160 research outputs found

    β-, γ-相(Mg,Fe)2SiO4の弾性率の温度変化 : 補遺

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    We measured the resonant frequencies for sphere specimens of the high pressure phases, β-and γ-(Mg0.91Fe0.09)2SiO4 from 298 to 470 K. The adibatic bulk modulus Ks and shear modulus μ at 298 K were determined to be Ks=165.72(6), μ=105.43(2) GPa for the β-phase, and Ks=185.1(2), μ=118.22(6) GPa for the γ-phase, respectively. The average slopes of the moduli at the measured temperature ranges were found to be ∂Ks/∂T=-0.175(3), ∂μ/∂T=-0.0159(1) GPaK-1 for the β-phase and ∂Ks/∂T=-0.193(6), ∂μ/∂T=-0.148(3) GPaK-1 for the γ-phase. The numerals in parentheses indicate probeble errors in the last place. In this technical report, we describe the observed frequencies and calcuation method to obtain elastic moduli, in details


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    [論文] Articl


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    [論文] Articl


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    [論文] Articl

    Realizing Community Invigoration and an Inclusive Society through International Human Resources : Findings from an Open Studies Course at Tokushima University

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    我が国では,グローバル化及び少子高齢化・人口減少が進む中,外国人労働者の積極的な活用が喫緊の課題となっている。但し外国人材の獲得は,国内の地域間だけでなく国際的な競争にもさらされているため,彼らの我が国及び徳島への定着を促し,産業の維持・発展並びに地域活性化と共生を実現していくには,各地域社会において具体的な方策が求められる。こうした問題意識のもと,JICA 四国と徳島大学は2019 年に連携して公開講座を実施した。本稿は,その講座内容を整理し,実施成果より今後の展望を考察するものである。 本稿での考察を産学官民の観点から整理すると,①産業界においては,外国人と日本人の双方にとって生産性の高い労働環境を整備し,国内外でのビジネス展開強化の意識を持つこと,②学術界においては,地域社会及び経済の発展に資する研究成果の社会実装と,グローバルな視野を有し,地域に貢献できる人材の育成・輩出を促進すること,③行政においては,外国人一人ひとりの生活及び労働面等の異なるニーズに寄り添い,柔軟に対応する姿勢を持つとともに,地域全体で外国人の受入れと共生に向けた意識を育むための環境を醸成していくこと,④市民社会においては,外国人を地域に住む仲間として受入れ,彼らと協働しながら誰にとっても住みやすいまちづくりを促進していくこと,が今後の展望として析出された。今後,それぞれの業界が上記課題を具現化し,かつ効果的に連携できる方途を模索しながら,戦略的な地域活性化及び外国人材との共生に向けた前進が期待される

    Risk factors for perioperative venous thromboembolism: A retrospective study in Japanese women with gynecologic diseases

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with gynecologic cancer have a high risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) like patients with other cancers. However, there is little information on risk factors for VTE during gynecologic surgery and no uniform preventive strategy. Our objectives were to identify risk factors for perioperative VTE in gynecologic patients and establish methods for prevention. METHODS: We analyzed 1,232 patients who underwent surgery at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of St. Marianna University School of Medicine between January 2005 and June 2008. We investigated (1) risk factors for preoperative VTE, (2) use of an inferior vena cava (IVC) filter, and (3) risk factors for postoperative VTE. RESULTS: There were 39 confirmed cases of perioperative VTE (3.17%), including 25 patients with preoperative VTE and 14 with postoperative VTE. Thirty-two patients had cancer and seven patients had benign diseases. Twenty-two of the 32 cancer patients (68.7%) had preoperative VTE, while postoperative VTE occurred in 10 cancer patients. Multivariate analysis indicated that ovarian cancer, tumor diameter ≥10 cm, and previous of VTE were independent risk factors for preoperative VTE. Among ovarian cancer patients, multivariate analysis showed that an age ≥50 years, the presence of heart disease, clear cell adenocarcinoma, and tumor diameter ≥20 cm were independent risk factors for preoperative VTE. The factors significantly related to preoperative VTE in patients with benign disease included previous VTE, age ≥55 years, tumor diameter ≥20 cm, and a history of allergic-immunologic disease. Thirteen of the 25 patients (52%) with preoperative VTE had an IVC filter inserted preoperatively. Postoperative screening (interview and D-dimer measurement) revealed VTE in 14/1,232 patients (1.14%). Multivariate analysis indicated that cancer surgery, a history of allergic-immunologic disease, and blood transfusion ≥2,000 ml were independent risk factors for postoperative VTE. CONCLUSIONS: Perioperative VTE is often fatal and preventive measures should be taken in the gynecologic field, especially when patients have the risk factors identified in this study. Since VTE is often present before surgery, preoperative screening is important and use of an IVC filter should be considered

