955 research outputs found

    Contract Governance and the Canadian Public Sector

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    This essay examines the changing character of public sector work in the Canadian federal public service context. It is based on an empirical examination of various forms of contractual relations currently operative within the Canadian state and on a comparative approach of other western liberal state reform initiatives. We argue that contract governance is an ongoing process involving distinct interrelations between the public and private sectors. In this context, we identify various forms of contract governance and flexibility schemes that have been enfolded and refolded into the conventional structures of governance, and unfolded into a liminal space between the state and civil society through the establishment of nonstandard work and the creation of alternative service delivery programmes

    Efficacy and safety of risperidone long-acting injection in elderly people with schizophrenia

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    Antipsychotic medication is the mainstay of treatment in elderly patients with psychosis. In recent years, second generation antipsychotics have come to be preferred. Long-acting risperidone is the first such antipsychotic available for use in this vulnerable group of patients and offers an attractive alternative to traditional medications. The available literature revealed that long-acting risperidone is generally well tolerated and is effective in treating both the positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Despite a lack of randomized trials and head-to-head studies, it appears to be a useful addition to the treatment armory for patients with chronic psychosis who require a depot preparation. Further research into its endocrine and metabolic side effects is needed

    Laser-Based Fabrication for Microfluidics Devices on Glass for Medical Applications

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    We report a laser-based process for microstructuring glass materials for microfluidics applications. The hybrid technique is composed of a nanosecond Q-Switch Nd:YVO4 laser for fabricating the initial microfluidic microstructures on soda-lime glass substrates and a thermal treatment for reshaping and improving its morphological and optical qualities. The proposed technique preserves the advantages of the laser direct-write technique in terms of design flexibility, simplicity, fast prototyping, low cost, and so on. The beam spot size, pulse overlapping, ablation threshold, debris deposition, heating temperature, and time are investigated and optimized for fabricating optimal microfluidics structures on glass. The manufactured chips for circulating tumor cells (CTCs) capture were tested with tumor cells (Hec 1A) after being functionalized with an EpCAM antibody coating. Cells were successfully arrested on the pillars after being flown through the device giving our technology a translational application in the field of cancer research

    Do bodybuilders use evidence-based nutrition strategies to manipulate physique?

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    Competitive bodybuilders undergo strict dietary and training practices to achieve an extremely lean and muscular physique. The purpose of this study was to identify and describe different dietary strategies used by bodybuilders, their rationale, and the sources of information from which these strategies are gathered. In-depth interviews were conducted with seven experienced (10.4 ± 3.4 years bodybuilding experience), male, natural bodybuilders. Participants were asked about training, dietary and supplement practices, and information resources for bodybuilding strategies. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. During the off-season, energy intake was higher and less restricted than during the in-season to aid in muscle hypertrophy. There was a focus on high protein intake with adequate carbohydrate to permit high training loads. To create an energy deficit and loss of fat mass, energy intake was gradually and progressively reduced during the in-season via a reduction in carbohydrate and fat intake. The rationale for weekly higher carbohydrate refeed days was to offset declines in metabolic rate and fatigue, while in the final “peak week” before competition, the reasoning for fluid and sodium manipulation and carbohydrate loading was to enhance the appearance of leanness and vascularity. Other bodybuilders, coaches and the internet were significant sources of information. Despite the common perception of extreme, non-evidence-based regimens, these bodybuilders reported predominantly using strategies which are recognized as evidence-based, developed over many years of experience. Additionally, novel strategies such as weekly refeed days to enhance fat loss, and sodium and fluid manipulation, warrant further investigation to evaluate their efficacy and safety

    Chromogranin/secretogranin proteins in murine heart: myocardial production of chromogranin A fragment catestatin (Chga364–384)

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    In the heart, the secretory granules containing the atrial natriuretic peptides (ANP) and B-type myocardial natriuretic peptide (BNP) provide the basis for the endocrine function of this organ. We sought to determine whether atrial and myocardial secretory granules contain chromogranin/secretogranin proteins including chromogranin A (CHGA/Chga), chromogranin B (CHGB/Chgb) and secretogranin II (SCG2/Scg2). Deconvolution microscopy on immunolabeled proteins revealed the presence of Chga, Chgb, and Scg2 in murine cardiac secretory granules. The presence of low plasma catestatin (CST: mChga364–384) in older mice indicates diminished processing of Chga to CST with advancement of age, which is comparable to that found in humans. We have previously shown that CST (hCHGA352–372) exerts potent cardio-suppressive effects on frog and rat heart, but the source of CST for such action has remained elusive. In the present study, we found CST-related peptides in cardiomyocytes and in heart, which establishes an autocrine/paracrine function of CST in cardiac tissue. We conclude that cardiac secretory granules contain Chga, Chgb and Scg2 and that Chga is processed to CST in murine heart

    Differentiating suicide attempters from suicide ideators using the Integrated Motivational-Volitional model of suicidal behaviour.

