validity were good for all three versions of the STOP-SRiFS. The sub-scales generated using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) were the (1) anxiety and depression risk, (2) substance misuse risk, (3) interpersonal risk, (4) chronic risk, and (5) risk due to life events. For the STOP-SRiFS, statistically significant correlations were found between the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) total score and the adolescent, parent, and clinical versions of the STOP-SRiFS sub-scale scores. The STOP-SRiFS showed good psychometric properties. This study demonstrated a good construct validity for the STOP-SReFS—the Cronbach Alpha for the three versions were good (adolescent: α = 0.775; parent: α = 0.808; α = clinician: 0.808). EFA for the adolescent version of the STOP-SReFS, which consists of 9 resilience factors domains, generated two factors (1) interpersonal resilience and (2) cognitive resilience. The STOP-SReFS Cognitive Resilience sub-scale for the adolescent was negatively correlated (r = −&nbsp;0.275) with the C-SSRS total score, showing that there was lower suicidality in those with greater Cognitive Resilience. The STOP-SReFS Interpersonal resilience sub-scale correlations were all negative, but none of them were significantly different to the C-SSRS total scores for either the adolescent, parent, or clinician versions of the scales. This is not surprising, because the items in this sub-scale capture a much larger time-scale, compared to the C-SSRS rating period. The STOP-SReFS showed good psychometric properties. The STOP-SRiFS and STOP-SReFS are instruments that can be used in future studies about suicidality in children and adolescents

    Перший досвід виїзних педіатричних паліативних бригад в Україні

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    The aim of the study was to identify needs among young children with life-limiting diseases under 4 years old and their parents living in rural area of Kharkiv region Ukraine during home visiting.Materials and methods. After the creation of the first mobile pediatric palliative team, we reviewed the visits of 31 families at home to define their clinical, and psychological, and social needs. The first mobile pediatric palliative care team has been created for 2015. 31 families who have young children with life –threating diseases were visited to determine their clinical, and psychological, and social needs.Results. All children (31) had severe pathology of the central nervous system: congenital birth defects (29 %); cerebral palsy (35.4 %); genetic disorders (12.9 %). Parental and children’s needs were divided into three categories. Medical needs: orthopedic (93.5 %), vaccination (93.5 %), food (80.6 %), posture (61.3 %), salivation (32.2 %), anticonvulsant therapy (16 %). Psychological problems: communication with siblings (100 %); socialization of children (90.3 %); sensory activity (83.8 %), parental relationships (74.2 %). Social issues: the need for support/social worker or volunteers (58.1 %), poverty (58.1 %), communication with local rehabilitation centers (54.8 %), the need for medical equipment (41.9 %).Along with high medical, social and psychological needs of children with incurable diseases, both they and their families feel the lack of pediatric palliative care, and at present they have no access to it. The authors suggest that pediatric palliative care in Ukraine requires its development, application and inclusion in the general health care at all levels of the health system. The establishment of a national concept of modern educational programs, protocols and standards, dissemination of public information communities is also very necessary due to author’s point of view.Conclusions. Mobile team that performs home visits may be one of the best ways to start creation of the pediatric palliative care services.Цель работы – определить потребности среди детей младшего возраста с неизлечимыми заболеваниями в возрасте до 4 лет и их родителей, проживающих в сельской местности Харьковской области Украины, с помощью домашних визитов.Материалы и методы. В течение 2015 года созданы первые мобильные бригады педиатрической паллиативной помощи. Совершили визиты в 31 семью, имеющую детей раннего возраста с неизлечимыми заболеваниями, для определения их клинических, психологических и социальных потребностей.Результаты. Все дети (31) имели тяжёлую патологию центральной нервной системы: врождённые пороки развития (29 %); церебральный паралич (35,4 %); генетические расстройства (12,9 %). Родительские и детские потребности разделили на три категории. Медицинские нужды: ортопедические (93,5 %), вакцинация (93,5 %), питание (80,6 %), поза (61,3 %), слюнотечение (32,2 %), противосудорожная терапия (16 %). Психологические проблемы: коммуникации с братьями и сёстрами (100 %), социализация детей (90,3 %), сенсорная активность (83,8 %), родительские отношения (74,2 %). Социальные вопросы: необходимость поддержки/социального работника или волонтёров (58,1 %), бедность (58,1 %), связь с местными реабилитационными центрами (54,8 %), потребность в медицинском оборудовании (41,9 %). Наряду с высокими медицинскими, социальными и психологическими потребностями детей с неизлечимыми болезнями, им и их семьям не хватает педиатрической паллиативной помощи, и на данный момент у них отсутствует доступ к ней.Авторы предполагают, что развитие детской паллиативной помощи в Украине требует разработки, внедрения и включения её в структуру общей медицинской помощи на всех уровнях системы здравоохранения, а также создания национальной концепции, современных образовательных программ, протоколов и стандартов, распространения информации среди населения.Выводы. Выездная палиативная бригада может быть одним из оптимальных способов начала создания службы педиатрической паллиативной помощи в условиях низких доходов и ресурсов страны.Мета роботи – визначити потреби серед дітей молодшого віку з невиліковними захворюваннями у віці до 4 років та їхніх батьків, які проживають у сільській місцевості Харківської області, за допомогою домашніх візитів.Матеріали та методи. Протягом 2015 року створені перші мобільні команди дитячої паліативної допомоги. Здійснили візити до 31 родини, які виховують дітей раннього віку з невиліковними захворюваннями, для визначення їхніх клінічних, психологічних, соціальних потреб.Результати. Діти (31) мали тяжку патологію центральної нервової системи: вроджені вади розвитку (29 %), церебральний параліч (35,4 %), генетичні розлади (12,9 %). Батьківські та дитячі потреби поділи на три категорії. Медичні потреби: ортопедичні (93,5 %), вакцинація (93,5 %), харчування (80,6 %), поза (61,3 %), слинотеча (32,2 %), протисудомна терапія (16 %). Психологічні проблеми: комунікації з братами та сестрами (100 %); соціалізація дітей (90,3 %); сенсорна активність (83,8 %), батьківські стосунки (74,2 %). Соціальні питання: необхідність підтримки/соціального працівника або волонтерів (58,1 %), бідність (58,1 %), зв'язок із місцевими реабілітаційними центрами (54,8 %), потреба в медичному обладнанні (41,9 %). Незважаючи на високі медичні, соціальні та психологічні потреби, дітям із невиліковними захворюваннями бракує інфраструктури педіатричної паліативної допомоги, натепер у них відсутній доступ до неї.Автори припускають, що розвиток дитячої паліативної допомоги в Україні вимагає розробки, впровадження на національному рівні та включення до загальної медичної допомоги на всіх рівнях системи охорони здоров’я шляхом створення національної концепції, сучасних освітніх програм, протоколів і стандартів, поширення інформації серед населення громад.Висновки. Мобільна виїзна бригада може бути одним з оптимальних способів початку створення служби педіатричної паліативної допомоги в умовах низьких доходів і ресурсів країни.

