719 research outputs found

    Accelerated forgetting in healthy older samples: Implications for methodology, future ageing studies, and early identification of risk of dementia

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    Accelerated long-term forgetting (ALF) has been reported in healthy older individuals, and is a possible early marker for risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The Verbal Associative Learning & Memory Test (VALMT; McGibbon & Jansari, 2013) addresses methodological weaknesses in existing clinical tests and has detected ALF in epilepsy within an hour. We used VALMT to investigate learning and forgetting in healthy older participants. Older (60-69yrs) and Younger (19-31yrs) participants were compared. Using VALMT, unrelated word-pairs were learnt to criterion, then cued-recall tested at delays of 5, 30 and 55 minutes. Unique pairs were tested at each delay. Subjective memory complaints data was gathered, and the Wechsler Memory Scale Logical Memory test (WMS-LM; a standard clinical measure) was administered. VALMT identified a significant difference in delayed recall between Younger and Older groups by 55 minutes (d = 1.32). While ‘fast-learning’ Older participants scored similarly to Younger participants, ‘slow-learning’ Older participants were impaired at all delays. Forgetting rates suggested degradation of memory starts during early synaptic consolidation rather than later system-level consolidation. Increased subjective memory complaints were associated with reduced VALMT scores. By contrast, WMS-LM failed to identify significant differences between any groups, and did not correlate with memory complaints. We conclude VALMT may be better able than WMS-LM to identify subtle impairments in healthy older adults within a single clinical visit, and VALMT results better reflect subjective experience. Older slow-learners forget faster and report more subjective memory complaints, which may indicate a group at risk of developing AD

    Beyond access to medication: the role of SUS and the characteristics of HIV care in Brazil

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    OBJETIVO: Estimar a composição público-privada da assistência em HIV no Brasil e o perfil organizacional da extensa rede de serviços públicos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados dados da Coorte Qualiaids-BR, que reúne dados dos sistemas nacionais de informações clínicas e laboratoriais de pessoas com 15 anos ou mais com primeira dispensação de terapia antirretroviral, entre 2015–2018, e informações dos serviços do SUS de acompanhamento clínico-laboratorial do HIV, produzidas pelo inquérito Qualiaids. O sistema de acompanhamento foi definido pelo número de exames de carga viral solicitados por algum serviço do SUS: acompanhamento no sistema privado – nenhum registro; acompanhamento no SUS – dois ou mais registros; acompanhamento indefinido – um registro. Os serviços do SUS foram caracterizados como ambulatórios, atenção básica e sistema prisional, segundo autoclassificação dos respondentes ao inquérito Qualiaids (72,9%); para os não respondentes (27,1%) a classificação baseou-se nos termos presentes nos nomes dos serviços. RESULTADOS: No período, 238.599 pessoas com 15 anos ou mais iniciaram a terapia antirretroviral no Brasil, das quais, 69% receberam acompanhamento no SUS, 21,7% no sistema privado e 9,3% tiveram o sistema indefinido. Entre os acompanhados no SUS, 93,4% foram atendidos em serviços do tipo ambulatório, 5% em serviços de atenção básica e 1% no sistema prisional. CONCLUSÃO: No Brasil o tratamento antirretroviral é fornecido exclusivamente pelo SUS, que também é responsável pelo acompanhamento clínico-laboratorial da terapia da maior parte das pessoas em serviços ambulatoriais. O estudo só foi possível porque o SUS mantêm registros e informações públicas acerca do acompanhamento em HIV. Não há nenhum dado disponível para o sistema privado.OBJECTIVE: To estimate the public-private composition of HIV care in Brazil and the organizational profile of the extensive network of public healthcare facilities. METHODS: Data from the Qualiaids-BR Cohort were used, which gathers data from national systems of clinical and laboratory information on people aged 15 years or older with the first dispensation of antiretroviral therapy between 2015–2018, and information from SUS healthcare facilities for clinical-laboratory follow-up of HIV, produced by the Qualiaids survey. The follow-up system was defined by the number of viral load tests requested by any SUS healthcare facility: follow-up in the private system – no record; follow-up at SUS – two or more records; undefined follow-up – one record. SUS healthcare facilities were characterized as outpatient clinics, primary care and prison system, according to the respondents’ self-classification in the Qualiaids survey (72.9%); for non-respondents (27.1%) the classification was based on the terms present in the names of the healthcare facilities. RESULTS: During the period, 238,599 people aged 15 years or older started antiretroviral therapy in Brazil, of which 69% were followed-up at SUS, 21.7% in the private system and 9.3% had an undefined system. Among those followed-up at SUS, 93.4% received care in outpatient clinics, 5% in primary care facilities and 1% in the prison system. CONCLUSION: In Brazil, antiretroviral treatment is provided exclusively by SUS, which is also responsible for clinical and laboratory follow-up for most people in outpatient clinics. The study was only possible because SUS maintains records and public information about HIV care. There is no data available for the private system

    Reasons for medical follow-up dropout among patients with arterial hypertension: the patient's perspective

