1,257 research outputs found

    Lightweight, self-evacuated insulation panels

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    Multilayer insulation of prefabricated panels is developed for cryogenic storage tanks. System utilizes panels of aluminized Mylar separated by sheets of low conductivity polyurethane foam. Panels are self-evacuated by cryopumping of gaseous carbon dioxide at time of use

    Rigid open-cell polyurethane foam for cryogenic insulation

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    Lightweight polyurethane foam assembled in panels is effective spacer material for construction of self-evacuating multilayer insulation panels for cryogenic liquid tanks. Spacer material separates radiation shields with barrier that minimizes conductive and convective heat transfer between shields

    Lightweight multilayer insulation system Final report

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    Self evacuating multilayer insulation panel systems for liquid hydrogen space tankag

    Intracellular sodium changes in cancer cells using a microcavity array-based bioreactor system and sodium triple-quantum mr signal

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    The sodium triple-quantum (TQ) magnetic resonance (MR) signal created by interactions of sodium ions with macromolecules has been demonstrated to be a valuable biomarker for cell viability. The aim of this study was to monitor a cellular response using the sodium TQ signal during inhibition of Na/K-ATPase in living cancer cells (HepG2). The cells were dynamically investigated after exposure to 1 mM ouabain or K+^{+}-free medium for 60 min using an MR-compatible bioreactor system. An improved TQ time proportional phase incrementation (TQTPPI) pulse sequence with almost four times TQ signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gain allowed for conducting experiments with 12–14 × 106^{6} cells using a 9.4 T MR scanner. During cell intervention experiments, the sodium TQ signal increased to 138.9 ± 4.1% and 183.4 ± 8.9% for 1 mM ouabain (n = 3) and K+^{+}-free medium (n = 3), respectively. During reperfusion with normal medium, the sodium TQ signal further increased to 169.2 ± 5.3% for the ouabain experiment, while it recovered to 128.5 ± 6.8% for the K+^{+}-free experiment. These sodium TQ signal increases agree with an influx of sodium ions during Na/K-ATPase inhibition and hence a reduced cell viability. The improved TQ signal detection combined with this MR-compatible bioreactor system provides a capability to investigate the cellular response of a variety of cells using the sodium TQ MR signal

    Pengaruh Pemanasan pada Proses Pembuatan Ekstrak Kulit Buah Manggis (Garcinia Mangostana Linn) terhadap Aktivitas Antimikroba

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh pemanasan pada proses pembuatan ekstrak kulit buah manggis (Garcinia mangostana Linn) terhadap aktivitas antimikroba. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode pemanasan pada proses pembuatan ekstrak kulit buah manggis sedangkan metode cakram kertas dan metode berat kering digunakan pada uji antimikroba. Mikroba yang diuji menggunakan, bakteri Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, khamir Candida albicans, dan jamur Aspergillus Niger. Metode cakram kertas untuk mengidentifikasi aktivitas antimikroba pada bakteri Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, khamir Candida albicans, sedangkan metode berat kering digunakan untuk identifikasi aktivitas antimikroba dari jamur Aspergillus Niger. Konsentrasi Hambat Minimum pada metode cakram kertas pada mikroba bakteri Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, khamir Candida albicans yaitu 5 % (w/v), dengan rata-rata luas zona hambat masing-masing 0,043 cm2, 0,018 cm2, 0,013 cm2. Sedangkan pada jamur Aspergillus Niger pada konsentrasi 0,5% (w/v), dengan berat kering 0,06 gram

    Counting the changes of random Δ20 sets

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    We study the number of changes of the initial segment Zs ↾n for computable approximations of a Martin-Löf random Δ02Δ20 set Z. We establish connections between this number of changes and various notions of computability theoretic lowness, as well as the fundamental thesis that, among random sets, randomness is antithetical to computational power. We introduce a new randomness notion, called balanced randomness, which implies that for each computable approximation and each constant c, there are infinitely many n such that Zs ↾n changes more than c2n times. We establish various connections with ω-c.e. tracing and omega;-c.e. jump domination, a new lowness property. We also examine some relationships to randomness theoretic notions of highness, and give applications to the study of (weak) Demuth cuppability.Fil: Figueira, Santiago. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Computación; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Hirschfeldt, Denis R.. University of Chicago; Estados UnidosFil: Miller, Joseph S.. University of Wisconsin; Estados UnidosFil: Ng, Keng Meng. Nanyang Technological University; SingapurFil: Nies, André. The University Of Auckland; Nueva Zeland
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