15 research outputs found
Aplikasi IRT dalam Analisis Aitem Tes Kognitif
Item Response Theory (IRT) was developed to overcome the problems in Classical Test Theory (CTT). Item analysis using IRT is based on the parameters used which are item difficulty, item discrimination, and pseudo-chance level. This paper aims to provide an overview of how IRT isused to perform item analysis on cognitive tests. Simulation data of seven items with 900 subjects were used . IRT analysis was performed with R Program based on one, two, and three-parameter logistic model. The results were then discusse
Kesetaraan Skala Psikologi yang Disajikan Daring dan Luring: Kajian Literatur Deskriptif
Pandemi Covid-19 menuntut berbagai aktivitas dijalankan secara berbeda dari biasanya. Skala psikologi yang sebelumnya disajikan secara offline (luring) diubah menjadi online (daring). Terdapat kelebihan dan kelemahan dalam penyajian skala psikologi secara daring. Salah satu kelebihannya adalah memungkinkan lebih banyak orang untuk mengisinya, sedangkan kekurangannya adalah sulitnya melakukan pengontrolan dalam kondisi terstandar. Pertanyaan yang mendasar adalah apakah kualitas skala psikologi yang disajikan secara daring setara dengan skala yang disajikan secara luring. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melakukan kajian literatur terhadap penelitian-penelitian yang membandingkan skala psikologi secara daring dan luring. Kajian literatur deskriptif dilakukan terhadap 10 penelitian dengan jumlah responden yang bervariasi. Hasil kajian literatur menunjukkan adanya kesetaraan skala daring dan luring, berdasarkan properti psikometrinya. Dari 10 penelitian, hanya satu penelitian yang menunjukkan adanya perbedaan struktur internal dari skala yang disajikan secara daring dan luring. Pemeriksaan terhadap properti psikometri suatu skala perlu dilakukan sebelum sebuah skala luring dapat diberikan secara daring
Differences in Men’s Body Dissatisfaction Based on the Type of Exercise Motivation
Exercising at a fitness center is one of the methods to obtain an ideal body shape.The purpose of this study was to determine whether there were differences in body dissatisfactions based on the type of exercise motivation. Participants were 100 male members of a fitness center who exercise at least twice a week for at least one hour per session. Measures used were body dissatisfaction questionnaire (Tylka, Bergeron, & Schwartz, 2005) and exercise motivation questionnaire by Markland and Tobin (cited in Vlachopoulos, 2012). Results showed a difference in body dissatisfaction between men with internal exercise motivation and those with external exercise motivation (Z = - 3.142, p < .05). Men who engaged exercises as driven by external exercise motivation had higher body dissatisfaction than those with internal motivation. This indicates that men with external exercise motivation were more dissatisfied with their body image, who were more likely to quit exercising if they did not obtain the expected result, or else they became obsessive with exercises because they was dissatisfied with their figures
AbstractProcrastination can occur to university students especially in finishing final papers. Procrastination is a behavior detrimental to oneself and others that associate with lack of ability to manage themselves. The ability of self-management is part of how someone judges and values every actions and that involve spiritual intelligence. This study examines the relationshipbetween spiritual intelligence and procrastination behavior of students who do the final paper. This research involved 62 students at the Universitas Pelita Harapan Surabaya. Spiritual intelligence scale and procrastination scale were used to collect the data. Results show there is a significant negative correlation between spiritual intelligence and procrastination (r = -0.307, p = 0.008, p <0.01). The higher spiritual intelligence level, the lower procrastination behavior will be and vice versa. Spiritual intelligence would lead someone to decide on appropriate actions and think about the consequences of his/her actions. Students who have high spiritual intelligence would tend to avoid procrastination behavior that disserving themselves and others.Keywords: final paper; procrastination;spiritual intelligenc
Effect of safety climate on safety behavior in employees: The mediation of safety motivation
