72 research outputs found

    Stable oxygen isotope reconstruction of temperature exposure of the Icelandic cod (Gadus morhua) stock over the last 100 years

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    Publisher's version (Ăștgefin grein)Increasing water temperatures are predicted around the globe, with high amplitudes of warming in Subarctic and Arctic regions where Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) populations currently flourish. We reconstructed oxygen isotope and temperature chronologies from Icelandic cod otoliths, one of the largest cod stocks in the world, to determine if cod moved or migrated over the last 100 years to avoid increasing water temperatures. For ÎŽ18Ootolith analysis, individual annual growth increments from immature and mature life history stages were micromilled from adult otoliths, which were collected in southern Iceland. Linear mixed-effect models confirmed that stable oxygen isotope time series of immature and mature cod differ significantly between both life stages (p < 0.001). Overall, cod otolith ÎŽ18O was significantly correlated with water temperature (sea surface temperature: p < 0.001, temperature at 200 m depth: p < 0.01), indicating that Atlantic cod were exposed to fluctuating water temperatures during the past 100 years and did not move as a response to increasing ocean temperatures. All of the alternate physical factors that were considered for the isotope-based variation in the temperature exposure of Icelandic cod were rejected.Funding for this study was provided by Icelandic Research Fund Grant 173906-051. Establishment funding for FARLAB (Facility for advanced isotopic research and monitoring of weather, climate, and biogeochemical cycling) by Research Council Norway Grant 245907 is also acknowledged.Peer reviewe

    Temperature exposure in cod driven by changes in abundance

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    Animals actively select the most suitable habitat in terms of fitness, much of which is mediated by temperature. We reconstructed population abundance, oxygen isotope and temperature chronologies for the Icelandic and the Northeast Arctic (NEA) cod (Gadus morhua) populations to determine if their temperature selectivity over the last 100 years was driven by rising water temperatures and (or) changes in abundance. Individual annual growth increments from immature and mature life history stages of cod collected in southern Iceland and the Lofoten area (Norway) were micromilled from adult otoliths and then assayed for stable oxygen isotopes (ÎŽ18Ootolith). Linear mixed effect models were used to identify and quantify the density-dependent temperature exposure of both cod populations. The results indicated that Icelandic cod migrated into warmer waters with increasing abundance (p < 0.05), whereas NEA cod moved into colder waters (p < 0.001). Our results suggest that thermal preferences and density-dependent effects can be used to forecast potential redistribution scenarios of fish as oceans warm.publishedVersio

    Sedimentary ancient DNA sequences reveal marine ecosystem shifts and indicator taxa for glacial-interglacial sea ice conditions

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    Sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) analysis is a promising new approach for reconstructing the impact of past climate and environmental changes on marine paleobiodiversity. By recovering, amplifying, and sequencing taxonomically informative sedaDNA fragments preserved in sediments, it is possible to assess the response of a broad range of eukaryote taxa, including non-fossilizing lineages, to past climate change. Here we present a unique marine derived sedaDNA metabarcoding record, spanning the penultimate glacial-interglacial transition across Marine Isotope Stages 6 to 5d (>135–107 ka) from an Eirik Drift core-site in the Labrador Sea. We identified a range of marine groups including dinoflagellates, diatoms, coccolithophores, chlorophytes, and copepods. There were representatives of primary/secondary producers, grazers, and parasites, which may represent remnants of complex ecosystems and ancient food webs. There were significant biodiversity shifts following the penultimate deglaciation and changing sea ice conditions throughout the Last Interglacial. These shifts reflected the striking increase in community richness during periods of seasonal sea ice and reduction under extensive perennial sea ice cover and open ocean. We identify two potential sedaDNA indicator taxa sequences associated with past seasonal sea ice which are most likely pico-eukaryote representatives of Micromonas and Pyramimonas, both green algae with known sea ice associations in modern ecosystems. Our work demonstrates the importance of high resolution marine sedaDNA metabarcoding for unravelling climate-ecosystem linkages and strengthens the potential of sedaDNA signals for past sea ice reconstructions through indicator sequences.publishedVersio

    Reorganization of Atlantic Waters at sub-polar latitudes linked to deep-water overflow in both glacial and interglacial climate states

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    While a large cryosphere may be a necessary boundary condition for millennial-scale events to persist, a growing body of evidence from previous interglacial periods suggests that high-magnitude climate events are possible during low-cryosphere climate states. However, the full spectrum of variability, and the antecedent conditions under which such variability can occur, have not been fully described. As a result, the mechanisms generating high-magnitude climate variability during low-cryosphere boundary conditions remain unclear. In this study, high-resolution climate records from Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) site 610 are used to portray the North Atlantic climate's progression through low ice, boundary conditions of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11c into the glacial inception. We show that this period is marked by two climate events displaying rapid shifts in both deep overflow and surface climate. The reorganization between Polar Water and Atlantic Water at subpolar latitudes appears to accompany changes in the flow of deep water emanating from the Nordic Seas, regardless of magnitude or boundary conditions. Further, during both intermediate and low ice boundary conditions, we find that a reduction in deep water precedes surface hydrographic change. The existence of surface and deep-ocean events, with similar magnitudes, abruptness, and surface–deep phasing, advances our mechanistic understanding of, and elucidates antecedent conditions that can lead to, high-magnitude climate instability.publishedVersio

