216 research outputs found


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    Tried to establish the duration of phases in the imbibition process of oil radish seeds. Seeds of cultivar CATI AL-1000 lot of 2004, and the cultivars IPR 116 lot of 2004 and 2005 were soaked in "gerbox" box, under moistened paper in B.O.D. adjusted in temperature 25°C, with four replications of 50 seeds. Was calculated the percentual increment of mass over the time, in function of initial mass in the intervals of time of 15 minutes, 2 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours and 12 hours. The research was conducted in two experiments, the first with the same sample of seeds in the weighings and the second with different samples. In 1° experiment, the cultivar CATI AL-1000, ended the phase I with 28,55 hours and the phase II with 35,87 hours. Cultivar IPR 116 ended the phase I with approximately 18,05 hours for the lot of 2004 and 21,32 for the lot of 2005, beginning from this point, the phase III. In the 2nd experiment, seeds of cultivar CATI AL-1000 concluded the phase I with 49,07 hours and the phase II with 116,93 hours. For seeds of cultivar IPR 116, lots of 2004 and 2005, was not verified the phase II of imbibition, being the phase I finalized with 52,55 hours for the lot of 2004 and 152,78 hours for the lot of 2005 with the germination of seeds started after this period

    Desenvolvimento de sistema especialista em aplicativo móvel para gerenciamento de dano da lagarta cartucho em monoculturas de milho

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    The post-20th century technological development impacted many areas of knowledge, especially in the branch of agronomy. So, nowadays, countless tools can be used to to improve and optimise routine and fundamental tasks for many agronomic crops. Among those tasks, pest control in corn monoculture has stand out, considering it is crucial for the development of a healthy plant as well as for the management of its comercial value. Thus, this paper aims to create a native application for IOS and Android platforms to manage the damage caused by the fall armyworm in corn monoculture. For this purpose, tools of sequential sampling and the Davis scale were used as methods to control the pest. The framework UI Flutter and the Firebase database were used to develop the app which presents as a recommendation for the damage situation the plant is in. By the end of its execution, the developed app met the initially proposed expectation, showing itself as a possible manager which integrates the tools cited with the results expected fot both mobile platforms.UFU - Universidade Federal de UberlândiaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)O desenvolvimento tecnológico pós século XX impactou diversas áreas de conhecimento, em especial o ramo da agronomia. Assim, atualmente, inúmeras ferramentas podem ser utilizadas para aprimorar e otimizar tarefas que são rotineiras e fundamentais para as inúmeras culturas agronômicas. Dentre essas tarefas, o controle de praga na monocultura do milho tem se destacado, tendo em vista que o mesmo é crucial para o desenvolvimento de uma planta saudável, bem como a gerência de seu valor comercial. Dessa forma, esse trabalho tem como objetivo a criação de um aplicativo nativo para as plataformas IOS e Android voltado para a área de gerenciamento de danos causados pela lagarta cartucho na cultura do milho. Para tanto, foram utilizadas a ferramenta de amostragem sequencial e a escala Davis e Lagartas como métodos usados para o controle da praga. O framework UI Flutter e o banco de dados Firebase foram usados no desenvolvimento do aplicativo, o qual apresenta como resultado uma recomendação para a situação de dano em que a planta se encontra. Ao final da sua execução, o aplicativo desenvolvido atendeu a expectativa inicialmente proposta, mostrando-se como um possível gerenciador que integra as ferramentas citadas com os resultados esperados para ambas as plataformas de celulares

