107 research outputs found

    Detection of CO in the inner part of M31's bulge

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    We report the first detection of CO in M31's bulge. The 12CO (1-0) and (2-1) lines are both detected in the dust complex D395A/393/384, at 1.3" (~0.35 kpc) from the centre. From these data and from visual extinction data, we derive a CO-luminosity to reddening ratio (and a CO-luminosity to H_2 column density ratio) quite similar to that observed in the local Galactic clouds. The (2-1) to (1-0) line intensity ratio points to a CO rotational temperature and a gas kinetic temperature > 10 K. The molecular mass of the complex, inside a 25' (100 pc) region, is 1.5 10^4 Mo.Comment: 5 pages including 4 figures (2 in colour

    Molecular Gas in M82: Resolving the Outflow and Streamers

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    We present a high-resolution (3.6'', 70pc) CO(1-0) mosaic of the molecular gas in M 82 covering an area of 2.5' x 3.5' (2.8kpc x 3.9kpc) obtained with the OVRO millimeter interferometer. The observations reveal the presence of huge amounts of molecular gas (> 70% of the total molecular mass, M_tot=1.3 x 10^9 M_sun) outside the central 1 kpc disk. Molecular streamers are detected in and below M82's disk out to distances from the center of 1.7 kpc. Some of these streamers are well correlated with optical absorption features; they form the basis of some of the prominent tidal HI features around M 82. This provides evidence that the molecular gas within M 82's optical disk is disrupted by the interaction with M 81. Molecular gas is found in M 82's outflow/halo, reaching distances up to 1.2 kpc below the plane; CO line-splitting has been detected for the first time in the outflow. The maximum outflow velocity is 230 km/s; we derive an opening angle of 55 deg for the molecular outflow cone. The total amount of gas in the outflow is >3 x 10^8 M_sun and its kinetic energy is of order 10^55 erg, about one percent of the estimated total mechanical energy input of M 82's starburst. Our study implies that extreme starburst environments can move significant amounts of molecular gas in to a galaxy's halo (and even to the intergalactic medium).Comment: accepted for publication in the ApJ Letters full PS file @ http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/~fwalter/walter_m82.p

    Formation of a Massive Black Hole at the Center of the Superbubble in M82

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    We performed 12CO(1-0), 13CO(1-0), and HCN(1-0) interferometric observations of the central region (about 450 pc in radius) of M82 with the Nobeyama Millimeter Array, and have successfully imaged a molecular superbubble and spurs. The center of the superbubble is clearly shifted from the nucleus by 140 pc. This position is close to that of the massive black hole (BH) of >460 Mo and the 2.2 micron secondary peak (a luminous supergiant dominated cluster), which strongly suggests that these objects may be related to the formation of the superbubble. Consideration of star formation in the cluster based on the infrared data indicates that (1) energy release from supernovae can account for the kinetic energy of the superbubble, (2) the total mass of stellar-mass BHs available for building-up the massive BH may be much higher than 460 Mo, and (3) it is possible to form the middle-mass BH of 100-1000 Mo within the timescale of the superbubble. We suggest that the massive BH was produced and is growing in the intense starburst region.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, to appear in ApJ Lette

    The Nature of Starburst Activity in M82

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    We present new evolutionary synthesis models of M82 based mainly on observations consisting of near-infrared integral field spectroscopy and mid-infrared spectroscopy. The models incorporate stellar evolution, spectral synthesis, and photoionization modeling, and are optimized for 1-45 micron observations of starburst galaxies. The data allow us to model the starburst regions on scales as small as 25 pc. We investigate the initial mass function (IMF) of the stars and constrain quantitatively the spatial and temporal evolution of starburst activity in M82. We find a typical decay timescale for individual burst sites of a few million years. The data are consistent with the formation of very massive stars (> 50-100 Msun) and require a flattening of the starburst IMF below a few solar masses assuming a Salpeter slope at higher masses. Our results are well matched by a scenario in which the global starburst activity in M82 occurred in two successive episodes each lasting a few million years, peaking about 10 and 5 Myr ago. The first episode took place throughout the central regions of M82 and was particularly intense at the nucleus while the second episode occurred predominantly in a circumnuclear ring and along the stellar bar. We interpret this sequence as resulting from the gravitational interaction M82 and its neighbour M81, and subsequent bar-driven evolution. The short burst duration on all spatial scales indicates strong negative feedback effects of starburst activity, both locally and globally. Simple energetics considerations suggest the collective mechanical energy released by massive stars was able to rapidly inhibit star formation after the onset of each episode.Comment: 48 pages, incl. 16 Postscript figures; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Quantification of topographic venting of boundary layer air to the free troposphere

