428 research outputs found

    Periodismo alternativo en Brasil: ¿qué voces se escuchan?

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    This work presents partial findings of research that began in 2015 which aims to understand how alternative journalism is evolving in the digital sphere in Brazil. We discuss the concept of alternative journalism based on the context as well as the main characteristics of this kind of journalism, and focused our data gathering on the type of sources consulted by the websites. We considered four kinds of sources: Official, Unofficial, Expert, and Witness. We then used documental and content analysis of over 190 articles. This preliminary result shows that this kind of website cites, still, a majority of Official and Experts sources.Este trabajo presenta los resultados parciales de la investigación que comenzó en 2015 y tiene como objetivo comprender cómo se está desarrollando el periodismo alternativo en la esfera digital en Brasil. Discutimos aquí el concepto de periodismo alternativo en función del contexto, y las principales características posibles manejadas por este tipo de periodismo. Centramos nuestra búsqueda de datos en el tipo de fuentes consultadas por los sitios web seleccionados. Consideramos cuatro tipos de fuentes: Oficiales, no Oficiales, Expertos y Testigos. Como metodología, utilizamos el análisis documental y de contenido de más de 190 artículos. Este resultado muestra que este tipo de sitio web todavía cita una mayoría de fuentes Oficiales y de Expertos

    How Syria\u27s Failure to Uphold the Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement Exacerbated the Effects of Climate Change in the Levant

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    The drought in the Levant Region of the Arab Republic of Syria has caused massive destruction by disrupting agriculture and forcing migration to cities. The drought, induced by climate change, has destroyed livelihoods, structures, and health of scores of people. Environmental tensions fed a political discontent that had long been simmering in rural areas, and was a trigger for the Syrian Revolution. Syrians even turned to USAID for help in 2008 when the Syrian minister of agriculture stated publicly, the economic and social fallout from the drought was \u27beyond [Syria\u27s] capacity as a country to deal with. However, the impacts of climate change and the drought in the Levant are still felt today in both Syria and its surrounding countries. Syria\u27s failure to uphold commitments under inter- national environmental declarations such as the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement exacerbated the drought in the Levant Region of Syria

    Apakah Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Konstruksi Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Dipengaruhi Penerapan PSAK72?

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    ABSTRACT This study aims to see whether before and after the implementation of PSAK72 will affect the performance of financial construction companies that are on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data used is secondary data with a population of 24 issuers. The research sample was based on purposive data collection techniques with certain criteria obtained by 21 issuers throughout 2018-2020. The analysis technique used is quantitative descriptive. The Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was used as an analytical test tool in this study. The test results show that before and after the implementation of PSAK 72 does not affect financial performance as represented by the current ratio, debt to equity ratio, and net profit margin. This means that this research adds to previous empirical research evidence which states that there is no effect of PSAK72 implementation on financial performance. The adoption of PSAK72 does not necessarily significantly increase or decrease a company's financial performance. Keywords : Financial Performance, Financial Ratio, PSAK72     ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat apakah sebelum dan sesudah penerapan PSAK72 akan mempengaruhi kinerja keuangan perusahaan konstruksi yang ada di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dengan populasi berjumlah 24 emiten. Sampel penelitian berdasarkan teknik pengumpulan data secara purposif dengan krieria tertentu diperoleh sebanyak 21 emiten sepanjang tahun 2018-2020. Teknik analisis yang digunakan deksriptif kuantitatif. Uji Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test digunakan sebagai alat uji analisis dalam penelitian ini. Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa sebelum dan sesudah penerapan PSAK 72 tidak mempengaruhi kinerja keuangan yang diwakilkan oleh current ratio, debt to equity ratio, dan net profit margin. Artinya penelitian ini menambah bukti empiris penelitian sebelumnya yang menyatakan bahwa tidak adanya pengaruh penerapan PSAK72 terhadap kinerja keuangan. Penerapan PSAK72 belum tentu meningkatkan atau menurunkan kinerja keuangan perusahaan secara signifikan. Kata Kunci: Kinerja Keuangan, PSAK72, Rasio Keuanga