    Regional renal venous hypertension and left-sided varicocele

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    One of the most frequent correctable causes of male infertility is a varicocele. The etiology and pathogenesis of varicocele to date is a matter of debate. The aim of our study was to determine the causes and incidence of regional renal hypertension in patients with leftsided varicocele. The study involved 110 patients with left-sided varicocele in age from 18 to 35 years. Algorithm for evaluation of patients with left-sided varicocele included: physical examination, ultrasound with Doppler kidney, basin area left renal vein, aorto-mesenteric portion; the scrotum with a sample Trombetta, phlebography аnd phlebotonometry basin left renal vein and the common iliac vein. Renospermatic reflux was detected in 89 (81 %), ileospermatic 12 (11 %) and mixed 9 (8 %) patients. Patients with reflux ileospermatic excluded from the study. The 96 patients with left-sided varicocele underwent venography and phlebotonometry in 37 (38.5 %) were renal venous hypertension, with 35 of them that it was due to aorto-mesenteric compression, and in 2 cases an anomaly development – annular renal vein. Our data are comparable with the results of other authors. Patients with mesenteric compressed statistically significant reduction in the diameter of renal veins in the aorto-mesenteric portion and increased blood flow in this region, and expand prestenosis left renal vein and reduce flow velocity in this region compared with the group without renal phlebohypertension. Patients with renal phlebohypertension subsequently held shunt types of operations performed in patients with normotension occlusive types of operations. An integrated assessment of patients with left-side allows to make a holistic understanding of the basic mechanisms of disease etiology and select the appropriate type of surgery.</em

    Regional renal venous hypertension and left-sided varicocele

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    One of the most frequent correctable causes of male infertility is a varicocele. The etiology and pathogenesis of varicocele to date is a matter of debate. The aim of our study was to determine the causes and incidence of regional renal hypertension in patients with leftsided varicocele. The study involved 110 patients with left-sided varicocele in age from 18 to 35 years. Algorithm for evaluation of patients with left-sided varicocele included: physical examination, ultrasound with Doppler kidney, basin area left renal vein, aorto-mesenteric portion; the scrotum with a sample Trombetta, phlebography аnd phlebotonometry basin left renal vein and the common iliac vein. Renospermatic reflux was detected in 89 (81 %), ileospermatic 12 (11 %) and mixed 9 (8 %) patients. Patients with reflux ileospermatic excluded from the study. The 96 patients with left-sided varicocele underwent venography and phlebotonometry in 37 (38.5 %) were renal venous hypertension, with 35 of them that it was due to aorto-mesenteric compression, and in 2 cases an anomaly development – annular renal vein. Our data are comparable with the results of other authors. Patients with mesenteric compressed statistically significant reduction in the diameter of renal veins in the aorto-mesenteric portion and increased blood flow in this region, and expand prestenosis left renal vein and reduce flow velocity in this region compared with the group without renal phlebohypertension. Patients with renal phlebohypertension subsequently held shunt types of operations performed in patients with normotension occlusive types of operations. An integrated assessment of patients with left-side allows to make a holistic understanding of the basic mechanisms of disease etiology and select the appropriate type of surgery