121 research outputs found

    La satisfacción laboral como elemento motivador del empleado

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    En este artículo realizamos una revisión de la literatura de la satisfacción laboral. Nuestro objetivo principal es que sirva de base para ser utilizada por futuros estudios que empleen el modelo de la satisfacción laboral. Como conclusión, encontramos que podemos mejorar la satisfacción laboral modificando los puestos de trabajo dentro de la organización, según las diferentes teorías, teniendo en cuenta que para poder aplicar cada una es necesario que se presenten los supuestos de partida de ésta.____________________________________In this article we review the literature about job satisfaction. We intend future studies that discuss the job satisfaction model can make use of it. In conclusion, we find that we can improve job satisfaction modifying the place of work itself inside the organization, according with the various theories, taking into account that for applying each one is necessary all its assumption are present

    Procesamiento semántico en la arquitectura ARIES

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    Este artículo afronta el problema de la conversión de estructuras morfosintácticas a una representación semántica basada en marcos y viceversa. Los algoritmos de interpretación presentados emplean el mismo conjunto de reglas para realizar dicha conversión en ambos sentidos (para análisis y generación) y se centran en recorrer el árbol morfosintáctico/semántico de forma descendente aplicando las reglas de interpretación recursivamente a sus constituyentes

    Procesamiento semántico en la arquitectura ARIES

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    Este artículo afronta el problema de la conversión de estructuras morfosintácticas a una representación semántica basada en marcos y viceversa. Los algoritmos de interpretación presentados emplean el mismo conjunto de reglas para realizar dicha conversión en ambos sentidos (para análisis y generación) y se centran en recorrer el árbol morfosintáctico/semántico de forma descendente aplicando las reglas de interpretación recursivamente a sus constituyentes

    Forage production and quality of common vetch mixtures with barley, oat and triticale in four phenological stages

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    Para determinar la producción y la calidad del forraje de la mezcla de veza común con cebada, avena, y triticale en dos proporciones de semilla (65:35; 35:65) durante cuatro etapas fenológicas, se estableció un experimento en un diseño de bloques completos al azar con arreglo factorial (3x4x4) con cuatro repeticiones. En mezclas de cultivos la mayor producción de materia seca (MS) la obtuvo la asociación avena-veza con 16.6 t ha-1 y en proporción de cultivos la avena-veza (65:35) produjo 19.9 t ha-1, durante la etapa grano masoso (P<0.001). La mayor cantidad de proteína cruda la obtuvieron las mezclas avena-veza (178 g kg-1 MS) y triticale-veza (161 g kg-1 MS) durante la etapa de embuche. Los menores valores de fibra detergente neutra los presentaron el monocultivo veza y su mezcla con avena (35:65), durante la etapa grano maduro (P<0.001). Las menores cantidades de fibra detergente ácida lo obtuvieron los monocultivos avena, veza y triticale durante la etapa grano lechoso (P<0.001). El mayor porcentaje de nutrientes digestibles totales lo obtuvo el monocultivo veza y su mezcla con cebada (65:35) durante la etapa grano lechoso, respectivamente (P<0.001). El contenido de energía neta de lactación y el valor relativo de forraje fue mayor para el monocultivo veza (P<0.001). Se concluye que la producción y calidad del forraje en mezcla de veza con cereales (cebada, avena y triticale) dependen de la etapa de cosecha. En este estudio, la mezcla avena-veza logró mayor producción de materia seca y mejor contenido de proteína cruda. Además, el valor relativo del forraje fue más alto durante la etapa grano maduro.The objective was to determine forage yield and quality of vetch mixtures with barley, oat and triticale in two seeding ratios (65:35; 35:65) at four phenological stages. To this end, a randomized block design with factorial array (3x4x4) and four replications was established. The greatest dry matter yield was obtained from the oat-vetch mixture at the grain doughy stage of maturity (16.6 t ha-1; P<0.00), while the seed proportion with the highest production was from the oat-vetch (65:35) ratio with 19.9 t ha-1 during the dough grain stage. The highest amount of crude protein was obtained from the oat-vetch (178 g kg-1 MS) and triticale-vetch (161 g kg-1 MS) mixtures during booting stage. The monoculture vetch and oats-vetch (35:65) proportion, both had lower amounts of neutral detergent fiber at the mature grain stage (P<0.001). The oat, vetch and triticale monocultures showed the lowest acid detergent fiber during milky grain stage (P<0.001). The greatest percentage of TDN was observed in vetch monoculture and its mixtures with barley (65:35) during the milky grain stage, respectively (P<0.001). The monoculture vetch provided highest values for NEL and RFV (P<0.001). In conclusion, the forage yield and quality of vetch mixtures with barley, oat and triticale depend on the maturity stage. Also, the oat-vetch mixture showed the greatest dry matter yield and high CP concentration. In addition, forage relative value was higher during the mature grain stage

