126 research outputs found

    Gender differences in barriers to participation in after-school physical activities and related factors in Australian schoolchildren:a cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: This study investigated the gender differences in reported barriers to participation in after‐school physical activity (PA) and related health and socio‐behavioural factors in Australian schoolchildren. Methods: 5001 students aged 10 to 16 years completed the health and well‐being survey in 2014 indicating that they would like to participate in after‐school PA. Negative binomial regression models, stratified by gender, tested the relationship of age, reported health, junk food, participation in leisure PA, TV watching, weight status and socio‐economic index for area score (related factors) with the total number of barriers. Results: Girls were more likely to report a greater number of barriers to participation in after‐school PA than boys (p<0.05). Older age was associated with a higher number of barriers in girls (B(95%CI) = 1.061 (1.032, 1.090)) but not in boys. In both boys and girls, being overweight (boys: very overweight (1.367 (1.081, 1.730)); girls: slightly overweight (1.186 (1.100, 1.278)) or very overweight (1.414 (1.197, 1.667)), compared to students that reported ‘being about the right weight’, was associated with a greater number of barriers. Schoolchildren who reported less than excellent health status perceived a greater number of barriers to after‐school PA (girls: good (1.141 (1.060, 1.228)), fair (1.189 (1.070, 1.321)) and poor health (1.329 (1.093, 1.614)), boys: good health (1.166 (1.0728, 1.267))). Conclusions: There are gender differences in barriers to participation in after‐school PA; these should be taken into account when developing programs to increase schoolchildren’s after‐school PA. So what: The prevalence of physical inactivity in Australian adolescents is staggering. We observed that girls reported a greater number of barriers to participation in after‐school PA than boys; and being overweight and reporting poorer overall health was associated with a greater number of barriers. Affordable, gender‐ and age‐specific after‐school PA programs suitable for schoolchildren of all sizes and abilities are needed

    A qualitative study of decision-making and safety in ambulance service transitions

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    Background Decisions made by front-line ambulance staff are often time critical and based on limited information, but wrong decisions in this context could have serious consequences for patients. There has been little research carried out in the ambulance service setting to identify areas of risk associated with decisions about patient care. Aim The aim of this study was to qualitatively examine potential system-wide influences on decision-making in the ambulance service setting and to identify useful areas for future research and intervention. Methods We used a multisite, multimethod qualitative approach across three ambulance service trusts. In phase 1 we carried out 16 interviews to contextualise the study and provide discussion points for phase 2. For phase 2, university and ambulance service researchers observed paramedics on 34 shifts and 10 paramedics completed ‘digital diaries’ that reported challenges to decision-making or to patient safety. Six focus groups were held, three with staff (n = 21) and three with service users (n = 23). From observation and diary data we developed a typology of decisions made at the scene. Data from these and other sources were also coded within a human factors framework and then thematically analysed to identify influences on those decisions. In phase 3, workshops were held at each site to allow participants and stakeholders (n = 45) to comment on the study findings. Participants were asked to rank influences on decisions using a ‘paired comparison’ method. Results Interviews provided the context for further qualitative exploration. Nine types of decision were identified from observations and digital diaries, ranging from emergency department conveyance and specialist emergency pathways to non-conveyance. A synthesis of findings from the observations, diaries and staff focus groups revealed seven overarching system influences on decision-making and potential risk factors: meeting increasing demand for emergency care; impacts of performance regime and priorities on service delivery; access to appropriate care options; disproportionate risk aversion; education, training and professional development for crews; communication and feedback to crews; and ambulance service resources. Safety culture issues were also identified. Data from the service user focus groups reflected similar issues to those identified from the staff focus groups. Service user concerns included call handling and communication, triage, patient involvement in decisions, balancing demand, resources, access to care, risk aversion, geographical location and vulnerable patients. Group discussions highlighted a lack of awareness by the public of how best to use emergency and urgent care services. Workshop attendees were satisfied that the findings reflected relevant issues. The two issues ranked highest for warranting attention were staff training and development and access to alternative care. Conclusions Multiple qualitative methods allowed a range of perspectives to be accessed and validation of issues across perspectives. Recommendations for future research include exploring effective ways of providing access to alternative care pathways to accident and emergency, assessing public awareness and expectations of ambulance and related services, exploring safe ways of improving telephone triage decisions and assessing the effects of different staff skill levels on patient safety