    O perfume do mundo: consumo de experiências de marca pelo olfato

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    This work focuses on the analysis of the relationship between consumption of experiences and the human sense of smell. Our main objective is to map what has been produced about this relationship from different disciplines. Only recently the human and social sciences, in general, and marketing and advertising, in particular, have been showing interest in smell. Hence we bring this discussion, with an exploratory research, following the major theoretical formulations and complementing it with case examples of points of purchase, more specifically.El trabajo se centra en el análisis de las relaciones entre el consumo de experiencias y el sentido humano del olfato. Nuestro objetivo principal es mapear lo que se ha producido sobre tal relación a partir de diferentes recortes disciplinares. Sólo recientemente las ciencias humanas y sociales, en general, y el marketing y la publicidad, en particular, se interesan por el olfato. Desde ahí traemos esta discusión, con una investigación de carácter exploratorio, siguiendo las principales formulaciones teóricas y complementándolas con ejemplos de casos, más específicamente en puntos de venta.Este trabalho enfoca a análise das relações entre consumo de experiências e o sentido humano do olfato. Nosso objetivo principal é mapear o que se tem produzido sobre tal relação a partir de diferentes recortes disciplinares. Só recentemente as ciências humanas e sociais, em geral, e o marketing e a publicidade, em particular, vêm se interessando pelo olfato. Daí trazermos esta discussão, com uma pesquisa de caráter exploratório, seguindo as principais formulações teóricas e complementando-a com exemplos de casos em pontos de venda, mais especificamente.

    Extension of advertising, immediacy and hybridization with everyday culture

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    O presente texto parte da constatação de que o mercado de comunicação utiliza atualmente o que tem sido chamado de live marketing, mas compreendendo-o como algo distinto da publicidade. Os autores deste artigo buscam a compreensão do live marketing – caracterizado pela imediacia e hibridação com a vida cotidiana – em suas práticas de mercado, e propõem, para o entendimento conceitual, uma leitura crítica com base na articulação de diferentes teorias e conceitos: semiosfera (Semiótica Russa); remediação (McLuhan; Bolter e Grusin); retórica do direto (Sodré). Com isto, os autores repensam as fronteiras e limites da publicidade atual, defendendo que seu redimensionamento ontológico ainda está para ser compreendido e conceituado.Palavras-chave: Publicidade. Imediacia. Cultura cotidiana. Live marketing.The present text is based on the fact that the communication market currently uses what has been called live marketing, but understanding it as something distinct from advertising. The authors of this article seek the understanding of live marketing – characterized by the proximity and hybridization with everyday life – in their market practices, and it is proposed, for conceptual understanding, a critical reading based on the articulation of different theories and concepts: semiosphere (Russian Semiotics); remediation (McLuhan, Bolter and Grusin); rhetoric of the direct (Sodré). With this, the authors rethink the boundaries and limits of the current advertising, arguing that its ontological resizing is still to be understood and conceptualized.Keywords: Advertising. Immediacy. Everyday culture. Live marketing

    Aplicação das redes neurais artificiais no preenchimento de dados diários de chuva no estado de São Paulo

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    A precipitação pluvial é uma grandeza que apresenta grande variabilidade espacial e temporal e para analisá-la de forma apurada é necessário dispor de séries de qualidade. No entanto, existem dificuldades em encontrar dados consistentes porque as falhas (humanas e de aparelhos) são muito comuns. Neste trabalho, foram utilizadas 171 séries temporais obtidas por meio do sistema Hidroweb abrangendo o período em comum de 37 anos (1976 a 2012). Os registros de cada posto pluviométrico foram preenchidos utilizando conjuntos de estações próximas com o uso da técnica das Redes Neurais Artificiais Perceptron Multicamadas através de sub-rotina no ambiente R. Os resultados apresentaram-se satisfatórios, 159 postos pluviométricos tiveram um bom preenchimento, 12 foram descartados por conterem uma grande quantidade de dados faltantes, o que impossibilitou a aprendizagem pelas Redes Neurais. Considerou-se que o preenchimento com esta técnica se mostrou uma boa alternativa para a obtenção de dados sólidos para análises da chuva.

    Light quality on growth and phenolic compounds accumulation in Moringa oleifera L. grown in vitro