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    Background Suicidal behaviour is a significant public health concern, yet little is known about the factors that enable or impede behavioural enactment (engaging in a suicide attempt). Aims Drawing on the Integrated Motivational–Volitional (IMV) Model of Suicidal Behaviour (2011), this study examined the factors associated with having thoughts of suicide (ideation) versus those associated with suicide enaction (attempts). Within a multivariate context, it was predicted that the factors associated with ideation formation (motivational factors) would be distinct from those factors which governed behavioural enaction (volitional moderators). Method Healthy adults (N=1, 288) completed an anonymous self-report survey. Analyses compared three groups: suicide attempters (n=230), suicide ideators (n=583), and those without any suicide history (n=475). Results Suicide attempters differed from suicide ideators on all volitional factors (fearlessness about death, impulsivity, and exposure to suicidal behaviour), with the exception of discomfort tolerance. Compared to ideators, attempters were more likely to have a family member and close friend who had self-injured or attempted suicide, and were more impulsive and fearless about death. Conversely, the two suicide groups did not differ on any of the variables (motivational factors) associated with the development of thoughts of death by suicide. Limitations This is a cross-sectional study based on self-report measures. Conclusions Further research efforts to distinguish between suicide ideators and suicide attempters is crucial to inform the development of intervention and treatment approaches

    Progress of the European Metrology Network for Advanced Manufacturing

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    The European Metrology Network (EMN) for Advanced Manufacturing has been established in June 2021. Currently nine EMNs focussing on different important topics of strategic importance for Europe exist and form an integral part of EURAMET, the European Association of National Metrology Institutes (NMI). All EMNs are tasked to develop a high-level coordination of the metrology community in Europe in a close dialogue with the respective stakeholders. The development of a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) is a key task for all EMNs in their thematic areas as important input for the European Partnership on Metrology programme in alignment with other relevant European Partnerships. This task will be based on an analysis of the existing metrology infrastructure and capabilities of the NMIs, the metrology research needs for advanced manufacturing identified in close cooperation with industrial stakeholders and a resulting gap analysis. Here we report on the progress of the EMN for Advanced Manufacturing

    Heart Rate or Beta-Blocker Dose? Association With Outcomes in Ambulatory Heart Failure Patients With Systolic Dysfunction Results From the HF-ACTION Trial

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    AbstractObjectivesThis study aimed to compare whether reduced heart rate (HR) or higher beta-blocker (BB) dose affected outcomes to a greater extent in the HF-ACTION (Heart Failure: A Controlled Trial Investigating Outcomes of Exercise Training) trial population.BackgroundRecent data have shown that HR is an important modifiable factor in reducing mortality in heart failure (HF) patients. It has also been shown that titration of doses of BBs improves outcomes of morbidity and mortality in chronic HF patients with reduced ejection fraction. We aimed to compare whether reduced HR or higher BB dose affected outcomes to a greater extent in the HF-ACTION trial population.MethodsHF-ACTION was a randomized, multicenter trial enrolling 2,331 ambulatory HF patients with systolic dysfunction (New York Heart Association functional class II to IV, left ventricular ejection fraction <0.35) randomized to exercise training versus usual care, with median follow-up of 2.5 years. BB dose at baseline was standardized by use of carvedilol equivalents. BB dose and HR were analyzed by discrete groups (higher/lower dose; higher/lower HR). The relationship of BB dose, HR, and the primary endpoint of all-cause mortality or all-cause hospitalization and other cardiovascular secondary endpoints were determined before and after adjustment for variables found to be significantly associated with outcome in the HF-ACTION cohort.ResultsThere was a significant inverse relationship between either BB dose (higher was better) or HR (lower was better) and all-cause death or hospitalization in unadjusted analysis; however, only BB dose was significant for improved mortality outcomes. After adjustment for other predictors of outcome, only BB dose remained significant for improving all-cause death or hospitalization. BB dose, but not HR, was associated with improved outcomes of other cardiovascular endpoints in unadjusted analysis but did not remain significant when adjusted for other predictors of outcome in this cohort.ConclusionsThere were more associated improvements in outcomes with higher BB dose than with reduced HR in this well-treated HF cohort with systolic dysfunction, which suggests that titration of BB doses may confer a greater benefit than reduction of HR in such patients. (Heart Failure: A Controlled Trial Investigating Outcomes of Exercise Training [HF-ACTION]; NCT00047437
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