    Transcriptional repression by MYB3R proteins regulates plant organ growth

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    In multicellular organisms, temporal and spatial regulation of cell proliferation is central for generating organs with defined sizes and morphologies. For establishing and maintaining the post-mitotic quiescent state during cell differentiation, it is important to repress genes with mitotic functions. We found that three of the Arabidopsis MYB3R transcription factors synergistically maintain G2/M-specific genes repressed in post-mitotic cells and restrict the time window of mitotic gene expression in proliferating cells. The combined mutants of the three repressor-type MYB3R genes displayed long roots, enlarged leaves, embryos, and seeds. Genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation revealed that MYB3R3 binds to the promoters of G2/M-specific genes and to E2F target genes. MYB3R3 associates with the repressor-type E2F, E2FC, and the RETINOBLASTOMA RELATED proteins. In contrast, the activator MYB3R4 was in complex with E2FB in proliferating cells. With mass spectrometry and pairwise interaction assays, we identified some of the other conserved components of the multiprotein complexes, known as DREAM/dREAM in human and flies. In plants, these repressor complexes are important for periodic expression during cell cycle and to establish a post-mitotic quiescent state determining organ size

    Acquisition of Human-Type Receptor Binding Specificity by New H5N1 Influenza Virus Sublineages during Their Emergence in Birds in Egypt

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    Highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus subtype H5N1 is currently widespread in Asia, Europe, and Africa, with 60% mortality in humans. In particular, since 2009 Egypt has unexpectedly had the highest number of human cases of H5N1 virus infection, with more than 50% of the cases worldwide, but the basis for this high incidence has not been elucidated. A change in receptor binding affinity of the viral hemagglutinin (HA) from α2,3- to α2,6-linked sialic acid (SA) is thought to be necessary for H5N1 virus to become pandemic. In this study, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis of H5N1 viruses isolated between 2006 and 2009 in Egypt. The phylogenetic results showed that recent human isolates clustered disproportionally into several new H5 sublineages suggesting that their HAs have changed their receptor specificity. Using reverse genetics, we found that these H5 sublineages have acquired an enhanced binding affinity for α2,6 SA in combination with residual affinity for α2,3 SA, and identified the amino acid mutations that produced this new receptor specificity. Recombinant H5N1 viruses with a single mutation at HA residue 192 or a double mutation at HA residues 129 and 151 had increased attachment to and infectivity in the human lower respiratory tract but not in the larynx. These findings correlated with enhanced virulence of the mutant viruses in mice. Interestingly, these H5 viruses, with increased affinity to α2,6 SA, emerged during viral diversification in bird populations and subsequently spread to humans. Our findings suggested that emergence of new H5 sublineages with α2,6 SA specificity caused a subsequent increase in human H5N1 influenza virus infections in Egypt, and provided data for understanding the virus's pandemic potential

    Functional annotation of human long noncoding RNAs via molecular phenotyping

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    Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) constitute the majority of transcripts in the mammalian genomes, and yet, their functions remain largely unknown. As part of the FANTOM6 project, we systematically knocked down the expression of 285 lncRNAs in human dermal fibroblasts and quantified cellular growth, morphological changes, and transcriptomic responses using Capped Analysis of Gene Expression (CAGE). Antisense oligonucleotides targeting the same lncRNAs exhibited global concordance, and the molecular phenotype, measured by CAGE, recapitulated the observed cellular phenotypes while providing additional insights on the affected genes and pathways. Here, we disseminate the largest-todate lncRNA knockdown data set with molecular phenotyping (over 1000 CAGE deep-sequencing libraries) for further exploration and highlight functional roles for ZNF213-AS1 and lnc-KHDC3L-2.Peer reviewe