81 research outputs found

    Proposta técnica para incorporar a saúde nos procedimentos de avaliação de impacto ambiental de políticas, planos, programas, projetos e atividades

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    Health was an element of general licensing procedures until Spain joined the EU in 1986, when the health report became diluted. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of this topic’s current regulatory framework and to try to briefly describe health priorities and the channels for feasibly integrating the health variable in the environmental assessment of plans, programmes and projects from the public and private sectors. The current existence of the Environmental Assessment Act and the Public Health Act may help to achieve this.When preparing a strategic environmental study and an environmental impact study, the health impact assessment should be considered an essential step in these environmental procedures and have the same legal treatment as the “compulsory and determinant reports” of said procedures.Thus, it is concluded that the regulatory development of the aspects relating to the assessment of the health impact of the plans, programmes and projects envisaged in the Environmental Assessment Act is essential, the health impact assessment being the tool for doing so.La salud es un componente que ha estado presente en los procedimientos de tramitación administrativa de licencias, de forma general, hasta que España entró en la Unión Europea, en el año 1986, cuando el informe sanitario quedó diluido. El objetivo de este artículo es el de dar una visión general del marco normativo actual del tema de referencia y tratar de describir, brevemente, las prioridades sanitarias y los cauces para hacer viable la integración de la variable salud, en el proceso de la evaluación ambiental de planes, programas y proyectos públicos y privados. La existencia actual de dos leyes, una de Evaluación Ambiental y otra de Salud Pública, puede ayudar a este objetivo.En la elaboración del estudio ambiental estratégico y del estudio de impacto ambiental, la evaluación del impacto en salud debería ser considerada como un trámite esencial de estos procedimientos medioambientales y tener el tratamiento jurídico que tienen “los informes preceptivos y determinantes” de dichos procedimientos.Así pues, se concluye que es indispensable desarrollar normativamente los aspectos relativos a la evaluación de impacto en salud de planes, programas y proyectos contemplados en la ley de evaluación ambiental, utilizando la evaluación del impacto en salud como llave para hacerlo.A saúde foi, de forma generalizada, um componente presente nos procedimentos administrativos para a emissão de alvarás de licenciamento, até à adesão de Espanha à União Europeia, no ano de 1986, altura em que a obrigatoriedade do parecer sanitário se foi esbatendo.O objetivo deste artigo é fornecer uma visão global da situação normativa sobre esta temática e tentar descrever, sucintamente, as prioridades do setor da saúde e as possíveis vias para a realização de uma integração da variável saúde nos processos de avaliação ambiental de planos, programas e outras atividades, quer do setor público quer do setor privado. A atual existência de duas leis, uma de Impacto ambiental e outra de Saúde Pública, pode ajudar à concretização deste objetivo.Na elaboração de avaliação ambiental estratégica e de avaliação de impacto ambiental, a avaliação do impacto na saúde deveria ser considerada como um componente essencial destes procedimentos ambientais e ter o tratamento jurídico que têm “os pareceres prescritivos e determinantes” dos referidos procedimentos.Assim, conclui-se ser indispensável desenvolver normativamente os aspetos relativos à avaliação do impacto na saúde dos planos, programas e projetos contemplados na legislação de impacto ambiental, utilizando a avaliação de impacto na saúde como o elemento chave para o fazer

    A proof-of-concept clinical trial using mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of corneal epithelial stem cell deficiency