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    All plant parts of the Moringa oleifera can contain relevant concentrations of phytochemicals with health benefits. Plants grown in vitro allow pathogen-free plant material production and rapid propagation, and this technique is widely used to obtain secondary metabolites. This study analyzed how light spectrum quality affects growth, chlorophyll, and total phenolic content in M. oleifera plants grown in vitro. M. oleifera seeds were inoculated in MS medium supplemented with 3% sucrose and 0.7% agar and were stored under a controlled temperature, humidity and photoperiod. The light conditions tested were white fluorescent lamps (WFL) and light-emitting diodes (LED: 70% red + 30% blue), both standardized with a photon flux density of 58 μmol m-2s-1. Radiation emitted by WFL and LED did not influence stem germination, height, or diameter. However, WFL provided higher total chlorophyll levels. All plant parts germinated in vitro were analyzed via high-performance liquid chromatography with a diode-array detector (HPLC-DAD), and preliminary analyses revealed preferential synthesis of gallic acid derivatives in the leaves under LED radiation. For the total phenolic content, leaves under the LED and WFL irradiations showed 3.524 ± 0.054 and 3.805 ± 0.304 micrograms, respectively, of gallic acid equivalents per milligram of dry matter (μg GAE mg-1 DM). Light quality did not interfere with phenolic compound accumulation; however, it stimulated the preferential synthesis of gallic acid derivatives in leaves grown under LED radiation, and the evidence indicated that all evaluated organs synthesized nonpolar substances.All plant parts of the Moringa oleifera can contain relevant concentrations of phytochemicals with health benefits. Plants grown in vitro allow pathogen-free plant material production and rapid propagation, and this technique is widely used to obtain secondary metabolites. This study analyzed how light spectrum quality affects growth, chlorophyll, and total phenolic content in M. oleifera plants grown in vitro. M. oleifera seeds were inoculated in MS medium supplemented with 3% sucrose and 0.7% agar and were stored under a controlled temperature, humidity and photoperiod. The light conditions tested were white fluorescent lamps (WFL) and light-emitting diodes (LED: 70% red + 30% blue), both standardized with a photon flux density of 58 μmol m-2s-1. Radiation emitted by WFL and LED did not influence stem germination, height, or diameter. However, WFL provided higher total chlorophyll levels. All plant parts germinated in vitro were analyzed via high-performance liquid chromatography with a diode-array detector (HPLC-DAD), and preliminary analyses revealed preferential synthesis of gallic acid derivatives in the leaves under LED radiation. For the total phenolic content, leaves under the LED and WFL irradiations showed 3.524 ± 0.054 and 3.805 ± 0.304 micrograms, respectively, of gallic acid equivalents per milligram of dry matter (μg GAE mg-1 DM). Light quality did not interfere with phenolic compound accumulation; however, it stimulated the preferential synthesis of gallic acid derivatives in leaves grown under LED radiation, and the evidence indicated that all evaluated organs synthesized nonpolar substances

    Desenvolvimento de mudas de guanandi (Calophyllum brasiliens Cambess.) sob diferentes condições de sombreamento

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    Guanandi is a tree species greatly valued for its wood and widely used in mixed reforestation programs in degraded riparian forests. We aimed to evaluate the relationship between the initial development of the species saplings and shading levels, by analyzing variations in the concentration of chlorophylls (a/b), carotenoids, and foliar nitrogen, as well as biomass accumulation. Treatments with intermediary shading (30% and 50%) resulted in increased height and increased stem secondary growth. The lowest foliar nitrogen content was found in saplings grown under 70% shading. Saplings grown under 50% shading showed lower levels of chlorophyll a than of chlorophyll b, and consequently a lower chlorophyll a/b ratio than plants subjected to the other treatments. Overall, the best vegetative performance was observed in saplings grown under 30% and 50% shading. The full-sun growth condition is not recommended for the initial development of guanandi saplings.Guanandi é uma espécie arbórea muito utilizada na obtenção de madeira e em programas de reflorestamentos mistos de matas ciliares degradadas. Objetivou-se caracterizar o desenvolvimento de mudas sob diferentes níveis de sombreamento, pleno sol, 30%, 50% e 70%, avaliando-se características físicas e químicas das plantas. Tratamentos com sombreamento intermediário (30% e 50%) foram os que exibiram as plantas com maior altura e crescimento secundário de caule. Menor teor de nitrogênio foliar foi encontrado em mudas a 70% de sombreamento. Já as mudas crescidas em 50% de sombreamento mostraram menores valores de clorofila a do que de clorofila b, com menor relação clorofila a/b. O melhor desempenho vegetativo das mudas foi obtido sob 30% e 50% de sombreamento, sendo a condição de pleno sol não recomendada para a formação de mudas da espécie

