143 research outputs found

    Testing hypotheses of the cause of peripheral thinning of the Greenland Ice Sheet: is land-terminating ice thinning at anomalously high rates?

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    Recent observations have shown that the periphery of the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) is thinning rapidly and that this thinning is greatest around marine-terminating outlet glaciers. Several theories have been proposed which provide a link between climate and ice thinning. We present surface elevation change (<i>dh/dt</i>) data from NASA's Program for Arctic Regional Climate Assessment (PARCA) laser altimetry surveys for fourteen and eleven of the largest outlet glaciers in Southern Greenland from 1993 to 1998 and 1998 to 2006 respectively to test the applicability of these theories to the GrIS. <br><br> Initially, outlet glacier <i>dh/dt</i> data are compared with data from concurrent surveys over inland ice (slow flowing ice that is not obviously draining into an outlet glacier) to confirm the effect of ice flow on surface thinning rates. Land-terminating and marine-terminating outlet glacier <i>dh/dt</i> data are then compared from 1993 to 1998 and from 1998 to 2006. Finally, ablation anomalies (the difference between the "normal" ablation rate from 1970 to 2000 and the ablation rate in the time period of interest) calculated with a positive degree day model are compared to both marine-terminating and land-terminating outlet glacier <i>dh/dt</i> data. <br><br> Our results support earlier conclusions that certain marine-terminating outlet glaciers have thinned much more than land-terminating outlet glaciers during both time periods. Furthermore we show that these differences are not limited to the largest, fastest-flowing outlet glaciers – almost all marine-terminating outlet glaciers are thinning more than land-terminating outlet glaciers. There was a four fold increase in mean marine-terminating outlet glacier thinning rates below 1000 m elevation between the periods 1993 to 1998 and 1998 to 2006, while thinning rates of land-terminating outlet glaciers remained statistically unchanged. This suggests that a change in a controlling mechanism specific to the thinning rates of marine-terminating outlet glaciers occurred in the late 1990s and that this change did not affect thinning rates of land-terminating outlet glaciers. <br><br> Thinning rates of land-terminating outlet glaciers are statistically the same as ablation anomalies, while thinning rates of marine-terminating outlet glaciers are not. Thinning of land-terminating outlet glaciers therefore seems to be a response to changes in local mass balance (principally increases in air temperature) while thinning of marine-terminating outlet glaciers is principally controlled by ice dynamics. The mechanism by which this dynamic thinning occurs is still not clear although its association with marine-terminating outlet glaciers suggests perturbations at marine termini (calving) as the likely cause

    Field-calibrated model of melt, refreezing, and runoff for polar ice caps : Application to Devon Ice Cap

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    Acknowledgments R.M.M. was supported by the Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society (SAGES). The field data collection contributed to the validation of the European Space Agency Cryosat mission and was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada, the Meteorological Service of Canada (CRYSYS program), the Polar Continental Shelf Project (an agency of Natural Resources Canada), and by UK Natural Environment Research Council consortium grant NER/O/S/2003/00620. Support for D.O.B. was provided by the Canadian Circumpolar Institute and the Climate Change Geoscience Program, Earth Sciences Sector, Natural Resources Canada (ESS contribution 20130371). Thanks are also due to the Nunavut Research Institute and the communities of Resolute Bay and Grise Fjord for permission to conduct fieldwork on Devon Ice Cap. M.J. Sharp, A. Gardner, F. Cawkwell, R. Bingham, S. Williamson, L. Colgan, J. Davis, B. Danielson, J. Sekerka, L. Gray, and J. Zheng are thanked for logistical support and field assistance during the data collection. We thank Ruzica Dadic, two other anonymous reviewers, and the Editor, Bryn Hubbard, for their helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper and which resulted in significant improvements.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Agitation conditions for the culture and detachment of hMSCs from microcarriers in multiple bioreactor platforms

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    In our recent work in different bioreactors up to 2.5L in scale, we have successfully cultured hMSCs using the minimum agitator speed required for complete microcarrier suspension, N JS. In addition, we also reported a scaleable protocol for the detachment from microcarriers in spinner flasks of hMSCs from two donors. The essence of the protocol is the use of a short period of intense agitation in the presence of enzymes such that the cells are detached; but once detachment is achieved, the cells are smaller than the Kolmogorov scale of turbulence and hence not damaged. Here, the same approach has been effective for culture at N JS and detachment in-situ in 15mL ambr™ bioreactors, 100mL spinner flasks and 250mL Dasgip bioreactors. In these experiments, cells from four different donors were used along with two types of microcarrier with and without surface coatings (two types), four different enzymes and three different growth media (with and without serum), a total of 22 different combinations. In all cases after detachment, the cells were shown to retain their desired quality attributes and were able to proliferate. This agitation strategy with respect to culture and harvest therefore offers a sound basis for a wide range of scales of operation

    Fluctuations of a Greenlandic tidewater glacier driven by changes in atmospheric forcing : observations and modelling of Kangiata Nunaata Sermia, 1859–present