    An international intercomparison of stable carbon isotope composition measurements of dissolved inorganic carbon in seawater

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    We report results of an intercomparison of stable carbon isotope ratio measurements in seawater dissolved inorganic carbon (ÎŽ 13C‐DIC) which involved 16 participating laboratories from various parts of the world. The intercomparison involved distribution of samples of a Certified Reference Material for seawater DIC concentration and alkalinity and a preserved sample of deep seawater collected at 4000 m in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean. The between‐lab standard deviation of reported uncorrected values measured with diverse analytical, detection, and calibration methods was 0.11‰ (1σ ). The multi‐lab average ÎŽ 13C‐DIC value reported for the deep seawater sample was consistent within 0.1‰ with historical measured values for the same water mass. Application of a correction procedure based on a consensus value for the distributed reference material, improved the between‐lab standard deviation to 0.06‰. The magnitude of the corrections were similar to those used to correct independent data sets using crossover comparisons, where deep water analyses from different cruises are compared at nearby locations. Our results demonstrate that the accuracy/uncertainty target proposed by the Global Ocean Observing System (±0.05‰) is attainable, but only if an aqueous phase reference material for ÎŽ 13C‐DIC is made available and used by the measurement community. Our results imply that existing Certified Reference Materials used for seawater DIC and alkalinity quality control are suitable for this purpose, if a “Certified” or internally consistent “consensus” value for ÎŽ 13C‐DIC can be assigned to various batches.publishedVersio

    Rapid switches in subpolar North Atlantic hydrography and climate during the Last Interglacial (MIS 5e)

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2012. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Paleoceanography 27 (2012): PA2207, doi:10.1029/2011PA002244.At the peak of the previous interglacial period, North Atlantic and subpolar climate shared many features in common with projections of our future climate, including warmer-than-present conditions and a diminished Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS). Here we portray changes in North Atlantic hydrography linked with Greenland climate during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5e using (sub)centennially sampled records of planktonic foraminiferal isotopes and assemblage counts and ice-rafted debris counts, as well as modern analog technique and Mg/Ca-based paleothermometry. We use the core MD03-2664 recovered from a high accumulation rate site (∌34 cm/kyr) on the Eirik sediment drift (57°26.34â€ČN, 48°36.35â€ČW). The results indicate that surface waters off southern Greenland were ∌3–5°C warmer than today during early MIS 5e. These anomalously warm sea surface temperatures (SSTs) prevailed until the isotopic peak of MIS 5e when they were interrupted by a cooling event beginning at ∌126 kyr BP. This interglacial cooling event is followed by a gradual warming with SSTs subsequently plateauing just below early MIS 5e values. A planktonic ÎŽ18O minimum during the cooling event indicates that marked freshening of the surface waters accompanied the cooling. We suggest that switches in the subpolar gyre hydrography occurred during a warmer climate, involving regional changes in freshwater fluxes/balance and East Greenland Current influence in the study area. The nature of these hydrographic transitions suggests that they are most likely related to large-scale circulation dynamics, potentially amplified by GIS meltwater influences.This work is a contribution of the European Science Foundation EuroMARC program, through the AMOCINT project, funded through grants from the Research Council of Norway (RCN) and contributes to EU-FP7 IP Past4Future. N. Irvalı was additionally funded by an ESF EUROCORES Short-term Visit grant and a RCN Leiv Eiriksson mobility grant to support research stays at the University of Edinburgh, UK, and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA, respectively, during which parts of the data for this paper were acquired. U. Ninnemann was funded by a University of Bergen Meltzer research grant.2012-11-1

    Stable carbon and oxygen isotope record of Marine Isotope Stage 11 in the South Atlantic

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    Oxygen and carbon isotopic gradients in surface waters were reconstructed for the past 450 kyr by analysis of the planktic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma in cores located at approximately 43°, 47°, and 54°S across the Polar Frontal Zone in the South Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Comparison of the oxygen isotopic records for peak interglacial conditions during the past 450 kyr reveals that Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11 was not substantially warmer than other interglacials at high southern latitudes, although the period of warmth lasted longer. The carbonate and carbon isotope chemistry of surface and deep water represent the truly distinctive aspects of Stage 11 in the Southern Ocean. Peak carbonate production occurred at high southern latitudes during MIS 11, resulting in light-colored, high-carbonate sediments deposited throughout the Southern Ocean above the lysocline. Carbon isotopic values of benthic foraminifera in cores bathed by Circumpolar Deep Water (CPDW) were highest during MIS11, suggesting strong input of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) to the Southern Ocean. Planktic delta13C values at high southern latitudes were also highest during MIS 11, which may reflect upwelling of CPDW with a greater contribution of NADW, lower whole-ocean nutrient inventories, higher gas exchange rates, and/or lowered alkalinity of Antarctic surface waters (resulting from carbonate precipitation south of the Polar Front)