    Expansion of different subpopulations of CD26−/low T cells in allergic and non-allergic asthmatics

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    CD26 displays variable levels between effector (TH17 ≫ TH1 > TH2 > Treg) and naïve/memory (memory > naïve) CD4+ T lymphocytes. Besides, IL-6/IL−6R is associated with TH17-differentiation and asthma severity. Allergic/atopic asthma (AA) is dominated by TH2 responses, while TH17 immunity might either modulate the TH2-dependent inflammation in AA or be an important mechanism boosting non-allergic asthma (NAA). Therefore, in this work we have compared the expression of CD26 and CD126 (IL-6Rα) in lymphocytes from different groups of donors: allergic (AA) and non-allergic (NAA) asthma, rhinitis, and healthy subjects. For this purpose, flow cytometry, haematological/biochemical, and in vitro proliferation assays were performed. Our results show a strong CD26-CD126 correlation and an over-representation of CD26− subsets with a highly-differentiated effector phenotype in AA (CD4+CD26−/low T cells) and NAA (CD4−CD26− γδ-T cells). In addition, we found that circulating levels of CD26 (sCD26) were reduced in both AA and NAA, while loss of CD126 expression on different leukocytes correlated with higher disease severity. Finally, selective inhibition of CD26-mRNA translation led to enhanced T cell proliferation in vitro. These findings support that CD26 down-modulation could play a role in facilitating the expansion of highly-differentiated effector T cell subsets in asthma.This work was supported by grants from Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica, (SEPAR) (121/2012) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, FIS; co-financed by European Union ERDF funds) (PI13/02046). JJN-F is a recipient of a Xunta de Galicia Fellowship (co-financed by European Social Fund (ESF))S

    Association between blood eosinophil count with asthma hospital readmissions

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published in European Journal of Internal Medicine on 2018, available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejim.2018.02.034Introduction: The presence of eosinophils in asthma inflammation is a relevant factor in the pathophysiology of the disease, however the relationship between the blood eosinophil count (BEC) with asthma severity and prognosis is still under debate. The aim of this work is to analyze the relationship between the BEC levels and hospital readmissions in patients with asthma. Material and methods: A review was retrospectively carried out on all admissions of patients over 18 years old due to exacerbation of asthma occurring in our hospital between the years 2000 and 2010. The personal characteristics and the asthma personal history of each patient were recorded. The BEC was determined from the first blood sample taken from the patient after their arrival at the hospital. Hospital early, late and frequent readmissions were analyzed using 4 cut-off points; less than 150 eosinophils/μL vs ≥150/μL, less than 200 vs 200 /μL, less than 300 vs ≥300/μL, and less than 400 vs ≥400/μL. Results: We have included 1316 patients, 70% of whom are women, as well as a mean age of 60 years, and a mean FEV1 of 73.5% of the reference value. The mean eosinophil blood count was 201.7 cells/μL. A BEC ≥300 cells/μL showed a reduction of risk of late readmission of 42%, a BEC ≥400 cells/μL showed a reduction in late readmission risk of 41% and decrease in frequent late readmission of 63%. Conclusions: Our study appears to support that an elevated BEC is associated with a lower incidence of asthma hospital readmissions.S

