866 research outputs found

    Self-Assembly of \u3cem\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/em\u3e MutL and Its Complexes with DNA

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    The Escherichia coli MutL protein regulates the activity of several enzymes, including MutS, MutH, and UvrD, during methyl-directed mismatch repair of DNA. We have investigated the self-association properties of MutL and its binding to DNA using analytical sedimentation velocity and equilibrium. Self-association of MutL is quite sensitive to solution conditions. At 25 °C in Tris at pH 8.3, MutL assembles into a heterogeneous mixture of large multimers. In the presence of potassium phosphate at pH 7.4, MutL forms primarily stable dimers, with the higher-order assembly states suppressed. The weight-average sedimentation coefficient of the MutL dimer in this buffer (s̅20,w) is equal to 5.20 ± 0.08 S, suggesting a highly asymmetric dimer (f/fo = 1.58 ± 0.02). Upon binding the nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue, AMPPNP/Mg2+, the MutL dimer becomes more compact (s̅20,w = 5.71 ± 0.08 S; f/fo = 1.45 ± 0.02), probably reflecting reorganization of the N-terminal ATPase domains. A MutL dimer binds to an 18 bp duplex with a 3′-(dT20) single-stranded flanking region, with apparent affinity in the micromolar range. AMPPNP binding to MutL increases its affinity for DNA by a factor of ∼10. These results indicate that the presence of phosphate minimizes further MutL oligomerization beyond a dimer and that differences in solution conditions likely explain apparent discrepancies in previous studies of MutL assembly

    The Macroscopic Rate of Nucleic Acid Translocation by Hepatitis C virus Helicase NS3h is Dependent on Both the Sugar and Base Moieties

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    The NS3 helicase (NS3h) of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a 3′ to 5′ SF2 RNA and DNA helicase that is essential for the replication of HCV. We have examined the kinetic mechanism of translocation of NS3h along single-stranded nucleic acid with bases rU, dU and dT and have found that the macroscopic rate of translocation is dependent upon both the base and sugar moieties of the nucleic acid, with approximate macroscopic translocation rates of 3 nt/s (oligo-dT), 35 nt/s (oligo-dU), and 42 nt/s (oligo-rU), respectively. We found a strong correlation between the macroscopic translocation rates and the binding affinity of the translocating NS3h protein to the respective substrates such that weaker affinity corresponded to faster translocation. The values of K0.5 for NS3h translocation at a saturating ATP concentration are: (3.3 ± 0.4) μM nucleotide (poly-dT), (27 ± 2) μM nucleotide (poly-dU), and (36 ± 2) μM nucleotide (poly-rU). Furthermore, the results of isothermal titration of NS3h with these oligonucleotides suggest that differences in TΔS° are the principal source of the differences in the affinity of NS3h binding to these substrates. Interestingly, despite the differences in macroscopic translocation rates and binding affinities, the ATP coupling stoichiometry for NS3h translocation was identical for all three substrates, ~0.5 ATP molecules consumed per nucleotide translocated. This similar periodicity of ATP consumption implies a similar mechanism for NS3h translocation along RNA and DNA substrates

    Streamlined determination of processive run length and mechanochemical coupling of nucleic acid motor activities

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    Quantitative determination of enzymatic rates, processivity and mechanochemical coupling is a key aspect in characterizing nucleotide triphosphate (NTP)-driven nucleic acid motor enzymes, for both basic research and technological applications. Here, we present a streamlined analytical method suitable for the determination of all key functional parameters based on measurement of NTP hydrolysis during interaction of motor enzymes with the nucleic acid track. The proposed method utilizes features of kinetic time courses of NTP hydrolysis that have not been addressed in previous analyses, and also accounts for the effect of protein traps used in kinetic experiments on processivity. This analysis is suitable for rapid and precise assessment of the effects of mutations, physical conditions, binding partners and other effectors on the functioning of translocases, helicases, polymerases and other NTP-consuming processive nucleic acid motors

    Dual FRET assay for detecting receptor protein interaction with DNA

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    We present here a new assay that is based on the idea of the molecular beacon. This assay makes it possible to investigate two proteins interacting with DNA at two binding sites that are close to each other. The effectiveness of the test depends on the exclusive binding of three DNA fragments in the presence of two proteins, and the monitoring of the process depends upon observing the quenching of two independent fluorescence donors. As a model we used the components of the heterodimeric ecdysteroid receptor proteins ultraspiracle (Usp) and ecdysone receptor (EcR) from Drosophila melanogaster and a response element from the promoter of the hsp27 gene. The response element consists of two binding sites (half-sites) for the DNA binding domains (DBDs). We have shown that protein–protein interactions mediate cooperative binding of the ecdysteroid receptor DBDs to a hsp27pal response element. The analysis of the microscopic dissociation constants obtained with the DMB led to the conclusion that there was increased affinity of UspDBD to the 5′ half-site in the presence of EcRDBD when the 3′ half-site was occupied, and increased affinity of EcRDBD to the 3′ half-site when the 5′ half-site was occupied

