1,860 research outputs found


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    This research investigates the significant differences of discretionary total accrual between ESOP companies and non ESOP ones as listed at Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), and significant differences of stock return before and after implementing ESOP as well as the significant differences ofstock return in every single stage ofESOP. This research was conducted on 11 companies doing the ESOP and other 11 ones without doing the ESOP during 19992004. The test is by means of windows period during three years before the ESOP, in the year of ESOP taking place, and in the three years after the ESOP. The model used for examining earnings management is the modified Jones model. The proxy of earnings management is discretionary total accrual and the measurement of stock price is stock return. This research was analyzed using independent sample t test and paired sample t test. The results showed that the companies as the sample in this research did the earning management increased their income in the period of three to two years before ESOP and increase their income in the period of one year before ESOP and for the following years after the ESOP Yet, there are no significant differences of discretionary total accrual between these two groups. There was not any evidence of significant differences of stock return before and after time of ESOP and neither significant differences of stock return in every stage of ESOP but found that negative stock return occurred after and during three stages of the ESO


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    his research investigated the antecedent budgetary participation (need for achievement and work attitude), then assess the impact on employees’ job performance. The data were obtained using questionnaires that distributed to respondents. Seventy two respondents were chosen as samples and path analysis was used as techniques to analyze the data. The result of this research showed that need for achievement has significant positive association with budgetary participation. However, the result found that there is no significant association between work attitude and budgetary participation. Furthermore, the researcher found that budgetary participation had a significant positive association with job performance (e.i managerial performance). The researcher concludes that when employees have a higher need for achievement, they will tend to higher participation in budgetary process, and this condition will enhance employees’ job performance. Here, budgetary participation acted as mediating variable between need for achievement and job performance. Keywords: Need for achievement, work attitude, budgetary participation, job performance, path analysis

    Sheikh Jamil Al-Husaini’s Analysis Method For Gharib Hadiths; Critical Study of the Book al-Qamar al-Sari li Idah Garib Sahih al-Bukhari

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    Sheikh Jamil Halim al-Husaini has contributed greatly to the study of hadith in the global era. His students are scattered in the word, including the archipelagi. However, Research on his character in the field of hadith has not been done. This Research will examine of Sheikh Jamil al-Husaini in the field of hadith by conducting a critical study of his work entitled al-Qamar al-Sa>ri> li I>d}ah} G{ari>b S{ah}i>h al-Bukha>ri.  >This book will be studied critically to find out how Sheikh Jamil al-Husaini’s concept is in understanding the Gharib Hadiths. This research uses a qualitative method with a historically approach, this approach will describe comprehensively the intellectual journey and the background of the book in the field of hadith. This research can show that Sheikh Jamil al-Husaini uses the mujadalah method to explain the gharib hadiths in his book. He denied the understanding that was considered incorrect \\in understanding the Gharib words in the Hadith, especially understanding that is contrary to sunni understanding. Conceptually, Sheikh Jamil al-Husaini understands Gharib hadith based on three concepts, namely, 1) interpreting the argument of the Koran and Hadiths that are relevant to the word gharib. 2) conducting linguistic analysis 3) expressing the opinion of the salaf scholars from sunni and refuting arguments that contradict the meaning of hadith. Sheikh Jamil al-Husaini also gave his personal arguments in every explanation in his book. This book shows that Sheikh Jamil al-Husaini had expertise in the field of hadith. His Contribution to the study of Hadith has also reached the archipelago. Sheikh Jamil al-Husaini also transmitted hadith with his complete sanad to his students in the archipelago, either via virtual or in person


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi zirkonium oksiklorid, konsentrasi asam sulfat serta waktu pengendapan terhadap konversi yang dihasilkan pada pembentukan zirkonium berbasis sulfat. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah pembentukan zirkonium berbasis sulfat, sedangkan objek dalam penelitian ini adalah pengaruh konsentrasi asam sulfat, konsentrasi zirkonium oksiklorid dan waktu pengendapan terhadap konversi yang dihasilkan. Konsentrasi asam sulfat yang digunakan sebesar 0,06; 0,07; 0,08; 0,09; dan 0,10 M, konsentrasi zirkonium oksiklorid yang digunakan sebesar 0,15; 0,175; 0,2; 0,225; dan 0,25 M serta waktu pengendapan yang dibutuhkan 40; 50; 60; 70; dan 80 menit. Percobaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan larutan umpan dari kristal ZrOCl2.8H2O hasil proses. Larutan ZrOCl2.8H2O direaksikan dengan asam sulfat pada suhu 90 ÂşC dan diaduk, dengan mengatur penambahan NH4 Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa pada konsentrasi HOH 1 M agar pH mencapai 1,5. Filtrat yang dihasilkan dianalisis kadar zirkoniumnya terhadap konversi reaksi yang optimum menggunakan spektrometer X-ray fluoresensi (XRF). 2SO4, konsentrasi ZOC, dan waktu pengendapan yang optimum adalah 0,08 M, 0,2 M, dan 60 menit, diperoleh konversi pengendapan ZBS sebesar 92,69 %. Pengaruh konsentrasi asam sulfat adalah konversi Zr yang semakin kecil dengan bertambahnya konsentrasi asam sulfat. Pengaruh konsentrasi zirkonium oksiklorid adalah konversi Zr yang dihasilkan bertambah dengan semakin besarnya konsentrasi ZOC. Sedangkan pengaruh waktu pengendapannya adalah konversi Zr yang dihasilkan bertambah dengan semakin lama waktu pengendapan. Kata kunci : Konsentrasi H2SO4, ZOC, waktu pengendapan - Konversi pembentuka

