483 research outputs found

    Transfer of Cd, Pb, Ra and U from Phosphogypsum Amended Soils to Tomato Plants

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    About 170 million tons of phosphogypsum (PG) are annually generated worldwide as a by-product of phosphoric acid factories. Agricultural uses of PG could become the main sink for this waste, which usually contains significant radionuclide (from the 238U-series) and toxic metals concentrations. To study PG effects on pollutant uptake by crops, a completely randomised greenhouse experiment was carried out growing Lycopersicum esculentum Mill L. on a reclaimed marsh soil amended with three PG rates (treatments), corresponding to zero (control without PG application), one, three and ten times the typical PG rates used in SW Spain (20 Mg ha−1). The concentrations of Cd, Pb, U (by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy) and 226Ra and 210Po (by γ-spectrometry and α-counting, respectively) were determined in soil, vegetal tissue and draining water. Cadmium concentrations in fruit increased with PG rates, reaching 44 ± 7 μg kg−1 formula weight with ten PG rates (being 50 μg kg−1 the maximum allowed concentration by EC 1881/2006 regulation). Cd transfer factors in non-edible parts were as high as 4.8 ± 0.5 (dry weight (d.w.)), two orders of magnitude higher than values found for lead, lead, uranium and radium concentrations in fruit remained below the corresponding detection limits—0.5 and 0.25 mg kg−1 and 0.6 mBq kg−1, respectively (in a d.w. basis). 238U (up to 7 μg kg−1 d.w.) and 210Po (up to 0.74 Bq kg−1 d.w.) could be measured in some fruit samples by α-spectrometry. Overall, the concentrations of these metals and radionuclides in the draining water accounted for less than 1% of the amount applied with PGJunta de Andalucía IFAPA-C03

    Genetic structure, relationships and admixture with wild relatives in native pig breeds from Iberia and its islands

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    Articles in International JournalsBackground: Native pig breeds in the Iberian Peninsula are broadly classified as belonging to either the Celtic or the Mediterranean breed groups, but there are other local populations that do not fit into any of these groups. Most of the native pig breeds in Iberia are in danger of extinction, and the assessment of their genetic diversity and population structure, relationships and possible admixture between breeds, and the appraisal of conservation alternatives are crucial to adopt appropriate management strategies. Methods: A panel of 24 microsatellite markers was used to genotype 844 animals representing the 17 most important native swine breeds and wild populations existing in Portugal and Spain and various statistical tools were applied to analyze the results. Results: Genetic diversity was high in the breeds studied, with an overall mean of 13.6 alleles per locus and an average expected heterozygosity of 0.80. Signs of genetic bottlenecks were observed in breeds with a small census size, and population substructure was present in some of the breeds with larger census sizes. Variability among breeds accounted for about 20% of the total genetic diversity, and was explained mostly by differences among the Celtic, Mediterranean and Basque breed groups, rather than by differences between domestic and wild pigs. Breeds clustered closely according to group, and proximity was detected between wild pigs and the Mediterranean cluster of breeds. Most breeds had their own structure and identity, with very little evidence of admixture, except for the Retinto and Entrepelado varieties of the Mediterranean group, which are very similar. Genetic influence of the identified breed clusters extends beyond the specific geographical areas across borders throughout the Iberian Peninsula, with a very sharp transition from one breed group to another. Analysis of conservation priorities confirms that the ranking of a breed for conservation depends on the emphasis placed on its contribution to the betweenand within-breed components of genetic diversity. Conclusions: Native pig breeds in Iberia reveal high levels of genetic diversity, a solid breed structure and a clear organization in well-defined clusters

    Tasa de concepción y condición corporal al momento de la inseminación artificial en ganado Holstein en crianza intensiva de un establo de Lima

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    The study aimed to determine the effect of body condition score (SCC) at the time of artificial insemination on the conception rate (TC) of Holstein cows raised under an intensive system. In total, 1851 inseminations from dairy farm in Lima, Peru were evaluated. The SCC was evaluated through visual observation on a 1-5 scale, forming two groups: SCC <3 and SCC ≥3. The pregnancy diagnosis was made between days 35 and 42 post-service. Overall TC (GTC) and at first insemination were significantly higher in cows with SCC ≥3 than in cows with SCC <3 (p<0.01), with no significant differences at the second and third insemination. SCC had a significant effect on TC at first insemination in multiparous cows (p<0.05), but not in primiparous cows. The SCC did not have a significant effect on the GTC or at the first insemination in cows bred in times of heat stress (October-June), while the cows inseminated with SCC ≥3 during the thermal comfort season presented a better GTC and at the first insemination than those with SCC <3 (p<0.05). In conclusion, SCC at the time of artificial insemination has a significant effect on TC in cows reared in an intensive production system in Lima.El estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar el efecto del score de condición corporal (SCC) al momento de la inseminación artificial sobre la tasa de concepción (TC) de vacas Holstein criadas bajo un sistema intensivo. Se evaluaron 1851 inseminaciones de un establo de Lima, Perú. El SCC fue evaluado a través de observación visual en una escala de 1 al 5, formando dos grupos: SCC <3 y SCC ≥3. El diagnóstico de preñez se hizo entre los días 35 y 42 pos-servicio. La TC general (TCG) y a la primera inseminación fue significativamente superior en vacas con SCC ≥3 que en vacas con SCC <3 (p<0.01), sin diferencias significativas a la segunda y tercera inseminación. El SCC tuvo un efecto significativo sobre la TC a la primera inseminación en vacas multíparas (p<0.05), mas no en vacas primíparas. El SCC no tuvo un efecto significativo sobre la TCG ni a la primera inseminación en vacas servidas en épocas de estrés calórico (octubre-junio), en tanto que las vacas inseminadas con SCC ≥3 durante la época de confort térmico presentaron una mejor TCG y a la primera inseminación que aquellas con SCC <3 (p<0.05). En conclusión, el SCC al momento de la inseminación artificial tiene un efecto significativo sobre la TC en vacas criadas en un sistema de producción intensivo en Lima

