499 research outputs found

    Marine fisheries resources of the north coast of Central Java, Indonesia

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    A trophic model of the marine fisheries resources of the north coast of Central Java, Indonesia was constructed using the Ecopath with Ecosim software and data from a trawl survey conducted in the area in 1979. The model consists of 27 ecological groups with a mean trophic level of 3.04. The exploited fishery was then a moderately mature and relatively stable system. The impact of the fishery at the time was low to moderate in comparison with the fisheries in other systems and notably in later time periods.Fishery resources, Demersal fisheries, Fishery surveys, Biomass, Population density, Shrimp fisheries, Catch/effort, Trawling, Mathematical models, Coastal fisheries, Marine fisheries, ISEW, Indonesia, Jawa,

    Analysis of demersal assemblages off the north coast of Central Java, Indonesia

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    Trawl survey data collected by the RV Mutiara 4 in 1979 off the north coast of Central Java (Indonesia) were used to examine the composition and distribution of species assemblages in the area. Classification (TWINSPAN) and ordination (DCA) techniques commonly used in community structure analysis were utilized during the study. The results indicate the existence of ôshallowö and ôdeepö assemblages with a boundary at around 20 - 30 m depth (varying with the monsoon season). There is some consistency in the assemblages between the seasons.Fishery resources, Demersal fisheries, Fishery surveys, Biomass, Population density, Shrimp fisheries, Catch/effort, Trawling, Population characteristics, ISEW, Java Sea,


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat software dan hardware alat ukur strength bebasis sensor beban (load cell) . penelitian ini menggunakan metode research and development (R&D). alat yang dibuat menggunakan rangkaian elektronika dan rangka dari besi serta stainless berbasis sensor beban (load cell) jika beban telah di pilih maka sensor akan mendeteksi beban yang hilang. Alat ini menggunakan kabel sebagai penghubung untuk transfer data, alat ini terdiri dari dua sensor diantaranya, sensor beban (load cell) dan sensor limit switch yang masing – masing dipasang di bawah dan di atas dekat beban, kemudian dihubungkan dengan membuat software arduino. Alat ini bekerja otomatis ketika beban yang dipilih diangkat lalu ketika menyentuh sensor limit switch dan menampilkan hasinya di LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) lalu menekan tombol send pada tombol ke - 4. Ketika atlet melakukan dorongan untuk mengangkat beban, atlet tersebut hanya mengangkat tidak lebih dari 12 kali, dan microcontroller akan menghitung menggunakan rumus prediksi Bryzcki. Hasil yang ditampilkan berupa beban, jumlah repetisi dan hasil satu repetisi maksimal (menggunakan rumus prediksi satu repetisi maksimal). Setelah diujicobakan dengan tes strength, tidak terdapat perbedaan pada tes yang dilakukan secara manual maupun yang dilakukan dengan alat. Namun, jika dilihat dari rata – rata alat ini memiliki nilai rata – rata yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan tes manual, hal ini menunjukan bahwa tes menggunakan sensor lebih terkontrol dengan gerakan yang dilakukan lebih baik dan benar. ; This research aims to make software and hardware tools bebasis strength measuring the load sensor (load cell). This research method research and development (R & D). tool made using an electronic circuit and a frame of iron and steel-based load sensor (load cell) if the load has been selected, the sensor will detect the missing load. This tool uses a connector cable for data transfer, the tool consists of two such sensors, load sensors (load cell) and a limit switch sensors each - each mounted below and above close to the load, and then linked to create arduino software. This tool works automatically when the load been lifted and when it hits the limit switch sensors and displays hasinya in LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) and then pressing the send button on the key to - 4. When athletes perform urge to lift weights, these athletes just raised no more than 12 times, and the microcontroller will calculate using the formula Bryzcki prediction. Results are displayed in the form of load, number of repetitions and the results of one repetition maximum (using a prediction formula one repetition maximum). Having tested the strength test, there was no difference on the tests performed manually or performed by the tool. However, when viewed from the average - average this tool has a value - average lower compared to manual tests, this shows that the more controlled tests using sensor with movement made better and right