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    A hipertensão arterial é um expressivo problema de saúde pública enquanto fator de risco para as doenças cardiovasculares e principal grupo de causas de mortalidade no Brasil. A baixa adesão e o abandono do tratamento estão entre os principais obstáculos às estratégias individuais de controle. Estudam-se os motivos do abandono do seguimento médico em uma coorte de pacientes em tratamento de hipertensão arterial, em serviço de atenção primária à saúde, acompanhados por um período de quatro anos. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com cinquenta pessoas com hipertensão que abandonaram o seguimento médico. As respostas foram analisadas mediante a técnica de análise temática de conteúdo. Os motivos relatados para o abandono do seguimento mostraram predomínio de razões ligadas ao próprio serviço de saúde - sua organização, estrutura e a relação médico-paciente - e, ainda, tratamento em outro serviço de saúde. Razões de natureza psicossocial, como a ausência de sintomas, a melhora e/ou a normalização da pressão arterial e o consumo de álcool também contribuíram para o abandono do cuidado. Estudar os motivos do abandono na perspectiva do próprio sujeito permitiu verificar a riqueza e diversidade de problemas envolvidos no cuidado requerido.Arterial hypertension is a relevant public health problem as it is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, the major cause of mortality in Brazil. Low compliance and treatment dropout are among the main obstacles to individual control strategies. This study aimed at assessing the reasons for failure in medical appointment follow-up among a cohort of patients under treatment for four years in a primary care service. Thus, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 50 individuals who had dropped out of medical appointments. Statements were assessed by using thematic content analysis. The reported reasons for dropping out were most frequently related with the healthcare service itself - its organization and structure, and doctor-patient relationship - or treatment at another healthcare service. The reasons related with the patients themselves, such as absence of symptoms, improvement and/or normalization of arterial hypertension, as well as alcohol consumption contributed to the discontinuation of the treatment. To study the reasons for treatment dropout through the patients' eyes showed the abundance and diversity of problems involved

    Beyond access to medication: the role of SUS and the characteristics of HIV care in Brazil

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    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the public-private composition of HIV care in Brazil and the organizational profile of the extensive network of public healthcare facilities. METHODS Data from the Qualiaids-BR Cohort were used, which gathers data from national systems of clinical and laboratory information on people aged 15 years or older with the first dispensation of antiretroviral therapy between 2015–2018, and information from SUS healthcare facilities for clinical-laboratory follow-up of HIV, produced by the Qualiaids survey. The follow-up system was defined by the number of viral load tests requested by any SUS healthcare facility: follow-up in the private system – no record; follow-up at SUS – two or more records; undefined follow-up – one record. SUS healthcare facilities were characterized as outpatient clinics, primary care and prison system, according to the respondents’ self-classification in the Qualiaids survey (72.9%); for non-respondents (27.1%) the classification was based on the terms present in the names of the healthcare facilities. RESULTS During the period, 238,599 people aged 15 years or older started antiretroviral therapy in Brazil, of which 69% were followed-up at SUS, 21.7% in the private system and 9.3% had an undefined system. Among those followed-up at SUS, 93.4% received care in outpatient clinics, 5% in primary care facilities and 1% in the prison system. CONCLUSION In Brazil, antiretroviral treatment is provided exclusively by SUS, which is also responsible for clinical and laboratory follow-up for most people in outpatient clinics. The study was only possible because SUS maintains records and public information about HIV care. There is no data available for the private system

    Development and validation of the WebAd-Q Questionnaire to monitor adherence to HIV therapy