    Assessment of natural radioactivity in bottled mineral water from Brazil

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    The approach taken in the WHO Guidelines for controlling radiological hazards in public water supplies has two stages. The first is an initial screening for gross alpha and beta activity to determine whether the activity concentrations are below levels at which no further action is required; and if these screening levels are exceeded, investigation of the concentration of individual radionuclides and comparison with specific guidance levels. Mineral water is obtained directly from natural sources or by extracting groundwater, it is characterized by the quantity of mineral salts, trace elements and other constituents. The bottled water industry is present in the major regions of the world, and the population consumption has increased every year in Brazil and world, also increasing new mineral water mining sites, so it is necessary to constantly check the amount of radioactivity in mineral water. The aim of this study is to quantify the concentration of the natural radionuclides in the bottled mineral water consumed in São Paulo city. The bottled mineral water samples were purchased in a supermarket in São Paulo, with 23 different brands. The determination of gross alpha and beta activity concentration in bottled mineral water by Liquid Scintillation Counting measurement was performed using a 1220 Quantulus™ Ultra Low-Level Liquid Scintillation Spectrometer. The natural radionuclides (226Ra, 228Ra, 210Pb and 40K) were measured by gamma spectrometry, using an HPGe detector. The results obtained in this study can be used for a database on bottled mineral water radioactivity from Brazil

    Germinação in vitro e criopreservação de sementes de paineira-rosa

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    The paineira-rosa (Chorisia speciosa St. Hil) is an arboreal species of great importance in restoring degraded ecosystems and riparian forests, however, the availability of seeds of this species is low. The objective was to establish in vitro germination protocols and cryopreservation of paineira-rosa seeds. For the in vitro germination, MS culture medium and WPM was tested three concentrations of sucrose (0, 15, 30 g L-1) and three pH levels (4.8, 5.8 and 6.8). For cryopreservation, the seeds were dried on silica gel or laminar flow for different times (0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 h) and then were stored in liquid nitrogen (-196 °C) for 24 h, defrosted in a water bath (38 °C) for four minutes and they were inserted into test tubes containing WPM medium cultivation. The paineira-rosa seeds showed germination when inoculated in WPM (84%). The concentration of 15 g L-1 sucrose and the pH adjusted to 5.8, favored seed germination with 79% and 82%, respectively. The initial water content rose from paineira-rosa seeds was 14%. After 4 h of dehydration on silica gel or laminar flow, the water content was 7.8% and 6.8%, respectively. There was no significant loss of viability of seeds subjected to 4 h of drying in laminar flow (63.33%). The results obtained in this study indicate that the in vitro germination and kapok pink seed cryopreservation can be successfully obtained.A paineira-rosa (Chorisia speciosa St. Hil) é uma espécie arbórea de grande importância na recuperação de ecossistemas degradados e matas ciliares, porém, o armazenamento convencional das sementes aumenta a incidência de fungos, causando deterioração e lesões nas plântulas. Objetivou-se estabelecer protocolos de germinação in vitro e de criopreservação para o armazenamento em longo prazo das sementes de paineira-rosa. Para a germinação in vitro, testou-se os meios de cultura MS e WPM, três níveis de pH (4,8; 5,8 e 6,8) e três concentrações de sacarose (0; 15; 30 g L-1). Para a criopreservação, as sementes foram submetidas à secagem em sílica gel e fluxo laminar por diferentes tempos (0, 1, 2, 3 e 4 h) e em seguida, foram armazenadas em nitrogênio líquido (-196 ºC) por 24 h, descongeladas em banho-maria (38 ºC) por quatro min e inseridas em tubos de ensaio contendo meio de cultura WPM. As sementes de paineira-rosa apresentaram germinação superior em meio de cultura WPM (84%). O pH corrigido para 5,8 e a concentração de 15 g L-1 de sacarose favoreceram a germinação das sementes, com 82% e 79%, respectivamente. O teor de água inicial das sementes de paineira-rosa foi de 14%. Após 4 h de desidratação em sílica gel e fluxo laminar, o teor de água foi de 7,8% e 6,8%, respectivamente. Não houve perda significativa da viabilidade das sementes submetidas à 4 h de secagem em fluxo laminar, com germinação de 63,33%. Os resultados alcançados nesse estudo indicam que a germinação in vitro e a criopreservação de sementes de paineira-rosa podem ser obtidos com sucesso
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