    Analysis of Local Electoral Governance under Electoral Integrity Perspective in Yogyakarta City 2017

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    The characteristic of a democratic country is implementation of election. In Indonesia it has include in national and local levels. Local elections held simultaneously in 2015, 2017 and 2018. One of the city conducting the election is Yogyakarta City. In the specifically this research explain about electoral governance in electoral integrity perspective. All stages of election which consists of pre-election, election period and post-election. This research use qualitative research method through interview and documentation. The results of this study indicated that electoral governance in Yogyakarta City has integrity in accordance with the principles of electoral integrity applied in the stages of election implementation include pre-election, election process and post-election. In this research are not use all of the indicators to analyse the stages of election. This is because adjusted with the findings of research with information obtained through several sources. The first, at the planning and program, the indicators analyse include the implementation of democratic principles, transparency and accountability. The second, socialization and voter information, indicators analyse include the implementation of democratic principles, transparency and professionalism. The third, campaigns, indicators analyse include transparency, accountability, code of ethics and supervision. The fourth, voting and vote counting, the indicators analyse include democratic principle, professionalism, institutional safeguards and supervision. The fifth, the resolution of election disputes, indicators analyse are ethical codes and accountability

    Development of Interactive Teaching Materials Based on Articulate Storyline Software

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    This development research aims to analyze learning media to create Islamic education teaching media with interactive media with the help of Articulate Storyline Software. Using research and development methods with qualitative and quantitative approaches, this research was conducted at SMAN 12 Berau as a subject and a test tool for the teaching media. The use of ADDIE as a procedure and guideline for developing teaching media. Data collection techniques by distributing surveys to test subjects and a series of formative assessments. The analysis technique uses qualitative and statistics. The results of the analysis of the development of these teaching materials are in the form of software products or Electronic Student Book (BSE) applications. The teaching material is suitable for use based on test results and analysis, which explains the survey results of design experts are 86%, media experts give a percentage of 87%, and materials experts consider 80%. Due to the development of teaching materials, Articulate Storyline Software can be easily used via a cellphone or laptop with an attractive appearance so that students will efficiently operate and learn by utilizing the application


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    Muhammadiyah is one of the largest Islamic organizations in Indonesia that has the character of tajdid (renewal) and has made a real contribution through its charity to the nation and state. This includes renewal in the field of education and social religion. This paper discusses the history of the birth of Muhammadiyah, the renewal of Muhammadiyah Islamic Education, and the role of Muhammadiyah in responding to social changes in society. The research method used is descriptive analysis. The results showed that: 1) Muhammadiyah was born as a response to the damage to the faith, the backwardness of the people, as well as the development of Islamic thought in the Middle East which required a change, one of which was in the field of education. 2) The effort to reform Islamic education by KH Ahmad Dahlan was carried out by unifying the colonial education system with the traditional education system that existed at that time. 3) Muhammadiyah's renewal as a response to social change was realized through its business charities. Entering the second-century Muhammadiyah is faced with challenges and contemporary issues of the postmodern period which certainly requires Muhammadiyah to continue to improve


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    ABSTRACT Angga Nurhakim 2014; The Influence of Brand Image and Product Knowledge toward Purchase Intention Nike Futsal Shoes. Mini-thesis, Jakarta: Marketing Management, Management, Faculty of Ecomonomics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Advisory: Setyo Ferry, SE., MSi. & Agung Kresnamurti RR, ST., MM. This research aims to describe clearly and testing the influence of Brand image, Product knowledge toward Purchase intention. The Research was carried out quantitatively, descriptive and causal research design, and use survey methods. The population in this study is that the customer is at the Nike Store Mall Kelapa Gading, who have not used the Nike futsal shoes. The Total of sample in this research counted 100 respondents and the analysis of teh research was conducted using SPSS 17 software. The results of the t test shows the brand image and purchase intention significantly influence the significance value X to Y (0.000), and product knowledge and purchase intention are also significantly influence the value of significance X to Y (0.000) both are not greater than 0.05. The results of F test simultaneously indicates brand image and product knowledge influencing significantly to purchase intention (0.000). And the result of determination analysis in this research shows the variation of the brand image variable could explained the purchase intention variable for 39.2%, then product knowledge variable could explained purchase intention for 45.1% and both variables brand image and product knowledge could explained purchase intention together for 84.3%. While 15.7% are influenced or explained by other variables that are not included in this research model. Keywords: Brand image, Product knowledge, Purchase intention

