1,082 research outputs found

    Evaluation of IT Security Perception

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    Information Technology security is an important issue that companies ensure with using technical solutions most of the time. However, protection cannot be completely beneficial unless human factor is considered carefully. Technical solutions are successful together with non-technical solutions, such as security education/training programs which target to users. These activities are planned to improve knowledge of users and improve their secure behavior through increasing information security awareness about IT security. In this study IT security perception, awareness and behavior are evaluated together so as to understand how employees perceive IT security according to their professions from the point of IT security literacy. Furthermore, results are compared with global information security surveys to expand the understanding

    Examination of clinical conditions and chest CT images of Covid-19 cases in Turkey; single center study

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    Background: In this study, we aim to study the clinical features and chest CT findings of the patients, COVID-19 diagnosis of which are verified. Methods: This retrospective study was conducted on RT-PCR (+) COVID-19 patients who were examined in our hospital's emergency department between March 11, 2020 and June 30, 2020. Results: 326 patients were included in this retrospective study in total. Of the patients, 53.1% and 46.9% are males and females, respectively. The patients applied to the service with the symptoms of shortness of breath at the rate of 21.8% and cough at the rate of 20.6%. The study found that the most frequent abnormal CT finding is ground glass opacity at the rate of 26.7% and it is followed by atelectasis at the rate of 12.3%. Patients in the> 65 age group and patients with COPD comorbidities have significantly higher rates of admission to the intensive care unit. Conclusions: The most frequent findings in examination of pathological chest CT findings are ground glass opacity. The rate of length of intensive care unit stay and mortality is significantly higher in the patients above 65 years old compared to those below 65 years old. Keywords: COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; Chest CT; Ground Glass Opacity; Dyspnea; Coug

    Validity of demirjian and nolla methods for dental age estimation for Northeastern Turkish children aged 5?16 years old

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    Objective: To evaluate the applicability of Demirjian and Nolla methods for northeastern Turkish population. Material and Method: A retrospective study was performed on panoramic radiographs of 673 subjects aged 5?15.9 years. The mean dental age (DA) according to the Demirjian and Nolla methods were compared to the mean chronological age (CA). Results: The mean CA of the study sample was 10.37±2.90 and 10.03±2.81 years for females and males, respectively. Using the Demirjian method, the mean estimated DA was 11.26±3.02 years for females and 10.87±2.96 years for males. For Nolla method, the mean estimated DA was 9.80±3.41 and 9.53±3.14 years for females and males, respectively. The mean differences between the CA and DA according to the Demirjian and Nolla methods were 0.86 and -0.54 years for total study sample. Conclusion: Nolla method was found to be a more accurate method for estimating DA in northeastern Turkish population

    Upper Molar Distalization with a New Tooth and Miniscrew Supported Appliance: A Clinical Study

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    Aim:The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a new tooth- and bone-anchored intraoral appliance designed for upper molar distalization on dentofacial structures.Subjects and Methods:The study group comprised 11 patients (6 male and 5 female; mean age 13.5±1.8 years) with Class II molar relationship requiring molar distalization. A new appliance is designed to deliver a distalizing force to the upper molars for bodily distal movement. The appliance consists of a palatal sagittal screw and a miniscrew which was placed in the anterior paramedian region. The pretreatment and the post-distalization cephalometric radiographs were used to evaluate the distalization. The data were analyzed statistically by using a paired sample Student t-test at the 95%% confidence level.Results:The Class I molar relationships were achieved in a mean period of 5.1±0.6 months in all patients. The upper first molars showed a significant distalization of 3.9±1.5 mm (p<.001) and distal axial inclination of 3.5±2.4° (p=.001). As for anchorage loss, the upper first premolars (anchor teeth) and central incisor exhibited a significant mesial movement of 1.5±0.6 mm (p<.001) and 0.8±0.6 mm (p<.01), respectively.Conclusion:The results suggest that the new appliance is a minimal invasive, efficient and compliance-free device for bilateral maxillary molar distalization