    Fibers spreading worldwide: Microplastics and other anthropogenic litter in an Arctic freshwater lake

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    We investigated the presence of microplastics and other anthropogenic litter in the sediments adhered to rocks of an Arctic freshwater lake at Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Archipelago, 78°N; 11°E). Most of the sampled microparticles were fibers (>90%). The identification of polymer types and additives was performed by combining three spectroscopic techniques, namely Raman Microscopy, Fourier-Transform Infrared microspectroscopy (μFTIR) and Synchrotron Radiation μFTIR (SR-FTIR). SR-FTIR confirmed the presence of poly(ethylene terephthalate) fibers, while RAMAN spectroscopy provided evidence of fibers containing industrial additives. Our results estimated an average concentration of 400 microparticles/m2 of rocks identified as anthropogenic litter, which included an estimation of 90 microplastics/m2 identified as polyester fibers; the rest are mostly natural fibers with evidence of anthropogenic origin. Taken together, the results proved the occurrence of anthropogenic pollutants in remote polar areas. Their probable origin is the long range atmospheric transpor

    Association of Rhinitis With Asthma Prevalence and Severity

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    Multicenter study[Abstract] Asthma and rhinitis often co-exist in the same patient. Although some authors observed a higher prevalence and/or greater severity of asthma in patients with rhinitis, this view is not homogeneous and the debate continues. The aim of our study is to describe the prevalence of rhinitis in children and adolescents and to analyse their relationship with the prevalence of asthma. A multicentre study was conducted using the methodology of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC). The target population of the study was all those school children aged 6-7 and 13-14 years from 6 of the main health catchment areas of Galicia (1.9 million inhabitants). The schools required were randomly selected, and all children in the targeted age ranges were included. Multiple logistic regression was used to obtain adjusted prevalence odds ratios (OR) between asthma symptoms of the schoolchildren and rhinitis prevalence. The results were adjusted for parental smoking habits, maternal education level, cat and dog exposure, and obesity. A total of 21,420 valid questionnaires were finally obtained. Rhinitis was associated with a significant increase in the prevalence of asthma in both age groups. The highest OR were 11.375 for exercise induced asthma (EIA) for children with recent rhinoconjunctivitis and 9.807 for children with recent rhinitis in 6-7 years old group. The prevalence OR's are higher in EIA and severe asthmatics. Rhinitis in children and adolescents is associated with a higher prevalence and severity of asthma.This work was funded by the Maria Jose Jove Foundatio

    Synthesis, antioxidant properties and neuroprotection of α-phenyl-tert-butylnitrone derived HomoBisNitrones in in vitro and in vivo ischemia models

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    We herein report the synthesis, antioxidant power and neuroprotective properties of nine homo-bis-nitrones HBNs1–9 as alpha-phenyl-N-tert-butylnitrone (PBN) analogues for stroke therapy. In vitro neuroprotection studies of HBNs1–9 against Oligomycin A/Rotenone and in an oxygen-glucose-deprivation model of ischemia in human neuroblastoma cell cultures, indicate that (1Z,1′Z)-1,1′-(1,3-phenylene)bis(N-benzylmethanimine oxide) (HBN6) is a potent neuroprotective agent that prevents the decrease in neuronal metabolic activity (EC = 1.24 ± 0.39 μM) as well as necrotic and apoptotic cell death. HBN6 shows strong hydroxyl radical scavenger power (81%), and capacity to decrease superoxide production in human neuroblastoma cell cultures (maximal activity = 95.8 ± 3.6%), values significantly superior to the neuroprotective and antioxidant properties of the parent PBN. The higher neuroprotective ability of HBN6 has been rationalized by means of Density Functional Theory calculations. Calculated physicochemical and ADME properties confirmed HBN6 as a hit-agent showing suitable drug-like properties. Finally, the contribution of HBN6 to brain damage prevention was confirmed in a permanent MCAO setting by assessing infarct volume outcome 48 h after stroke in drug administered experimental animals, which provides evidence of a significant reduction of the brain lesion size and strongly suggests that HBN6 is a potential neuroprotective agent against stroke.We would like to thank Soledad Martinez Montero for the excellent technical assistance. This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (SAF2015-65586-R to JMC; CTQ2016- 78205-P and CTQ2016-81797-REDC to IF, and NEUROCENTRO-CM S2017/BMD3760 to RMM and DNG), and Camilo José Cela University (UCJC-2018-04) to MJOG. DDI thanks the University of Alcalá and Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for pre-doctoral FPU grants. BCG thanks the Spanish Ministr

