1,693 research outputs found

    Religious education in the experience of young people from mixed-faith families

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    On the basis of recent ethnographic study at the University of Warwick of the religious identity formation of young people in ‘mixed-faith’ families, this article focuses on their (and their parents’) experiences and perceptions of religious education (RE) and of religious nurture in the community. The young people’s experience of RE differed between primary and secondary school and only a few were engaged in supplementary classes. We highlight the complementarity between school and home in young people’s religious learning and draw out implications for RE

    LCF Life of NiCr-Y Coated Disk Alloys After Shot Peening, Oxidation and Hot Corrosion

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    In a prior companion study (Ref. 1), three different Ni-Cr coating compositions (29, 35.5, 45 wt% Cr) were applied at two thicknesses by Plasma Enhanced Magnetron Sputtering (PEMS) to two similar Ni-based disk alloys. One coating also received a thin ZrO2 overcoat. The low cycle fatigue (LCF) life of each coating was determined at 760 C and was less than that of the uncoated specimens. In this followon effort, shot peening was examined as a means to improve the as-deposited coating morphology as well as impart a residual compressive stress in the near-surface region. After evaluating the effect of the shot peening on the LCF life, the effectiveness of the shot-peened coating in protecting the disk alloy from oxidation and hot corrosion attack was evaluated. This evaluation was accomplished by exposing coated and shot-peened specimens to 500 h of oxidation followed by 50 h of hot corrosion, both at 760 C in air. These exposed specimens were then tested in fatigue and compared to similarly treated and exposed uncoated specimens. For all cases, shot peening improved the LCF life of the coated specimens. More specifically, the highest Cr coating showed the best LCF life of the coated specimens after shot peening, as well as after the environmental exposures. Characterization of the coatings after shot peening, oxidation, hot corrosion and LCF testing is presented and discussed

    Keeping the faith: reflections on religious nurture among young British Sikhs

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    Although young Sikhs are regularly accused of not attending gurdwara and not being interested in Sikhism, many young Sikhs are now learning about Sikhism outside traditional religious institutions. Using data gathered as part of a research project studying the transmission of Sikhism among 18- to 30-year-old British Sikhs, this essay explores how young Sikhs are learning about Sikhism in their pre-adult life stage. Examining the influences of the family and the school environment and the various methods used in gurdwaras, this essay offers a retrospective look on the ways in which young Sikhs are nurtured and socialised into Sikhism, providing an understanding from the perspective of young Sikhs themselves about which methods actually work and why

    'Heaven starts at your parents' feet' : adolescent bowing to parents and associated spiritual attitudes

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    In a quantitative survey of religious attitudes and practices in a multi-religious sample of 369 school pupils aged between 13 and 15 in London, the practice of bowing to parents was found widespread in 22% of adolescents spanning several religious affiliations and ethnicities – especially Buddhists, Hindus and those of Indian, African and ‘Other Asian’ ethnicity. Whether an adolescent bowed correlated significantly with spiritual attitudes such as wanting to abstain from alcohol, hearing religious stories, being inspired by religious festivals and liking the idea of seeing God in everything. Findings suggest bowing to parents can have religious significance on all three levels of Jackson’s Interpretive Approach and therefore cannot be regarded as a ‘cultural accretion’ of religion. Study of bowing to parents could form a unifying exercise in shared values for study of religion in the plural classroom and facilitate community cohesion in certain religious membership groups

    Increases in sampling support the southern Gondwanan hypothesis for the origin of dinosaurs

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    Dinosaurs were ubiquitous in terrestrial ecosystems through most of the Mesozoic and are still diversely represented in the modern fauna in the form of birds. Recent efforts to better understand the origins of the group have resulted in the discovery of many new species of early dinosaurs and their closest relatives (dinosauromorphs). In addition, recent re-examinations of early dinosaur phylogeny have highlighted uncertainties regarding the interrelationships of the main dinosaur lineages (Sauropodomorpha, Theropoda and Ornithischia), and questioned the traditional hypothesis that the group originated in South Gondwana and gradually dispersed over Pangaea. Here, we use a historical approach to examine the impact of new fossil discoveries and changing phylogenetic hypotheses on biogeographic scenarios for dinosaur origins over 20 years of research time, and analyse the results in the light of different fossil record sampling regimes. Our results consistently optimize South Gondwana as the ancestral area for Dinosauria, as well as for more inclusive clades including Dinosauromorpha, and show that this hypothesis is robust to increased taxonomic and geographic sampling and divergent phylogenetic results. Our results do not find any support for the recently proposed Laurasian origin of dinosaurs and suggest that a southern Gondwanan origin is by far the most plausible given our current knowledge of the diversity of early dinosaurs and non-dinosaurian dinosauromorphs

    Estimating Trail Use and Visitor Spatial Distribution Using Mobile Device Data: An Example From the Nature Reserve of Orange County, California USA

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    Monitoring visitor use in parks and protected areas (PPAs) provides essential information for managers of PPAs to evaluate aspects of the visitor experience and balance the ecological disturbance that use creates. Traditional methods for quantifying visitation and spatial use of PPAs are resource intensive and thus are conducted infrequently or at cost-effective intervals which may fail to capture the dynamic nature of modern visitor use trends. This paper provides an addition to a growing literature using mobile-device data to quantify visitation and spatial density of use of urban-proximate PPAs in Orange County, California, USA using the analysis platform Streetlight, Inc. The results of our analysis compared favorably with well-established automatic trail counting and GPS-based monitoring methods, and illustrate several advantages of mobile device data to inform the management of PPAs. Mobile device data provide reliable estimates of visitation and spatial density of use and can augment and compliment existing social and resource monitoring for PPA management and planning

    Measuring attitude towards Buddhism and Sikhism : internal consistency reliability for two new instruments

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    This paper describes and discusses the development and empirical properties of two new 24-item scales – one measuring attitude toward Buddhism and the other measuring attitude toward Sikhism. The scale is designed to facilitate inter-faith comparisons within the psychology of religion alongside the well-established Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity. Data were obtained from a multi-religious sample of 369 school pupils aged between 13 and 15 in London. Application of the two scales demonstrated that adolescents had a more positive attitude to Buddhism than Sikhism. The findings confirm the reliability of the scales and commend them for further use

    Manifestation of ageing in the low temperature conductance of disordered insulators

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    We are interested in the out of equilibrium phenomena observed in the electrical conductance of disordered insulators at low temperature, which may be signatures of the electron coulomb glass state. The present work is devoted to the occurrence of ageing, a benchmark phenomenon for the glassy state. It is the fact that the dynamical properties of a glass depend on its age, i.e. on the time elapsed since it was quench-cooled. We first critically analyse previous studies on disordered insulators and question their interpretation in terms of ageing. We then present new measurements on insulating granular aluminium thin films which demonstrate that the dynamics is indeed age dependent. We also show that the results of different relaxation protocols are related by a superposition principle. The implications of our findings for the mechanism of the conductance slow relaxations are then discussed

    Total differential cross sections for Ar–CH4 from an ab initio potential

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    Total differential cross sections for the Ar–CH4 scattering complex at ECM=90.1 meV were obtained from converged close-coupling calculations based on a recent ab initio potential computed by symmetry-adapted perturbation theory (SAPT). Agreement with experiment is good, which demonstrates the accuracy of the SAPT potential
