237 research outputs found

    Dietary Variety and diet quality in Austrian 6 to 15-Year-old school children

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    In Zusammenhang mit den steigenden PrĂ€valenzen von ernĂ€hrungsassoziierten chronischen Erkrankungen kommt dem ErnĂ€hrungsmonitoring eine besonders wichtige Rolle zu. Zu diesem Zweck wurden verschiedene Indizes zur Beschreibung der ErnĂ€hrungsqualitĂ€t vorgeschlagen, so auch Indizes zur Beschreibung der Lebensmittelvielfalt. PrimĂ€res Ziel vorliegender Studie war die Erfassung der LebensmittequalitĂ€t und Lebensmittelvielfalt von österreichischen Schulkindern und der Vergleich verschiedener ErnĂ€hrungsqualitĂ€tsindizes. In einer Querschnittsstudie wurden 3-Tages-ErnĂ€hrungsprotokolle von 780 Kindern im Alter zwischen sechs und fĂŒnfzehn (Mittelwert: 10,6 Jahre, SD: 2.1) Jahren erhoben. Vier verschiedene Indizes wurden berechnet: (1) die Food Group Adequacy (FGA), die die Aufnahme einer Lebensmittelgruppe mit der entsprechenden ErnĂ€hrungs-empfehlung vergleicht; (2) die Lebensmittelgruppenvielfalt 1 (BGV1), die alle konsumierten Lebensmittelgruppen zĂ€hlt, die in einer Menge von mindestens 25% der empfohlenen Menge verzehrt wurden; (3) die Lebensmittelgruppenvielfalt 2 (BGV2), die Ă€hnlich BGV1 ist aber eine Mindestmenge von 10 g/d fĂŒr Fette und Öle und 20 g/d fĂŒr alle anderen Lebensmittelgruppen ansetzt; (4) die Obst- und GemĂŒsevielfalt (FFV), die alle verschiedenen Obst- und GemĂŒsesorten zĂ€hlt, die innerhalb von drei Tagen konsumiert wurden, mit einer Mindestmenge von 20 g/d. In multiplen linearen Regression wurden die ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen FGA, BGV1, BGV2 und FVV getestet. Die Modelle wurden fĂŒr Gesamtenergieaufnahme (wo angebracht), gesamte Lebensmittelaufnahme bzw. Obst und GemĂŒseaufnahme, Geschlecht, Body Mass Index und Alter adjustiert. Die Daten wurden anhand der Quartile der Indizes kategorisiert. Alle vier Indizes zeigten einen positiven Zusammenhang mit der ErnĂ€hrungsqualitĂ€t im Sinne einer adĂ€quaten NĂ€hrstoffaufnahme. FGA war der einzige Score, der nicht mit einer höheren Energieaufnahme assoziiert war. BGV1 und BGV2 waren im Gegensatz zu FGA und FVV mit einer höheren Aufnahme von Gesamtfett, gesĂ€ttigten und einfach ungesĂ€ttigten FettsĂ€uren assoziiert. Alle Indizes hingen positiv mit einer höheren Aufnahme von mehrfach ungesĂ€ttigten FettsĂ€uren und Ballaststoffen zusammen und alle Indizes mit Ausnahme von FVV zeigten einen negativen Zusammenhang mit der Aufnahme von Kohlenhydraten und Zucker und einen positiven mit Protein. Die Aufnahme der meisten Vitamine und Mineralstoffe war positiv mit allen Indizes assoziiert. FGA zeigte im Vergleich mit den anderen untersuchten lebensmittelbasierten Indizes die wĂŒnschenswertesten ZusammenhĂ€nge mit der Energie- und NĂ€hrstoffaufnahme. Dennoch sind auch BGV1, BGV2 und FVV Indikatoren fĂŒr eine adĂ€quate NĂ€hrstoffaufnahme. Die Auswahl des zu verwendenden Indexes hĂ€ngt von der Zielsetzung der jeweiligen Studie ab.With regard to the increasing prevalences of diet-related chronic diseases, nutrition monitoring plays a crucial role in disease prevention. For this purpose, many indexes of overall diet quality have been proposed, among them also measures of dietary variety. The primary aim of present study was to evaluate diet quality and dietary variety in Austrian schoolchildren, and to compare different measures of diet quality. In a cross-sectional survey of 780 children aged six to 15 years (mean: 10.6 years, SD: 2.1) dietary intake was measured using three day dietary records. Four food based indexes were developed: (1) the Food Group Adequacy (FGA), which compares food intake with the respective recommendation; (2) Between-Group Variety 1 (BGV1), which counts all consumed food groups that are consumed in an amount of at least 25% of the recommended amount; (3) Between-Group Variety 2 (BGV2), which is similar to BGV1 but applies a minimum amount of 10 g/d for fats and oils and 20 g/d for each other food group; (4) Fruit and Vegetable Variety (FVV), a count of all different fruits and vegetables consumed over three days, using a minimum amount of 20 g/d. In multiple linear regression models, associations between FGA, BGV1, BGV2, and FVV and intake of energy and 33 nutrients were tested, adjusting for total energy intake (where appropriate), total amount of foods and beverage intake or fruit and vegetable intake, respectively, sex, body mass index, and age. Data were categorised into quarters according to quartiles of the indexes. All four indexes were positively associated with diet quality in terms of adequate nutrient intake. FGA was the only score, not associated with higher energy intake. BGV1 and BGV2 were in contrast to FGA and FVV associated with higher intake of total fat, SFA, and MUFA. All scores were associated with higher PUFA and dietary fibre intake and all scores but FVV were associated with lower intake of carbohydrates and sucrose and higher intake of protein. Intake of most tested vitamins and minerals showed higher intakes with all scores. In conclusion, FGA showed the most favourable associations with energy and nutrient intake, especially regarding intake of energy and macronutrients. However, also BGV1, BGV2, and FVV are indicators for an adequate nutrient intake. It may depend on the scope of the study which index to use