    O que motiva a doação de dinheiro? Estudo sobre motivadores externos

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    The objective of this study is to identify external motivating factors that favor individual money donation. Methodologically, we adopted a descriptive and quantitative cross-sectional study. In order to collect data, we prepared a questionnaire containing 49 statements based on external motivating variables of regular individual money donation found in the literature on the subject. After testing the questionnaire, we applied it to 1073 Brazilians, regular money donors and we performed an exploratory factor analysis. Conclusively, we identified 8 external factors that motivate individual money donation: Trust, Reward, Leadership influences, Characteristics of the organization, Environmental influences, Personal benefits, Characteristics of beneficiaries and Future Interests. We expect that these 8 factors combined, could become a useful tool to improve the management of charitable organizations, especially in defining campaigns or other marketing strategies to attract new donors and raise funds on occasions that are favorable to individual money donation.El objetivo en este estudio es identificar los factores motivadores externos que favorecen la donación individual de dinero. Se ha adoptado como metodología un estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo, con sección transversal. Para la recopilación de datos se ha elaborado un cuestionario con 49 afirmaciones que tenían como base las variables motivacionales externas de donación individual regular de dinero encontradas en la literatura sobre el tema. El cuestionario, previamente puesto a prueba, se ha aplicado a 1073 brasileños, donantes regulares de dinero, y se ha realizado el análisis factorial exploratorio. Como conclusión, se han identificado ocho factores externos que, en la opinión de los encuestados donantes, motivan la donación individual de dinero: confianza, recompensa, influencias de liderazgo, características de la organización, influencias del ambiente, beneficios personales, características de los beneficiarios e intereses futuros. Se espera que estos ocho factores, juntos, puedan convertirse en una herramienta útil para mejorar la gestión de las organizaciones de caridad, sobre todo en la definición de campañas y otras estrategias de marketing destinadas a atraer a nuevos donantes y a recaudar fondos en ocasiones favorables a la donación individual de dinero.Neste estudo, Buscou-se identificar os fatores motivadores externos que favorecem a doação individual de dinheiro. Metodologicamente adotou-se uma pesquisa descritiva, quantitativa com corte transversal. Para coleta dos dados foi elaborado um questionário contendo 49 afirmativas baseadas nas variáveis motivadoras externas de doação individual regular de dinheiro encontradas na literatura sobre o tema. Depois de testado, o questionário foi aplicado a 1073 brasileiros, doadores regulares de dinheiro e realizada a análise fatorial exploratória. Conclusivamente, foram identificados oito fatores externos que, na visão dos doadores pesquisados, motivam a doação individual de dinheiro: Confiança, Recompensa, Influências de lideranças, Características da organização, Influências do ambiente, Benefícios pessoais, Características dos beneficiários e Interesses futuros. Espera-se que esses oito fatores, conjuntamente, possam se tornar uma ferramenta útil para melhorar a gestão das organizações de caridade, principalmente na definição de campanhas ou outras estratégias de marketing para atrair novos doadores e angariar fundos em ocasiões favoráveis à doação individual de dinheiro

    En Boca Cerrada No Entran Moscas. Flies Don\u27t Enter Closed Mouths: A Grounded Theory Study of Latinas\u27 Testimonios of Child Sexual Abuse Disclosure

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    Despite countless studies demonstrating a high prevalence of child sexual abuse (CSA) and low rates of disclosure in the Latinx community, research exploring Latinx CSA disclosure is scant in family communication studies. This study explores how Latinas choose to disclose and/or conceal their experience(s) of CSA as well as explores the Latinx cultural constructs that impact disclosure. Using the Indigenous methodology of testimonio, grounded theory, and communication privacy management theory as a sensitizing theory, the study examined six Latinas\u27 testimonios collected in one-on-one interviews. In an effort to stay true to testimonio, the overarching themes are presented through individual narrative portraits that provide a space to introduce each participant and their narratives. Within the narrative portraits, analysis of each Latina\u27s testimonio occurs by operating on Chicana Feminism and Mujerista Theology. These women of color theories provide an intricate context that grant insight into the matrix of domination and underlying power structures within Latinx culture that impact Latina CSA disclosure. Latinas\u27 testimonios demonstrate the centering of the family when choosing to reveal and/or conceal their instances of CSA. Specifically, the study\u27s results indicate that certain patriarchal principles encourage Latinas to uphold docility and purity. Further, they encourage Latinas to perform within a very strict gender role, where the protection of the family is important. This study also demonstrates that CSA is normalized and an experience that is inherited from grandmothers to mothers to daughters