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    Producción CientíficaOcular stem cell transplantation derived from either autologous or allogeneic donor corneoscleral junction is a functional cell therapy to manage extensive and/or severe limbal stem cell deficiencies that lead to corneal epithelial failure. Mesenchymal stem cells have been properly tested in animal models of this ophthalmic pathology, but never in human eyes despite their potential advantages. We conducted a 6- to 12-month proof-of-concept, randomized, and double-masked pilot trial to test whether allogeneic bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell transplantation (MSCT], n = 17) was as safe and as equally efficient as allogeneic cultivated limbal epithelial transplantation (CLET), (n = 11) to improve corneal epithelial damage due to limbal stem cell deficiency. Primary endpoints demanded combination of symptoms, signs, and the objective improvement of the epithelial phenotype in central cornea by in vivo confocal microscopy. This proof-of-concept trial showed that MSCT was as safe and efficacious as CLET. Global success at 6–12 months was 72.7%–77.8% for CLET cases and 76.5%–85.7% for MSCT cases (not significant differences). Central corneal epithelial phenotype improved in 71.4% and 66.7% of MSCT and CLET cases, respectively at 12 months (P = 1.000). There were no adverse events related to cell products. This trial suggests first evidence that MSCT facilitated improvement of a diseased corneal epithelium due to lack of its stem cells as efficiently as CLET. Consequently, not only CLET but also MSCT deserves more preclinical investigational resources before the favorable results of this proof-of-concept trial could be transformed into the larger numbers of the multicenter trials that would provide stronger evidence. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01562002.)Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social (project SAS/2481/2009)Centro en Red de Medicina Regenerativa y Terapia Celular de Castilla y León (grant SAN 1178/200)Red de Terapia Celular TerCel (project RD12/0019/0036

    Análise crítica da diversidade geracional dos professores no contexto universitário

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    © 2023 Los autores. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ This document is the Published version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in InterCambios. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.29156/inter.10.2.13La colaboración profesional no es independiente de las condiciones institucionales y organizativas en que se produce; antes bien, es determinada por ellas. Entre las que adquieren especial relevancia para la colaboración orientada al desarrollo y el aprendizaje profesionales, se sitúan las diferencias generacionales entre colegas. Este trabajo pretende examinar y justificar, mediante una fundamentada reflexión teó-rica, la relevancia de la diversidad generacional en los actuales contextos de trabajo universitarios y presentar un marco para analizar y comprender los resultados de aprendizaje docente que implican colaboración intergeneracional. Para ello, inicial-mente, se hace hincapié en la realidad del envejecimiento de las plantillas docentes y el desafío que ello entraña para el sistema educativo. Seguidamente, se fundamenta la diversidad generacional a partir del conocimiento disponible sobre las perspectivas de conceptuación y caracterización del constructo de generación más destacadas, así como los mecanismos de agrupamiento a partir de atributos generacionales, particu-larmente la edad. Asimismo, se razonan evidencias sobre su incidencia en la cons-trucción de las relaciones docentes, prestando una atención particular al contexto de las relaciones de colaboración entre profesores pertenecientes a diferentes generaciones y sus efectos en el aprendizaje de los docentes y en el desarrollo de su identidad y sus disposiciones profesionales. Para finalizar, se discuten las implicaciones que se derivan de la colaboración intergeneracional en las relaciones socioprofesionales en contextos universitarios.----------------------------------------Professional collaboration is not independent of the institutional and organizational conditions in which it occurs; rather, it is determined by them. Among those that acquire special relevance for collaboration that is oriented to professional development and learning, we must place the generational differences between colleagues. This paper, through a well-founded theoretical reflection, aims to examine and justify the relevance of generational diversity in current university work contexts and to present a framework for analyzing and under-standing teacher learning outcomes that involve intergenerational collaboration. In order to do so, initially, emphasis is placed on the reality of the ageing of the teaching workforce and the challenge that this entails for the education system. Next, generational diversity is substantiated on the basis of the available knowledge on the most prominent perspectives of conceptualization and characterization of the construct of generation, as well as the mechanisms of grouping on the basis of generational attributes, particularly age. Evidence is also reasoned about its impact on the construction of teaching relationships, paying particular attention to the context of collaborative relationships between teachers belonging to different generations and their effects on teachers’ learning and on the development of their identity and professional dispositions. Finally, it is discussed implications for socio-professional relations in university contexts.-------------------------------------------------------------A colaboração profissional não é independente das condições institucionais e organizacionais em que tem lugar; pelo contrário, é de-terminada por elas. Entre as de particular relevância para a colaboração para o desenvolvimento profissional e aprendizagem estão as diferenças geracionais entre colegas. Este documento, através de uma reflexão teórica fundamentada, procura examinar e justificar a rele-vância da diversidade geracional nos atuais contextos de trabalho universitário e apresentar um quadro para analisar e compreender os resultados da aprendizagem dos professores envolvendo a colaboração intergeracional. Para tal, destacamos em primeiro lugar a realidade do envelhecimento da mão-de-obra docente e o desafio que isso implica para o sistema educativo. Em seguida, a diversidade geracional é substanciada com base nos conhecimentos disponíveis sobre as perspectivas mais proeminentes de conceptualização e caracterização da construção da geração, bem como os mecanismos de agrupamento baseados em atributos geracionais, particularmente a idade. As provas são também fundamentadas acerca do seu impacto na construção de relações de ensino, prestando particular atenção ao contexto das relações de colaboração entre professores pertencentes a diferentes gerações e aos seus efeitos na aprendizagem dos professores e no desen-volvimento da sua identidade e disposições profissionais. Finalmente, são discutidas as suas implicações nas relações socioprofissionais em contextos universitários