    Da’wah approach to the strawberry generation: A study on Yuk Ngaji TV channel

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    The strawberry generation, Generation Z, has much potential but a fragile mentality like a strawberry, even though Indonesia will get a demographic bonus at a productive age. This is the responsibility of da'wah because it is part of the object of da'wah. YukNgaji TV is a channel that seeks to overcome the problems of millennial teenagers. The research aims to examine the da'wah approach of the YukNgaji TV channel for the strawberry generation using a content analysis approach, where data is collected using documentation and observation techniques. The findings were that the preacher of the channel was chosen from Generation Z (still young), an influencer with advanced knowledge. The da’wah method uses casual sharing discussions, lectures, inspirational stories, and brainstorming. The YouTube media is packaged with live streaming and live events and posting da'wah content, which contains themes of youth, morals, and relationships for the strawberry generation. The effects on the strawberry generation can be cognitive and affective, but further investigation is needed regarding the behavioral effects of the strawberry generation. In this way, the study can contribute to developing preaching approaches that are always required to be dynamic. ***Generasi strawberi merupakan generasi Z yang memiliki banyak potensi, namun memiliki mental rapuh seperti layaknya buah strawberi, padahal Indonesia akan mendapatkan bonus demografi di usia yang produktif. Hal tersebut menjadi tanggungjawab dakwah, karena menjadi bagian dari objek dakwah. YukNgaji TV menjadi channel yang berupaya untuk mengatasi permasalahan remaja milenial ini. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengkaji pendekatan dakwah channel YukNgaji TV bagi generasi strawberi dengan menggunakan pendekatan content analysis, dimana data dikumpulkan dengan teknik dokumentasi dan observasi. Temuannya adalah bahwa pada penelitian channel dakwah ini, berbagai pendekatan dakwah digunakan untuk menjawab persoalan dari generasi strawberi. Pendakwah dipilih dari generasi Z (masih muda), seorang influencer yang memiliki keilmuan yang mumpuni. Metode dakwah dilakukan dengan diskusi sharing santai, ceramah, cerita inspiratif dan brainstorming yang jarang dipakai didunia dakwah. Media pengantar pesan dakwah melalui youtube yang dikemas dengan live streaming dan live event serta postingan konten dakwah, yang berisikan tema keremajaan dan akhlak serta pergaulan bagi generasi strawberi. Efek bagi generasi strawberi ini dapat berupa kognitif dan afektif, namun perlu pendalaman terkait efek behavioral bagi generasi strwaberi. Dengan demikian studi dapat berkontribusi bagi pengembangan pendakatan dakwah yang dituntut untuk selalu dinamis

    An evaluation on the landscape design and user satisfaction of Fetihpasha grove

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    Sanayinin gelişmesi ile beraber arazi üzerinde insan etkisinin en fazla olduğu alanlar kentler olmuştur. Kentler yapılar ve yollar ile büyürken yeşil alanlar göz ardı edilmiş bunun sonucunda insanlar doğadan uzaklaşmışlardır. Kentlerde doğal ortamlardan kopan insanlar kentten uzaklaşmak, doğa ile iç içe vakit geçirmek gibi isteklere yönelmiştir. Bu çalışmada Üsküdar’da yer alan Fetihpaşa Korusu kent parkı kullanım işlevleri ve kullanıcıların beklentilerinin belirlenmesi açısından irdelenmiştir. Fetihpaşa Korusu tarihi 1850 yıllarına dayanan bir alan olarak günümüzde kent parkı işlevi görmektedir. Çalışmada arazi gözlemleri yanısıra 384 kişiyle 16 sorudan oluşan anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda kullanıcı memnuniyeti ölçülmüş, alanın daha etkin kullanımına yönelik öneriler geliştirilmiştir.With the development of the industry, cities have been the areas with the greatest human impact on the land. As cities grow with structures and roads, green areas have been ignored, as a result, people have moved away from nature. In the cities, people moving away from the city and spending time in touch with nature so they have turned to requests such as natural environments. In this study, Fetihpasa Grove located in Uskudar has been examined in terms of urban park usage functions and determining the expectations of users. Fetihpasa Grove serves as an urban park today that dating back to 1850. In addition to the area observations, a survey consisting of 16 questions was conducted with 384 people. As a result of the study, user satisfaction was measured and suggestions for more effective use of the area were developed

    Clinical examination and demographic characteristics of 277 patients with psoriasis

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    Background and Design: This study aimed to prospectively evaluate the clinical and demographic characteristics of patients with psoriasis. Materials and Methods: This study included a total of 277 patients with psoriasis who applied to our clinic between December 2018 and February 2020. All patient parameters such as age, sex, height, weight, marital status, age at disease onset, triggering factors, joint and nail involvement, systemic disease history, alcohol and smoking history, family history, and topical and systemic treatments received were recorded prospectively. Statistical analysis was conducted using the SPSS version 24. Results: The mean age of the 277 patients aged 8-81 years was 37.1+-15.9 years. In this study, 125 (45.1%) patients were female and 152 (54.9%) were male, and 11.2% of the patients were &lt;18 years old. Ten of the patients with pediatric psoriasis were male and 21 were female. The mean age at disease onset was 21.0+-14.1 in female patients and 25.3+-14.4 in male patients. The most common clinical type was plaque psoriasis. Family history was positive in 29.6% of the patients. Psoriatic arthritis occurred in 9% of the patients, and the most common type was an asymmetric oligoarticular type. Although the nail involvement rate was 44%, stress was the most common triggering factor for psoriasis. In addition, 17% of the patients had a comorbid disease. The most common comorbid disease was hypertension. The frequency of smoking was 45.8%, and the frequency of alcohol use was 4.7%. Of the patients, 17.3% received only topical therapy; 1.1%, phototherapy; 37.5%, conventional therapy; 42.2%, biological therapy; and 1.8%, conventional + biological therapy. Conclusion: Our study data were similar to those of other studies examining the clinical and demographic characteristics of patients with psoriasis. We believe that conducting similar studies involving larger patient groups will contribute to disease diagnosis and treatment

    Rare earth element scandium mitigates the chromium toxicity in Lemna minor by regulating photosynthetic performance, hormonal balance and antioxidant machinery