    Influence of factor 5 rs6025 and factor 2 rs1799963 mutation on inhibitor development in patients with hemophilia A - an Israeli-German multicenter database study

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    AbstractObjectiveThe present cohort study was performed to investigate the impact of the factor 5 rs6025 [F5] and the factor 2 rs1799963 [F2] mutations on high-titer inhibitor development [HRI] in patients with severe/moderate-severe hemophilia A [HA].Patients and Methods216 patients with F8<2% born between 1980 and 2011 were followed after initial HA diagnosis over the first 200 exposure days. The first HA patient per family who presented for diagnosis was included in the present study.Results32 of 216 children [14.8%] tested for F5/F2 carried either the F5 or the F2 variant. HRI occurred in 14 out of 32F5/F2-carriers compared with 40 of 184 without F5/F2. Multivariate analysis adjusted for F8 genotype, treatment intensity, first-line use of plasma derived FVIII versus recombinant FVIII concentrates revealed that the presence of F5/F2 independently increases the risk of HRI development to odds [OR] of 3.4. Large deletions in the F8 gene [OR: 5.10], patients from Israel [OR: 4.0], the increase of FVIII per one IU/kgbw [OR: 1.05] and birth year [OR: 1.12] were significantly associated with the risk to develop HRI.ConclusionData presented here suggest that HRI development is of multifactorial origin and that F5 and F2 mutations may contribute to this risk

    Die Entwicklung technikbezogener Überzeugungen im Rahmen inklusionspĂ€dagogischer Professionalisierung im Lehramtsstudium Sekundarstufe wĂ€hrend der Corona-Semester