    Propuesta de metodología docente basada en la motivación vocacional y la orientación de actividades prácticas para la formación de grado en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior

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    [SPA]Uno de los aspectos más relevantes en todos los métodos de enseñanza-aprendizaje es que se trata de un proceso de construcción y desarrollo de competencias en el que alumno debe sentirse implicado y participe. Por esta razón se debe motivar al alumno a través de problemas y casos reales -de carácter eminéntemente práctico y que le resulten atrayentes al alumno- en los posibles contextos y escenarios donde el futuro titulado se desarrollará como profesional. Este trabajo presenta una propuesta de metodología docente basada en la motivación vocacional del alumno a través de la orientación de actividades prácticas. [ENG]One of the most important aspects in all teaching-learning methods is that there is a process of construction and development of skills in which students must feel involved and participate. Due to this, we should motivate students through real and practical activities on different current professional contexts where the future graduate will put in practice their acquired competences and abilities. This paper introduces a teaching methodology based on the student's vocational motivation through the guidance of practical activities.Campus Mare Nostrum, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Murcia, Región de Murci

    Analysis of the antigenic and prophylactic properties of the Leishmania translation initiation factors eIF2 and eIF2B in natural and experimental leishmaniasis

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    Los diferentes miembros de las familias de proteínas intracelulares son reconocidos por el sistema inmunológico del huésped vertebrado infectado por parásitos del género Leishmania. Aquí hemos analizado las propiedades antigénicas e inmunogénicas de los factores de iniciación de la traducción de Leishmania eIF2 y eIF2B. Una búsqueda in silico en las bases de datos de secuencias de Leishmania infantum permitió la identificación de los genes que codifican las subunidades α, β y γ y las subunidades α, β y δ de los supuestos ortólogos de Leishmania de los factores de iniciación eucarióticos F2 (LieIF2) o F2B (LieIF2B), respectivamente. La antigenicidad de estos factores fue analizada por ELISA utilizando versiones recombinantes de las diferentes subunidades. Se encontraron anticuerpos contra las diferentes subunidades LieIF2 y LieIF2B en los sueros de pacientes con leishmaniosis visceral humana y canina, y también en los sueros de hámsteres infectados experimentalmente con L. infantum. En ratones desafiados por L. infantum (BALB/c) y Leishmania major (BALB/c o C57BL/6) se detectó una respuesta humoral moderada contra estos factores proteicos. Cabe destacar que estas proteínas provocaron una producción de IL-10 por parte de los esplenocitos derivados de ratones infectados, independientemente de la especie de Leishmania empleada para el desafío experimental. Cuando se administraron vacunas de ADN basadas en la expresión de los genes codificantes de las subunidades LieIF2 o LieIF2B en ratones, se observó una secreción específica de antígenos de citoquinas IFN-γ e IL-10. Además, se generó en los ratones vacunados una protección parcial contra