46 research outputs found

    Head over Feels? Differences in Online Rating Behavior for Utilitarian and Hedonic Service Aspects

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    Online reviews play a considerable role in reducing the information asymmetry between sellers and potential consumers. Despite the rich body of literature on online reviews, little is known about how the chosen content of reviews influences the rating behavior. As products or services offer more than one possible evaluation characteristic, different reviews on a product or service refer to different characteristics. In our research-in-progress we investigate to what extent the valence of online ratings differs depending on whether the rating refers to utilitarian characteristic or hedonic characteristics. To answer this question, we crawled 55,601 customer reviews on Google Maps of visits to 149 German theaters and classified each review as being primarily utilitarian, hedonic, or ambiguous. For our dataset we can determine that reviews with hedonic content are on average 0.48 stars higher rated than utilitarian reviews. Our results carry substantial managerial implications for designers of review platforms and customers

    Epibenthos dynamics and environmental fluctuations in two contrasting polar carbonate factories (Mosselbukta and Bjørnøy-banken, svalbard)

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    The Arctic Svalbard Archipelago hosts the world’s northernmost cold-water ‘carbonate factories’ thriving here despite of presumably unfavourable environmental conditions and extreme seasonality. Two contrasting sites of intense biogenic carbonate production, the rhodolith beds in Mosselbukta in the north of the archipelago and the barnacle-mollusc dominated carbonate sediments accumulating in the strong hydrodynamic regime of the Bjørnøy-Banken south of Spitsbergen, were the targets of the RV Maria S. Merian cruise 55 in June 2016. By integrating data from physical oceanography, marine biology, and marine geology, the present contribution characterises the environmental setting and biosedimentary dynamics of these two polar carbonate factories. Repetitive CTD profiling in concert with autonomous temperature/salinity loggers on a long-term settlement platform identified spatiotemporal patterns in the involved Atlantic and Polar water masses, whereas short-term deployments of a lander revealed fluctuations of environmental variables in the rhodolith beds in Mosselbukta and at same depth (46 m) at Bjørnøy-Banken. At both sites, dissolved inorganic nutrients in the water column were found depleted (except for elevated ammonium concentrations) and show an overall increase in concentration and N:P ratios toward deeper waters. This indicates that a recycling system was fuelling primary production after the phytoplankton spring bloom at the time of sampling in June 2016. Accordingly, oxygen levels were found elevated and carbon dioxide concentrations (pCO2) markedly reduced, on average only half the expected equilibrium values. Backed up by seawater stable carbon and oxygen isotope signatures, this is interpreted as an effect of limited air-sea gas exchange during seasonal ice cover in combination with a boost in community photosynthesis during the spring phytoplankton bloom. The observed trends are enhanced by the onset of rhodophyte photosynthesis in the rhodolith beds during the polar day upon retreat of sea-ice. Potential adverse effects of ocean acidification on the local calcifier community are thus predicted to be seasonally buffered by the marked drop in pCO2 during the phase of sea-ice cover and spring phyto-plankton bloom, but this effect will diminish should the seasonal sea-ice formation continue to decline. Among the 25 macrobenthos taxa identified from images captured by the lander’s camera system, all but three species were calcifiers contributing to the carbonate production. Biodiversity was found to be much higher in Mosselbukta (21 taxa) compared to Bjørnøy-Banken (8 taxa), which is considered as a result of enhanced habitat diversity provided in the rhodolith beds by the bioengineering crustose alga Lithothamnion glaciale. Filter- feeding activity of selected key species did reveal group-specific but no common activity patterns. Biotic disturbance of the filtering activity was common, in contrast to abiotic factors, with hermit crabs representing the primary trigger. Motion tracking of rhodoliths revealed a high frequency of dislocation, triggered not by abiotic factors but by the activity of benthic invertebrates, in particular echinoids ploughing below or moving over the rhodoliths. The echinoid Strongylocentrotus sp. is the most abundant component of the associated fauna, thereby considerably contributing both to carbonate production and to grazing bioerosion. Together, these results portray a high degree of seasonal as well as short-term dynamics in environmental conditions that despite many similarities support distinctly different communities and biodiversity patterns in the calcifying macrobenthos at the two studied polar carbonate factories

    Возможность использования высокочастотного CuBr-лазера для создания скоростного лазерного монитора

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    Представлены оценки максимальных температур источников как внешней, так и собственной засветки, при которых будут иметь место искажения изображений, формируемых посредствам активных оптических систем. Показана возможность использования высокочастотного CuBr-лазера в качестве усилителя яркости лазерного монитора

    Confocal endomicroscopy identifies loss of local barrier function in the duodenum of patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis

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    Background: Increased cell shedding with gap formation and local barrier dysfunction can be identified endomicroscopically in the terminal ileum of patients with inflammatory bowel disease. We aim to evaluate whether these changes are also present in the duodenum of patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Methods: Fifteen patients with Crohn's disease (CD), 10 patients with ulcerative colitis (UC), and 10 controls underwent fluorescein-aided confocal laser endomicroscopy (CLE). CLE was performed on macroscopically normal antral and duodenal (D1, D2, D3, D4) mucosa. Representative CLE images were prospectively analyzed. Images were scored for the number of epithelial gaps, cell shedding, and the degree of fluorescein leakage into the intestinal lumen. Results: Both CD and UC patients had significantly more epithelial gaps, epithelial cell shedding, and leakage of fluorescein into the duodenal lumen than controls. The degree of cell shedding and epithelial gap formation was similar in CD and UC patients. In all cases, macroscopic endoscopic appearances of the duodenum were normal, and conventional histological analysis showed a mild nonspecific duodenitis in 7 of 15 patients with CD. Patients with UC had a histologically normal duodenum. Gap formation, cell shedding, and fluorescein leakage was similar in CD with active compared with inactive disease, except for D2 shedding. Conclusions: CLE can detect epithelial damage and barrier loss in the duodenum of CD and UC patients that is not apparent on conventional endoscopy or histology. Copyright © 2014 Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America, Inc

