763 research outputs found

    The three-dimensional structure of Saturn's E ring

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    Saturn's diffuse E ring consists of many tiny (micron and sub-micron) grains of water ice distributed between the orbits of Mimas and Titan. Various gravitational and non-gravitational forces perturb these particles' orbits, causing the ring's local particle density to vary noticeably with distance from the planet, height above the ring-plane, hour angle and time. Using remote-sensing data obtained by the Cassini spacecraft in 2005 and 2006, we investigate the E-ring's three-dimensional structure during a time when the Sun illuminated the rings from the south at high elevation angles (> 15 degrees). These observations show that the ring's vertical thickness grows with distance from Enceladus' orbit and its peak brightness density shifts from south to north of Saturn's equator plane with increasing distance from the planet. These data also reveal a localized depletion in particle density near Saturn's equatorial plane around Enceladus' semi-major axis. Finally, variations are detected in the radial brightness profile and the vertical thickness of the ring as a function of longitude relative to the Sun. Possible physical mechanisms and processes that may be responsible for some of these structures include solar radiation pressure, variations in the ambient plasma, and electromagnetic perturbations associated with Saturn's shadow.Comment: 42 Pages, 13 Figures, modified to include minor proof correction

    Schmidt-hammer exposure ages from periglacial patterned ground (sorted circles) in Jotunheimen, Norway, and their interpretative problems

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    © 2016 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography Periglacial patterned ground (sorted circles and polygons) along an altitudinal profile at Juvflya in central Jotunheimen, southern Norway, is investigated using Schmidt-hammer exposure-age dating (SHD). The patterned ground surfaces exhibit R-value distributions with platycurtic modes, broad plateaus, narrow tails, and a negative skew. Sample sites located between 1500 and 1925 m a.s.l. indicate a distinct altitudinal gradient of increasing mean R-values towards higher altitudes interpreted as a chronological function. An established regional SHD calibration curve for Jotunheimen yielded mean boulder exposure ages in the range 6910 ± 510 to 8240 ± 495 years ago. These SHD ages are indicative of the timing of patterned ground formation, representing minimum ages for active boulder upfreezing and maximum ages for the stabilization of boulders in the encircling gutters. Despite uncertainties associated with the calibration curve and the age distribution of the boulders, the early-Holocene age of the patterned ground surfaces, the apparent cessation of major activity during the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM) and continuing lack of late-Holocene activity clarify existing understanding of the process dynamics and palaeoclimatic significance of large-scale sorted patterned ground as an indicator of a permafrost environment. The interpretation of SHD ages from patterned ground surfaces remains challenging, however, owing to their diachronous nature, the potential for a complex history of formation, and the influence of local, non-climatic factors

    NF-κB and IκBα are found in the mitochondria. Evidence for regulation of mitochondrial gene expression by NF-κB

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    The transcription factor NF-κB has been shown to be predominantly cytoplasmically localized in the absence of an inductive signal. Stimulation of cells with inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor α or interleukin-1 induces the degradation of IκB, the inhibitor of NF-κB, allowing nuclear accumulation of NF-κB and regulation of specific gene expression. The degradation of IκB is controlled initially by phosphorylation induced by the IκB kinase, which leads to ubiquitination and subsequent proteolysis of the inhibitor by the proteasome. We report here that NF-κB and IκBα (but not IκBβ) are also localized in the mitochondria. Stimulation of cells with tumor necrosis factor α leads to the phosphorylation of mitochondrial IκBα and its subsequent degradation by a nonproteasome-dependent pathway. Interestingly, expression of the mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c oxidase III and cytochrome b mRNAs were reduced by cytokine treatment of cells. Inhibition of activation of mitochondrial NF-κB by expression of the superrepressor form of IκBα inhibited the loss of expression of both cytochrome c oxidase III and cytochrome b mRNA. These data indicate that the NF-κB regulatory pathway exists in mitochondria and that NF-κB can negatively regulate mitochondrial mRNA expression

    Comparison of advanced gravitational-wave detectors

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    We compare two advanced designs for gravitational-wave antennas in terms of their ability to detect two possible gravitational wave sources. Spherical, resonant mass antennas and interferometers incorporating resonant sideband extraction (RSE) were modeled using experimentally measurable parameters. The signal-to-noise ratio of each detector for a binary neutron star system and a rapidly rotating stellar core were calculated. For a range of plausible parameters we found that the advanced LIGO interferometer incorporating RSE gave higher signal-to-noise ratios than a spherical detector resonant at the same frequency for both sources. Spheres were found to be sensitive to these sources at distances beyond our galaxy. Interferometers were sensitive to these sources at far enough distances that several events per year would be expected

    The position of graptolites within Lower Palaeozoic planktic ecosystems.