el desarrollo de la CL murina debido a la infección por L. major. Además, en este trabajo mostramos que la subunidad LieIF2α y las subunidades LieIF2Bβ y δ tienen la capacidad de estimular la secreción de IL-10 por las células del bazo de los ratones ingenuos. Los linfocitos B fueron identificados como los mayores productores de esta citoquina antiinflamatoria. Teniendo en cuenta los datos encontrados en este estudio, se puede formular la hipótesis de que estas proteínas actúan como factores de virulencia implicados en la inducción de respuestas humorales, así como en la producción de la citoquina IL-10 de regulación descendente, favoreciendo un resultado patológico. Por lo tanto, estas proteínas podrían considerarse marcadores de enfermedad.Different members of intracellular protein families are recognized by the immune system of the vertebrate host infected by parasites of the genus Leishmania. Here, we have analyzed the antigenic and immunogenic properties of the Leishmania eIF2 and eIF2B translation initiation factors. An in silico search in Leishmania infantum sequence databases allowed the identification of the genes encoding the α, β, and γ subunits and the α, β, and δ subunits of the putative Leishmania orthologs of the eukaryotic initiation factors F2 (LieIF2) or F2B (LieIF2B), respectively. The antigenicity of these factors was analyzed by ELISA using recombinant versions of the different subunits. Antibodies against the different LieIF2 and LieIF2B subunits were found in the sera from human and canine visceral leishmaniasis patients, and also in the sera from hamsters experimentally infected with L. infantum. In L. infantum (BALB/c) and Leishmania major (BALB/c or C57BL/6) challenged mice, a moderate humoral response against these protein factors was detected. Remarkably, these proteins elicited an IL-10 production by splenocytes derived from infected mice independently of the Leishmania species employed for experimental challenge. When DNA vaccines based on the expression of the LieIF2 or LieIF2B subunit encoding genes were administered in mice, an antigen-specific secretion of IFN-γ and IL-10 cytokines was observed. Furthermore, a partial protection against murine CL development due to L. major infection was generated in the vaccinated mice. Also, in this work we show that the LieIF2α subunit and the LieIF2Bβ and δ subunits have the capacity to stimulate IL-10 secretion by spleen cells from naïve mice. B-lymphocytes were identified as the major producers of this anti-inflammatory cytokine. Taking into account the data found in this study, it may be hypothesized that these proteins act as virulence factors implicated in the induction of humoral responses as well as in the production of the down-regulatory IL-10 cytokine, favoring a pathological outcome. Therefore, these proteins might be considered markers of disease.• Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Fondos FEDER. Proyectos FISPI14/00366, FISPI14/00366 • Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias. Proyecto ISCIII-RETICRD16/0027/0008-FEDER • Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (Brasil). Program 300174/2014-4 • Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa. Ayuda • Fundación Ramón Areces. Ayuda • Banco de Santander. AyudapeerReviewe

    8‐Aminomethyl‐7‐hydroxy‐4‐methylcoumarins as Multitarget Leads for Alzheimer's Disease

