51 research outputs found

    Hubungan Persepsi Tentang Kemampuan Guru Mengelola Pembelajaran Dan Motivasi Belajar Aqidah Akhlak Dengan Kepatuhan Siswa Melaksanakan Tata Tertib Sekolah Di Man 2 Model Medan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) persepsi siswa terntang kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran aqidah akhlaq (X1), 2) motivasi siswa belajar aqidah akhlaq (X2), 3) kepatuhan siswa melaksanakan tata tertib sekolah (Y), dan 4) hubungan antara persepsi tentang kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran dan motivasi siswa belajar aqidah akhlaq dengan kepatuhan siswa melaksanakan tata tertib sekolah di MAN 2 Model Medan. Hipotesis yang penulis ajukan sebelumnya adalah: (1) terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran aqidah akhlak dengan kepatuhan siswa melaksanakan tata tertib sekolah di MAN 2 Model Medan, (2) terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara motivasi belajar siswa dalam mata pelajaran aqidah akhlak dengan kepatuhan siswa melaksanakan tata tertib sekolah di MAN 2 Model Medan dan (3) terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran aqidah akhlak dan motivasi siswa belajar aqidah akhlak dengan kepatuhan siswa melaksanakan tata tertib sekolah di MAN 2 Model Medan. Populasi penelitian ini dibatasi hanya siswa kelas XI, artinya siswa kelas X dan kelas XII tidak ikut dijadikan sebagai objek penelitian, karena siswa kelas X dipandang belum banyak menerima pembelajaran aqidah akhlaq, sedangkan kelas XII sudah memfokuskan diri untuk menghadapi ujian akhir. Siswa kelas XI (yang menjadi populasi penelitian) berjumlah 396 orang. Dari populasi tersebut yang dijadikan sebagai sampel penelitian 155 orang siswa (39%). Penetapan jumlah sampel ini merujuk pada pendapat Soepeno dalam bukunya Statistik untuk Penelitian Sosial yang mengatakan bahwa jumlah sampel minimal 30% dari jumlah populasi. Sedangkan tehnik yang dilakukan dalam penetapan sampel adalah dengan cara acak (random sampling). Alat pengumpul data menggunakan kuesioner berbentuk angket yang disusun berdasarkan indikator variabel dan diperiksakan kepada pembimbing tesis, selanjutnya diujicobakan kepada responden yang bukan sampel penlitian. Hasil uji coba intrumen (angket) menunjukkan bahwa seluruh instrumen adalah valid dan reliabel. Setelah dilakukan perhitungan dan analisis data hasilnya menunjukkan sebagai berikut: 1) Persepsi siswa tentang kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran dengan Kepatuhan siswa melaksanakan tata tertib sekolah memiliki koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,457 dan sumbangan efektifnya mencapai 17,7 %. 2) Motivasi belajar aqidah akhlak dengan kepatuhan siswa melaksanakan tata tertib sekolah memiliki koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,562 dan sumbangan efektifnya sebesar 26,6%. 3) Persepsi tentang kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran dan motivasi belajar aqidah akhlak secara bersama-sama dengan kepatuhan siswa melaksanakan tata tertib sekolah memiliki koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,666 dan sumbangan totalnya mencapai 44, 3% sedangkan sisanya yakni 55,7 % berasal dari variabel lain diluar variabel penelitian ini. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis penelitian yang diajukan sebelumnya dapat diterima. Karena itu penulis menyarankan bahwa kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran dan motivasi siswa belajar aqidah akhlaq perlu ditingkatkan agar kepatuhan siswa melaksanakan tata tertib sekolah terus mengalami peningkatan

