19,343 research outputs found

    Collective dipole excitations in sodium clusters

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    Some properties of small and medium sodium clusters are described within the RPA approach using a projected spherical single particle basis. The oscillator strengths calculated with a Schiff-like dipole transition operator and folded with Lorentzian functions are used to calculate the photoabsorbtion cross section spectra. The results are further employed to establish the dependence of the plasmon frequency on the number of cluster components. Static electric polarizabilities of the clusters excited in a RPA dipole state are also calculated. Comparison of our results with the corresponding experimental data show an overall good agreement.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    Novel self-assembled morphologies from isotropic interactions

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    We present results from particle simulations with isotropic medium range interactions in two dimensions. At low temperature novel types of aggregated structures appear. We show that these structures can be explained by spontaneous symmetry breaking in analytic solutions to an adaptation of the spherical spin model. We predict the critical particle number where the symmetry breaking occurs and show that the resulting phase diagram agrees well with results from particle simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Scalable designs for quantum computing with rare-earth-ion-doped crystals

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    Due to inhomogeneous broadening, the absorption lines of rare-earth-ion dopands in crystals are many order of magnitudes wider than the homogeneous linewidths. Several ways have been proposed to use ions with different inhomogeneous shifts as qubit registers, and to perform gate operations between such registers by means of the static dipole coupling between the ions. In this paper we show that in order to implement high-fidelity quantum gate operations by means of the static dipole interaction, we require the participating ions to be strongly coupled, and that the density of such strongly coupled registers in general scales poorly with register size. Although this is critical to previous proposals which rely on a high density of functional registers, we describe architectures and preparation strategies that will allow scalable quantum computers based on rare-earth-ion doped crystals.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    QuantEYE: The Quantum Optics Instrument for OWL

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    QuantEYE is designed to be the highest time-resolution instrument on ESO:s planned Overwhelmingly Large Telescope, devised to explore astrophysical variability on microsecond and nanosecond scales, down to the quantum-optical limit. Expected phenomena include instabilities of photon-gas bubbles in accretion flows, p-mode oscillations in neutron stars, and quantum-optical photon bunching in time. Precise timescales are both variable and unknown, and studies must be of photon-stream statistics, e.g., their power spectra or autocorrelations. Such functions increase with the square of the intensity, implying an enormously increased sensitivity at the largest telescopes. QuantEYE covers the optical, and its design involves an array of photon-counting avalanche-diode detectors, each viewing one segment of the OWL entrance pupil. QuantEYE will work already with a partially filled OWL main mirror, and also without [full] adaptive optics.Comment: 7 pages; Proceedings from meeting 'Instrumentation for Extremely Large Telescopes', held at Ringberg Castle, July 2005 (T.Herbst, ed.

    Hybrid Simulation Safety: Limbos and Zero Crossings

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    Physical systems can be naturally modeled by combining continuous and discrete models. Such hybrid models may simplify the modeling task of complex system, as well as increase simulation performance. Moreover, modern simulation engines can often efficiently generate simulation traces, but how do we know that the simulation results are correct? If we detect an error, is the error in the model or in the simulation itself? This paper discusses the problem of simulation safety, with the focus on hybrid modeling and simulation. In particular, two key aspects are studied: safe zero-crossing detection and deterministic hybrid event handling. The problems and solutions are discussed and partially implemented in Modelica and Ptolemy II

    Electronic properties of graphene multilayers

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    We study the effects of disorder in the electronic properties of graphene multilayers, with special focus on the bilayer and the infinite stack. At low energies and long wavelengths, the electronic self-energies and density of states exhibit behavior with divergences near half-filling. As a consequence, the spectral functions and conductivities do not follow Landau's Fermi liquid theory. In particular, we show that the quasiparticle decay rate has a minimum as a function of energy, there is a universal minimum value for the in-plane conductivity of order e^2/h per plane and, unexpectedly, the c-axis conductivity is enhanced by disorder at low doping, leading to an enormous conductivity anisotropy at low temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure. Reference to exciting new ARPES results on graphite added (we thank A. Lanzara for sharing the paper prior to its publication

    The nature of close companions of the BL Lac Objects 1ES 0502+675 and 1ES 1440+122

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    We report on deep radio images and optical spectroscopy of two BL Lac objects that have very close compact companions. The two targets, 1ES 0502+675 and 1ES 1440+122, were selected from the HST imaging survey of 110 BL Lacs as candidates for possible gravitational lensing. The new observations clearly demonstrate that the companion objects are not secondary images of the active nuclei but, in spite of the relatively low chance projection probability, foreground Galactic stars. Gravitational lensing appears to be unimportant to the BL Lac phenomenon. We discuss the radio properties of the BL Lac objects in the context of standard beaming models, and show they are as expected for beamed FRI radio galaxies.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, ApJ in pres

    Stellar properties of z ~ 1 Lyman-break galaxies from ACS slitless grism spectra

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    Lyman-break galaxies are now regularly found in the high redshift Universe by searching for the break in the galaxy spectrum caused by the Lyman-limit redshifted into the optical or even near-IR. At lower redshift, this break is covered by the GALEX UV channels and small samples of z ~ 1 LBGs have been presented in the literature. Here we give results from fitting the spectral energy distributions of a small sub-set of low redshift LBGs and demonstrate the advantage of including photometric points derived from HST ACS slitless grism observations. The results show these galaxies to have very young, star forming populations, while still being massive and dusty. LBGs at low and high redshift show remarkable similarities in their properties, indicating that the LBG selection method picks similar galaxies throughout the Universe.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted in A&
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