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    Acknowledgements. The authors wish to thank Stephen Price, Mauri Pelto, and the anonymous reviewer for their reviews and comments that helped to improve the manuscript. RACMO2.1 data were provided by Jan van Angelen and Michiel van den Broeke, IMAU, Utrecht University. MAR v3.2 data used for runoff calculations were provided by Xavier Fettweis, Department of Geography, University of Liège. The photogrammetric DEM used in Figs. 1 and 3 was provided by Kurt H. Kjær, Centre for GeoGenetics, University of Copenhagen. This research was financially supported by J. M. Lea’s PhD funding, NERC grant number NE/I528742/1. Support for F. M. Nick was provided through the Conoco-Phillips/Lundin Northern Area Program CRIOS project (Calving Rates and Impact on Sea Level).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Decadal-scale climate forcing of Alpine glacial hydrological systems

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    Available at https://rdcu.be/bxMf

    Expansion of human mesenchymal stem/stromal cells on temporary liquid microcarriers

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    BACKGROUND: Traditional large-scale culture systems for human mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (hMSCs) use solid microcarriers as attachment substrates. Although the use of such substrates is advantageous because of the high surface-to-volume ratio, cell harvest from the same substrates is a challenge as it requires enzymatic treatment, often combined with agitation. Here, we investigated a two-phase system for expansion and non-enzymatic recovery of hMSCs. Perfluorocarbon droplets were dispersed in a protein-rich growth medium and were used as temporary liquid microcarriers for hMSC culture. RESULTS: hMSCs successfully attached to these liquid microcarriers, exhibiting similar morphologies to those cultured on solid ones. Fold increases of 3.03 ± 0.98 (hMSC1) and 3.81 ± 0.29 (hMSC2) were achieved on day 9. However, the maximum expansion folds were recorded on day 4 (4.79 ± 0.47 (hMSC1) and 4.856 ± 0.7 (hMSC2)). This decrease was caused by cell aggregation upon reaching confluency due to the contraction of the interface between the two phases. Cell quality, as assessed by differentiation, cell surface marker expression and clonogenic ability, was retained post expansion on the liquid microcarriers. Cell harvesting was achieved non-enzymatically in two steps: first by inducing droplet coalescence and then aspirating the interface. Quality characteristics of hMSCs continued to be retained even after inducing droplet coalescence. CONCLUSION: The prospect of a temporary microcarrier that can be used to expand cells and then ‘disappear’ for cell release without using proteolytic enzymes is a very exciting one. Here, we have demonstrated that hMSCs can attach and proliferate on these perfluorocarbon liquid microcarriers while, very importantly, retaining their quality

    Stretching and mixing of non-Newtonian fluids in time-periodic flows

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    The stretching of fluid elements and the dynamics of mixing are studied for a variety of polymer solutions in nearly two-dimensional magnetically driven flows, in order to distinguish between the effects of viscoelasticity and shear thinning. Viscoelasticity alone is found to suppress stretching and mixing mildly, in agreement with some previous experiments on time-periodic flows. On the other hand, the presence of shear thinning viscosity (especially when coupled with elasticity) produces a dramatic enhancement in stretching and mixing compared to a Newtonian solution at the same Reynolds number. In order to understand this observation, we study the velocity field separately in the sheared and elongational regions of the flow for various polymer solutions. We demonstrate that the enhancement is accompanied by a breaking of time-reversal symmetry of the particle trajectories, on the average. Finally, we discuss possible causes for the time lags leading to this temporal symmetry breaking, and the resulting enhanced mixing

    Subglacial Drainage Evolution Modulates Seasonal Ice Flow Variability of Three Tidewater Glaciers in Southwest Greenland

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    B.J.D was funded in the form of a PhD studentship provided by the Scottish Association for Geosciences, Environment and Society (SAGES) and the University of St Andrews, UK. J.M.L is supported by a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship (Grant No. MR/S017232/1). D.F would like to acknowledge the support of this work through the EPSRC and ESRC Centre for Doctoral Training on Quantification and Management of Risk and Uncertainty in Complex Systems Environments Grant No. (EP/L015927/1).Surface‐derived meltwater can access the bed of the Greenland Ice Sheet, causing seasonal velocity variations. The magnitude, timing and net impact on annual average ice flow of these seasonal perturbations depends on the hydraulic efficiency of the subglacial drainage system. We examine the relationships between drainage system efficiency and ice velocity, at three contrasting tidewater glaciers in southwest Greenland during 2014‐2019, using high‐resolution remotely sensed ice velocities, modelled surface melting, subglacial discharge at the terminus and results from buoyant plume modelling. All glaciers underwent a seasonal speed‐up, which usually coincided with surface melt‐onset, and subsequent slow‐down, which usually followed inferred subglacial channelisation. The amplitude and timing of these speed variations differed between glaciers, with the speed‐up being larger and more prolonged at our fastest study glacier. At all glaciers, however, the seasonal variations in ice flow are consistent with inferred changes in hydraulic efficiency of the subglacial drainage system, and qualitatively indicative of a flow regime in which annually‐averaged ice velocity is relatively insensitive to inter‐annual variations in meltwater supply – so‐called ‘ice flow self‐regulation’. These findings suggest that subglacial channel formation may exert a strong control on seasonal ice flow variations, even at fast‐flowing tidewater glaciers.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe