1,639 research outputs found

    Standardiserte lederutviklingsmetoder og verktøy

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    Organisasjoner synes i økende grad å innføre standardiserte ledelsesverktøy utenfra for å møte utfordringer knyttet til økt kompleksitet og endringstakt i omgivelsene. Dette synes å være et paradoks, da økt kompleksitet fordrer fleksibilitet og organiske strukturer. Med utgangspunkt i dette tilsynelatende paradokset definerer og problematiserer denne artikkelen en del tankekors knyttet til implementering av standardiserte lederutviklings-metoder og verktøy, og forsøker på den måten å besvare følgende problemstilling: Hvilke utfordringer må håndteres for at standardiserte lederutviklingsmetoder og verktøy skal føre til reell endring og læring? Noen av tankekorsene som reises er: Implementerings-tankekorset: Hvorfor fokus på design av metoder og verktøy og ikke på implementering? Planleggings-tankekorset: Kan organisasjoner plan-legge for effektene av og kontrollere anvendelsen av standardiserte lederutviklingsmetoder og verktøy? Adopsjons-tankekorset: Kan implementering forstås som adopsjon, der verktøy kopieres fullt og helt fra andre omgivelser? Kontekst-tankekorset: Er nedtoning av kontekst og lokal tilpasning hensiktsmessig dersom målet er reell endring? Lærings-tankekorset: Foregår læring og endring ved passiv adopsjon eller ved aktiv eksperimentering? Vår hovedtese er at disse tankekorsene blir alt mer aktuelle jo større kompleksitet og endrings-takt organisasjoner står overfor. Vi konkluderer med at organisasjoner som ønsker å oppnå reell endring og læring ved hjelp av standardiserte lederutviklingsmetoder og verktøy bør fokusere på implementering, lokal tilpasning og eksperimentering, og på integrering av metodene og verktøyene i organisasjonens arbeidsprosesser og i ledernes daglige arbeid. Hovedutfordringen er imidlertid å få til en god balanse mellom behovet organisasjonen har for overordnet koordinering og kontroll og behovet for og ønske om å få til reelle endringer og læring i organisasjonen

    Alternative Seafood - Exploring Pathways for Norway in the Protein Transition

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    Our global food system is facing major challenges. The growing global population and demand for animal proteins are driving resource pressures, environmental impacts, and hazardous health effects for humans and animals. If we are to feed the world without further destabilizing our planet, major transformations in our food systems are called for. This requires shifts towards sustainable and healthy diets, coupled with transitions to sustainable and equitable production systems. Meat and livestock production is gaining increased attention for being an environmental and health hazard. Seafood on the other hand has a reputation for being a healthy and sustainable alternative. However, seafood supply chains and fish farming systems are currently far from innocent. Industrial wild capture, fish farming and feed production are harming marine and terrestrial ecosystems alike, and the health and wellbeing of animals and humans. Along with the transition to renewable energy and a circular economy, a sustainable civilization calls for transitions toward alternative proteins and regenerative food systems – including a shift in seafood production. New technologies are opening possibilities for a phase-shift in how we produce food. Innovation in plant-based proteins, microbial fermentation and cellular agriculture are providing alternative ways of making the seafood and animal products we know and love – without any animals involved. These alternative proteins are accelerated by the convergence of biotechnology, information technologies, nanotechnologies, 3D-printing, sensors and the like. The fourth industrial revolution has reached the agro-food industry, with sustainable innovations disrupting the incumbent system, and opening up an ocean of opportunity. Megatrends such as the sustainability imperative and flexitarian movement are creating ripe conditions for change. In this research, we explore how Norway can contribute to the protein transition by leading the way in alternative seafood. Despite scarce activity in the space, Norway has an abundance of resources that could be leveraged for alternative proteins, ranging from natural resources to financial and cultural capital. We investigate opportunities, barriers, and strategies to drive forward value chains for this emerging industry, while ensuring a sustainable and just transition. The intended outcomes are foundations for a shared vision and strategy – a roadmap for building an innovation system that can enable new value chains and the protein transition in Norway. We apply pragmatic tools and theoretical frameworks to address this complex challenge - such as systems innovation, value chains, and sustainability transitions. Keywords: alternative proteins, alternative seafood, aquaculture, food systems, bioeconomy, sustainability transitions, socio-technical systems, multi-level perspective, value chains, technological innovation systems, innovation ecosystems, strategy, Norwa

    Erenumab in chronic migraine: Patient-reported outcomes in a randomized double-blind study.

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of erenumab, a human monoclonal antibody targeting the calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor, on health-related quality of life (HRQoL), headache impact, and disability in patients with chronic migraine (CM). METHODS: In this double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 667 adults with CM were randomized (3:2:2) to placebo or erenumab (70 or 140 mg monthly). Exploratory endpoints included migraine-specific HRQoL (Migraine-Specific Quality-of-Life Questionnaire [MSQ]), headache impact (Headache Impact Test-6 [HIT-6]), migraine-related disability (Migraine Disability Assessment [MIDAS] test), and pain interference (Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System [PROMIS] Pain Interference Scale short form 6b). RESULTS: Improvements were observed for all endpoints in both erenumab groups at month 3, with greater changes relative to placebo observed at month 1 for many outcomes. All 3 MSQ domains were improved from baseline with treatment differences for both doses exceeding minimally important differences established for MSQ-role function-restrictive (≥3.2) and MSQ-emotional functioning (≥7.5) and for MSQ-role function-preventive (≥4.5) for erenumab 140 mg. Changes from baseline in HIT-6 scores at month 3 were -5.6 for both doses vs -3.1 for placebo. MIDAS scores at month 3 improved by -19.4 days for 70 mg and -19.8 days for 140 mg vs -7.5 days for placebo. Individual-level minimally important difference was achieved by larger proportions of erenumab-treated participants than placebo for all MSQ domains and HIT-6. Lower proportions of erenumab-treated participants had MIDAS scores of severe (≥21) or very severe (≥41) or PROMIS scores ≥60 at month 3. CONCLUSIONS: Erenumab-treated patients with CM experienced clinically relevant improvements across a broad range of patient-reported outcomes. CLINICALTRIALSGOV IDENTIFIER: NCT02066415. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class II evidence that for patients with CM, erenumab treatment improves HRQoL, headache impact, and disability

    Hvordan kan vi hjelpe elevene til å forberede seg bedre mellom og til timene på trinn 2 i trafikkopplæringen?

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    Denne rapporten tar opp utfordringen med privat øvelseskjøring med fokus på trinn 2 i trafikkopplæringen. Rapporten handler om hvordan eleven kan komme bedre forberedt til kjøretimer hos en trafikkskole på trinn 2 i opplæringen. Vi som trafikklærerstudenter ser utfordringer ved feil nyinnlæring allerede på trinn 2 i opplæringen. Vi ønsker gjennom rapporten å begrunne hvorfor vi har valgt å lage dette produktet vi mener vil være nyttig for mange unge som skal starte med øvelseskjøring. Gjennom rapporten kommer det frem hvordan vi har fordelt oppgavene mellom oss, og hvordan vi har jobbet med de forskjellige oppgavene. Vi ønsker å gjennomføre dette ved å produsere og gjøre tilgjengelig kunnskap som eleven og foresatte kan bruke ved privat øvelseskjøring. Vi vil presentere dette som en internettside, hvor vi bruker bilder, illustrasjoner og filmer med lyd og tekst, for å gjøre læringen mer interessant og slik mer lærerik for ungdom og foresatte. Internettsiden vi har som produkt http://www.nethaug.com/index.htm

    Hyperspectral imaging and machine learning for the prediction of SSC in kiwi fruits

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    Solids Content (SSC) of the fruits in a non-destructive way. A database is created which includes the hyperspectral data acquired in the visible and near-infrared region (VNIR) and measurements done with a sugar meter.We have applied di?erent machine learning techniques to investigate the correlation between spectral information and the SSC. The models tested were support vector regression (SVR), k-nearest neighbor (KNN), partial least squares (PLS), and multiple linear regression (MLR) with di?erent variable selection techniques and dimensionality reduction. The best model at determining SSC was Uninformative Variable Elimination (UVE)-PLS, which had RMSE = 1.047 °Brix and R2 = 0.39 on the test set

    Lineage-level divergence of copepod glycerol transporters and the emergence of isoform-specific trafficking regulation