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    Background and Research Objectives - In Indonesia, information literacy coincides with the phenomenon of illiteracy and low reading interest. The library as an educational institution plays an important role in increasing information literacy in the world of education. Likewise, libraries in Higher Education are very important in supporting the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. This study aims to determine the role of the Pekalongan Nursing Study Program Library in increasing information literacy, as well as to determine the benefits of information literacy for students during the Covid-19 pandemic.Methodology - This research  is descriptive quantitative  in nature. A total of 70  respondentswere recruited by means of accidental sampling to measure the role of the library. The questionnaire was made referring to library standards and was developed based on the Likert scale. After the data is collected, it is processed and presented in tables and graphs. Furthermore, the data are descriptively categorized into interval scales, namely: 1) very good (3.28-4.03), 2) good (2.52-3.27), 3)less good (1.76-2, 51), 4) not good (1.00-1.75).Research Results - The results of the research that have been achieved with respondents, namely students of the Poltekkes of the Ministry of Health in Semarang, level 2 and level 3 of the Pekalongan Nursing Study Program, which have been carried out since June 2020, show that the role of libraries in student information literacy during the Covid-19 pandemic in Pekalongan Nursing Study Program, Poltekkes Ministry of Health Semarang with "enough" results as many as 61 respondents (87.1%).Conclusions and Suggestions - The characteristics of respondents in the research on the role oflibraries on student information literacy were dominated by female sex with a total of 61 respondents (87.1%). The role of libraries in student information literacy during the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in 61 respondents (87.1%) in the "adequate" category. It is necessary to develop further research on the role of libraries in information literacy by increasing the number of respondents in addition to students as well as teaching staff and educational staff. Besides that, also by deepening the research questionnaire that was distributed to respondents. Keywords: Information Literacy, Role and Utilization of Librarie

    Curso de Extensão para profissionais de saúde – “Saúde e Qualidade Ambiental”

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    Trabalho apresentado no 31º SEURS - Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 04 a 07 de agosto de 2013 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.Contexto da ação: A qualidade ambiental está intrinsecamente ligada a área da saúde e vem sendo discutida por outras áreas do conhecimento, demandando ações intersetoriais e multidisciplinares. Este resumo tem como objetivo relatar a experiência da realização deste curso de extensão. Detalhamento das atividades: O curso ocorreu em 2012 e foi promovido pela FEn-UFPel em parceira com a Embrapa Clima Temperado e com o apoio da EMATER/Pelotas/RS, tendo como público alvo profissionais que atuam nos 22 municípios da 3ª Coordenadoria Regional de Saúde (CRS) do Rio Grande do Sul (RS), além de estudantes. Estava organizado em cinco módulos, com atividades teóricas e práticas, além de uma visita técnica a uma fazenda de produção biodinâmica em Sentinela do Sul/RS. Análise e discussão: Concluíram o curso 32 participantes. Entre estes, 18 profissionais atuavam nos municípios da 3ª CRS e 14 eram alunos de graduação e pós-graduação vinculados a FEn-UFPel. Entre os 18 participantes, 14 eram profissionais de saúde e o restante atuava em outras áreas, os quais trabalhavam em sete municípios da 3ª CRS. Os participantes relataram sobre a contribuição do curso para suas práticas profissionais, aquisição de conhecimentos sobre plantas bioativas, relações entre as doenças e o ambiente onde estamos inseridos, compartilhamento de vivências, entre outros. A visita técnica foi descritapelos participantes como ponto relevante para finalizar o curso, pois relataram ser importante conhecer como ocorre o cultivo biodinâmico. Considerações finais: O curso possibilitou aos participantes um espaço de trocas sobre saúde e qualidade ambiental, proporcionando ampliar as opções no cuidado a população