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    International audienceNet vertical air mass export by thermally driven flows from the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) to the free troposphere (FT) above deep Alpine valleys was investigated. The vertical export of pollutants above mountainous terrain is presently poorly represented in global chemistry transport models (GCTMs) and needs to be quantified. Air mass budgets were calculated using aircraft observations obtained in deep Alpine valleys. The results show that on average 3 times the valley air mass is exported vertically per day under fair weather conditions. During daytime the type of valleys investigated in this study can act as an efficient "air pump" that transports pollutants upward. The slope wind system within the valley plays an important role in redistributing pollutants. Nitrogen oxide emissions in mountainous regions are efficiently injected into the FT. This could enhance their ozone (O3) production efficiency and thus influences tropospheric pollution budgets. Once lifted to the FT above the Alps pollutants are transported horizontally by the synoptic flow and are subject to European pollution export. Forward trajectory studies show that under fair weather conditions two major pathways for air masses above the Alps dominate. Air masses moving north are mixed throughout the whole tropospheric column and further transported eastward towards Asia. Air masses moving south descend within the subtropical high pressure system above the Mediterranean

    Mesoscale modelling of the CO2 interactions between the surface and the atmosphere applied to the April 2007 CERES field experiment

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    This paper describes a numerical interpretation of the April 2007, CarboEurope Regional Experiment Strategy (CERES) campaign, devoted to the study of the CO2 cycle at the regional scale. Four consecutive clear sky days with intensive observations of CO2 concentration, fluxes at the surface and in the boundary layer have been simulated with the Meso-NH mesoscale model, coupled to ISBA-A-gs land surface model. The main result of this paper is to show how aircraft observations of CO2 concentration have been used to identify surface model errors and to calibrate the CO2 driving component of the surface model. In fact, the comparisons between modelled and observed CO2 concentrations within the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) allow to calibrate and correct not only the parameterization of respired CO2 fluxes by the ecosystem but also the Leaf Area Index (LAI) of the dominating land cover. After this calibration, the paper describes systematic comparisons of the model outputs with numerous data collected during the CERES campaign, in April 2007. For instance, the originality of this paper is the spatial integration of the comparisons. In fact, the aircraft observations of CO2 concentration and fluxes and energy fluxes are used for the model validation from the local to the regional scale. As a conclusion, the CO2 budgeting approach from the mesoscale model shows that the winter croplands are assimilating more CO2 than the pine forest, at this stage of the year and this case study

    Mapping the submillimeter spiral wave in NGC 6946

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    We have analysed SCUBA 850\mum images of the (near) face-on spiral galaxy NGC 6946, and found a tight correlation between dust thermal emission and molecular gas. The map of visual optical depth relates well to the distribution of neutral gas (HI+H2) and implies a global gas-to-dust ratio of 90. There is no significant radial variation of this ratio: this can be understood, since the gas content is dominated by far by the molecular gas. The latter is estimated through the CO emission tracer, which is itself dependent on metallicity, similarly to dust emission. By comparing the radial profile of our visual optical depth map with that of the SCUBA image, we infer an emissivity (dust absorption coefficient) at 850\mum that is 3 times lower than the value measured by COBE in the Milky Way, and 9 times lower than in NGC 891. A decomposition of the spiral structure half way out along the disk of NGC 6946 suggests an interarm optical depth of between 1 and 2. These surprisingly high values represent 40-80% of the visual opacity that we measure for the arm region (abridged).Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted in A&