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    MakaleWOS:000904949200001PubMed ID: 36379288Chromium (Cr) toxicity is a serious problem that threatens the health of living organisms and especially agricultural production. The presence of excess Cr leads to biomass loss by causing the imbalance of biochemical metabolism and inhibiting photosynthetic activity. A new critical approach to cope with Cr toxicity is the use of the rare earth elements (REEs) as an antioxidant defence system enhancer in plants. However, the effect of scandium (Sc), which is one of the REEs, is not clear enough in Lemna minor exposed to Cr toxicity. For this purpose, the photosynthetic and biochemical effects of scandium (50 μM and 200 μM Sc) treatments were investigated in Lemna minor under Cr stress (100 μM, 200 μM and 500 μM Cr). Parameters related to photosynthesis (Fv/Fm, Fv/Fo) were suppressed under Cr stress. Stress altered antioxidant enzymes activities and hormone contents. Sc applications against stress increased the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), NADPH oxidase (NOX), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), lutathione reductase (GR), monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR), and glutathione S-transferase (GST). In addition to the antioxidant system, the contents of indole-3- acetic acid (IAA), abscisic acid (ABA) and jasmonic acid (JA) were also rearranged. However, in all treatment groups, with the provision of ascorbate (AsA) regeneration and effective hormone signaling, reactive oxygen species (ROS) retention which result in high hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) content and lipid peroxidation (TBARS) were effectively removed. Sc promoted the maintenance of cellular redox state by regulating antioxidant pathways included in the AsA-GSH cycle. Our results showed that Sc has great potential to confer tolerance to duckweed by reducing Cr induced oxidative damage, protecting the biochemical reactions of photosynthesis, and improving hormone signaling.Selcuk University Scientific Research Projects Coordinating Offic

    Safranin‘in sulu ortamdan Platanus orientalis L. biyoması kullanılarak giderimi

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    Bu çalışmada Platanus orientalis L. (Doğu Çınarı), safranin’in sulu çözeltiden adsorpsiyon tekniği ile uzaklaştırılmasında biyosorbent olarak kullanılmıştır. Biyosorpsiyon üzerine temas süresi, çözelti konsantrasyonu, pH ve sıcaklığın etkisi araştırılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda optimum safranin biyosorbsiyonu için; dengelenme süresi 80. dakika, pH 7.00 (%99,28), 20 °C sıcaklık 49,46 mg/g (%98,93), ve başlangıç konsantrasyonu 100 mg/L (%98,46) olarak belirlenmiştir. İzoterm çalışmalarında, safranin biyosorpsiyonunda, Langmuir izoterm modeline uyum gözlenmiştir. Belirtilen optimum şartlarda maksimum safranin adsorpsiyonunun % 96-98 arasında olduğu tespit edilmiştir.In this study, Platanus orientalis L. has been used as biosorbent for the safranin from aqueous solution by adsorption technique. Contact time, solution concentration, pH and temperature effect on biosorption has been investigated. As a result of the investigation, the optimum conditions of saffron biosorption, the equilibrium time 80 per minute at pH 7.00 (99,28%), at temperature 20 °C 49,46 mg/g (%98,93), in the concentration of 100 mg/L (98,46%) were determined. The biosorption equilibrium data was fitted for Langmuir isotherms. Max dye biosorption was determined as %96-98 under optimum conditions

    Common polymorphisms of growth hormone: Growth hormone receptor axis in Turkish children with short stature

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    Objective: A single-nucleotide polymorphism of the growth hormone 1 gene, GH1IVS4+90A>T (rs2665802), associated with short stature and a polymorphism of the growth hormone receptor gene, exon 3 deleted variant, associated with increased responsiveness to growth hormone have been reported previously. We aimed to investigate the frequency of both polymorphisms and their correlation to height in Turkish short children. Also, we aimed to evaluate the effect of exon 3 deleted variant on response to 1-year growth hormone therapy. Materials and Methods: Children with idiopathic isolated growth hormone deficiency (n = 39) and with idiopathic short stature (n = 10) and 50 control subjects were evaluated for anthropo-metric parameters, annual growth velocity, and annual height gain. Growth hormone receptor gene polymorphisms were analyzed via multiplex polymerase chain reaction; growth hormone 1 gene polymorphism was analyzed via polymerase chain reaction and single-strand confor-mation polymorphism techniques. Results: The frequency of genotypes carrying the “A” allele was not significantly higher in the idiopathic isolated growth hormone deficiency group than in the idiopathic short stature and control groups (P = .03 for each). The exon 3 deleted variant genotype was significantly lower in the idiopathic short stature group compared to the control group (P = .01). There was no effect of exon 3 deleted variant, on response to the first-year growth hormone therapy. Conclusion: In Turkish population, no correlation was found between the “A” allele of GH1IVS4+90A>T polymorphism and idiopathic isolated growth hormone deficiency and short stature, and a significant negative correlation was found between exon 3 deleted variant and idiopathic short stature and short stature. Exon 3 deleted variant has no effect on response to growth hormone treatment.Istanbul Universit