The number of work accidents in production employees is high. One reason is the lack of compliance of employees with workplace safety rules. The necessary aspects that can improve workplace safety are safety climate and safety motivation. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of safety climate on safety behavior both directly and indirectly mediated by safety motivation. Three scales were used in this study, namely the safety behavior scale, the safety climate scale, and the safety motivation scale. The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients were 0.898, 0.922, and 0.896. The respondents were 78 employees in the production, processing, and quality assurance section. Data were analyzed using regression analysis. The result showed the direct effect (β = 0.272) and the indirect effect of safety climate on safety behavior (β = 0.281). The effect of climate safety on safety behavior was partially mediated by safety motivation
Stimulus Gambar: Sebuah Kajian pada Instrumen Minat Vokasional
Vocational interest instruments are mostly based on verbal stimuli which require subjects’ reading ability. Another form of stimuli is needed for the populations that have reading difficulty. This article offers an explanation of using pictures as stimuli in the development of an instrument to assess adolescents’ vocational interest as well as the steps in developing pictorial stimuli. Compared to verbal, pictorial stimuli are closer to real life and have supporting information related to the activities. However, some limitation in using pictorial stimuli such as difficulty in describing hardly observable behavior and ambiguity of the pictures that can affect individual interpretation need to be considered
Effect of safety climate on safety behavior in employees: The mediation of safety motivation
The number of work accidents in production employees is high. One reason is the lack of compliance of employees with workplace safety rules. The necessary aspects that can improve workplace safety are safety climate and safety motivation. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of safety climate on safety behavior both directly and indirectly mediated by safety motivation. Three scales were used in this study, namely the safety behavior scale, the safety climate scale, and the safety motivation scale. The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients were 0.898, 0.922, and 0.896. The respondents were 78 employees in the production, processing, and quality assurance section. Data were analyzed using regression analysis. The result showed the direct effect (β = 0.272) and the indirect effect of safety climate on safety behavior (β = 0.281). The effect of climate safety on safety behavior was partially mediated by safety motivation
Sumber kecemasan dan strategi koping remaja pada masa pandemi COVID-19
This research was conducted to explore the source of anxiety and coping strategy of youth during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. A qualitative survey was conducted online with 365 young people aged 15-23 year. Six themes arise in this study that show sources of anxiety of young people, namely: a) fear of being infected with the COVID-19, b) uncertainty about the future, c) social relation problems, d) academic-related anxiety, e) family economic problems, f) exposure to information on cases of COVID-19 infection. We also found eight coping strategies to deal with anxiety, namely religious coping, active coping, making meaning, seeking emotional support, optimism, avoidance, emotional regulation, and exercises. The findings implied that young people develop religiosity and in combination with other coping strategies to endure the unprecedented outbreak of COVID-19. This finding implies that psychological interventions should address religious coping to help young people to cope with various sources of anxiety during stressful life events such as the COVID-19 pandemic.Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi sumber kecemasan dan strategi koping remaja selama pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia. Survei kualitatif dilakukan secara daring dengan jumlah partisipan 365 orang remaja berusia 15-23 tahun. Enam tema sumber kecemasan remaja muncul dalam penelitian ini, yaitu: a) ketakutan terinfeksi COVID-19, b) ketidakpastian tentang masa depan, c) masalah relasi sosial, d) kecemasan terkait akademik, e) masalah ekonomi keluarga, f) paparan informasi kasus infeksi COVID-19. Penelitian ini juga menemukan delapan strategi koping yang dilakukan remaja untuk mengatasi kecemasan, yaitu koping religius, koping aktif, membangun makna, mencari dukungan emosional, optimisme, penghindaran, regulasi emosional, dan olahraga. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa remaja mengembangkan religiusitas dan dikombinasikan dengan strategi koping lainnya untuk menghadapi wabah COVID-19. Temuan ini mengimplikasikan bahwa intervensi psikologis seharusnya memasukkan strategi koping religius untuk membantu remaja mengatasi berbagai sumber kecemasan selama peristiwa kehidupan yang penuh tekanan seperti pandemi COVID-19