83 research outputs found

    An Institutional Logics Perspective on the Implementation of Performance Measurement Systems in the Public Sector

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    L'objecte d'estudi d’aquesta tesi doctoral són les relacions entre les lògiques institucionals i les decisions i pràctiques de mesurament del rendiment dins el context del sector públic. Es presenta com un compendi de tres estudis o treballs de recerca. El primer estudi revisa la literatura existent sobre la lògica institucional i sobre el mesurament de l'acompliment en el sector públic. El mesurament de l'acompliment el concebem com una presa de decisions, i ens basem en la teoria de la lògica institucional com a font complementària d'explicació de les variacions observades en la implementació de sistemes de mesurament de l'acompliment (performance measurement systems o PMS). A partir dels estudis analitzats, presentem un model que il·lustra les relacions recursives entre la lògica institucional i cadascuna de les fases del procés de decisió en el mesurament de l'acompliment. El segon estudi contrasta, des del punt de vista empíric, la hipòtesi que les lògiques institucionals actuen com a marcs de referència per als actors d'una organització, que influeixen en la manera com els actors perceben les situacions ambigües. Des del context de la psicologia cognitiva, es fa un disseny experimental en el qual “es prioritzen” tres lògiques institucionals. Els resultats de l'experiment proporcionen dades empíriques que avalen la influència de la lògica institucional en la percepció i el judici. El tercer estudi es fonamenta en el segon, ja que analitza la influència de la lògica institucional en la percepció i el judici, en el context de l'ús d'un sistema de mesurament de l'acompliment. Les conclusions no tan sols donen suport a la influència de la lògica institucional en les preferències d'acompliment-ús del sector públic, sinó que també mostren diferents graus de solapament entre la lògica institucional i el seu suport a diferents usos de PMS. En conjunt, aquests tres estudis són un intent d’entendre millor la influència dels marcs cognitius –concretament, de la lògica institucional– en la implementació d’un sistema de mesurament de l’acompliment en el sector públic.El objeto de estudio de esta tesis doctoral son las relaciones entre las lógicas institucionales y las decisiones y prácticas de medición del rendimiento en el contexto del sector público. Se presenta como un compendio de tres estudios o trabajos de investigación. El primer estudio revisa la literatura existente sobre la lógica institucional y sobre la medición del desempeño en el sector público. Concebimos la medición del desempeño como una toma de decisiones y nos basamos en la teoría de la lógica institucional como fuente complementaria de explicación de las variaciones observadas en la implementación de sistemas de medición del desempeño (performance measurement systems o PMS). A partir de los estudios analizados, se presenta un modelo que ilustra las relaciones recursivas entre la lógica institucional y cada una de las fases del proceso de decisión en la medición del desempeño. El segundo estudio contrasta empíricamente la hipótesis de que las lógicas institucionales actúan como marcos de referencia para los actores de una organización, influyendo en la forma en que los actores perciben las situaciones ambiguas. Bajo el contexto de la psicología cognitiva, se lleva a cabo un diseño experimental en el cual se “priman” tres lógicas institucionales. Los resultados del experimento proporcionan datos empíricos que avalan la influencia de la lógica institucional en la percepción y el juicio. El tercer estudio se fundamenta en el segundo, pues analiza la influencia de la lógica institucional en la percepción y el juicio, en el contexto del uso de un sistema de medición del desempeño. Las conclusiones no solo respaldan la influencia de la lógica institucional en las preferencias de desempeño-uso del sector público, sino que también muestran distintos grados de solapamiento entre la lógica institucional y su apoyo a distintos usos de PMS. En conjunto, estos tres estudios constituyen una tentativa para entender mejor la influencia de los marcos cognitivos –en concreto, la lógica institucional– en la implementación de un sistema de medición del desempeño en el sector público.This PhD dissertation focuses on the relationship between institutional logics and performance measurement decisions and practices within the public sector. The dissertation is organized as a compendium of three research papers or studies. Consequently, in study one, we review the literature on institutional logics and performance measurement in the public sector. We conceptualize performance measurement as decision-making and draw on the theory of institutional logics as a complementary source to explain observed variations in performance measurement system (PMS) implementation in public sector organizations. Furthermore, we define a model that illustrates the recursive relationships between institutional logics and each phase of the performance measurement decision-making process. In study two, we test the assumption that institutional logics act as reference frameworks for organizational actors and that they influence how organizational actors perceive ambiguous situations. Thus, we draw on insights from cognitive psychology to prime three unique institutional logics in an experimental design setting. We then provide empirical evidence on the influence that institutional logics have on perception and judgment. The third study builds on the second by exploring the influence of institutional logics on perception and judgment within the context of performance measurement system use in the public sector. Our findings not only provide evidence of the influence that institutional logics have on public sector performance-use preferences; they also show degrees of overlap between institutional logics and their influence on the use of various PMS. Altogether, the three studies in this dissertation represent tentative steps towards a better understanding of the influence that cognitive frameworks and institutional logics, specifically, have on PMS implementation in the public sector

