1,313 research outputs found

    Trapped minerals under stress

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    Research Focus on the problem of entrapment pressure estimation for mineral inclusions under residual pressure

    The genus Solenopsora (Lichenized Ascomycetes, Leprocaulaceae) in Italy

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    This paper includes a dichotomous key, descriptions and predictive distributional maps for all of the 9 infrageneric taxa of the lichen genus Solenopsora (Leprocaulaceae) known to occur in Italy. The genus includes obligatory saxicolous lichens with the main centre of diversity in the Mediterranean, Macaronesian, and Madrean biogeographical regions. All taxa have their opti-ma below the montane belt. Most of them have a distinctly Thyrrenian-Mediterranen distribution pattern in Italy, being most frequent in areas with a mild, suboceanic climate

    Towards a digital key to the lichens of Italy

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    AbstractWork is in progress for the completion of a computer-aided key to all lichens known to occur in Italy, which will be freely available online, and as a free application for mobile devices. A first example, concerning the lichens of Northern Italy (2.339 infrageneric taxa), is already available online for testing. A computer-generated but manually edited dichotomous key is invoked for all species previously filtered via a multi-entry interface, where several selected characters can be specified in a single step. To optimize the two query interfaces, two different datasets are used, one for the dichotomous, the other for the multi-entry interface

    On the typification of the lichen genus Lepra Scop.

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    The first typification of Lepra Scop. by Pertusaria discoidea (Pers.) Malme (= Lepra albescens (Hudson) Hafellner), made in the Paris Code (1956), is shown to be correct after studies of the original material in the Micheli Herbarium in FI. Details of the latter are given. All later statements about this case, even in the Code , are irrelevant.acceptedVersio

    An integrated system for producing user-specific keys on demand: an application to Italian lichens

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    The identification of lichens is important in several applied fields, such as the biological monitoring of air pollution and the restoration of openair stone monuments. This often creates relevant problems for non-specialists and technicians which are in charge of routinely applying lichen monitoring techniques. The coupling of a complex information system (ITALIC), together with a new software which can automatically produce identification keys for any subset of species included in a database (FRIDA), is an innovative approach in the field of identifying biodiversity. ITALIC is able to produce a list of species which potentially occur under a set of ecological and distributional conditions specified by the user. The list is automatically transferred to FRIDA, which generates a user-oriented interactive identification key limited to the species present in the “virtual habitat” created by the user. The new system has relevant applications, since it effectively supports the technical personnel of Environmental Agencies, Nature Parks, Cultural Heritage Conservation Agencies involved in lichen monitoring throughout the Country

    Guida alla flora delle Alpi Carniche meridionali (Ampezzo - Sauris)

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    This book is a guide to the vascular plants occurring in the sector of the southern Carnic Alps (NE Italy) that stretches from Ampezzo to Sauris (Province of Udine), plus the adjoining area in the Province of Belluno which includes M. Bivera, M. Tiarfin and the subalpine meadows around Casera Razzo (1244 infrageneric taxa). The general introduction is followed by an original dichotomous key produced using software FRIDA, illustrated by photographs and ecological-biogeographical notes for all species. The appendix contains some elementary notions of Botany and an index of the scientific names associated with those of the respective families.Il volume ù una guida alle piante vascolari sinora note per il settore delle Alpi Carniche meridionali che si estende da Ampezzo alla Conca di Sauris (UD), comprendendo anche un’area in provincia di Belluno che include il M. Bivera, il M. Tiarfin e i pascoli subalpini nei dintorni di Casera Razzo (1244 tra specie e sottospecie). L’introduzione generale ù seguita da una chiave dicotomica originale, prodotta utilizzando il programma FRIDA, illustrata da fotografie e note ecologico-biogeografiche per tutte le specie. L’appendice contiene alcune nozioni di botanica elementare e l’indice dei nomi scientifici delle piante associati a quelli delle rispettive famiglie