    Understanding pathogenesis in man : a proof of concept study

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    Introduction: The current understanding of the significance of circulating pathogen DNA in infection is limited. Blood cultures are the current gold standard for pathogen detection. The administration of antibiotics can confound pathogen detection by blood cultures. Polymerase chain reaction assays of circulating pathogen DNA has the potential ability for rapid diagnosis of infection and may be potentially useful in a clinical setting. However, the use of this technology has only recently been used in the study of sepsis.Animal models for the study of sepsis have added to our understanding. The failure to translate results from animals to humans has been attributed to the disease characteristics of sepsis (complexity and heterogeneity), inappropriate clinical trials (study of ineffective drugs, inadequate clinical trial designs), and animal models that do not fully mimic human sepsis. Therefore, the finding of an easily reproducible in vivo human model for pathogenaemia may provide a platform for exploring the host’s immune response to circulating pathogen material.Infection and urosepsis are common complications in diagnostic and therapeutic urological procedures. Urological interventional procedures for the removal of renal stones are commonly done in a controlled operating environment and may potentially be an in vivo model for investigating the host immune response to detected pathogen. Antibiotic prophylaxis is routinely given across the world for these urological procedures even though the evidence for their use is weak. If the presence of pathogen is seen to generate an immune response in these in vivo human models, it could be argued that there may be a potential benefit to antibiotic prophylaxis.Aim: To investigate interventional urological stone removal as a model of pathogenaemia in man and, therefore, test the following hypotheses:1. The detection of circulating pathogen DNA by SeptiFast® PCR is an indicator for the infection associated with urological procedures.2. The presence of circulating pathogen DNA correlates with the host immune and physiological response, supporting the notion that antibiotics prophylaxis is important in urological procedures.Method: In a prospective group of patients undergoing stone removal, blood samples were taken at five time points, peri-operatively to assess: The presence of pathogen by blood culture and pathogen DNA by SeptiFast® PCR; Circulating IL - 6 and IL - 10 levels to assess activation of host inflammatory response.Routine peri - operative observations were recorded throughout as measures of physiological responses.Results: Collected historical data on urological procedures by Salford Royal Foundation Trust urology services show that the SeptiFast® assay gave full coverage for pathogens seen in this clinical setting. While positive blood culture was rare, 50% of patients tested positive for pathogen DNAemia and this was associated with increased circulating IL-6 compared to patients with no circulating pathogen DNA. Linkage between pathogen DNA positivity and patient outcome was not established.Conclusion: These data provide novel evidence that pathogen DNAemia is a common feature of routine urological procedures correlating with an increased systemic8inflammatory response. Endourological stone removal interventions may be a useful model for understanding the role of pathogen DNA in triggering inflammatory responses to infection in man

    Evaluation of some basic traits of a promising coconut hybrid: Sri Lankan green dwarf crossed to Vanuatu tall (sgd x vtt)

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    The Lethal Yellowing Disease locally referred to as the “Cape St Paul Wilt Disease” is the single most important disease that has devastated several hectares of coconut plantations in Ghana. Two decades of coconut screening for tolerant planting material has identified the Sri LankanGreen Dwarf crossed Vanuatu Tall (SGD x VTT) coconut hybrid as the most promising planting material in the context of disease. To provide farmers with planting material that has high disease tolerance and also good agronomic characteristics, the study compared some basic traits ofthe coconut hybrid with other important coconut varieties with the objective of determining the suitability of the SGD x VTT as alternative planting material to revamp the coconut industry in Ghana. Mean sample size of 25 palms per coconut variety under the study was analyzed using two sample t-test procedure. The study indicated that the yield performance of the SGD x VTT coconut hybrid was better than the tall coconut types including the local West African Tall (WAT) and compared favourably with the Malayan Yellow Dwarf crossed Vanuatu Tall (MYD x VTT) coconut hybrid. The good agronomic characteristics of the SGD x VTT coupled with itshigh resistance to the CSPWD proved its suitability as alternative planting material to revamp the coconut industry in Ghana

    Screening for tolerance for iron toxicity

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    This study identified the appropriate time to visually score rice germplasm in order to select materials having the lowest yield reduction under iron toxicity. The experiment took place at Korhogo, 90 22' N 50 31' W, in northern C te d'Ivoire, during the wet season (May-Aug 1995) using a randomized complete block design with three replications on an irrigated Ultisol lowland that contained 343 ppm Fe in soil solution at the beginning of the season

