132 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan ungkapan metafora yang ada dalam Al-Qur’an terjemah bahasa Sunda dengan pembahasan dikhususkan pada jenis-jenis metafora dan skema citra yang ada dalam surat Al-Baqarah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif serta proses analisis menggunakan kajian semantik kognitif. Teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data adalah teori semantik kognitif mengenai jenis-jenis metafora menurut Lakoff dan Johnson (2013) serta teori mengenai skema citra menurut Cruse dan Croft (2004). ). Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan 15 data ungkapan metafora dalam terjemah Al-Qur’an berbahasa Sunda surat Al-Baqarah yang terbagi menjadi tiga jenis metafora konseptual, yaitu (1) metafora struktural, (2) metafora orientasional, dan (3) metafora ontologi. Sedangkan skema citra yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 5 macam data diantaranya, 1 data skema citra identitas (identity), 1 data skema citra kekuatan (force), 1 data skema citra wadah (container), 3 data skema citra eksistensi (excistence) dan 3 data skema citra kesatuan (unity). Kata Kunci: metafora, semantic kognitif, Al-Qur’an, Al-Baqarah, SundaThis study aims to describe the metaphorical expressions in the Sundanese translation of the Qur'an with a special discussion on the types of metaphors and image schemes that exist in the surah Al-Baqarah . This research was conducted using descriptive methods and the analysis process used cognitive semantic studies. The theory used to analyze the data is the cognitive semantic theory regarding the types of metaphors according to Lakoff and Johnson (2013) and the theory of image schemes according to Cruse and Croft (2004). The results of this study found 15 data of metaphorical expressions in the Sundanese translation of the Al-Baqarah letter which are divided into three types of conceptual metaphors, namely (1) structural metaphors, (2) orientational metaphors, and (3) ontological metaphors. While the image schemes found in this study consist of 5 kinds of data including,1 data of identity image schemes, 1 data of force image schemes, 1 data of container image schemes, 3 data of excistense image schemes, and 3 data of unity image schemes. Keywords: metaphor, semantic cognitive, Qur’an, Al-Baqarah, Sundanes


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan ungkapan metafora yang ada dalam Al-Qur’an terjemah bahasa Sunda dengan pembahasan dikhususkan pada jenis-jenis metafora dan skema citra yang ada dalam surat Al-Baqarah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif serta proses analisis menggunakan kajian semantik kognitif. Teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data adalah teori semantik kognitif mengenai jenis-jenis metafora menurut Lakoff dan Johnson (2013) serta teori mengenai skema citra menurut Cruse dan Croft (2004). ). Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan 15 data ungkapan metafora dalam terjemah Al-Qur’an berbahasa Sunda surat Al-Baqarah yang terbagi menjadi tiga jenis metafora konseptual, yaitu (1) metafora struktural, (2) metafora orientasional, dan (3) metafora ontologi. Sedangkan skema citra yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 5 macam data diantaranya, 1 data skema citra identitas (identity), 1 data skema citra kekuatan (force), 1 data skema citra wadah (container), 3 data skema citra eksistensi (excistence) dan 3 data skema citra kesatuan (unity). Kata Kunci: metafora, semantic kognitif, Al-Qur’an, Al-Baqarah, SundaThis study aims to describe the metaphorical expressions in the Sundanese translation of the Qur'an with a special discussion on the types of metaphors and image schemes that exist in the surah Al-Baqarah . This research was conducted using descriptive methods and the analysis process used cognitive semantic studies. The theory used to analyze the data is the cognitive semantic theory regarding the types of metaphors according to Lakoff and Johnson (2013) and the theory of image schemes according to Cruse and Croft (2004). The results of this study found 15 data of metaphorical expressions in the Sundanese translation of the Al-Baqarah letter which are divided into three types of conceptual metaphors, namely (1) structural metaphors, (2) orientational metaphors, and (3) ontological metaphors. While the image schemes found in this study consist of 5 kinds of data including,1 data of identity image schemes, 1 data of force image schemes, 1 data of container image schemes, 3 data of excistense image schemes, and 3 data of unity image schemes. Keywords: metaphor, semantic cognitive, Qur’an, Al-Baqarah, Sundanes