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Domínguez, J., Fernández-Nieto, F., Brea, J., Catto, M., Paleo, M., & Porto, S. et al. (2016). 8-Aminomethyl-7-hydroxy-4-methylcoumarins as Multitarget Leads for Alzheimer's Disease. Chemistryselect, 1(11), 2742-2749, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/slct.201600735. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived VersionsThis work is part of our ongoing research in the discovery of multitarget therapeutic agents for Alzheimer's disease (AD). A literature screening, based on our recently proposed pharmacophore, led to the identification of 8‐aminomethyl‐7‐hydroxy‐4‐methyl coumarins as potential multitarget leads for AD. The results of a computer‐assisted protocol developed by us to validate multitarget hits for AD indicated that our coumarin candidates were viable leads only for AChE inhibition as later validated by biological assays. The results of BChE binding and propidium displacement assays indicate that our first generation compounds bind to the PAS site in AChE. We designed new generations of coumarin derivatives with a longer substituent at position 8 aimed at leads with more efficient interaction at the catalytic anionic site (CAS). Inhibition data and docking simulations indicated that an anilino‐capping group reached the CAS region of AChE and determined also a higher inhibitory potency towards BChE. The best compound obtained, with a N‐benzylpiperidine fragment, displayed sub‐micromolar affinity for AChE, affinity for BChE, and precluded Aβ‐amyloid aggregation with a potency similar to that of 9,10‐anthraquinone, making it a multitarget lead viable for further improvementFinancial support from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain (Project CTQ2014‐55208‐P) and the Xunta de Galicia (10CSA209063PR and GRC2014/029) is gratefully acknowledged. The Italian authors thank the University of Bari for partial financial support (Fondi di Ateneo 2014–2015)S

    Morphological changes of the calamus of growing remiges feathers in pigeons

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 15-24).Las plumas se han utilizado para estudiar procesos de diferenciación celular y morfogénesis. Existen pocos estudios histológicos en animales adultos que describan de manera secuencial la maduración de los componentes celulares durante el crecimiento; así que el objetivo de este trabajo fue describir las características histológicas de este proceso, abarcando los elementos celulares y sus relaciones anatómicas. Se obtuvieron plumas remeras de palomas, en las que se había inducido un proceso de regeneración, a los 8, 13, 18, 23 y 28 días de crecimiento. Se realizaron cortes histológicos teñidos con diferentes técnicas. Se demostró la presencia de la zona ramogénica, que tiende a disminuir de tamaño del día 8 al 28. En las crestas de la barba se observaron células de la barba, barbulares y de la placa axial, quedando cada cresta delimitada por la placa marginal. Las características celulares variaron de acuerdo con la región de las crestas, mostrando en la placa marginal transiciones de células escamosas a cuboides y nuevamente a escamosas, y, por otro lado, en la placa barbular de células cuboides a columnares y después a fusiformes. Se identificaron las células obscuras de la zona ramogénica, las cuales, por sus características tintoriales, parecen derivar de la papila dérmica. En conclusión, se realizó la caracterización histológica del cálamo y se describió, por primera vez, de manera secuencial en las diferentes etapas del crecimiento.Feathers have been studied in processes of cellular differentiation and morphogenesis; however, only few histological studies in adult animals describe the maturation of the cellular components sequentially. Therefore, the objective of this work was to describe the histological characteristics, covering the cellular elements and their anatomical relationships. Pigeon feathers were withdrawn to induce regeneration, and samples were taken at different times: 8 (sprout time), 13, 18, 23, and 28 days. We prepared histological cuts using different staining techniques. We demonstrated the presence of a very marked ramogenic zone that tends to diminish from day 8 to 28. In the barb ridge, we observed the barb, barbule, and axial plate cells, with the marginal plate delimiting each barb ridge. The cellular characteristics varied according to the ridges region, showing in the marginal plate transitions from squamous to cuboidal and back to squamous cells; and, in the barbular plate, from cuboidal to columnar and then to fusiform cells. Obscure cells from the ramogenic zone were identified as cells derived from the dermal papilla based on their staining. In conclusion, we characterized the histology of the calamus and, for the first time, described the different growth stages sequentially.Bibliografía: páginas 23-24