    Pest categorisation of Palm lethal yellowing phytoplasmas

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    The EFSA Panelon Plant Health performed a pest categorisation of Palm lethal yellowing phytoplasmas for the EU territory. This name is used to describe diseases that share the same succession of symptoms in palms that are caused by a number of strains of phytoplasma, for which efficient molecular detection assays are available. The pest is not known to occur in the EU and therefore does not meet one of the criteria for being a Union regulated non-quarantine pest. For Candidatus Phytoplasma palmae', the planthopper Haplaxius crudus, which is not known to be present in the EU, is the confirmed vector, but for the other strains, the vectors are unknown. The host range of the pest is restricted to Arecaceae species, in particular coconut. The pest is regulated on all known hosts in Annex IIAI of Directive 2000/29/EC. It could potentially enter the EU via plants for planting or through infected vectors. The phytoplasmas could become established in the EU as host plants are present. It is unknown whether arthropods present in the EU could be vectors. The potential impact of the pest if introduced into the EU is difficult to assess given this uncertainty but is estimated to be limited. The main knowledge gaps concern the status of potential vector insects in the EU; the possibility for seed transmission of the phytoplasmas; the origin and volume of the trade in palm seeds and plants for planting; the host status and susceptibility of many palm species grown in the EU and the potential new assignments of phytoplasmas to this categorisation that might have associated alternate hosts. Palm lethal yellowing phytoplasmas meet the criteria assessed by EFSA for consideration as Union quarantine pest

    Coconut lethal yellowing diseases: a phytoplasma threat to palms of global economic and social significance

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    The recent discovery of Bogia coconut syndrome in Papua New Guinea (PNG) is the first report of a lethal yellowing disease (LYD) in Oceania. Numerous outbreaks of LYDs of coconut have been recorded in the Caribbean and Africa since the late Nineteenth century and have caused the death of millions of palms across several continents during the Twentieth century. Despite the severity of economic losses, it was only in the 1970s that the causes of LYDs were identified as phytoplasmas, a group of insect-transmitted bacteria associated with diseases in many other economically important crop species. Since the development of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology, knowledge of LYDs epidemiology, ecology and vectors has grown rapidly. There is no economically viable treatment for LYDs and vector-based management is hampered by the fact that vectors have been positively identified in very few cases despite many attempted transmission trials. Some varieties and hybrids of coconut palm are known to be less susceptible to LYD but none are completely resistant. Optimal and current management of LYD is through strict quarantine, prompt detection and destruction of symptomatic palms, and replanting with less susceptible varieties or crop species. Advances in technology such as loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) for detection and tracking of phytoplasma DNA in plants and insects, remote sensing for identifying symptomatic palms, and the advent of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-based tools for gene editing and plant breeding are likely to allow rapid progress in taxonomy as well as understanding and managing LYD phytoplasma pathosystems

    Risk Prediction for Acute Kidney Injury in Acute Medical Admissions in the UK

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    Background Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is associated with adverse outcomes; identifying patients who are at risk of developing AKI in hospital may lead to targeted prevention. This approach is advocated in national guidelines but is not well studied in acutely unwell medical patients. We therefore aimed to undertake a UK-wide study in acute medical units (AMUs) with the following aims: to define the proportion of acutely unwell medical patients who develop hospital-acquired AKI (hAKI); to determine risk factors associated with the development of hAKI; and to assess the feasibility of using these risk factors to develop an AKI risk prediction score. Methods In September 2016, a prospective multicentre cohort study across 72 UK AMUs was undertaken. Data were collected from all patients who presented over a 24-hour period. Chronic dialysis, community-acquired AKI (cAKI) and those with fewer than two creatinine measurements were subsequently excluded. The primary outcome was the development of h-AKI. Results 2,446 individuals were admitted to the AMUs of the 72 participating centres. 384 patients (16%) sustained AKI of whom 287 (75%) were cAKI and 97 (25%) were hAKI. After exclusions, 1,235 participants remained in whom chronic kidney disease (OR 3.08, 95% CI 1.96-4.83), diuretic prescription (OR 2.33, 95% CI 1.5-3.65), a lower haemoglobin concentration and an elevated serum bilirubin were independently associated with development of hAKI. Multivariable model discrimination was moderate (c-statistic 0.75), and this did not support the development of a robust clinical risk prediction score. Mortality was higher in those with hAKI (adjusted OR 5.22; 95% CI 2.23-12.20). Conclusion AKI in AMUs is common and associated with worse outcomes, with the majority of cases community acquired. The smaller proportion of hAKI cases, only moderate discrimination of prognostic risk factor modelling and the resource implications of widespread application of an AKI clinical risk score across all AMU admissions suggests that this approach is not currently justified. More targeted risk assessment or automated methods of calculating individual risk may be more appropriate alternatives