    Plantes médicinales utilisées par les populations Bassa de la région de Douala au Cameroun

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    Une enquête ethnobotanique portant sur un échantillon de 90 ménages a été conduite en juin 2010 dans trois villages de la région de Douala, au Cameroun, afin de recenser les plantes médicinales utilisées par lespopulations rurales. Elle montre que 48 espèces relevant de 44 genres et de 26 familles sont utilisées dans la pharmacopée traditionnelle. Les principales familles recensées sont les Fabaceae, les Euphorbiaceae et les Asteraceae, avec respectivement 6, 5 et 4 espèces. Les fragments ou organes végétatifs collectés provenaient des jardins de case, vergers, jachères, lisières forestières ou plantations. Les espèces collectées représentent près de 94% de la flore. Seulement 3 espèces (environ 6%) ont été échantillonnées en forêt. Les espèces exploitées renferment près de 42% d’herbacées et de 58% de ligneux. Les fragments ou organes les plus utilisés comprennent les feuilles, les fruits, les graines et les écorces

    Evaluation of the contribution of NTFPs gathering: to rural people’s livelihoods around two timber concessions in Gabon

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    NTFP are often presented as bringing a major contribution to rural livelihoods in terms of food and cash, and this particularly for rural communities. Few data are available in Gabon to confirm this common assertion. An annual monitoring of 127 households was conducted in 14 villages around two timber concessions in the south-east and south-west regions of Gabon. Conventional socio‐economic survey tools such as focus group discussions, census and semi-structured interviews of households were used in gathering data during one year. Results reveal that rural people depend on various sources of livelihoods for food and income generation, but overall, the current contributions of vegetal NTFPs are insignificant compared to other activities. Odika (Irvingiagabonensis), atanga sauvage (Dacryodes buettneri), fungus (Termitomyces spp) and “nut” (Coula edulis) represent the main forest products that are commonly harvested by rural people, primarily for subsistence purposes while the surplus is sold. Although some efforts were made to promote the NTFP sector in the country, the results of this study suggest that: (1) the main components of the decree No.137/PR/MEFP of February 4, 2009, that prohibited the logging of five multiple use tree species over a period of 25 years should be reconsidered for revision; (2) the State authorities and partners should promote projects aiming at increasing the knowledge of the NTFP sector. These projects should contribute to the census of NTFP (for food, medicine and services), characterize their uses, the market chains of target products, and the development potential of NTFP. Such projects may help Gabon and other Congo Basin countries to fix norms/standards for a sustainable natural resource management and for enhancing their contribution to the national economy. This will be particularly relevant in the light of dwindling oil revenues and the need to diversify and promote other revenue sources in the country

    Perspectives on Developing Healthcare Managers in Africa: The Strathmore Business School's Healthcare Management Programme

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    A substantial shortage of qualified healthcare professionals in Africa continues, but it is now apparent that professionally trained healthcare managers are an equally important need. Health facilities in Africa typically promote physicians into the role of general manager, but physicians and their lay counterparts routinely admit to being ill-prepared for roles as leaders of health systems, healthcare facilities and other services. Few, if any, degree programmes for healthcare management—be they master's in hospital administration or specialized MBA programmes— are available in these regions. And while many master's in public health programmes exist, inclusion of healthcare management content is often an afterthought. This article presents a prototype programme that was designed to address this gap. This comprehensive healthcare management MBA programme that was established at the Business School of Strathmore University in Nairobi, Kenya in 2013 was built around the “Leadership Competencies for Health Care Managers” as promulgated by the International Hospital Federation. The article further presents the development, structure and innovations of the programme, thus providing a blueprint for the development of similar programmes throughout the continent, aimed at addressing the substantial shortage of professionally trained healthcare managers

    The contribution of NTFPs gathering: To rural people's livelihoods around two timber concessions in Gabon

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    NTFP are often presented as bringing a major contribution to rural livelihoods in terms of food and cash, and this particularly for rural communities. Few data are available in Gabon to confirm this common assertion. An annual monitoring of 127 households was conducted in 14 villages around two timber concessions in the south-east and south-west regions of Gabon. Conventional socio‐economic survey tools such as focus group discussions, census and semi-structured interviews of households were used in gathering data during one year. Results reveal that rural people depend on various sources of livelihoods for food and income generation, but overall, the current contributions of vegetal NTFPs are insignificant compared to other activities. Odika (Irvingiagabonensis), atanga sauvage (Dacryodes buettneri), fungus (Termitomyces spp) and “nut” (Coula edulis) represent the main forest products that are commonly harvested by rural people, primarily for subsistence purposes while the surplus is sold. Although some efforts were made to promote the NTFP sector in the country, the results of this study suggest that: (1) the main components of the decree No.137/PR/MEFP of February 4, 2009, that prohibited the logging of five multiple use tree species over a period of 25 years should be reconsidered for revision; (2) the State authorities and partners should promote projects aiming at increasing the knowledge of the NTFP sector. These projects should contribute to the census of NTFP (for food, medicine and services), characterize their uses, the market chains of target products, and the development potential of NTFP. Such projects may help Gabon and other Congo Basin countries to fix norms/standards for a sustainable natural resource management and for enhancing their contribution to the national economy. This will be particularly relevant in the light of dwindling oil revenues and the need to diversify and promote other revenue sources in the country. (Résumé d'auteur