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    Em sua organização espacial atual, os bens industriais nos informam sobre o quadro sociopolítico-econômico a partir da recuperação de sua memória, permitindo compreender seu processo de produção. Suas histórias estão registradas nos vestígios de um passado-presente. São materialidades carregadas de sentidos pelos valores a elas atribuídos. No artigo que segue, procuramos discutir o patrimônio ferroviário como parte do chamado patrimônio industrial. Caminhamos no sentido de produzir uma atribuição de valor à Estrada de Ferro Vitória a Minas (EFVM), estudando as transformações da ferrovia e de seu entorno no espaço e no tempo. Trabalhamos com um recorte mais específico ao analisar a importância desta estrada de ferro para o município de João Neiva. A escolha da Estrada de Ferro Vitória a Minas como objeto de estudo passa pela reflexão e apontamento de aspectos a serem considerados na valoração patrimonial do patrimônio ferroviário, independentemente, de sua instância de preservação (federal, estadual ou municipal). In its current spatial organization, recovering industrial goods recovers an economic, social and politic framework, which allows us to understand their production process. Their stories are recorded in the vestiges of a past-present. They represent a materiality loaded with meanings given by values assigned to them. In this article, we discuss the railroad heritage as part of the so-called industrial heritage. We have assessed the value of the Vitória-Minas Railway (EFVM) by studying the railway transformation, as well as its environment’s, through space and time. We work with specific focus on analyzing the railway’s importance to the city of João Neiva. The choice of the Vitória-Minas railway as this study’s subject passes through reflection and pointing aspects to be considered in the heritage valuation of railroad heritage, regardless of its preservation instance (federal, state or municipal)


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    ABSTRAK Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) mengeluarkan fatwa MUI Nomor 56 Tahun 2016 yang menimbulkan kontroversial baik di kalangan umat Islam maupun non Islam. Kontroversi ini disebabkan keputusan Majelis Ulama Indonesia menetapkan haram terhadap penggunaan Atribut Keagamaan Non-Muslim, serta haram pula mengajak dan memerintahkan menggunakan atribut keagamaan non muslim. Fatwa ini memicu berbagai respon di masyarakat. Sehingga penelitian ini perlu dikaji dalam perspektif fiqh siyasah. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1) Bagaimana dasar hukum fatwa MUI dalam menetapkan hukum menggunakan atribut keagamaan non-Muslim? 2) Bagaimana analisis fiqh siyasah terhadap fatwa MUI dalam menetapkan hukum menggunakan atribut keagamaan non-Muslim kolerasinya dengan prinsip toleransi di Indonesia? Penelitian ini bertujuan 1)Untuk mengetahui dasar Pertimbangan fatwa MUI dalam menetapkan hukum menggunakan atribut keagamaan non-Muslim. 2) Untuk mengetahui analisis fiqh siyasah terhadap fatwa MUI dalam menetapkan hukum menggunakan atribut keagamaan non-Muslim kolerasinya dengan prinsip toleransi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian (library research) kepustakaan. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah metode pendekatan Normative. Sumber data yang digunakan berupa sumber data primer yang berasal dari Dalam hal ini sumber data primer Fatwa MUI Nomor 56 Tahun 2016 tentang hukum menggunakan atribut keagamaan non-muslim. Serta sumber data sekunder berasal dari publikasi, buku, jurnal, penelitian terdahulu maupun data-data lain yang terkait dengan penelitian. Hasil penelitian kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: Majelis Ulama Indonesia dalam menetapkan fatwa no 56 tahun 2016 telah memberikan ketentuan hukum yaitu menggunakan atribut keagamaan non muslim haram dan mengajak menggunakan atribut iii keagamaan non muslim. Dasar dan metode fatwa MUI tentang diharamkannya menggunakan atribut keagamaan non muslim pertama menggunakan dasar Al-Qur'an, al-Hadits.,kaidah ushul fikih. Dalam Alqur’an dibolehkan bergaul dan berbuat baik kepada non muslim sebagaimana tercantum dalam surat Al-Mumtahanah ayat 8, tetapi dengan tegas Allah melarang orang Islam untuk meniru dan mengikuti orang kafir serta tidak mencampurkan antara haq dan batil sebagaimana tercantum dalam surat Al-Baqarah ayat 42 dan Al�Baqarah ayat 104. Untuk memperkuat larangan menggunakan atribut keagamaan MUI memperkuatnya dengan kaidah Ushul Fikih Sadd al�Dzari’ah