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    Transmembrane conductance of small uncharged solutes such as glycerol typically occurs through aquaglyceroporins (Glps), which are commonly encoded by multiple genes in metazoan organisms. To date, however, little is known concerning the evolution of Glps in Crustacea or what forces might underly such apparent gene redundancy. Here, we show that Glp evolution in Crustacea is highly divergent, ranging from single copy genes in species of pedunculate barnacles, tadpole shrimps, isopods, amphipods and decapods to up to 10 copies in diplostracan water fleas although with monophyletic origins in each lineage. By contrast the evolution of Glps in Copepoda appears to be polyphyletic, with surprisingly high rates of gene duplication occurring in a genera- and species-specific manner. Based upon functional experiments on the Glps from a parasitic copepod (Lepeophtheirus salmonis), we show that such lineage-level gene duplication and splice variation is coupled with a high rate of neofunctionalization. In the case of L. salmonis, splice variation of a given gene resulted in tissue- or sex-specific expression of the channels, with each variant evolving unique sites for protein kinase C (PKC)- or protein kinase A (PKA)-regulation of intracellular membrane trafficking. The combined data sets thus reveal that mutations favouring a high fidelity control of intracellular trafficking regulation can be a selection force for the evolution and retention of multiple Glps in copepods.publishedVersio

    Triploid Atlantic salmon and triploid Atlantic salmon × brown trout hybrids have better freshwater and early seawater growth than diploid counterparts

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    The use of reproductively sterile triploid salmonids would enhance the environmental sustainability of the aquaculture industry by preventing genetic exchange between escapees and wild conspecifics. To this end, we assessed smoltification and early seawater performance (241 days) following a yearling production cycle (i.e. spring smolts) in diploid and triploid female Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) × male brown trout (Salmo trutta) hybrids compared to purebred diploid and triploid salmon. During freshwater rearing (n = 180/group), hybrids demonstrated a degree of bimodality in body size, significantly (p < 0.05) more so in diploid than triploid hybrids (11 and 37% in the lower mode, respectively) that was not seen in purebred salmon of either ploidy. This resulted in diploid hybrids being 66% smaller on average at sea transfer, whereas no hybridisation effect was seen in triploids, and both triploid groups were significantly heavier (16–43%) than diploid salmon. Irrespective of ploidy, lower mode hybrids grew poorly and showed low survival in seawater, suggesting they had failed to undergo smoltification. However, the upper mode diploid hybrids showed a similar Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) enzyme activity surge during the spring as in diploid and triploid salmon, despite a higher ratio of the freshwater to seawater mRNA abundance of the NKA subunits (nkaα1a and nkaα1b) and a reduced plasma cortisol surge. At the end of the experimental period, both hybrids weighed significantly less than their salmon counterparts although the hybrid effect was again greater in diploids (71% smaller) than triploids (6% smaller). In addition, both triploid groups were on average heavier (15–22%) than diploid salmon. As such, both triploid Atlantic salmon and triploid hybrids can show enhanced growth performance from juveniles up to post-smolts compared to diploid salmon in an aquaculture setting.publishedVersio

    Selection of Norwegian police drone operators: an evaluation of selected cognitive tests from “The Vienna Test System"

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    A nationwide sample of 129 police officers participated in a study aimed at validating and presenting practical implications of a selection procedure for applicants to an educational program for Norwegian police drone pilots. The subjects were part of a selection program for a training and qualification course for police drone pilots. The selection program consisted of tests of spatial orientation, logical reasoning, attentional selection, sustained attention, and visual short-term memory, in addition to a performance test in a drone flight simulator. The aim of the study was to evaluate the cognitive tests used in the selection program and their relation to performance during the simulated flight. The results from the untrained applicants revealed low-to-moderate intercorrelations of the cognitive tests. Only spatial orientation, logical reasoning, and attentional selection were correlated to the performance measures of skills and proficiency. Stepwise regression analysis showed that only spatial orientation and attentional selection had unique contributions in explaining the variance in both measures of performance. Implications are discussed on both practical and scientific levels. The positive implications of using untrained respondents, the use of proficiency measures in addition to skills, the building of a clearinghouse for drone selection data, and considering both the job-analyzes and the total test-performance when interpreting the applicant’s test-scores are discussed.publishedVersio