76 research outputs found

    Glucosinolates during preparation of Brassica vegetables in Indonesia

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    Title: Glucosinolates during preparation of Brassica vegetables in Indonesia Dutch translation of title: Effecten van Indonesische bereidingsmethoden op gezondheidsbevorderende stoffen in groenten Title/description for non-professionals: Effects of Indonesian preparation methods on health promoting compounds in vegetables Summary: Stir-frying, one of the most popular method to prepare Brassica vegetables in Indonesia, can retain the content of the alleged health promoting glucosinolates. Meanwhile, long-term steaming and fermentation considerably reduce the glucosinolate content. By analysing the mechanisms underlying glucosinolate changes during preparation, alternative procedures or conditions to enhance the retention of glucosinolates were proposed. For fermentation, prior inactivation of myrosinase enzyme resulted in a higher retention of glucosinolate. For steaming, a reduction of the steaming time was shown beneficial to have a higher glucosinolate content. A mathematical modelling approach was successfully applied to describe the effects of variation in the conditions and processes on the glucosinolate content of products and to optimise them in order to get a more optimal glucosinolate content in the prepared products. Besides improvement of the content of vegetable products, the present study also yields important information to make a more accurate estimation of the dietary intake of glucosinolates in prepared dishes. Such estimation is important for establishing the relation between intake of phytochemicals and health effects like reducing the risk of certain diseases.</p


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    Minyak goreng yang dipanaskan pada suhu tinggi dan dilakukan secara berulang dapat menurunkan kualitas dan mengubah karakteristik fisiko-kimianya. Oksidasi merupakan salah satu reaksi akibat penggunaan minyak goreng secara berulang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat dan kualitas minyak goreng dan produk setelah 3 hari penggunaan berulang dengan penambahan variasi konsentrasi antioksidan. Antioksidan alami dan sintetis seperti Alfa-tokoferol dan Tertiary Butyl Hydroquinone (TBHQ) ditambahkan ke dalam sampel minyak goreng. Kualitad minyak goreng (merek A, control, 90 dan 180 ppm Alfa-tokoferl, 90 dan 180 ppm TBHQ) setelah 10 kali penggunaan dalam sehari pada suhu tinggi (180 oC) dianalisis sebagai Free Fatty Acid (FFA), Thiobarbituric Acid (TBA), serta viskositas. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kadar FFA, angka TBA, dan viskositas minyak semakin rendah seiring dengan besarnya penambahan konsentrasi antioksidan. Konsentrasi antioksidan optimal terdapat pada TBHQ 180 ppm. Uji hardness, kadar air, warna dan TBA dilakukan terhadap kerupuk bawang hasil penggorengan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa antioksidan tidak berpengaruh terhadap hasil produk penggorengan

    Perencanaan Sistem Drainase Kali Kendal

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    Kali Kendal merupakan sungai yang selalu meluap dan menggenangi daerah sekitarnya, khususnya di daerah perkotaan dan pemukiman padat. Pada kawasan tersebut terjadi genangan setinggi sekitar 40–60 cm dengan lama genangan 4-8 jam yang diakibatkan air dari saluran sekunder tertahan untuk masuk ke saluran primer. Hal ini disebabkan berkurangnya kapasitas penampang saluran Kali Kendal. Dengan adanya permasalahan diatas, Tugas Akhir ini bertujuan untuk merencanakan ulang sistem drainase eksisting Kali Kendal berdasarkan kapasitas dan fungsinya. Yang pertama dilakukan pada perencanaan ulang sistem drainase ini adalah analisa untuk mengetahui debit rencana, kemudian dilakukan analisa hidrolika dengan software HEC RAS dan mengevaluasi kapasitas saluran eksisting dengan debit rencana. Analisa ini untuk mengetahui apakah saluran eksisting dapat menampung debit rencana sehingga dapat dilakukan tindak lanjut untuk mengatasinya. Hasil evaluasi dapat disimpulkan bahwa peningkatan kapasitas saluran maksimum hanya dapat menampung debit rencana 10 tahunan (34,94 m3/s). Peningkatan kapasitas saluran tersebut meliputi pekerjaan pengerukan sedimen untuk sepanjang aliran sungai (11,75 km), serta penambahan Revetment sepanjang 2.300 m pada P.5+050 – P.10, P.11 – P.12, P.13+050 – P.15, P.44+050 – P.45+050, P.65 – P.80. Pada saluran persegi menggunakan konstruksi jenis anchored wall sebagai dinding penahan tanah sepanjang 2.050 m pada P.24 – P.44+050. Dan apabila direncanakan untuk menampung debit rencana 25 tahunan (45,43 m3/s) maka diperlukan bangunan kolam retensi seluas 7 Ha. Jumlah anggaran untuk menampung debit rencana 10 tahunan sebesar Rp. 63.847.420.000,00. Kata Kunci: Sistem Drainase, Banjir, Kendal