    Atomic-resolution visualization and doping effects of complex structures in intercalated bilayer graphene

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    Molecules intercalating two-dimensional materials form complex structures that have been characterized primarily by spatially averaged techniques. Here we use aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy and density-functional-theory (DFT) calculations to study the atomic structure of bilayer graphene (BLG) and few-layer graphene (FLG) intercalated with FeCl3. In BLG, we discover two distinct intercalated structures that we identify as monolayer FeCl3 and monolayer FeCl2. The two structures are separated by atomically sharp boundaries and induce large free-carrier densities on the order of 1013cm−2 in the graphene layers. In FLG, we observe multiple FeCl3 layers stacked in a variety of possible configurations with respect to one another. Finally, we find that the microscope's electron beam can convert the FeCl3 monolayer into FeOCl monolayers in a rectangular lattice. These results reveal the need for a combination of atomically resolved microscopy, spectroscopy, and DFT calculations to identify intercalated structures and study their properties

    Thermal conductivity of amorphous carbon thin films

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    Thermal conductivities Λ\Lambda of amorphous carbon thin films are measured in the temperatures range 80--400 K using the 3ω3\omega method. Sample films range from soft a-C:H prepared by remote-plasma deposition (Λ=0.20\Lambda = 0.20 W m−1^{-1} K−1^{-1} at room temperature) to amorphous diamond with a large fraction of sp3sp^3 bonded carbon deposited from a filtered-arc source (Λ=2.2\Lambda = 2.2 W m−1^{-1} K−1^{-1}). Effective-medium theory provides a phenomenological description of the variation of conductivity with mass density. The thermal conductivities are in good agreement with the minimum thermal conductivity calculated from the measured atomic density and longitudinal speed of sound.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Multiple triangulation and collaborative research using qualitative methods to explore decision making in pre-hospital emergency care.

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    BACKGROUND: Paramedics make important and increasingly complex decisions at scene about patient care. Patient safety implications of influences on decision making in the pre-hospital setting were previously under-researched. Cutting edge perspectives advocate exploring the whole system rather than individual influences on patient safety. Ethnography (the study of people and cultures) has been acknowledged as a suitable method for identifying health care issues as they occur within the natural context. In this paper we compare multiple methods used in a multi-site, qualitative study that aimed to identify system influences on decision making. METHODS: The study was conducted in three NHS Ambulance Trusts in England and involved researchers from each Trust working alongside academic researchers. Exploratory interviews with key informants e.g. managers (n = 16) and document review provided contextual information. Between October 2012 and July 2013 researchers observed 34 paramedic shifts and ten paramedics provided additional accounts via audio-recorded 'digital diaries' (155 events). Three staff focus groups (total n = 21) and three service user focus groups (total n = 23) explored a range of experiences and perceptions. Data collection and analysis was carried out by academic and ambulance service researchers as well as service users. Workshops were held at each site to elicit feedback on the findings and facilitate prioritisation of issues identified. RESULTS: The use of a multi-method qualitative approach allowed cross-validation of important issues for ambulance service staff and service users. A key factor in successful implementation of the study was establishing good working relationships with academic and ambulance service teams. Enrolling at least one research lead at each site facilitated the recruitment process as well as study progress. Active involvement with the study allowed ambulance service researchers and service users to gain a better understanding of the research process. Feedback workshops allowed stakeholders to discuss and prioritise findings as well as identify new research areas. CONCLUSION: Combining multiple qualitative methods with a collaborative research approach can facilitate exploration of system influences on patient safety in under-researched settings. The paper highlights empirical issues, strengths and limitations for this approach. Feedback workshops were effective for verifying findings and prioritising areas for future intervention and research