    Efektivitas Metode IMOD dalam Membaca Puisi

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    Membaca puisi termasuk jenis membaca estetis, yaitu kegiatan membaca yang dilatar belakangi oleh tujuan menikmati serta menghargai unsur-unsur keindahan yang terpapar dalam suatu teks sastra. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif komparatif. Desain penelitian dengan pre-experimental design tipe one group pre test-post test. One group pretest-posttest design adalah kegiatan penelitian yang memberikan tes awal (pre test) sebelum diberikan perlakuan, setelah diberikan perlakuan barulah memberikan tes akhir (post test). Dari pengolahan data dapat diketahui bahwa rata-rata skor setiap aspek penilaian kemampuan membaca puisi mengalami peningkatan. Hasil penelitian melalui metode IMOD dalam pembelajaran membaca puisi dapat meningkatkan keterampilan membaca puisi siswa kelas VIII.1 SMP Negeri 1 Tanjung Batu

    Implementasi Profil Pelajar Pancasila melalui Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia

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    Profil pelajar Pancasila merupakan salah satu cara untuk memperkuat nilai-nilai karakter khususnya pelajar akibat perubahan budaya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan peran mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dalam membentuk profil pelajar Pancasila. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah  implementasi nilai-nilai profil pelajar pancasila berhasil dilaksanakan  khususnya pada pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Nilai-nilai profil pelajar pancasila yang telah diterapkan yakni 1) beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan YME, dan berakhlak mulia; 2) berkebhinekaan global; 3) bergotong royong; 4) mandiri; 5) bernalar kritis; 6) kreatif. Keenam profil pelajar pancasila tersebut dapat ditingkatkan dengan menggabungkan beberapa dimensi dalam proses pembelajaran karena pada hakikatnya setiap dimensi  berhubungan dengan dimensi lainnya


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji dan memperoleh bukti empiris mengenai pengaruh mekanismecorporate governance terhadap penerimaan opinigoing concern. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling dari seluruh perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama periode tahun 2008 sampai dengan 2012. Sampel akhir penelitian terdiri dari 30 perusahaan perbankan. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi logistikuntuk menguji hipotesis yang diajukan.Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa proporsi komisarisindependen dan epemilikan manajerial berpengaruh terhadap penerimaan opinigoing concern, sedangkan kepemilikan institusional dan komite audit tidak berpengaruh terhadap penerimaan opinigoing concern


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    This study aims to determine whether the disclosure of the fair value of financial instruments used in the financial statements may improve the ability of earnings to predict future earnings and future cash flows after the application of PSAK 50 and 55 (revised 2006). Fair value measurements using two approaches, namely the balance sheet approach and an income statement approach. This study used a banking company listed on the BEI in the period 2010-2013. Using purposive sampling method, the balance sheet approach used a sample of 28 companies and approach to the income statement using a sample of 19 companies. Data analysis methods used in this study are Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) and multiple regression analysis using SPSS 16. The results of this study showed that after the application of PSAK 50 and 55 (revised 2006) can improve the relevance of information on the fair value of financial instruments. This is supported by the results of studies showing that the fair value of financial instruments can improve the ability of earnings to predict future earnings and future cash flows using the balance sheet approach. However, this research has not been able to provide evidence that the components of other comprehensive income can provide an incremental effect on the ability of earnings to predict future earnings and future cash flows using an income statement approach


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    This research aims to examine difference level of accuracy between Ohlson and Altman models to forecast bankruptcy a large and small firms in Indonesia. The sample are 60 large firms and 60 small firms from all industries that listed in Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) from 2003-2009. By using paired sample t-test and chi-square test, the result show that unconsistency result between paired sample t-test and chis-quare to examine the difference of level accuracy Ohlson and Altman models to forecast bankruptcy a large firm. The result obtain that there is no difference level of accuracy between Ohlson and Altman models with chis-square, but with paired sample t-test show that there was different level of accuracy between Ohlson and Altman models

    The Role Of Managerial Ownership In The Relationship Of Debt Policy To Shareholder Value In Financial Companies In Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the effect of debt policy on shareholder value with managerial ownership as a moderation variable. The research sample used financial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2019-2022. The analysis method uses multiple regression tests and MRA (Moderator Regression Analysis) tests. The results of this study show that debt policy proxied by DAR has a positive effect on shareholder value, managerial ownership has a negative effect on shareholder value and managerial ownership is proven to moderate the relationship of debt policy to shareholder value.  Debt policy proxied by DER has no effect on shareholder value, and managerial ownership also has no effect on debt policy
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