    Perencanaan Sistem Drainase Kali Kendal

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    Kendal river is always overtopped during rainy day, certainly in central city and densely populated area. The flood duration around 4-8 hours with 40-60 cm depth caused the secondary channel can't flow into the primary channel. The problem of flooding caused by the capacity of Kendal River is decreasing. Base on that condition, this final project was aimed to redesign Kendal River system based on capacity and functionality. The first step on redesign drainage system is hidrology analysis for determining a flood discharge, analysis hidrolic analysis by HEC-RAS software to evaluate the capacity exsisting channel. The conclution of the evaluation result is the maximum channel capacity could be increased to 10 years discharge flood only (34,94 m3/s). Increase the capasity of the trapezium channel by enlarge a basis channel along 10 m at Kendal River (11,750 m), include the revetment construction (2,300 m) on P.5+050 – P.10, P.11 - P.12, P.13+050 - P.15, P.44+050 - P.45+050, P.65 - P.80. Anchored wall construction decided as a retaining wall for a rectangular channel type (2,050 m) at P.24 - P.4+050. And then, for accomodate 25 years flood discharge (45,43 m3/s) need 7 ha retention pond. Total cost is Rp. 63,847,420,000,00 for 10 years discharge desain


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    A questionnaire and interview recently given to 5-8 year old children and their parents show that consumption of vegetables is low. One of the factors for the low consumption is due to the lack of creativity in making various menu and creative media to obtain children?s interest in wanting to consume vegetables. In Indonesia, if young children can be taught to actively use the English language, it will be a great advantage for their future?s education. Based on these backgrounds, through the various media available in today?s popular culture, picturebooks that can increase children?s ability to read English language texts in addition to consume vegetables is created. A picturebook project is regarded highly relevant for teachers who specialize in English language, visual communicative design and food technology. This article shares how with a bilingual picturebook, a reader will know how to pronounce the English language well because there is a phonetic transcription guide provided at the back of the book. Also at the back of the book is a menu for the vegetable that becomes the main character of the book. With this strategy, the book is projected to be popular to readers who want to also create attractive vegetable menus for children. The picturebook that is packed with simple yet interesting visual language is also a way to show how creative one can be in designing lovable vegetable characters. This article discusses the reasonings of creating the picture book


