1,580 research outputs found

    A Threat to New Zealand\u27s Tuatara Heats Up

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    No matter how many times we head to one of New Zealand\u27s offshore islands, the feelings are always a mix of sheer awe at the beauty and biodiversity preserved in these special refuges and lingering nerves. Did we remember all the gear? Do we have enough food and water in case we get stuck? Can the helicopter land on the side of a cliff in these winds? These epic journeys are in pursuit of a lone remnant of the reptile evolutionary tree, with a unique ecology that has big implications under climate change

    Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination and Artificial Incubation of Tuatara, Sphenodon Punctatus

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    Juveniles resulting from artificially induced and incubated eggs are often used to found or augment populations of rare reptiles, but both procedures may compromise the health of hatchlings or their fitness in natural environments. I aimed to test whether these procedures affected size or performance of juvenile tuatara, Sphenodon punctatus, New Zealand reptiles with temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD). Size and performance are phenotypic traits likely to influence fitness and eventual lifetime reproductive success, and are thus important measures of the suitability of artificial induction and incubation techniques for conservation management. I incubated 320 tuatara eggs artificially at 18, 21 and 22ºC; 52% of these were obtained by induction, the remainder were collected from natural nests. An additional 25 natural nests were left intact for investigation of TSD and effects of incubation temperature in nature. Juveniles from all incubation regimes were kept for ten months post-hatching in similar rearing conditions and sexed by laparoscopy. Induced eggs were significantly smaller than naturally laid eggs, and resulted in significantly smaller hatchlings, even when variation among clutches was accounted for. Incubation temperature did not greatly influence size at hatching, but was an important determinant of size by ten months of age; initial egg mass was the most important factor affecting size of hatchlings. Data indicate that TSD occurs in nature. The sex of hatchlings from 21 nests was investigated: 10 nests produced 100% male hatchlings, 4 nests produced 100% female hatchlings, and only 7 nests produced mixed sex ratios which ranged from 11% to 88% males. Sex of juveniles was related to temperature with a larger proportion of males produced in warmer nests. The overall percentage of male hatchlings in natural nests was 64%. Hatching success was 65% from natural nests during the 1998/99 season. Incubation temperatures throughout the year ranged from 2.9 to 34.4ºC. Global warming is likely to skew the hatchling sex ratio towards males if female tuatara are unable to select nest sites according to environmental cues. Evidence from size patterns of tuatara incubated in natural nests supports differential fitness models for the adaptive significance of TSD. The evaluation of artificial incubation as a conservation management tool demonstrated that it is a procedure that benefits conservation as it can be used reliably to produce founders; hatching success was 94% during this study. The sex ratio of artificially incubated juveniles can be easily manipulated; the pivotal temperature lies between 21 and 22ºC. Constant artificial incubation conditions resulted in larger juveniles by ten months of age than those from natural incubation. Naturally incubated juvenile tuatara, however, were faster for their size, their reaction norm to predator stimuli was to run, and they were possibly more aggressive, suggesting naturally incubated juveniles could survive better in nature. No firm conclusions can be reached on the quality of artificially incubated juvenile tuatara because further research will be required to establish the relevance of performance test results in nature and consequences of incubation regimes in the longer term with respect to relative fitness of individuals

    De novo sequence assembly and characterisation of a partial transcriptome for an evolutionarily distinct reptile, the tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus)

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    BACKGROUND: The tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) is a species of extraordinary zoological interest, being the only surviving member of an entire order of reptiles which diverged early in amniote evolution. In addition to their unique phylogenetic placement, many aspects of tuatara biology, including temperature-dependent sex determination, cold adaptation and extreme longevity have the potential to inform studies of genome evolution and development. Despite increasing interest in the tuatara genome, genomic resources for the species are still very limited. We aimed to address this by assembling a transcriptome for tuatara from an early-stage embryo, which will provide a resource for genome annotation, molecular marker development and studies of development and adaptation in tuatara. RESULTS: We obtained 30 million paired-end 50 bp reads from an Illumina Genome Analyzer and assembled them with Velvet and Oases using a range of kmers. After removing redundancy and filtering out low quality transcripts, our transcriptome dataset contained 32911 transcripts, with an N50 of 675 and a mean length of 451 bp. Almost 50% (15965) of these transcripts could be annotated by comparison with the NCBI non-redundant (NR) protein database or the chicken, green anole and zebrafish UniGene sets. A scan of candidate genes and repetitive elements revealed genes involved in immune function, sex differentiation and temperature-sensitivity, as well as over 200 microsatellite markers. CONCLUSIONS: This dataset represents a major increase in genomic resources for the tuatara, increasing the number of annotated gene sequences from just 60 to almost 16,000. This will facilitate future research in sex determination, genome evolution, local adaptation and population genetics of tuatara, as well as inform studies on amniote evolution

    Sex Ratio Bias and Extinction Risk in an Isolated Population of Tuatara (\u3ci\u3eSphenodon Punctatus\u3c/i\u3e)