    Las habilidades sociales y el uso de redes sociales virtuales en estudiantes universitarios de Lima Metropolitana

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    We studied the relationship between social skills and use of virtual social networks in students of a public university and a private one in the city of Lima. The sample were 1405 university students and it was an intentional non-probability type. The results indicate that there are negative and statistically significant correlations between total scale scores on social skills and addiction questionnaire to social networks, and in most of the factors of both instruments.Se estudió la relación entre las habilidades sociales y el uso de redes sociales virtuales en estudiantes de una universidad pública y una particular de Lima Metropolitana. Se trabajó con una muestra de 1405 estudiantes universitarios, obtenida a través de un muestreo no probabilístico de tipo intencionado. Los resultados observados indican que existen correlaciones negativas y estadísticamente significativas entre los puntajes totales de la Escala de Habilidades Sociales y los del Cuestionario de Adicción a las Redes Sociales, así como en la mayoría de los factores de ambos instrumentos.   &nbsp

    Isquemia mesentérica: manejo endovascular

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    Mesenteric ischaemia is a condition that may be very severe and potentially lethal particularly in the acute presentation. Early treatment is crucial. We present four consecutive cases managed by our team with thrombosis or dissection or aneurysm of the superior mesenteric artery and the celiac trunk reviewing indications and treatment implemented. Multiple successful endovascular procedures were used in all cases avoiding progression to lethal consequences. None of the patients required an open surgical procedure. Therefore, endovascular procedures are feasible in these patients avoiding intestinal necrosis as well as the need for open surgeries.La isquemia mesentérica es una condición que puede volverse muy grave y ser letal, más aún en los casos agudos. Un tratamiento precoz es muy importante. Se presentaron cuatro casos consecutivos tratados por nuestro equipo con trombosis, o disección o aneurismas de arterias mesentérica superior y tronco celíaco, se revisaron las indicaciones y se evaluaron los tratamientos llevados a cabo. Se utilizaron procedimientos endovasculares en todos, técnicamente en forma exitosa, evitando que progrese a un desenlace peligroso. Hubo diversidad de técnicas endovasculares adaptándolas a cada caso. En ningún paciente se requirió un acceso quirúrgico abierto para completar el tratamiento realizando las intervenciones prontas. El manejo endovascular de las lesiones mesentéricas es factible y replicable, y en nuestros casos podría haber prevenido una necrosis intestinal así como la necesidad de cirugías resectivas

    Project overview and update on WEAVE: the next generation wide-field spectroscopy facility for the William Herschel Telescope

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    We present an overview of and status report on the WEAVE next-generation spectroscopy facility for the William Herschel Telescope (WHT). WEAVE principally targets optical ground-based follow up of upcoming ground-based (LOFAR) and space-based (Gaia) surveys. WEAVE is a multi-object and multi-IFU facility utilizing a new 2-degree prime focus field of view at the WHT, with a buffered pick-and-place positioner system hosting 1000 multi-object (MOS) fibres, 20 integral field units, or a single large IFU for each observation. The fibres are fed to a single spectrograph, with a pair of 8k(spectral) x 6k (spatial) pixel cameras, located within the WHT GHRIL enclosure on the telescope Nasmyth platform, supporting observations at R~5000 over the full 370-1000nm wavelength range in a single exposure, or a high resolution mode with limited coverage in each arm at R~20000. The project is now in the final design and early procurement phase, with commissioning at the telescope expected in 2017.Comment: 11 pages, 11 Figures, Summary of a presentation to Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 201

    The anti-aging factor Klotho protects against acquired long QT syndrome induced by uremia and promoted by fibroblast growth factor 23