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    ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) untuk mengetahui kompetensi guru dalam melakukan penilaian kurikulum 2013 pada pembelajaran akuntansi di SMK Negeri 3 Surakarta; dan (2) untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi guru-guru tersebut dalam melakukan penilaian kurikulum 2013.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif yang dilaksanakan di SMK Negeri 3 Surakarta. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru akuntansi di SMK Negeri 3 Surakarta. Objek penelitian ini adalah kompetensi penilaian pembelajaran akuntansi. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Sumber data berasal dari guru dan siswa. Pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Uji validitas data dilakukan dengan triangulasi, meningkatkan ketekunan, dan bahan referensi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model analisis Miles and Huberman, yaitu dengan melakukan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi guru akuntansi di SMK Negeri 3 Surakarta cukup memadai. Guru telah melakukan proses penilaian mulai dari membuat perencanaan penilaian, pelaksanaan penilaian, pengolahan data, hingga melaporkan hasil penilaian ke dewan guru, siswa, dan wali murid. Ada beberapa langkah dalam standar penilaian yang tidak dilaksanakan, yaitu pelaksanaan penilaian tidak dilakukan berdasarkan pedoman penilaian, tidak adanya kisi-kisi penilaian, dan deskripsi penilaian yang tidak menggambarkan kondisi siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran. Kompetensi guru dalam melakukan penilaian dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Pada faktor internal, guru masih terbiasa dengan kurikulum yang lama (KTSP). Sementara itu, faktor eksternal mencakup workshop/seminar/pelatihan dan supervisi yang dilakukan oleh pihak pengawas dan pihak sekolah.Kata kunci: Kompetensi Guru, Penilaian, Kurikulum 2013, Pembelajaran Akuntansi.  ABSTRACTThe objectives of this research are to investigate: (1) the teachers’ competency in the 2013 curriculum ecaluation on the accounting subject matter learning at State Vocaltional High School 3 of Surakarta; and (2) the factors influecing the teachers in the 2013 Curriculum evaluation.This research used the descriptive qualitative research method. It was conducted at State Vocational High School 3 of Surakarta. The subject of this research is accounting teacher at State Vocational High School 3 of Surakarta. The object of this research is competency in evaluation on the accounting subject matter learning. The samples of the research were taken by using the purposive sampling technique. The data sources of research were teachers and the students in grade XI AK 2. The data of reserch were collected through observation, in-depth interview, and documentation. They were validated by using the source and method triangulations, continuous observations, and supporting references. The data were analized by using the reduction, data display, and conclusing drawing.The result of research are as follows: 1) the teachers’ competency in the 2013 curriculum evaluation on the accounting subject matter learning at State Vocational High School 3 of Surakarta is enaugh to implement the 2013 curriculum 2013 standards and procedures. The teachers took some measures in the planning, implementation, processing, and reporting standards. However, few measures of the evaluating standards were not performed so that the evaluation bore some weaknesses. 2) the factors influencing the teachers in the 2013 curriculum evaluation included the internal and external ones. In the former, the teachers still used to employ the old curriculum, namely: the school-based curriculum. In the latter, the factors included workshops/seminars/training and supervisions conducted by School Superintendents and the aforementioned school.Keywords: Teacher’s Competency, Evaluation, the 2013 Curriculum, Accounting Subject Matter Learnin

    Effects of Modified Atmosphere Packaging on Selected Phenomena Affecting Quality of Fresh, Edible Bamboo Shoots

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    ABSTRACT Changes in phenomena affecting quality of fresh bamboo shoots (Dendrocalamus asper, Schultes f.) due to modified atmosphere packaging were evaluated. After harvest bamboo shoots were peeled, and stored in the open (unpacked) or packaged in polyvinyl chloride wrap (thickness 5 pm) or polypropylene bags (thickness 15 pm) at two different temperatures (9 and 28 °C) and shelf life was determined. Unpacked samples had very high weight losses (5% per day) at both temperatures limiting their shelf life to less than 2 days. Both types of packaging reduced water loss significantly (polyvinyl chloride: 0.5% per day at both temperatures, polypropylene: 0.09% and 0.14% at 9 and 28 °C respectively). Samples stored at room temperature started to discolor within 1-2 days while packed samples in the refrigerator showed the first signs of discoloration only after 5-7 days of storage. Refrigeration was also effective to inhibit fungal growth. Our results show that application of cold storage or packaging alone yields no, or only a limited extension of shelf life but their combined application yields a shelf life extension till 2 weeks. Keywords: Modified atmosphere packaging, bamboo shoots (Dendrocalamus asper, Schultes f.), postharvest

    Pengaruh Pra Perlakuan Terhadap Kualitas Kunyit yang Dikeringkan dengan Menggunakan Solar Tunnel Dryer

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    Turmeric (Curcuma domestica Val.) has many health benefits and can be used in herbal medicine as well as traditional herbal drink. Turmeric can also be used as a natural dye in food. Turmeric is very perishables in a fresh state, thus drying process is needed to extend its shelf life. An environmentally friendly drying using Solar Tunnel Dryer (STD) is one of the techniques that is interestingly developed. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of steam blanching at different times (3, 5, and 10 minutes) and soaking using a 0.05% citric acid for 5 minutes on the physicochemical and microbiological qualities of turmeric dried by STD. Measurements were conducted to analyze water content, water activity, curcumin content, antioxidant activity, pH, water activity, color intensity, and total fungi. The results showed that steam blanching and immersion using a 0.05% citric acid for 5 minutes could reduce the drying time when compared to that of control. While 5 minutes of steam blanching with immersion in the 0.05% citric acid for 5 minutes could produce a high antioxidant activity which was 80.30 ± 0.89 (% inhibition) and it had the lowest total fungi which were 3.33 ± 5.00
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