    Évaluation De L’aptitude De Pseudospondias Microcarpa (A. Rich.) Engl. Var. Microcarpa (Anacardiaceae) Au Marcottage Aérien Et Perspectives De Domestication Dans Le Sud-Est Du Gabon

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    La Multiplication Végétative Des Espèces Spontanées À Usages Multiples Reste Encore Limitée En Zone Tropicale Humide D’afrique Centrale. Cette Étude Évalue L’aptitude De Pseudospondias Microcarpa Au Marcottage Aérien Dans Les Conditions De Franceville Dans Le Sud-Est Du Gabon. L’objectif À Terme Est Sa Domestication Et Son Intégration Dans Les Systèmes Agroforestiers Traditionnels. Sur 102 Branches Orthotropes, 4 Substrats (Sphaigne Du Chili, Mousse, Inflorescence Mâle Du Palmier À Huile, Sciure De Bois) Ont Été Testés. L’induction Racinaire, Intervenant Au Bout De 30 Jours, S’étend Au-Delà De 120 Jours, Et Ne Dépend Pas Du Type De Substrat. Le Volume Racinaire Par Contre Augmente Avec La Texture Du Substrat Utilisé. Les Taux D’enracinement (78,43 ± 7,98%) Et De Réussite (97,5 ± 3,42%) À 120 Jours Sont Très Prometteurs. Les Taux De Survie En Pépinière (55,56 ± 13,25%) Et En Champ (45,83 ± 19,93%) Restent Assez Variables. Néanmoins, Ces Résultats Indiquent Que Pseudospondias Microcarpa Var. Microcarpa Présente Une Bonne Aptitude Au Marcottage Aérien. Cette Observation Constitue Un Préalable À La Domestication De Cette Espèce. Les Deux Derniers Résultats Suggèrent Cependant De S’appesantir Sur La Recherche Des Conditions Optimales De Sevrage Et De Culture, Afin D’améliorer La Production Des Plants Par Marcottage Aérien De Pseudospondias Microcarpa. L’autre Résultat Majeur Est La Prise En Compte Des Substrats Locaux Dans La Vulgarisation De Cette Technique À Faible Coût. Vegetative propagation of spontaneous multipurpose species is still limited in tropical rainforest areas of Central Africa. This study evaluates the aptitude of Pseudospondias microcarpa for aerial marcottage under the conditions of Franceville in south-eastern Gabon. The ultimate objective is its domestication and its integration into traditional agroforestry systems. A total of 102 orthotropic branches were tested on 4 different substrates: Chilean sphagnum moss, moss, male inflorescence of oil palm, and sawdust. The root induction, occurring after 30 days, extends beyond 120 days and does not depend on the substrate type. Rooting (78.43 ± 7.98%) and success rates (97.5 ± 3.42%) at 120 days were very promising. The nursery (55.56 ± 13.25%) and field (45.83 ± 19.93%) survival rates remain quite variable. However, these results indicate that Pseudospondias microcarpa var. microcarpa has a good ability to aerial marcottage. This observation constitutes a prerequisite for the domestication of this species. The latter two results suggest, however, to further investigates the optimum conditions of weaning and cultivation. This is done in order to improve Pseudospondias microcarpa plant production through aerial marcottage. The other major result has to do with taking into account local substrates in popularizing this low-cost technique

    Beyond timber: balancing demands for tree resources between concessionaires and villagers

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    Extensive areas of the Congo Basin forest are allocated to timber concessionaires. These forests also harbour and support village populations, including indigenous Baka people, who depend on forest foods obtained directly from trees (fruits, oils and caterpillars). Most food-producing tree species are harvested by concessionaires for timber. We documented the availability and abundance of three food tree species around four villages and in two neighboring timber concessions in Cameroon. Data was used to determine the importance of timber concessions as sources of food for local people to provide a foundation for governance arrangements that consider local needs for foods from timber trees. Discussions with concessionaires revealed that some of them have voluntarily refrained from extracting timber species of interest to villagers for their nontimber products. This is either to avoid conflict with villagers, or because regulations have been promulgated to safeguard these resources. The interplay between internal village dynamics, regulations and their implementation by forest guards, and the actions of timber concessions create a complex arena for addressing rights to forest resources. This paper provides information on the accessibility and availability of multiple use timber species as a foundation for negotiations and governance arrangements between concessionaires and local communities