
β-, γ-相(Mg,Fe)2SiO4の弾性率の温度変化 : 補遺


We measured the resonant frequencies for sphere specimens of the high pressure phases, β-and γ-(Mg0.91Fe0.09)2SiO4 from 298 to 470 K. The adibatic bulk modulus Ks and shear modulus μ at 298 K were determined to be Ks=165.72(6), μ=105.43(2) GPa for the β-phase, and Ks=185.1(2), μ=118.22(6) GPa for the γ-phase, respectively. The average slopes of the moduli at the measured temperature ranges were found to be ∂Ks/∂T=-0.175(3), ∂μ/∂T=-0.0159(1) GPaK-1 for the β-phase and ∂Ks/∂T=-0.193(6), ∂μ/∂T=-0.148(3) GPaK-1 for the γ-phase. The numerals in parentheses indicate probeble errors in the last place. In this technical report, we describe the observed frequencies and calcuation method to obtain elastic moduli, in details

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