    Wild micromammal host spectrum of zoonotic eukaryotic parasites in Spain. Occurrence and genetic characterisation

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    Micromammals have historically been recognized as highly contentious species in terms of the maintenance and transmission of zoonotic pathogens to humans. Limited information is currently available on the epidemiology and potential public health significance of intestinal eukaryotes in wild micromammals. We examined 490 faecal samples, grouped into 155 pools, obtained from 11 micromammal species captured in 11 Spanish provinces for the presence of DNA from Cryptosporidium spp., Giardia duodenalis, Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Blastocystis sp. The presence of Leishmania spp. was investigated in individual spleen samples. All micromammal species investigated harboured infections by at least one eukaryotic parasite, except Apodemus flavicollis, Myodes glareolus, Sorex coronatus and Sciurus vulgaris, but the sample size for these host species was very low. Cryptosporidium spp. was the most prevalent species found (3.7%, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.2–5.7), followed by G. duodenalis (2.8%, 95% CI: 1.6–4.6) and E. bieneusi (2.6%, 95% CI: 1.4–4.3). All pooled faecal samples tested negative for Blastocystis sp. Leishmania infantum was identified in 0.41% (95% CI: 0.05–1.46) of the 490 individual spleen samples analysed. Sequence analyses allowed the identification of Cryptosporidium andersoni (5.9%), C. ditrichi (11.7%), C. muris (5.9%), C. parvum (5.9%), C. tyzzeri (5.9%), rat genotypes CR97 (5.9%) and W19 (5.9%), vole genotypes V (11.7%) and VII (5.9%) and Cryptosproridium spp. (35.3%) within Cryptosporidium (n = 17). Known genotypes C (66.7%) and Peru11 (25.0%) and a novel genotype (named MouseSpEb1, 8.3%) were detected within E. bieneusi (n = 12). None of the G. duodenalis-positive samples could be genotyped at the assemblage level. Molecular data indicate that wild micromammals were primarily infected by rodent-adapted species/genotypes of eukaryotic pathogens and thereby have a limited role as a source of human infections. The presence of ruminant-adapted species C. andersoni along with finding C. parvum is indicative of an overlap between domestic/peri-domestic and sylvatic transmission cycles of these agents.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation under projects CGL2011-30274 and CGL2015-71255-P and by the BBVA Foundation under project TOPIGEPLA (2014 call). Additional funding was obtained from the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation under projects CGL2017-89866-R and E-RTA-2015-0002-C02-02 and by the Health Institute Carlos III (ISCIII), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under project PI19CIII/00029. David González-Barrio is the recipient of a Sara Borrell Research Contract (CD19CIII/00011) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Alejandro Dashti is the recipient of a PFIS contract (FI20CIII/00002) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and Universities. The ‘Grupo de Rehabilitación de la Fauna Autóctona y su Hábitat’ (GREFA) provided partial funding and invaluable logistic and workforce support for samplings in NW Spain, along with many students and staff from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM).Peer reviewe