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    Understanding the mechanisms underlying population declines is critical for preventing the extinction of endangered populations. Positive feedbacks can hasten the process of collapse and create an ‘extinction vortex,’ particularly in small, isolated populations. We provide a case study of a male-biased sex ratio creating the conditions for extinction in a natural population of tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) on North Brother Island in the Cook Strait of New Zealand. We combine data from long term mark-recapture surveys, updated model estimates of hatchling sex ratio, and population viability modeling to measure the impacts of sex ratio skew. Results from the mark-recapture surveys show an increasing decline in the percentage of females in the adult tuatara population. Our monitoring reveals compounding impacts on female fitness through reductions in female body condition, fecundity, and survival as the male-bias in the population has increased. Additionally, we find that current nest temperatures are likely to result in more male than female hatchlings, owing to the pattern of temperature-dependent sex determination in tuatara where males hatch at warmer temperatures. Anthropogenic climate change worsens the situation for this isolated population, as projected temperature increases for New Zealand are expected to further skew the hatchling sex ratio towards males. Population viability models predict that without management intervention or an evolutionary response, the population will ultimately become entirely comprised of males and functionally extinct. Our study demonstrates that sex ratio bias can be an underappreciated threat to population viability, particularly in populations of long-lived organisms that appear numerically stable

    Levy-Student Distributions for Halos in Accelerator Beams

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    We describe the transverse beam distribution in particle accelerators within the controlled, stochastic dynamical scheme of the Stochastic Mechanics (SM) which produces time reversal invariant diffusion processes. This leads to a linearized theory summarized in a Shchr\"odinger--like (\Sl) equation. The space charge effects have been introduced in a recent paper~\cite{prstab} by coupling this \Sl equation with the Maxwell equations. We analyze the space charge effects to understand how the dynamics produces the actual beam distributions, and in particular we show how the stationary, self--consistent solutions are related to the (external, and space--charge) potentials both when we suppose that the external field is harmonic (\emph{constant focusing}), and when we \emph{a priori} prescribe the shape of the stationary solution. We then proceed to discuss a few new ideas~\cite{epac04} by introducing the generalized Student distributions, namely non--Gaussian, L\'evy \emph{infinitely divisible} (but not \emph{stable}) distributions. We will discuss this idea from two different standpoints: (a) first by supposing that the stationary distribution of our (Wiener powered) SM model is a Student distribution; (b) by supposing that our model is based on a (non--Gaussian) L\'evy process whose increments are Student distributed. We show that in the case (a) the longer tails of the power decay of the Student laws, and in the case (b) the discontinuities of the L\'evy--Student process can well account for the rare escape of particles from the beam core, and hence for the formation of a halo in intense beams.Comment: revtex4, 18 pages, 12 figure

    Cost-effectiveness of financial incentives to promote adherence to depot antipsychotic medication: economic evaluation of a cluster-randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Offering a modest financial incentive to people with psychosis can promote adherence to depot antipsychotic medication, but the cost-effectiveness of this approach has not been examined. Methods: Economic evaluation within a pragmatic cluster-randomised controlled trial. 141 patients under the care of 73 teams (clusters) were randomised to intervention or control; 138 patients with diagnoses of schizophrenia, schizo-affective disorder or bipolar disorder participated. Intervention participants received £15 per depot injection over 12 months, additional to usual acute, mental and community primary health services. The control group received usual health services. Main outcome measures: incremental cost per 20% increase in adherence to depot antipsychotic medication; incremental cost of ‘good’ adherence (defined as taking at least 95% of the prescribed number of depot medications over the intervention period). Findings: Economic and outcome data for baseline and 12-month follow-up were available for 117 participants. The adjusted difference in adherence between groups was 12.2% (73.4% control vs. 85.6% intervention); the adjusted costs difference was £598 (95% CI -£4 533, £5 730). The extra cost per patient to increase adherence to depot medications by 20% was £982 (95% CI -£8 020, £14 000). The extra cost per patient of achieving 'good' adherence was £2 950 (CI -£19 400, £27 800). Probability of cost-effectiveness exceeded 97.5%at willingness-to-pay values of £14 000 for a 20% increase in adherence and £27 800 for good adherence. Interpretation: Offering a modest financial incentive to people with psychosis is cost-effective in promoting adherence to depot antipsychotic medication. Direct healthcare costs (including costs of the financial incentive) are unlikely to be increased by this intervention. Trial Registration: ISRCTN.com 7776928

    The potential therapeutic use of cord blood in autologous transplants or in special patients: a review and update