    Development of Interactive Teaching Materials Based on Articulate Storyline Software

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    This development research aims to analyze learning media to create Islamic education teaching media with interactive media with the help of Articulate Storyline Software. Using research and development methods with qualitative and quantitative approaches, this research was conducted at SMAN 12 Berau as a subject and a test tool for the teaching media. The use of ADDIE as a procedure and guideline for developing teaching media. Data collection techniques by distributing surveys to test subjects and a series of formative assessments. The analysis technique uses qualitative and statistics. The results of the analysis of the development of these teaching materials are in the form of software products or Electronic Student Book (BSE) applications. The teaching material is suitable for use based on test results and analysis, which explains the survey results of design experts are 86%, media experts give a percentage of 87%, and materials experts consider 80%. Due to the development of teaching materials, Articulate Storyline Software can be easily used via a cellphone or laptop with an attractive appearance so that students will efficiently operate and learn by utilizing the application


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    Penelitian ini berjudul: “Resiliensi Remaja Korban Bullying (Studi Kasus di SMA Angkasa Kota Bandung)”. Bullying adalah ketika seseorang diganggu terus menerus oleh seseorang atau kelompok yang lebih kuat, baik dalam istilah kekuatan fisik atau kedudukan sosial. Bullying adalah masalah yang mempengaruhi jutaan siswa, dan membuat setiap orang khawatir. Resiliensi adalah kemampuan untuk mengatasi pasang surutnya kehidupan, mampu mengatasi dan bangkit dari suatu kejadian yang mempunyai efek negatif pada hidup. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan deskripsi singkat tentang resiliensi remaja korban bullying. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan: 1) Wawancara mendalam, 2) Observasi partisipan. Informan kunci pada penelitian ini adalah seorang siswa SMA Angkasa yang menjadi korban bullying, sementara informan tambahan terdiri dari 2 orang teman sebagai pelaku bullying, 1 orang guru bimbingan dan konseling, dan 1 orang anggota keluarga dari remaja yang menjadi korban bullying. Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa informan tidak memperoleh kemampuan coping resiliensi penuh. Berdasarkan teknik pengukuran resiliensi melalui model Child and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM), informan hanya memperoleh 2 karakteristik yaitu I Have (external support and resources) and I Am (internal and personal strengths). Sementara yang lain tidak terpenuhi, yaitu karakteristik I Can (social and interpersonal skills). Rekomendasi dirujuk untuk perbaikan kerjasama antara remaja korban bullying, pelaku bullying, lingkungan sekolah, dan orang tua untuk meningkatkan kemampuan resiliensi remaja yang menjadi korban bullying. Kata Kunci: Bullying, remaja, korban, resiliensi, lingkungan sekola

    Dynamics of Islamic Educational Institutions In Indonesia: Boarding Schools and Madrasah

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    which are the center of Islamic education activities to the many developing formal and non-formal educational institutions, including Boarding School and madrasas. Therefore, this study aims to determine the development of Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia, the Types of Islamic Education Institutions in Indonesia, the role of Islamic Education Institutions in Islamic boarding schools and madrasas in Indonesia, and the differences between Islamic boarding schools and madrasas. The research method used is literature with documentation data collection techniques. The results of this study show that Islamic boarding schools are the oldest Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia which traditional Muslims initially founded. The establishment of Madrasah in Indonesia was driven by two factors: the strengthening of the Islamic renewal movement in Indonesia and the response of Islamic education to the Dutch East Indies' educational policies. Even though they are both Islamic Education Institutions, there are many differences between Boarding School and madrasas, including Boarding School not using a curriculum, madrasah using a curriculum, and so on