    Cambios morfológicos del cálamo de las plumas remeras en crecimiento de palomas

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    Feathers have been studied in processes of cellular differentiation and morphogenesis; however, only few histological studies in adult animals describe the maturation of the cellular components sequentially. Therefore, the objective of this work was to describe the histological characteristics, covering the cellular elements and their anatomical relationships. Pigeon feathers were withdrawn to induce regeneration, and samples were taken at different times: 8 (sprout time), 13, 18, 23, and 28 days. We prepared histological cuts using different staining techniques. We demonstrated the presence of a very marked ramogenic zone that tends to diminish from day 8 to 28. In the barb ridge, we observed the barb, barbule, and axial plate cells, with the marginal plate delimiting each barb ridge. The cellular characteristics varied according to the ridges region, showing in the marginal plate transitions from squamous to cuboidal and back to squamous cells; and, in the barbular plate, from cuboidal to columnar and then to fusiform cells. Obscure cells from the ramogenic zone were identified as cells derived from the dermal papilla based on their staining. In conclusion, we characterized the histology of the calamus and, for the first time, described the different growth stages sequentially.Las plumas se han utilizado para estudiar procesos de diferenciación celular y morfogénesis. Existen pocos estudios histológicos en animales adultos que describan de manera secuencial la maduración de los componentes celulares durante el crecimiento; así que el objetivo de este trabajo fue describir las características histológicas de este proceso, abarcando los elementos celulares y sus relaciones anatómicas. Se obtuvieron plumas remeras de palomas, en las que se había inducido un proceso de regeneración, a los 8, 13, 18, 23 y 28 días de crecimiento. Se realizaron cortes histológicos teñidos con diferentes técnicas. Se demostró la presencia de la zona ramogénica, que tiende a disminuir de tamaño del día 8 al 28. En las crestas de la barba se observaron células de la barba, barbulares y de la placa axial, quedando cada cresta delimitada por la placa marginal. Las características celulares variaron de acuerdo con la región de las crestas, mostrando en la placa marginal transiciones de células escamosas a cuboides y nuevamente a escamosas, y, por otro lado, en la placa barbular de células cuboides a columnares y después a fusiformes. Se identificaron las células obscuras de la zona ramogénica, las cuales, por sus características tintoriales, parecen derivar de la papila dérmica. En conclusión, se realizó la caracterización histológica del cálamo y se describió, por primera vez, de manera secuencial en las diferentes etapas del crecimiento

    Unraveling the effect of silent, intronic and missense mutations on VWF splicing : contribution of next generation sequencing in the study of mRNA

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    Large studies in von Willebrand disease patients, including Spanish and Portuguese registries, led to the identification of >250 different mutations. It is a challenge to determine the pathogenic effect of potential splice site mutations on VWF mRNA. This study aimed to elucidate the true effects of 18 mutations on VWF mRNA processing, investigate the contribution of next-generation sequencing to in vivo mRNA study in von Willebrand disease, and compare the findings with in silico prediction. RNA extracted from patient platelets and leukocytes was amplified by RT-PCR and sequenced using Sanger and next generation sequencing techniques. Eight mutations affected VWF splicing: c.1533+1G>A, c.5664+2T>C and c.546G>A (p.=) prompted exon skipping; c.3223-7_3236dup and c.7082-2A>G resulted in activation of cryptic sites; c.3379+1G>A and c.7437G>A) demonstrated both molecular pathogenic mechanisms simultaneously; and the p.Cys370Tyr missense mutation generated two aberrant transcripts. Of note, the complete effect of three mutations was provided by next generation sequencing alone because of low expression of the aberrant transcripts. In the remaining 10 mutations, no effect was elucidated in the experiments. However, the differential findings obtained in platelets and leukocytes provided substantial evidence that four of these would have an effect on VWF levels. In this first report using next generation sequencing technology to unravel the effects of VWF mutations on splicing, the technique yielded valuable information. Our data bring to light the importance of studying the effect of synonymous and missense mutations on VWF splicing to improve the current knowledge of the molecular mechanisms behind von Willebrand disease. identifier:02869074