    Zone de transit

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    Le patrimoine photographique malien et ses enjeux

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    Depuis une quinzaine d’annĂ©es, le Mali et plus particuliĂšrement Bamako, sa capitale, qui abrite depuis 1994 un festival international de photographie, ont Ă©tĂ© le « laboratoire » de plusieurs projets de valorisation du patrimoine photographique africain. Cet article aborde les projets plus rĂ©cents, initiĂ©s, totalement ou en partie, par des acteurs maliens, tout en rappelant que ces projets s’inscrivent dans la continuitĂ© d’un mouvement de reconnaissance, soutenu au dĂ©part par le marchĂ© de l’art occidental, des Ɠuvres de Seydou Keita et Malick SidibĂ©, portraitistes bamakois des annĂ©es 1950-1970. Cet article tente donc de retracer, dans ses grandes lignes, ce mouvement de reconnaissance qui, partant d’initiatives exogĂšnes prises dans les annĂ©es 1990, a progressivement conduit les autoritĂ©s politiques et culturelles du Mali Ă  considĂ©rer la valeur patrimoniale des archives photographiques conservĂ©es au pays, Ă  la faveur du renouveau dĂ©mocratique.For some fifteen years, Mali and more specifically Bamako, its capital city, host to an international photography festival since 1994, have been acting as a ‘laboratory’ for several projects showcasing Africa’s photographic heritage. This article addresses the more recent projects, initiated, in whole or in part, by Malian players, while pointing out that these projects follow in the footsteps of the recognition of the works of Bamako studio photographers Seydou Keita and Malick SidibĂ©, initially supported by the Western art market. This article thus attempts to trace the main outline of this movement for recognition which, having its starting point in initiatives coming from outside in the 1990s, gradually led the political and cultural authorities of Mali to consider the heritage value of the photographic archives preserved in the country, as part of a democratic revival

    Emotion Regulation and Attachment: a Bond Told Through the Adult Attachment Projective Picture System

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    openLa mia tesi ha l’obiettivo di approfondire lo straordinario legame tra l’attaccamento del bambino al suo caregiver primario e la regolazione emotiva. In particolare, voglio raccontare questo legame attraverso un test proiettivo-narrativo di recente costruzione: l’Adult Attachment Projective Picture System. Lo farò provando a descrivere brevemente la culla teorica della Teoria dell’Attaccamento di Bowlby, soffermandomi sui filoni di ricerca più recenti; approfondirò poi il legame esistente tra l’attaccamento e la regolazione emotiva, mettendo in luce, in particolare, gli aspetti legati all’impulsività e all’alessitimia. Successivamente farò un breve excursus sui Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare e sugli Agiti Autolesivi nella prospettiva dell’attaccamento. Presenterò poi, l’Adult Attachment Projective Picture System, che ha lo scopo di valutare le rappresentazioni mentali di attaccamento che l’individuo si forma nell’ambito delle relazioni primarie. In particolare, presenterò tre casi clinici individuati in un campione clinico di adolescenti afferenti all’UOC della Neuropsichiatria di Padova.My thesis aims to explore the extraordinary link between a child's attachment to his or her primary caregiver and emotional regulation. Specifically, I want to recount this link through a newly constructed projective-narrative test: the Adult Attachment Projective Picture System. I will do this by attempting to briefly describe the theoretical cradle of Bowlby's Attachment Theory, dwelling on the most recent strands of research; I will then elaborate on the link between attachment and emotional regulation, highlighting, in particular, aspects related to impulsivity and alexithymia. I will then give a brief excursus on Eating Behavior Disorders and Self-Injurious Acts in the attachment perspective. I will then present, the Adult Attachment Projective Picture System, which aims to assess the mental representations of attachment that the individual forms in the context of primary relationships. In particular, I will present three clinical cases identified in a clinical sample of adolescents followed by the UOC of Neuropsychiatry in Padua, Italy