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    OBJETIVO: Apresentar o desenvolvimento e a validação do Questionário WebAd-Q, um instrumento de autorrelato para monitorar a adesão à terapia antirretroviral em serviços de HIV/Aids no Brasil. MÉTODOS: O WebAd-Q é um questionário eletrônico que contém três perguntas sobre a tomada dos antirretrovirais na última semana. Foi construído a partir de entrevistas e grupos focais com 38 pacientes. Sua validade foi testada em estudo com uma amostra de 90 pacientes maiores de 18 anos, sob terapia antirretroviral há pelo menos três meses. Foram utilizadas as seguintes medidas de adesão comparativas: monitoramento eletrônico, contagem de pílulas e entrevista de autorrelato. O WebAd-Q foi respondido no sexagésimo dia por duas vezes, com intervalo mínimo de uma hora. A carga viral dos pacientes foi obtida nos registros do serviço. Analisamos a concordância entre as respostas ao WebAd-Q, associações e correlações com a carga viral e o desempenho em comparação às demais medidas de adesão. RESULTADOS: Entre os pacientes convidados, 74 (82,2%) responderam ao WebAd-Q. Não foram relatadas dificuldades em responder ao questionário. O tempo médio de resposta foi de 5 min 47 seg. O conjunto das três questões do WebAd-Q obteve concordância de 89,8%, com Kappa de 0,77 (IC95% 0,61–0,94). As respostas de não adesão do WebAd-Q associaram-se à carga viral detectável. Foram obtidas correlações moderadas da carga viral com escala de não adesão segundo o WebAd-Q. Para as três perguntas do WebAd-Q, pacientes com respostas de não adesão foram também apontados como menos aderentes segundo as demais medidas de adesão. CONCLUSÕES: O WebAd-Q atendeu a todos os quesitos considerados relevantes na validação de questionários, foi bem entendido por pacientes, apresentou associação com a carga viral e obteve boa concordância e bom desempenho em comparação a medidas concorrentes. A análise da viabilidade de sua implementação ainda depende de um estudo nacional de aplicabilidade.OBJECTIVE: To present the development and validation of the WebAd-Q Questionnaire, a self-report instrument to monitor adherence to antiretroviral therapy in HIV/AIDS centers in Brazil. METHODS: The WebAd-Q is an electronic questionnaire that has three questions about the use of antiretrovirals in the last week. It was constructed from interviews and focus groups with 38 patients. Its validity was tested in a study with a sample of 90 adult patients on antiretroviral therapy for at least three months. We used electronic monitoring bottles, pill counting, and self-report interview to compare adherence. The WebAd-Q was answered on the sixtieth day, twice, with at least one hour of interval. The viral load of the patients was obtained from the service records. We have analyzed the agreement between the answers to the WebAd-Q, the associations, and the correlations with viral load and performance compared to other measures of adherence. RESULTS: Among the invited patients, 74 (82.2%) answered the WebAd-Q. No difficulties were reported to answer the questionnaire. The average answer time was 5 min 47 sec. The set of three questions of the WebAd-Q obtained agreement of 89.8%, with Kappa of 0.77 (95%CI 0.61–0.94). The non-adherence answers of the WebAd-Q were associated with detectable viral load. We obtained moderate viral load correlations with the non-adherence scale according to the WebAd-Q. For the three questions of the WebAd-Q, patients with non-adherence answers were also reported as less adherent according to the other measures of adherence. CONCLUSIONS: The WebAd-Q answered all the issues considered relevant in the validation of questionnaires, was well understood by patients, was associated with viral load, and obtained good agreement and good performance compared to the other measures. The feasibility analysis of its implementation still depends on a national study on its applicability

    Risk-factors for non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy

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    Cross-sectional study analyzed as case-control to identify risk factors for non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy. We studied 412 out-clinics HIV infected subjects of three public hospitals of Recife, Pernambuco. The objective was to examine the association between non-adherence to the antiretroviral therapy and biological, social-behavior and demographics and economic factors, factors related to the disease and/or treatment, factors related to life habits and depression symptoms. Variables significantly associated with non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy were: time elapsed since HIV diagnosis (p = 0.002), daily dose (p = 0.046), use of alcohol (p = 0.030) and past drug use (p = 0.048), and borderline p-values were found for educational level (p = 0.093) and family monthly income (p = 0.08). In the multivariable analysis, the factors that remained in the final model were family monthly income, time period with HIV infection and use of alcohol. No association was observed between non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy and gender, age, sexual orientation, marital status, educational level and place of residence. Based on our results and the local situation we suggest: assessment of social needs; training of partners and/or families on supporting adherence, creation of "adherence groups" to motivate and to reassure patients on the benefits of treatment; counseling and/or psychotherapy for alcohol drinkers

    Measurement of the top quark forward-backward production asymmetry and the anomalous chromoelectric and chromomagnetic moments in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV

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    Abstract The parton-level top quark (t) forward-backward asymmetry and the anomalous chromoelectric (d̂ t) and chromomagnetic (μ̂ t) moments have been measured using LHC pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, collected in the CMS detector in a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb−1. The linearized variable AFB(1) is used to approximate the asymmetry. Candidate t t ¯ events decaying to a muon or electron and jets in final states with low and high Lorentz boosts are selected and reconstructed using a fit of the kinematic distributions of the decay products to those expected for t t ¯ final states. The values found for the parameters are AFB(1)=0.048−0.087+0.095(stat)−0.029+0.020(syst),μ̂t=−0.024−0.009+0.013(stat)−0.011+0.016(syst), and a limit is placed on the magnitude of | d̂ t| < 0.03 at 95% confidence level. [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    MUSiC : a model-unspecific search for new physics in proton-proton collisions at root s=13TeV

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    Results of the Model Unspecific Search in CMS (MUSiC), using proton-proton collision data recorded at the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb(-1), are presented. The MUSiC analysis searches for anomalies that could be signatures of physics beyond the standard model. The analysis is based on the comparison of observed data with the standard model prediction, as determined from simulation, in several hundred final states and multiple kinematic distributions. Events containing at least one electron or muon are classified based on their final state topology, and an automated search algorithm surveys the observed data for deviations from the prediction. The sensitivity of the search is validated using multiple methods. No significant deviations from the predictions have been observed. For a wide range of final state topologies, agreement is found between the data and the standard model simulation. This analysis complements dedicated search analyses by significantly expanding the range of final states covered using a model independent approach with the largest data set to date to probe phase space regions beyond the reach of previous general searches.Peer reviewe