    Monomeric PcrA helicase processively unwinds plasmid lengths of DNA in the presence of the initiator protein RepD

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    The helicase PcrA unwinds DNA during asymmetric replication of plasmids, acting with an initiator protein, in our case RepD. Detailed kinetics of PcrA activity were measured using bulk solution and a single-molecule imaging technique to investigate the oligomeric state of the active helicase complex, its processivity and the mechanism of unwinding. By tethering either DNA or PcrA to a microscope coverslip surface, unwinding of both linear and natural circular plasmid DNA by PcrA/RepD was followed in real-time using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. Visualization was achieved using a fluorescent single-stranded DNA-binding protein. The single-molecule data show that PcrA, in combination with RepD, can unwind plasmid lengths of DNA in a single run, and that PcrA is active as a monomer. Although the average rate of unwinding was similar in single-molecule and bulk solution assays, the single-molecule experiments revealed a wide distribution of unwinding speeds by different molecules. The average rate of unwinding was several-fold slower than the PcrA translocation rate on single-stranded DNA, suggesting that DNA unwinding may proceed via a partially passive mechanism. However, the fastest dsDNA unwinding rates measured in the single-molecule unwinding assays approached the PcrA translocation speed measured on ssDNA

    Single-molecule imaging of Bacteroides fragilis AddAB reveals the highly processive translocation of a single motor helicase

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    The AddAB helicase and nuclease complex is used for repairing double-strand DNA breaks in the many bacteria that do not possess RecBCD. Here, we show that AddAB, from the Gram-negative opportunistic pathogen Bacteroides fragilis, can rescue the ultraviolet sensitivity of an Escherichia coli recBCD mutant and that addAB is required for survival of B. fragilis following DNA damage. Using single-molecule observations we demonstrate that AddAB can translocate along DNA at up to 250 bp per second and can unwind an average of 14 000 bp, with some complexes capable of unwinding 40 000 bp. These results demonstrate the importance of processivity for facilitating encounters with recognition sequences that modify enzyme function during homologous recombination

    The conserved C-terminus of the PcrA/UvrD helicase interacts directly with RNA polymerase

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    Copyright: © 2013 Gwynn et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Funding: This work was supported by a Wellcome Trust project grant to MD (Reference: 077368), an ERC starting grant to MD (Acronym: SM-DNA-REPAIR) and a BBSRC project grant to PM, NS and MD (Reference: BB/I003142/1). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Evidence for a functional dimeric form of the PcrA helicase in DNA unwinding

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    PcrA helicase, a member of the superfamily 1, is an essential enzyme in many bacteria. The first crystal structures of helicases were obtained with PcrA. Based on structural and biochemical studies, it was proposed and then generally believed that PcrA is a monomeric helicase that unwinds DNA by an inchworm mechanism. But a functional state of PcrA from unwinding kinetics studies has been lacking. In this work, we studied the kinetic mechanism of PcrA-catalysed DNA unwinding with fluorometric stopped-flow method under both single- and multiple-turnover conditions. It was found that the PcrA-catalysed DNA unwinding depended strongly on the PcrA concentration as well as on the 3′-ssDNA tail length of the substrate, indicating that an oligomerization was indispensable for efficient unwinding. Study of the effect of ATP concentration on the unwinding rate gave a Hill coefficient of ∼2, suggesting strongly that PcrA functions as a dimer. It was further determined that PcrA unwound DNA with a step size of 4 bp and a rate of ∼9 steps per second. Surprisingly, it was observed that PcrA unwound 12-bp duplex substrates much less efficiently than 16-bp ones, highlighting the importance of protein-DNA duplex interaction in the helicase activity. From the present studies, it is concluded that PcrA is a dimeric helicase with a low processivity in vitro. Implications of the experimental results for the DNA unwinding mechanism of PcrA are discussed

    Cooperative translocation enhances the unwinding of duplex DNA by SARS coronavirus helicase nsP13

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    SARS coronavirus encodes non-structural protein 13 (nsP13), a nucleic acid helicase/NTPase belonging to superfamily 1 helicase, which efficiently unwinds both partial-duplex RNA and DNA. In this study, unwinding of DNA substrates that had different duplex lengths and 5′-overhangs was examined under single-turnover reaction conditions in the presence of excess enzyme. The amount of DNA unwound decreased significantly as the length of the duplex increased, indicating a poor in vitro processivity. However, the quantity of duplex DNA unwound increased as the length of the single-stranded 5′-tail increased for the 50-bp duplex. This enhanced processivity was also observed for duplex DNA that had a longer single-stranded gap in between. These results demonstrate that nsP13 requires the presence of a long 5′-overhang to unwind longer DNA duplexes. In addition, enhanced DNA unwinding was observed for gapped DNA substrates that had a 5′-overhang, indicating that the translocated nsP13 molecules pile up and the preceding helicase facilitate DNA unwinding. Together with the propensity of oligomer formation of nsP13 molecules, we propose that the cooperative translocation by the functionally interacting oligomers of the helicase molecules loaded onto the 5′-overhang account for the observed enhanced processivity of DNA unwinding