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    Penelitian skema citra identitas ini dilakukan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data penelitian diambil dari lirik lagu-lagu Kings of Convenience, berjudul Mrs. Cold, Love Is A Lonely Thing dan Cayman Islands dari situs internet. Teori yang digunakan adalah skema citra, bentuk dan jenis metafora yang terdapat pada data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan teori Cruse dan Croft (2004) terdapat spesifik skema citra identitas sebanyak 14 data. Skema citra identitas yang muncul didukung oleh teori Sprecher dan Duck (1994) yang membagi skema citra identitas menjadi dua, yaitu kesesuaian (matching) dan superimposisi (superimposition). Teori skema citra identitas ini dapat diaplikasikan di dalam berbagai bidang, salah satunya yaitu ilmu linguistik yang berhubungan dengan semantik kognitif. Jenis skema citra identitas sesuai ditemukan 12 data, sedangkan skema citra superimposisi ditemukan 2 data. Setelah itu pengklasifikasian jenis metafora yang muncul menggunakan teori Lakoff dan Johnson (2003), ditemukan 6 metafora struktural dan 8 metafora ontologis

    Metafora Konseptual dalam Konferensi Pers Program Kerja Gubernur Tokyo Yuriko Koike di Televisi

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    Abstract The purpose of this research is to determine the conceptual metaphor from Tokyo governor Yuriko Koike’s press conference on television through cognitive semantic analysis. The method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative method. The data for this research were derived from a press conference from Yuriko Koike who was re-elected for the second time as Tokyo governor and classified based on conceptual metaphor theory from Lakoff and Johnson. As the result, there are 15 data of structural metaphor, 3 data of orientational metaphor, and 5 data of ontology metaphor. The conceptual meanings found in this research are related to the government such as economy, government system, work plans, and government priorities. There also found some conceptual meanings related to disease and fight. Keywords: conceptual metaphor, cognitive semantic, utterance Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan metafora konseptual dalam konferensi pers program kerja gubernur Tokyo, Yuriko Koike di televisi dengan analisis semantik kognitif. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data pada penelitian ini diperoleh dari konferensi pers pemaparan program kerja yang disampaikan oleh gubernur Tokyo, Yoriko Koike yang kembali terpilih untuk kedua kalinya. Data kemudian dianalisis dan digolongkan berdasarkan jenis metafora konseptualnya berdasarkan teori oleh Lakoff dan Johnson. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah ditemukan lima belas data metafora struktural, tiga data metafora orientasional, dan lima data metafora struktural. Makna konseptual yang ditemukan berkaitan dengan pemerintahan seperti perekonomian, sistem pemerintahan, program kerja, dan prioritas pemerintah. Selain itu juga ditemukan makna konseptual penyakit dan pertarungan. Kata kunci: metafora konseptual, semantik kognitif, tutura


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    Undang undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 40 Tahun 2009 Tentang Kepemudaan menyebutkan bahwa Pengembangan Kewirausahaan pemuda dilaksanakan sesuai dengan minat, bakat, potensi pemuda, potensi daerah, dan arah pembangunan nasional. Organisasi Kemasyarakatan yang selanjutnya disebut Ormas adalah organisasi yang didirikan dan dibentuk oleh masyarakat secara sukarela berdasarkan kesamaan aspirasi, kehendak, kebutuhan, kepentingan, kegiatan, dan tujuan untuk berpartisipasi dalam pembangunan demi tercapainya tujuan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia yang berdasarkan Pancasila.1 Tujuan ormas salah satunya meningkatkan partisipasi dan keberdayaan masyarakat dan memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Gerakan Pemuda Ansor atau GP Ansor adalah salah satu organisasi kemasyarakatan yang bergerak dibidang kepemudaan dibawah Nahdlatul Ulama. Posisi yang demikian ini menjadikan GP Ansor memiliki dua fungsi dengan ruang lingkup yang berbeda. Gerakan Pemuda Ansor Provinsi Lampung sebagai organisasi kepemudaan yang mandiri dan berjiwa kewirausahaan memiliki program Akunu Ansor Lampung sebagai upaya meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan kemandirian organisasi dan kadernya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan bersifat kualitatif dengan metode penelitian deskriptif. Sumber data baik primer maupun sekunder dipilih secara random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan: observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data secara induktif melalui proses reduksi, penyajian dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian adalah: 1) Program Akunu Ansor Lampung sebagai upaya meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan kemandirian organisasi dan seluruh kader serta pengurus Ansor. 2) Program Akunu Ansor Lampung melalui produk produknya seperti Air Minum Dalam Kemasan ternyata belum mampu bersaing dengan produk lain yang memang sudah lebih dahulu ada dan berkembang karena kemampuan produksi yang masih sangat terbatas. 1Undang-undang Republik Indonesia, No 17 Tahun 2013 Tentang Organisasi Masyarakat, Hlm


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    This study aimed to describe the function and the meaning of adapun in Indonesia and also the appropriate sentence structure of adapun. This writing uses a qualitative method with descriptive data and extended examples, based on the empirical facts or phenomena that are relevant to the lives of the users, and discussion. Data collection is done by note taking (library research) - gathering research data. Data sources are derived from print media, scientific writing, and textbooks. We conclude that the function of adapun has a close linkage with the above-mentioned conjunction. The meanings of adapun were: (1) adding information and explaining the previous sentence, (2) usher in the parsing, (3) stating something different but in the same domain, and (4) stating further information. Most of the predicates that contain adapun include the word adalah (“there is/are”), so in large measure, the context is regarded as stating a definition. In general, the sentence pattern that contains adapun is a simple sentence with the subject that is generally in the form of long phrases and the pattern is S-P-O-A.  Este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir la función y el significado de adaptación en Indonesia y también la estructura de oración apropiada de adaptación. Este escrito utiliza un método cualitativo con datos descriptivos y ejemplos extendidos, basados en hechos empíricos o fenómenos que son relevantes para la vida de los usuarios y la discusión. La recopilación de datos se realiza mediante la toma de notas (investigación de la biblioteca): recopilación de datos de investigación. Las fuentes de datos se derivan de los medios impresos, la escritura científica y los libros de texto. Llegamos a la conclusión de que la función de adaptación tiene una estrecha vinculación con la conjunción mencionada anteriormente. Los significados de adaptación fueron: (1) agregar información y explicar la oración anterior, (2) marcar el comienzo del análisis, (3) indicar algo diferente pero en el mismo dominio, y (4) indicar más información. La mayoría de los predicados que contienen adaptaun incluyen la palabra adalah ("hay / son"), por lo que, en gran medida, se considera que el contexto establece una definición. En general, el patrón de oración que contiene una adaptación es una oración simple con el sujeto que generalmente tiene la forma de frases largas y el patrón es S-P-O-A.Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever a função e o significado do adapun na Indonésia e também a estrutura de sentenças apropriada do adapun. Esta redação utiliza um método qualitativo com dados descritivos e exemplos estendidos, com base em fatos ou fenômenos empíricos relevantes para a vida dos usuários e discussão. A coleta de dados é feita por anotações (pesquisa em biblioteca) - coleta de dados de pesquisa. As fontes de dados são derivadas de mídia impressa, redação científica e livros didáticos. Concluímos que a função de adapun tem uma estreita ligação com a conjunção mencionada acima. Os significados de adaptun foram: (1) adicionar informações e explicar a frase anterior, (2) inaugurar a análise, (3) declarar algo diferente, mas no mesmo domínio, e (4) declarar informações adicionais. A maioria dos predicados que contêm adaptun inclui a palavra adalah ("existe / existe"); portanto, em grande medida, o contexto é considerado como afirmando uma definição. Em geral, o padrão de sentença que contém adapun é uma sentença simples com o assunto geralmente em forma de frases longas e o padrão é S-P-O-A

    Relationship Between Maternal Nutrition Knowledge with Diet Autistic Child

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    This research aims to get empirical data on eating pattern and the relation between mother knowledge of nutrition with autis child food consumption. This research was executed in three special schools of child growth trouble, that is: (1) Special Elemantary School of Pantara (2) Special School of Permata Hati and (3) Special School of Mandiga all are un South Jakarta, in April–May 2005. This research sample done at housewife having child of school age autis, that is 7-13 years. Sample that is accurate 30 persons who selected at random in this case. Sampling technique applied is technique purposive sampling. Hypothesis test conducted by using equation of Y regresi = 50.50 + 1.29X. Equation show result which are positive between accurate variable. Correlation coefficient (rxy) between mother knowledge of nutrition with autis child consumption is equal to 0.57, later then got determinasi coefficient by correlation square (rxy)2 obtained by value 32.19%. Calculatioan of coefficient determinasi above indicating that autis child food consumptioan determined by mother knowledge on nutrition equal to 32.19

    The effect of different growing medium combination on growth and yield of Boesenbergia rotunda

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    Boesenbergia rotunda or Temu kunci is a herb belonging to the Zingiberaceae family and wildly cultivated in Malaysia by rhizome. Temu kunci rhizome is commonly used in traditional medicines to cure stomach aches, promote appetite and gout. Due to its potential to be developed as one of Malaysia’s herbal products, information on their agronomic requirements is needed. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of the different combination of the growing medium on B. rotunda growth and yield. Topsoil, peat moss, sand and chicken manure with four different ratios have been used as a planting medium. The potted plant was arranged in a randomised, complete block design with five replicates. The growth parameter was measured during harvesting time. The results showed that there was no significant difference in plant height, number of leaves, tiller number, fresh and dry shoot weight and fresh and dry root and rhizome weight in all treatments. It can be argued that this is because B. rotunda can be grown in different kinds of planting medium. Based on this study, it was suggested that topsoil be used for Temu Kunci planting, since it is easily obtained and requires less money


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    Conceptualization of Metaphors in the 2018 Kompas Opinion Rubric: Cognitive Semantic Studies. This study aims to reveal the types of conceptual metaphors in Kompas opinion writing in 2018. This type of research includes qualitative research that is descriptive analysis. The method used in this study is the Agih method with advanced techniques for Direct Elements. The results showed that the ontology metaphor was dominantly found in writing opinion rubrics compared to structural and orientational metaphors. The author of opinion transfers more of the construction of his abstract ideas into objects that have physical properties. The characteristic of metaphor found that metaphor is associated with nature, such as shipwreck, collapse, storm sweeping, farming, and blowing. Image schemes depicted from the concepts of dominant metaphors represent the concept of existence.

    Conceptual Metaphors in A Collection of Cirebon Folklore by Made Casta and Masduki Sarpin

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    This research is motivated by themetaphorical language that often appears in literary works because literary works contain many connotative meanings, so they use majas. One of the literary works is folklore. In this study, researchers were interested in analyzing conceptual metaphors found in several folklore. The source of the research used is based on a collection of folklore entitled "Folklore from Cirebon" by Made Casta and Masduki Sarpin published in 1998. That way, the purpose of this study is to describe the types of metaphors, conceptual meanings, and image schemes in the cirebon folklore collection. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. The data collection technique in this study is a reading and note-taking technique, namely by reading the book of the collection of folklore, then recorded and classified the type of metaphor obtained. The data analysis techniques used are analysis techniques according to Miles and Huberman (1992), namely: (1) data reduction (data reduction), (2) data presentation (data display), and (3) conclusion drawing. From the research, the results were obtained, namely from the 6 folklore analyzed, there were 14 data that contained metaphorical meanings. The metaphor is based on three types of metaphors, namely structural, orientational, and ontological. The results stated that this collection of folklore from Cirebon uses the most orientational metaphors with the image scheme that appears the most is the spatial image scheme. Both metaphors and image schemes are found in many folklore entitled The Origin of the Name Cirebon.  This research is expected to be useful for literature learning in high school and for the advancement of conceptual metaphorical research