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    Umbilical Cord Blood is a rich source of hematopoietic stem cells widely used as a substitute of bone marrow (BM) in transplants. Cells from umbilical cord blood present advantages over BM cells, mainly as they are younger and a have higher proliferative rate. Besides hematopoietic stem cells, umbilical cord blood contains endothelial and mesenchymal progenitor cells, suggesting their possible application in cell therapy protocols for different tissues. In this paper, we discuss the importance of autologous umbilical cord blood storage and the research on stem cell transplantation for degenerative diseases.O sangue de cordão umbilical e placentário (SCUP) é uma rica fonte de células-tronco (CT) hematopoéticas e é amplamente utilizado como substituto da medula óssea em casos de transplante. As células do SCUP possuem vantagens sobre as células da medula óssea (MO), principalmente por serem mais jovens e apresentarem maior taxa proliferativa. Além dos progenitores hematopoéticos, o sangue de cordão umbilical contém progenitores endoteliais e mesenquimais, sugerindo sua possível aplicação nos novos protocolos de terapia celular para diferentes tecidos. Na presente revisão, discutimos a importância do armazenamento do sangue de cordão umbilical autólogo e as pesquisas desenvolvidas para a sua aplicação em doenças degenerativas.Cryopraxis Criobiologia LtdaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM)Instituto de Traumato-ortopediaSanta Casa de São PauloHospital Samaritano de São PauloUFRJ HUCFFHospital Central do ExércitoUFRJ IPPMGUFRJCollege of Medicine Department of Neurosurgery Center of Excellence for Aging & Brain RepairUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Circulating Proteomic Signatures of Chronological Age

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    To elucidate the proteomic features of aging in plasma, the subproteome targeted by the SOMAscan assay was profiled in blood samples from 202 females from the TwinsUK cohort. Findings were replicated in 677 independent individuals from the AddNeuroMed, Alzheimer's Research UK, and Dementia Case Registry cohorts. Results were further validated using RNAseq data from whole blood in TwinsUK and the most significant proteins were tested for association with aging-related phenotypes after adjustment for age. Eleven proteins were associated with chronological age and were replicated at protein level in an independent population. These were further investigated at gene expression level in 384 females from the TwinsUK cohort. The two most strongly associated proteins were chordin-like protein 1 (meta-analysis β [SE] = 0.013 [0.001], p = 3.66 × 10−46) and pleiotrophin (0.012 [0.005], p = 3.88 × 10−41). Chordin-like protein 1 was also significantly correlated with birthweight (0.06 [0.02], p = 0.005) and with the individual Framingham 10-years cardiovascular risk scores in TwinsUK (0.71 [0.18], p = 9.9 × 10−5). Pleiotrophin is a secreted growth factor with a plethora of functions in multiple tissues and known to be a marker for cardiovascular risk and osteoporosis. Our study highlights the importance of proteomics to identify some molecular mechanisms involved in human health and agin

    A time-frequency analysis perspective on Feynman path integrals

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    The purpose of this expository paper is to highlight the starring role of time-frequency analysis techniques in some recent contributions concerning the mathematical theory of Feynman path integrals. We hope to draw the interest of mathematicians working in time-frequency analysis on this topic, as well as to illustrate the benefits of this fruitful interplay for people working on path integrals.Comment: 26 page

    Study protocol to investigate the effect of a lifestyle intervention on body weight, psychological health status and risk factors associated with disease recurrence in women recovering from breast cancer treatment

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    Background Breast cancer survivors often encounter physiological and psychological problems related to their diagnosis and treatment that can influence long-term prognosis. The aim of this research is to investigate the effects of a lifestyle intervention on body weight and psychological well-being in women recovering from breast cancer treatment, and to determine the relationship between changes in these variables and biomarkers associated with disease recurrence and survival. Methods/design Following ethical approval, a total of 100 patients will be randomly assigned to a lifestyle intervention (incorporating dietary energy restriction in conjunction with aerobic exercise training) or normal care control group. Patients randomised to the dietary and exercise intervention will be given individualised healthy eating dietary advice and written information and attend moderate intensity aerobic exercise sessions on three to five days per week for a period of 24 weeks. The aim of this strategy is to induce a steady weight loss of up to 0.5 Kg each week. In addition, the overall quality of the diet will be examined with a view to (i) reducing the dietary intake of fat to ~25% of the total calories, (ii) eating at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day, (iii) increasing the intake of fibre and reducing refined carbohydrates, and (iv) taking moderate amounts of alcohol. Outcome measures will include body weight and body composition, psychological health status (stress and depression), cardiorespiratory fitness and quality of life. In addition, biomarkers associated with disease recurrence, including stress hormones, estrogen status, inflammatory markers and indices of innate and adaptive immune function will be monitored. Discussion This research will provide valuable information on the effectiveness of a practical, easily implemented lifestyle intervention for evoking positive effects on body weight and psychological well-being, two important factors that can influence long-term prognosis in breast cancer survivors. However, the added value of the study is that it will also evaluate the effects of the lifestyle intervention on a range of biomarkers associated with disease recurrence and survival. Considered together, the results should improve our understanding of the potential role that lifestyle-modifiable factors could play in saving or prolonging lives
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