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    Die pandemiebedingte ad hoc Digitalisierung von Lehrveranstaltungen im FrĂŒhjahr 2020 war fĂŒr Lehrende wie Lernende Chance und Herausforderung zugleich. Befunde zeigen, dass das flexible selbststĂ€ndige Arbeiten und Kennenlernen von Potenzialen des digitalen Lehrens und Lernens positiv wahrgenommen, aber als besonders herausfordernd erlebt wurden. Ferner sind digitale Kompetenzen angehender LehrkrĂ€fte eher gering ausgeprĂ€gt. InklusionspĂ€dagogisch betrachtet können digitale Kompetenzen aber beispielsweise bei der Gestaltung von Individualisierungsmaßnahmen hilfreich sein. Dieser Beitrag betrachtet vor dem Hintergrund inklusionspĂ€dagogischer Professionalisierung von LehrkrĂ€ften im Studium die Entwicklung digitaler Kompetenzen lĂ€ngsschnittlich ĂŒber den Verlauf von 3 Semestern (SoSe 2020 bis SoSe 2021) wĂ€hrend der Covid-19-Pandemie. HierfĂŒr wurden Latent Change Score Modelle fĂŒr die Entwicklung der Technikbereitschaft als Facette digitaler Kompetenzen spezifiziert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich TechnikkontrollĂŒberzeugung und -akzeptanz als Facetten der Technikbereitschaft im Verlauf der untersuchten Semester jeweils positiv entwickelten. Die Lehramtsstudierenden betrachteten demnach eigene digitale Kompetenzen zunehmend als Teil ihrer eigenen Professionalisierung, was ein positiver Ausgangspunkt fĂŒr die Gestaltung inklusiver Bildungssettings in der Kultur der DigitalitĂ€t sein kann.   Abstract The pandemic-related ad hoc digitisation of courses in spring 2020 was both an opportunity and a challenge for teachers and students. Findings show that flexible independent work and learning about the potential of digital teaching and learning were perceived positively, but experienced as particularly challenging. At the same time, digital competences of prospective teachers are rather low. In terms of inclusive education, however, digital competences can be helpful, for example, in the design of individualisation of teaching and learning. This article examines the development of digital competences longitudinally over the course of three semesters (summer semester 2020 to summer semester 2021) during the Covid 19 pandemic against the backdrop of the professionalization of teachers in inclusion pedagogy during their studies. For the investigation, latent change score models for the development of technology readiness as a facet of digital competences were specified. The results showed that technology control conviction and acceptance as facets of technology readiness developed positively in the course of the semesters investigated. Accordingly, the student teachers increasingly considered their own digital competences as part of their professionalization, which can be a positive starting point for the design of inclusive educational settings in the culture of digitality

    Genomic CDKN2A/2B deletions in adult Ph+ ALL are adverse despite allogeneic stem cell transplantation

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    We investigated the role of copy number alterations to refine risk stratification in adult Philadelphia chromosome positive (Ph)+ ALL treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) and allogeneic stem cell transplantation (aSCT). 97 Ph+ ALL patients (median age 41 years, range 18-64 years) within the prospective multicenter GMALL studies 06/99 (n=8) and 07/2003 (n=89) were analysed. All patients received TKI and aSCT in first complete remission (CR1). Copy number analysis was performed with SNP arrays and validated by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA). The frequencies of recurrently deleted genes were: IKZF1, 76%, CDKN2A/2B, 45%, PAX5, 43%, BTG1, 18%, EBF1, 13%, ETV6, 5%, RB, 14%. In univariate analyses, the presence of CDKN2A/2B deletions had a negative impact on all endpoints: overall survival (p=0.023), disease free survival (p=0.012) and remission duration (p=0.036). The negative predictive value of CDKN2A/2B deletions was retained in multivariable analysis along with other factors such as timing of TKI therapy, intensity of conditioning, achieving remission after induction phase I and BTG1 deletions. We therefore conclude that acquired genomic CDKN2A/2B deletions identify a subgroup of Ph+ ALL patients, who have an inferior prognosis despite aSCT in CR1. Their poor outcome was attributable primarily to a high relapse rate after aSCT

    Inhibition of lysyl oxidases synergizes with 5-azacytidine to restore erythropoiesis in myelodysplastic and myeloid malignancies

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    Limited response rates and frequent relapses during standard of care with hypomethylating agents in myelodysplastic neoplasms (MN) require urgent improvement of this treatment indication. Here, by combining 5-azacytidine (5-AZA) with the pan-lysyl oxidase inhibitor PXS-5505, we demonstrate superior restoration of erythroid differentiation in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) of MN patients in 20/31 cases (65%) versus 9/31 cases (29%) treated with 5-AZA alone. This effect requires direct contact of HSPCs with bone marrow stroma components and is dependent on integrin signaling. We further confirm these results in vivo using a bone marrow niche-dependent MN xenograft model in female NSG mice, in which we additionally demonstrate an enforced reduction of dominant clones as well as significant attenuation of disease expansion and normalization of spleen sizes. Overall, these results lay out a strong pre-clinical rationale for efficacy of combination treatment of 5-AZA with PXS-5505 especially for anemic MN

    Use of an Atrial Lead with Very Short Tip-To-Ring Spacing Avoids Oversensing of Far-Field R-Wave

