1,207 research outputs found

    Toward an Alternative Intrinsic Probe for Spectroscopic Characterization of a Protein

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    The intrinsic fluorescent amino acid tryptophan is the unanimous choice for the spectroscopic investigation of proteins. However, several complicacies in the interpretation of tryptophan fluorescence in a protein are inevitable and an alternative intrinsic protein probe is a longstanding demand. In this contribution, we report an electron-transfer reaction in a human transporter protein (HSA) cavity which causes the tryptophan residue (Trp214) to undergo chemical modification to form one of its metabolites kynurenine (Kyn214). Structural integrity upon modification of the native protein is confirmed by dynamic light scattering (DLS) as well as near and far circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. Femtosecond-resolved fluorescence transients of the modified protein describe the dynamics of solvent molecules in the protein cavity in both the native and denatured states. In order to establish general use of the probe, we have studied the dipolar interaction of Kyn214 with a surface-bound ligand (crystal violet, CV) of the protein. By using the sensitivity of FRET, we have determined the distance between Kyn214 (donor) and CV (acceptor). Our study is an attempt to explore an alternative intrinsic fluorescence probe for the spectroscopic investigation of a protein. In order to establish the efficacy of the modification technique we have converted the tryptophan residues of other proteins (bovine serum albumin, chymotrypsin and subtilisin Carlsberg) to kynurenine and confirmed their structural integrity. We have also shown that catalytic activity of the enzymes remains intact upon the modification

    移動, 紛争および人的資本形成について : ネパールの事例

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    政策分析プログラム / Policy Analysis Program政策研究大学院大学 / National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies論文審査委員: 田中 隆一(主査), LEON-GONZALEZ, Roberto, 山内 慎子, 諸星 穂積, 不破 信彦(東京大学公共政策大学院


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    This research aims at assessing the impact of industrial placement on students’ employability skills in the tertiary education sector in Mauritius. Long-time neglected and considered as accessory to academic learning, industrial placement is nowadays a necessity for this category of students. In a competitive world where there needs be a suitable match between employment skills and job demands, industrial placement is rightly considered as a stepping stone to the forthcoming work-life career of the individual. The research states that students undergoing industrial placement in suitable companies learn the various skills and techniques in a job environment, gain greater confidence and maturity prior to embarking on a job. This study is limited to a sample of students from Université des Mascareignes that has formalised such training using an established methodology and framework to assess students. It is clearly approved that industrial placement is relevant in tertiary academic learning in that it bridges the gap between school and the immediate work environment

    Research for all, an initiative to promote research in the Mauritian society

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    At a time when leaders are globally discussing of the impact of climate change on the environment, it has become a necessity for strategists to think of democratising research to enable the wider community to get opportunities to undertake and participate in research. Very often, this aspect is dismissed and the lack of citizen involvement in research leaves a majority as users of models prescribed by knowledgeable people. This paper addresses a broad concept "Research for All" with the intention of sensitising information on allowing the community to develop, create and contribute to research in a meaningful way since bright ideas sometimes come from the community and these are commercialised by researchers. The effort of the community is usually underestimated with biased thoughts like they are not deep enough to be claimed as research but, in essence, have their contribution in society. The paper focus is on initiatives to democratise research and see how the wider community provides useful input to innovation, research and development