    Primitive layered gabbros from fast-spreading lower oceanic crust

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    Three-quarters of the oceanic crust formed at fast-spreading ridges is composed of plutonic rocks whose mineral assemblages, textures and compositions record the history of melt transport and crystallization between the mantle and the sea floor. Despite the importance of these rocks, sampling them in situ is extremely challenging owing to the overlying dykes and lavas. This means that models for understanding the formation of the lower crust are based largely on geophysical studies and ancient analogues (ophiolites) that did not form at typical mid-ocean ridges. Here we describe cored intervals of primitive, modally layered gabbroic rocks from the lower plutonic crust formed at a fast-spreading ridge, sampled by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program at the Hess Deep rift. Centimetre-scale, modally layered rocks, some of which have a strong layering-parallel foliation, confirm a long-held belief that such rocks are a key constituent of the lower oceanic crust formed at fast-spreading ridges. Geochemical analysis of these primitive lower plutonic rocks-in combination with previous geochemical data for shallow-level plutonic rocks, sheeted dykes and lavas-provides the most completely constrained estimate of the bulk composition of fast-spreading oceanic crust so far. Simple crystallization models using this bulk crustal composition as the parental melt accurately predict the bulk composition of both the lavas and the plutonic rocks. However, the recovered plutonic rocks show early crystallization of orthopyroxene, which is not predicted by current models of melt extraction from the mantle and mid-ocean-ridge basalt differentiation. The simplest explanation of this observation is that compositionally diverse melts are extracted from the mantle and partly crystallize before mixing to produce the more homogeneous magmas that erupt

    ï»żBenthic megafauna of the western Clarion-Clipperton Zone, Pacific Ocean

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    There is a growing interest in the exploitation of deep-sea mineral deposits, particularly on the abyssal seafloor of the central Pacific Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ), which is rich in polymetallic nodules. In order to effectively manage potential exploitation activities, a thorough understanding of the biodiversity, community structure, species ranges, connectivity, and ecosystem functions across a range of scales is needed. The benthic megafauna plays an important role in the functioning of deep-sea ecosystems and represents an important component of the biodiversity. While megafaunal surveys using video and still images have provided insight into CCZ biodiversity, the collection of faunal samples is needed to confirm species identifications to accurately estimate species richness and species ranges, but faunal collections are very rarely carried out. Using a Remotely Operated Vehicle, 55 specimens of benthic megafauna were collected from seamounts and abyssal plains in three Areas of Particular Environmental Interest (APEI 1, APEI 4, and APEI 7) at 3100–5100 m depth in the western CCZ. Using both morphological and molecular evidence, 48 different morphotypes belonging to five phyla were found, only nine referrable to known species, and 39 species potentially new to science. This work highlights the need for detailed taxonomic studies incorporating genetic data, not only within the CCZ, but in other bathyal, abyssal, and hadal regions, as representative genetic reference libraries that could facilitate the generation of species inventories

    Mutational analysis of the tyrosine kinome in serous and clear cell endometrial cancer uncovers rare somatic mutations in TNK2 and DDR1

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    Background: Endometrial cancer (EC) is the 8th leading cause of cancer death amongst American women. Most ECs are endometrioid, serous, or clear cell carcinomas, or an admixture of histologies. Serous and clear ECs are clinically aggressive tumors for which alternative therapeutic approaches are needed. The purpose of this study was to search for somatic mutations in the tyrosine kinome of serous and clear cell ECs, because mutated kinases can point to potential therapeutic targets. Methods: In a mutation discovery screen, we PCR amplified and Sanger sequenced the exons encoding the catalytic domains of 86 tyrosine kinases from 24 serous, 11 clear cell, and 5 mixed histology ECs. For somatically mutated genes, we next sequenced the remaining coding exons from the 40 discovery screen tumors and sequenced all coding exons from another 72 ECs (10 clear cell, 21 serous, 41 endometrioid). We assessed the copy number of mutated kinases in this cohort of 112 tumors using quantitative real time PCR, and we used immunoblotting to measure expression of these kinases in endometrial cancer cell lines. Results: Overall, we identified somatic mutations in TNK2 (tyrosine kinase non-receptor, 2) and DDR1 (discoidin domain receptor tyrosine kinase 1) in 5.3% (6 of 112) and 2.7% (3 of 112) of ECs. Copy number gains of TNK2 and DDR1 were identified in another 4.5% and 0.9% of 112 cases respectively. Immunoblotting confirmed TNK2 and DDR1 expression in endometrial cancer cell lines. Three of five missense mutations in TNK2 and one of two missense mutations in DDR1 are predicted to impact protein function by two or more in silico algorithms. The TNK2P761Rfs*72 frameshift mutation was recurrent in EC, and the DDR1R570Q missense mutation was recurrent across tumor types. Conclusions: This is the first study to systematically search for mutations in the tyrosine kinome in clear cell endometrial tumors. Our findings indicate that high-frequency somatic mutations in the catalytic domains of the tyrosine kinome are rare in clear cell ECs. We uncovered ten new mutations in TNK2 and DDR1 within serous and endometrioid ECs, thus providing novel insights into the mutation spectrum of each gene in EC