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    The AVOID-FFS (Avoidance of Far-Field R-wave Sensing) study aimed to investigate whether an atrial lead with a very short tip-to-ring spacing without optimization of pacemaker settings shows equally low incidence of far-field R-wave sensing (FFS) when compared to a conventional atrial lead in combination with optimization of the programming.Patients receiving a dual chamber pacemaker were randomly assigned to receive an atrial lead with a tip-to-ring spacing of 1.1 mm or a lead with a conventional tip-to-ring spacing of 10 mm. Postventricular atrial blanking (PVAB) was programmed to the shortest possible value of 60 ms in the study group, and to an individually determined optimized value in the control group. Atrial sensing threshold was programmed to 0.3 mV in both groups. False positive mode switch caused by FFS was evaluated at one and three months post implantation.A total of 204 patients (121 male; age 73±10 years) were included in the study. False positive mode switch caused by FFS was detected in one (1%) patient of the study group and two (2%) patients of the control group (p = 0.62).The use of an atrial electrode with a very short tip-to-ring spacing avoids inappropriate mode switch caused by FFS without the need for individual PVAB optimization.ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00512915

    Replication stress signaling is a therapeutic target in myelodysplastic syndromes with splicing factor mutations

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    Somatic mutations in genes coding for splicing factors, e.g., SF3B1, U2AF1, SRSF2, and others are found in approximately 50% of patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). These mutations have been predicted to frequently occur early in the mutational hierarchy of the disease, therefore, making them particularly attractive potential therapeutic targets. Recent studies in cell lines engineered to carry splicing factor mutations have revealed a strong association with elevated levels of DNA:RNA intermediates (R-loops) and a dependency on proper ATR function. However, data confirming this hypothesis in a representative cohort of primary MDS patient samples have so far been missing. Using CD34+ cells isolated from MDS patients with and without splicing factor mutations as well as healthy controls we show that splicing factor mutation- associated R-loops lead to elevated levels of replication stress and ATR pathway activation. Moreover, splicing factor mutated CD34+ cells are more susceptible to pharmacological inhibition of ATR resulting in elevated levels of DNA damage, cell cycle blockade, and cell death. This can be enhanced by combination treatment with the low-dose splicing modulatory compound Pladienolide B. We further confirm the direct association between R-loops and ATR sensitivity and the presence of a splicing factor mutation using lentiviral overexpression of wild-type and mutant SRSF2 P95H in cord blood CD34+ cells. Collectively, our results from n=53 MDS patients identify replication stress and associated ATR signaling to be critical pathophysiological mechanisms in primary MDS CD34+ cells carrying splicing factor mutations, and provide a preclinical rationale for targeting ATR signaling in these patients

    Investigating the zoonotic origin of the West African Ebola epidemic

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    The severe Ebola virus disease epidemic occurring in West Africa stems from a single zoonotic transmission event to a 2‐year‐old boy in Meliandou, Guinea. We investigated the zoonotic origins of the epidemic using wildlife surveys, interviews, and molecular analyses of bat and environmental samples. We found no evidence for a concurrent outbreak in larger wildlife. Exposure to fruit bats is common in the region, but the index case may have been infected by playing in a hollow tree housing a colony of insectivorous free‐tailed bats (Mops condylurus). Bats in this family have previously been discussed as potential sources for Ebola virus outbreaks, and experimental data have shown that this species can survive experimental infection. These analyses expand the range of possible Ebola virus sources to include insectivorous bats and reiterate the importance of broader sampling efforts for understanding Ebola virus ecology

    Estrogen Receptor Alpha Expression in Ovarian Cancer Predicts Longer Overall Survival

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    Estrogen as a potential factor of ovarian carcinogenesis, acts via two nuclear receptors, estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) and estrogen receptor beta (ERÎČ), but the cellular signal pathways involved are not completely clear so far. In this study we have described the expression of ERα, detected by immunocytochemistry in 11 ovarian carcinoma cell lines and by immunohistochemistry in 43 Federation Internationale des Gyneacologistes et Obstetristes stage III ovarian carcinoma specimens prepared before and after treatment with cisplatin-based schemes. For cisplatin resistance is a major obstacle in the treatment of ovarian carcinoma, analysis of cisplatin sensitivity in 11 ovarian carcinoma cell line was also performed. The strong nuclear ERα expression was only shown in the single A2780P cell line. Expression of ERα in tissue specimens did not reveal any correlations between histopathological parameters (histologic type and grading). We demonstrated a significant association with ERα expression in specimens from primary laparotomies (PL) and cause–specific survival. In the cases terminated by death of the patient, overall immunoreactivity score of ERα expression at PL was significantly lower than in surviving patients. In addition, Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed significantly shorter overall survival time and progression-free time in cases with lower immunoreactivity score of ERα expression at PL. Our findings support the hypothesis that aberrant hormone activity, by way of altered receptor expression, might be an important factor in the malignant transformation of ovarian cancer