    Plasma extracellular vesicle tau and TDP-43 as diagnostic biomarkers in FTD and ALS

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    Minimally invasive biomarkers are urgently needed to detect molecular pathology in frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Here, we show that plasma extracellular vesicles (EVs) contain quantifiable amounts of TDP-43 and full-length tau, which allow the quantification of 3-repeat (3R) and 4-repeat (4R) tau isoforms. Plasma EV TDP-43 levels and EV 3R/4R tau ratios were determined in a cohort of 704 patients, including 37 genetically and 31 neuropathologically proven cases. Diagnostic groups comprised patients with TDP-43 proteinopathy ALS, 4R tauopathy progressive supranuclear palsy, behavior variant FTD (bvFTD) as a group with either tau or TDP-43 pathology, and healthy controls. EV tau ratios were low in progressive supranuclear palsy and high in bvFTD with tau pathology. EV TDP-43 levels were high in ALS and in bvFTD with TDP-43 pathology. Both markers discriminated between the diagnostic groups with area under the curve values &gt;0.9, and between TDP-43 and tau pathology in bvFTD. Both markers strongly correlated with neurodegeneration, and clinical and neuropsychological markers of disease severity. Findings were replicated in an independent validation cohort of 292 patients including 34 genetically confirmed cases. Taken together, the combination of EV TDP-43 levels and EV 3R/4R tau ratios may aid the molecular diagnosis of FTD, FTD spectrum disorders and ALS, providing a potential biomarker to monitor disease progression and target engagement in clinical trials.</p

    Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (third edition)

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    The third edition of Flow Cytometry Guidelines provides the key aspects to consider when performing flow cytometry experiments and includes comprehensive sections describing phenotypes and functional assays of all major human and murine immune cell subsets. Notably, the Guidelines contain helpful tables highlighting phenotypes and key differences between human and murine cells. Another useful feature of this edition is the flow cytometry analysis of clinical samples with examples of flow cytometry applications in the context of autoimmune diseases, cancers as well as acute and chronic infectious diseases. Furthermore, there are sections detailing tips, tricks and pitfalls to avoid. All sections are written and peer‐reviewed by leading flow cytometry experts and immunologists, making this edition an essential and state‐of‐the‐art handbook for basic and clinical researchers.DFG, 389687267, Kompartimentalisierung, Aufrechterhaltung und Reaktivierung humaner Gedächtnis-T-Lymphozyten aus Knochenmark und peripherem BlutDFG, 80750187, SFB 841: Leberentzündungen: Infektion, Immunregulation und KonsequenzenEC/H2020/800924/EU/International Cancer Research Fellowships - 2/iCARE-2DFG, 252623821, Die Rolle von follikulären T-Helferzellen in T-Helferzell-Differenzierung, Funktion und PlastizitätDFG, 390873048, EXC 2151: ImmunoSensation2 - the immune sensory syste

    Reviewing the Simple Things- How Ease of Evaluation Affects Online Rating Behavior

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    Online reviews play a considerable role in reducing the information asymmetry between sellers and potential consumers. Despite the rich body of literature on online reviews and rating behaviors, little is known about the influence that the ease (or difficulty) involved in evaluating a product or service has on ratings. Similarly, certain product or service characteristics are easier to review and evaluate than others. In this paper we investigate the potential rating differences that arise from the ease of evaluation, both on a category and on an attribute level. In two distinct studies we analyze datasets from, respectively, Yelp (category level) and Google Maps (attribute level) and conduct linear regression with fixedeffects. Our results suggest that ratings of easy-to-evaluate product and service categories are more extreme than ratings of difficult-to-evaluate categories, whereas this does not hold for attributes. These contrasting results between category and attribute level reveal that the impact of ease of evaluation cannot be fully explained by expectation-disconfirmation theory and, therefore, we briefly discuss alternative theoretical explanations. Our results also have important practical implications for platforms offering goods and services that differ in ease of evaluation, in order to redress the biases created by these differences in rating behaviors

    Crystal structure of the Rab33B/Atg16L1 effector complex

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    The Atg12-Atg5/Atg16L1 complex is recruited by WIPI2b to the site of autophagosome formation. Atg16L1 is an effector of the Golgi resident GTPase Rab33B. Here we identified a minimal stable complex of murine Rab33B(30-202) Q92L and Atg16L1(153-210). Atg16L1(153-210) comprises the C-terminal part of the Atg16L1 coiled-coil domain. We have determined the crystal structure of the Rab33B Q92L/Atg16L1(153-210) effector complex at 3.47 angstrom resolution. This structure reveals that two Rab33B molecules bind to the diverging alpha -helices of the dimeric Atg16L1 coiled-coil domain. We mutated Atg16L1 and Rab33B interface residues and found that they disrupt complex formation in pull-down assays and cellular co-localization studies. The Rab33B binding site of Atg16L1 comprises 20 residues and immediately precedes the WIPI2b binding site. Rab33B mutations that abolish Atg16L binding also abrogate Rab33B association with the Golgi stacks. Atg16L1 mutants that are defective in Rab33B binding still co-localize with WIPI2b in vivo. The close proximity of the Rab33B and WIPI2b binding sites might facilitate the recruitment of Rab33B containing vesicles to provide a source of lipids during autophagosome biogenesis