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    An integrated approach has been used to assess the palaeoecology of graptolites both as a discrete group and also as a part of the biota present within Ordovician and Silurian planktic realms. Study of the functional morphology of graptolites and comparisons with recent ecological analogues demonstrates that graptolites most probably filled a variety of niches as primary consumers, with modes of life related to the colony morphotype. Graptolite coloniality was extremely ordered, lacking any close morphological analogues in Recent faunas. To obtain maximum functional efficiency, graptolites would have needed varying degrees of coordinated automobility. A change in lifestyle related to ontogenetic changes was prevalent within many graptolite groups. Differing lifestyle was reflected by differing reproductive strategies, with synrhabdosomes most likely being a method for rapid asexual reproduction. Direct evidence in the form of graptolithophage 'coprolitic' bodies, as well as indirect evidence in the form of probable defensive adaptations, indicate that graptolites comprised a food item for a variety of predators. Graptolites were also hosts to a variety of parasitic organisms and provided an important nutrient source for scavenging organisms

    Body condition score, weight variation and reproductive performance of beef cows in rangelands from the Pantanal region

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    Objetivou-se avaliar a influência do escore de condição corporal (ECC) sobre a eficiência reprodutiva de vacas de cria nos períodos pré e pós-parto e a probabilidade de parição, usando o escore de condição corporal e a variação ponderal no período crítico do ciclo reprodutivo. Utilizaram-se 248 vacas multíparas mantidas em pastagens nativas distribuídas em quatro estratégias de suplementação: mistura mineral (controle); suplemento farelado; suplemento líquido; suplemento líquido para vacas e bezerros. As avaliações de peso e ECC, na escala de 1 a 9, foram realizadas no período crítico: em agosto (período pré-parto, 60-90 dias antes da parição) e em janeiro (período pós-parto e reprodutivo) durante quatro anos consecutivos. Para a análise dos anos consecutivos de reprodução, criou-se um escore de reprodução, ou seja, somou-se o número de parições de cada vaca durante os quatro anos pecuários avaliados. O escore de condição corporal nos períodos pré e pós-parto e a idade da vaca influenciaram o escore de reprodução. Portanto, para avaliação da probabilidade de parição, foram utilizadas todas as vacas, classificadas em paridas e vazias. Utilizando equações de estimação generalizadas (EEG), foi modelada a probabilidade de as matrizes serem classificadas como paridas considerando variáveis exploratórias ao longo do tempo. Para se obter probabilidade de parição superior a 80%, as vacas devem possuir escore de aproximadamente 5,5 no período pré-parto. Aproximadamente 60% das vacas paridas mantiveram ou ganharam peso no período crítico do ano, o que levou a maior probabilidade de reconcepção, similar ao observado para as vacas vazias, porém com probabilidade menor de parição. O período pré-parto é o melhor para estimar a probabilidade de parição das vacas por meio da avaliação do escore corporal. A seleção de vacas adaptadas às condições bioclimáticas do Pantanal aumenta a probabilidade de produção de um bezerro por vaca por ano. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of body condition score (BCS) on reproductive performance of beef cows before and after calving and to evaluate the calving probability using body condition score and weight variation during critical periods of the cow reproductive cycle. From 2001 to 2005, the body condition score was recorded in 248 multiparous cows raised in native pastures, submitted to different supplementation treatments (mineral mixture only - control; dry supplement; liquid supplement and liquid supplement for cow and calves). Weighing and body condition evaluation were made on a 1-9 point scale in August (prepartum period, 60-90 days before parturition) and January (postpartum and reproductive period). A reproduction score was created in function of the body scores in four consecutive years. Except for the treatment, the other factors (body condition score in the prepartum and postpartum periods and cow age) influenced the reproduction score. Thus, the calving probabilities were estimated for all cows. Generalized estimating equations (GEE) were used to evaluate the calving probability in function of the exploratory variables over time. Calving probability higher than 80% was obtained when cows scored 5,5 before calving. In relation to weight, the results showed that about 60% of calving cows maintained or gained weight in the postpartum period, leading to increase in the rebreeding probability. Similar situation occurred with single cows; however, the calving probability was lower. These results indicate that the calving probability using BCS is better estimated before calving. Furthermore, it indicates the presence of cows more adapted to the Pantanal climatic and feeding conditions than others

    Early Atomic Models - From Mechanical to Quantum (1904-1913)

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    A complete history of early atomic models would fill volumes, but a reasonably coherent tale of the path from mechanical atoms to the quantum can be told by focusing on the relevant work of three great contributors to atomic physics, in the critically important years between 1904 and 1913: J. J. Thomson, Ernest Rutherford and Niels Bohr. We first examine the origins of Thomson's mechanical atomic models, from his ethereal vortex atoms in the early 1880's, to the myriad "corpuscular" atoms he proposed following the discovery of the electron in 1897. Beyond predictions for the periodicity of the elements, the application of Thomson's atoms to problems in scattering and absorption led to quantitative predictions that were confirmed by experiments with high-velocity electrons traversing thin sheets of metal. Still, the much more massive and energetic {\alpha}-particles being studied by Rutherford were better suited for exploring the interior of the atom, and careful measurements on the angular dependence of their scattering eventually allowed him to infer the existence of an atomic nucleus. Niels Bohr was particularly troubled by the radiative instability inherent to any mechanical atom, and succeeded in 1913 where others had failed in the prediction of emission spectra, by making two bold hypotheses that were in contradiction to the laws of classical physics, but necessary in order to account for experimental facts.Comment: 58 Pages + References, 8 Figures. Accepted for publication in the European Physical Journal H (Historical Perspectives on Contemporary Physics). V2 - minor typos corrected and a footnote added to p.2

    Measurement of the B0-anti-B0-Oscillation Frequency with Inclusive Dilepton Events

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    The B0B^0-Bˉ0\bar B^0 oscillation frequency has been measured with a sample of 23 million \B\bar B pairs collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric B Factory at SLAC. In this sample, we select events in which both B mesons decay semileptonically and use the charge of the leptons to identify the flavor of each B meson. A simultaneous fit to the decay time difference distributions for opposite- and same-sign dilepton events gives Δmd=0.493±0.012(stat)±0.009(syst)\Delta m_d = 0.493 \pm 0.012{(stat)}\pm 0.009{(syst)} ps1^{-1}.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Physical Review Letter