    Power games and their history in the Indian Ocean: A Mauritian perspective

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    This paper aims to discuss the situation of Mauritius in the post-colonial geopolitical configuration of the Indian Ocean. The island nation, a former British colony that has been independent since 1968, is today confronted with geopolitical issues that place it within a dilemma. Its recent allegiance with India, through preferential trade partnership, makes claiming sovereignty over the Chagos Archipelago which was part of its territory before independence complicated. There is in an ongoing conflict with Great Britain and, indirectly, the United States on this contentious issue. At the same time, Mauritius needs to consider China’s influence in the region since it partners with most of the independent nations on matters of economic development. Mauritius itself has established an important trading platform through Chinese assistance. Concurrently, the Mauritian relationship with the United States cannot be compromised as it has been the major trading partner since 1794 with an embassy established in 1968. Hence, trapped between economic ties from all the partners engaged in the Indian Ocean, Mauritius strives to maintain its neutrality, while also being obliged to accept that its location, size and influence might not be enough to contest against past and emerging superpowers. To this end, the power games remain as complex as ever in the Indian Ocean when seen from a Mauritian perspective.Este artículo discute la situación de Mauricio en la configuración geopolítica poscolonial del océano Índico. Este Estado insular fue primero una colonia británica y obtuvo su independencia en 1968. En esa época, el archipiélago de Chagos, que hacía parte del territorio de la isla, fue extirpado de Mauricio. Después de la independencia, Mauricio se enfrentó continuamente a la Guerra Fría entre Occidente y la antigua Unión Soviética, al tiempo que pedía la descolonización del archipiélago sobre el cual Mauricio afirma tener soberanía. En el contexto actual, existe una nueva configuración geopolítica que ha visto el surgimiento de países en desarrollo como China e India como nuevas naciones emergentes que buscan ejercer influencia tanto militar como económica en la región. En lo que concierne a China, hay un gran avance con el desarrollo del Cinturón Marítimo de la Seda, mientras India persigue el sueño de mantener el poder en un océano que lleva su nombre. Desde la perspectiva mauriciana, aún queda el objetivo de terminar con la descolonización de Chagos, mientras se enfrenta a la influencia de las nuevas potencias que dominan el contexto geopolítico actual. También existe el problema para Mauricio de mantener lazos políticos con potencias emergentes como China e India, al tiempo que mantiene sus relaciones históricas con Occidente. El nuevo paradigma, en consecuencia, establece un argumento complejo en la nueva configuración geopolítica

    Cefixime and Ofloxacin fixed dose combination induced petechial rash: a case report

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    Petechial rash is a type of rash which is associated with many infectious and non-infectious conditions. We present a case of Petechial rash induced by administration of cefixime with ofloxacin tablet. A eighteen year old male patient reported to us with a presentation of rash with itching for three days on administration of the fixed dose combination of cefixime + ofloxacin along with paracetamol for the previous symptoms of fever with chills, headache and bodyache. Patient describes itching in the rash which is increasing. The duty doctor attended the patient and immediately stopped the further administration of the offending medication. The patient was prescribed tablet cetirizine orally along with calamine lotion for local application. The patient reported back in for follow-up and was without any residual rashes or other such complaints. He was advised to remember and cautious from the use of drugs in the offending category

    The Impact of Nine-Year Schooling on Higher Learning in Mauritius

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    Nine-Year Schooling is the new educational concept developed in Mauritius by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources with the perspective of favouring holistic learning aimed at the future of the Mauritian workforce. With its main intention of being a strategy that aligns Mauritius with international learning standards, this concept should be an effective one although its outcomes have not yet been developed. It is expected that higher learning might be affected by the inputs of the NineYear Schooling namely in terms of competences and skills that are likely to be developed by learners in the new system. This research work analyses how Nine-Year Schooling will impact higher education in terms of prerequisites developed by existing learners, the new paradigm of secondary school education and the new challenges of tertiary education. It also analyses the challenges that the Nine-Year Schooling might pose to higher education. Assuming that outcomes are not yet available, the research seeks expert advice from various stakeholders and a panel of expert opinion to see how the Nine-Year Schooling posits itself in the future and how universities will have to embrace such a new concept

    Development of manufacturability constraints for press forming of sheet metal components

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    Energy Usage and Benefit-Cost Analysis of Castor Production in Haryana

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    The study used farm level data collected from rain-fed and irrigated castor seed cultivators from three purposively selected districts namely Rewari, Sirsa and Hisar of Haryana on the basis of highest acreage under castor crop. From each selected district, two villages were selected purposively having large number of castor cultivators. Sixty castor cultivators were interacted to extract relevant information related to various energy utilized in castor seed production using survey method. The aim of this research is to determine the energy input and output involved in castor production in the Haryana. The average energy consumption of the farms investigated in this study is 11064.18 MJha-1 of the total energy, 23.67 per cent is direct and 56.56 per centwas indirect. Renewable energy accounts for 3.49% and energy usage efficiency is found to be 5.92. The total energy input into the production of one kilogram of average castor was estimated to be 8.55 MJ. The dominant contribution to input is energy in the form of nitrogen fertiliser (32.86%), followed by water for diesel- oil (20.61%) and irrigation (19.77%). The cost of castor production per hectare is found to be ` 97412ha-1 in the region, with 52.70% of this beingfixed costs. It can be concluded that intensive castor farms are being operated in the area since the fixed cost was quite high. As a result of benefit-cost ratio (1.48) analysis, castor production was found to be economically efficient