    Molecular gas in the inner 0.7kpc-radius ring of M31

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    The study of the gas kinematic in the central 1.5kpc x 1.5kpc region of M31 has revealed several surprises. The starting point of this investigation was the detection at the IRAM-30m telescope of molecular gas with very large line splittings up to 260km/s within the beam (40 pc). In this region, which is known for its low gas content, we also detect an ionised gas outflow in the circumnuclear region (within 75pc from the centre) extending to the whole area in X-ray. Relying on atomic, ionised, and molecular gas, we account for most observables with a scenario that assumes that a few hundreds Myr ago, M31 underwent a frontal collision with M32, which triggered some star-formation activity in the centre, and this collision explains the special configuration of M31 with two rings observed at 0.7kpc and 10kpc. The inner disc (whose rotation is detected in HI and ionised gas ([NII])) has thus been tilted (inclination: 43deg, PA: 70deg) with respect to the main disc (inclination: 77deg, PA: 35deg). One of the CO velocity components is compatible with this inner disc, while the second one comes from a tilted ring-like material with 40deg inclination and PA=-35deg. The relic star formation estimated by previous works to have occurred more than 100Myr ago could have been triggered by the collision and could be linked to the outflow detected in the ionised gas. Last, we demonstrate that the amplitude of the line splittings detected in CO centred on the systemic velocity with a relatively high spatial resolution (40pc) cannot be accounted for by a possible weak bar that is roughly aligned along the minor axis. Although M31 has a triaxial bulge, there are no bar indicators in the gas component (photometry, no strong skewness of the isovelocities, etc.).Comment: 20 pages, 20 figures, Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepte

    Peculiar Features of the Velocity Field of OB Associations and the Spiral Structure of the Galaxy

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    Some of the peculiar features of the periodic velocity-field structure for OB associations can be explained by using the model of Roberts and Hausman (1984), in which the behavior of a system of dense clouds is considered in a perturbed potential. The absence of statistically significant variations in the azimuthal velocity across the Carina arm, probably, results from its sharp increase behind the shock front, which is easily blurred by distance errors. The existence of a shock wave in the spiral arms and, at the same time, the virtually free motion of OB associations in epicycles can be reconciled in the model of particle clouds with a mean free path of 0.2-2 kpc. The velocity field of OB associations exhibits two appreciable nonrandom deviations from an ideal spiral pattern: a 0.5-kpc displacement of the Cygnus- and Carina-arm fragments from one another and a weakening of the Perseus arm in quadrant III. However, the identified fragments of the Carina, Cygnus, and Perseus arms do not belong to any of the known types of spurs.Comment: 14 pages, 3 postscript figures, to be published in Astronomy Letter

    Ground-based and airborne in-situ measurements of the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic aerosol plume in Switzerland in spring 2010

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    The volcanic aerosol plume resulting from the Eyjafjallajökull eruption in Iceland in April and May 2010 was detected in clear layers above Switzerland during two periods (17–19 April 2010 and 16–19 May 2010). In-situ measurements of the airborne volcanic plume were performed both within ground-based monitoring networks and with a research aircraft up to an altitude of 6000 m a.s.l. The wide range of aerosol and gas phase parameters studied at the high altitude research station Jungfraujoch (3580 m a.s.l.) allowed for an in-depth characterization of the detected volcanic aerosol. Both the data from the Jungfraujoch and the aircraft vertical profiles showed a consistent volcanic ash mode in the aerosol volume size distribution with a mean optical diameter around 3 ± 0.3 μm. These particles were found to have an average chemical composition very similar to the trachyandesite-like composition of rock samples collected near the volcano. Furthermore, chemical processing of volcanic sulfur dioxide into sulfate clearly contributed to the accumulation mode of the aerosol at the Jungfraujoch. The combination of these in-situ data and plume dispersion modeling results showed that a significant portion of the first volcanic aerosol plume reaching Switzerland on 17 April 2010 did not reach the Jungfraujoch directly, but was first dispersed and diluted in the planetary boundary layer. The maximum PM<sub>10</sub> mass concentrations at the Jungfraujoch reached 30 μgm<sup>−3</sup> and 70 μgm<sup>−3</sup> (for 10-min mean values) duri ng the April and May episode, respectively. Even low-altitude monitoring stations registered up to 45 μgm<sup>−3</sup> of volcanic ash related PM<sub>10</sub> (Basel, Northwestern Switzerland, 18/19 April 2010). The flights with the research aircraft on 17 April 2010 showed one order of magnitude higher number concentrations over the northern Swiss plateau compared to the Jungfraujoch, and a mass concentration of 320 (200–520) μgm<sup>−3</sup> on 18 May 2010 over the northwestern Swiss plateau. The presented data significantly contributed to the time-critical assessment of the local ash layer properties during the initial eruption phase. Furthermore, dispersion models benefited from the detailed information on the volcanic aerosol size distribution and its chemical composition