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    [Background]: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with increased propensity for arrhythmias. In this context, ventricular repolarization alterations have been shown to predispose to fatal arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. Between mineral bone disturbances in CKD patients, increased fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 23 and decreased Klotho are emerging as important effectors of cardiovascular disease. However, the relationship between imbalanced FGF23-Klotho axis and the development of cardiac arrhythmias in CKD remains unknown. [Methods]: We carried out a translational approach to study the relationship between the FGF23–Klotho signaling axis and acquired long QT syndrome in CKD-associated uremia. FGF23 levels and cardiac repolarization dynamics were analyzed in patients with dialysis-dependent CKD and in uremic mouse models of 5/6 nephrectomy (Nfx) and Klotho deficiency (hypomorphism), which show very high systemic FGF23 levels. [Results]: Patients in the top quartile of FGF23 levels had a higher occurrence of very long QT intervals (> 490 ms) than peers in the lowest quartile. Experimentally, FGF23 induced QT prolongation in healthy mice. Similarly, alterations in cardiac repolarization and QT prolongation were observed in Nfx mice and in Klotho hypomorphic mice. QT prolongation in Nfx mice was explained by a significant decrease in the fast transient outward potassium (K+) current (Itof), caused by the downregulation of K+ channel 4.2 subunit (Kv4.2) expression. Kv4.2 expression was also significantly reduced in ventricular cardiomyocytes exposed to FGF23. Enhancing Klotho availability prevented both long QT prolongation and reduced Itof current. Likewise, administration of recombinant Klotho blocked the downregulation of Kv4.2 expression in Nfx mice and in FGF23-exposed cardiomyocytes. [Conclusion]: The FGF23–Klotho axis emerges as a new therapeutic target to prevent acquired long QT syndrome in uremia by minimizing the predisposition to potentially fatal ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death in patients with CKD.This work was supported by projects from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (PI17/01093, PI17/01193, PI20/00763, CP15/00129, F18/00261, CPII20/00022, SAF2017-84777-R, PID2020-113238RB-I00), from the Sociedad Española de Cardiología (SEC), and from the Fundación Renal Íñigo Alvarez de Toledo (FRIAT), co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (Fondos FEDER)

    Autogenic Training Relaxation Helping Postpartum Mothers to Achieve Successful Breastfeeding on Early Lactation Period

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    Introduction: The numbers of breastfeeding failures are mostly caused by mothers` disbelief to themselves. One method that can be done to overcome these problems in accordance with the self-care nursing theory is the autogenic training relaxation. This method teaches mothers to be self-sufficient in building a positive intention and motivation to help the process of breastfeeding. This study aimed to examine the influence of autogenic training relaxation to the effectiveness of breastfeeding and the enhancement of breast milk volume on maternal postpartum. Method: By using an experimental posttest only-non equivalent control group design, 26 samples were taken based on the criteria and divided into two groups by matching technuiqe. autogenic training was given through MP3 Player for 3 weeks. Post-test observation conducted on the third week by home visit. Via Christi Breastfeeding Assessment Tool Jan Riordan modifications used to assess the effectiveness of breastfeeding, and to measure the milk ejection volume, used weighing test using electronic baby scales. Data were analyzed using one-tailed independent t test with α ≤ 0.05. Result: The analysis showed that mothers who did autogenic training relaxation could breastfeed more effectively and had greater average volume of milk ejection than the control group (p = 0.000 and p = 0.001). Discussion: It can be concluded that autogenic relaxation training techniques affect the effectiveness of breastfeeding and breast milk volume. These results can be considered that autogenic training as an intervention in program of support for breastfeeding mothers

    Direct evidence for phosphorus limitation on Amazon forest productivity

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    The productivity of rainforests growing on highly weathered tropical soils is expected to be limited by phosphorus availability1. Yet, controlled fertilization experiments have been unable to demonstrate a dominant role for phosphorus in controlling tropical forest net primary productivity. Recent syntheses have demonstrated that responses to nitrogen addition are as large as to phosphorus2, and adaptations to low phosphorus availability appear to enable net primary productivity to be maintained across major soil phosphorus gradients3. Thus, the extent to which phosphorus availability limits tropical forest productivity is highly uncertain. The majority of the Amazonia, however, is characterized by soils that are more depleted in phosphorus than those in which most tropical fertilization experiments have taken place2. Thus, we established a phosphorus, nitrogen and base cation addition experiment in an old growth Amazon rainforest, with a low soil phosphorus content that is representative of approximately 60% of the Amazon basin. Here we show that net primary productivity increased exclusively with phosphorus addition. After 2 years, strong responses were observed in fine root (+29%) and canopy productivity (+19%), but not stem growth. The direct evidence of phosphorus limitation of net primary productivity suggests that phosphorus availability may restrict Amazon forest responses to CO2 fertilization4, with major implications for future carbon sequestration and forest resilience to climate change.The authors acknowledge funding from the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), grant number NE/L007223/1. This is publication 850 in the technical series of the BDFFP. C.A.Q. acknowledges the grants from Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) CNPq/LBA 68/2013, CNPq/MCTI/FNDCT no. 18/2021 and his productivity grant. C.A.Q., H.F.V.C., F.D.S., I.A., L.F.L., E.O.M. and S.G. acknowledge the AmazonFACE programme for financial support in cooperation with Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and the National Institute of Amazonian Research as part of the grants CAPES-INPA/88887.154643/2017-00 and 88881.154644/2017-01. T.F.D. acknowledges funds from FundacAo de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de SAo Paulo (FAPESP), grant 2015/50488-5, and the Partnership for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) programme grant AID-OAA-A-11-00012. L.E.O.C.A. thanks CNPq (314416/2020-0)