84 research outputs found

    Gender Inequality and Economic, Social and Policy Right: Situational Analysis with Women of De Locality of Velingara-Senegal

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    This study is stating the political and socio-economic rights on the conditions of women in the municipalities of Kounkan and Diaob -Kabendou Department of V lingara Senegal Method The study was made during the month of May 2013 After a documentary of policies and guidelines on the political and economic rights of women in terms of women s access to land and water a quantitative and qualitative aresearch from questionnaire interview and focus group was made Depending on the type of research software Epi- info and SPSS were used to capture control validate and analyse data Results The study was made with 448 women within the women s promotion group or not leaders or not with an age ranging from 18 to 92 years Pular 69 constitute the majority ethnic 85 5 of women were married 40 60 of women were not educated 48 80 of women were farmer However 35 5 were satisfied with the area They reported acquire farmland mainly from their husbands 45 40 and by inheritance 23 6 Generally Small businesses 44 4 and household activities 29 5 were women s occupations 56 5 of women had a national identity and voter registration card 60 90 of couples make decisions together 28 90 of women belonged to decision-making bodies 57 1 of women had experienced violence 73 40 of them were aware of the help and assistance structures However concerning violence within couples 64 of abused women within the couple noted a change in attitude after mediation F a mily 43 1 and the district chief or notable 32 8 are the remedies most famous women Conclusion Despite the positive development of human rights in Senegal many actions are to be undertaken in the municipalities of Kounkan and Diaob -Kabendou for the reality gap is known and fought for and that women enjoy and exercise like men fundamental rights recognized for good health to the person regardless of their gende

    Libéralisation des échanges commerciaux et la croissance économique des pays de l’Afrique subsaharienne

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    La libéralisation des échanges des pays de l’Afrique subsaharienne a été mise en oeuvre au cours des années 1980 afin de favoriser la croissance économique. Pour la plupart de ces pays, elle a été conçue dans le cadre des politiques d’ajustement structurel. Ce travail étudie la relation entre les échanges commerciaux et la croissance économique au niveau des pays d’Afrique subsaharienne pour la période 1980 à 2016. Elle a été motivée principalement par un manque de consensus de la part des chercheurs, mais aussi des problèmes méthodologiques notés dans la littérature empirique. À cet effet, on utilise un panel de 45 pays avec une modélisation statique et dynamique estimée par les MCO et les GMM en système. Le problème de l’endogénéité du degré d’ouverture a été aussi étudié par la procédure de variable instrumentale avec l’instrument des caractéristiques géographiques du commerce de Frankel et Romer(1999). Nos résultats suggèrent que les échanges commerciaux ont un effet positif marginalement significatif sur la croissance économique. En effet pour les quatre mesures de libéralisation utilisées, seul l’indice de Sachs et Warner est significatif au seuil de 1% pour les modélisations statiques et dynamiques. De plus une relation non-linéaire est observé entre le degré d’ouverture et le taux de croissance du PIB réel par habitant. Ce qui permet d’affirmer que durant cette période, les pays ouverts par rapport aux pays fermés peuvent avoir un gain de croissance à l’ordre de 0,02 point de pourcentage. De ce fait pour plus profiter des retombées de l’ouverture commerciale, les pays d’Afrique subsaharienne devraient revoir leurs politiques commerciales

    Les femmes et le développement local au Sénégal : le rôle des associations féminines dans le bassin arachidier : l'exemple de Diourbel

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    Women play an important role in Senegalese society occupying a central position in the economic and social life of the nation. In this thesis we will highlight the dynamism and the heroic levels of energy that Senegalese women invest in their daily tasks. Our observations will focus on the region of Diourbel. Their dynamism will be assessed throughout their daily activities, including their efforts to reach an economic self-sufficiency and their work within organizations. Diourbel used to be the center of the groundnut (peanut) basin. The borders of this region changed with shifts in the techniques of peanut farming and modifications in the environment. The latter has had effects on the living conditions of the inhabitants, particularly on women who had to find ways to adapt to such challenges as men migrating and increases in the cost of running a household. We highlight the active role women play within the family, demonstrating their collective and individual activities. These details are presented within the context of such multidimensional issues facing the old groundnut basin, as the incoherence of the colonial and national agricultural policies which have been aggravated by the combination of anthropogenic and physical factors. In addition the women´s associations are characterized by their variety, objectives, methods and internal relationships. The analysis will show them to be an inevitable feminine response to the observed social, economic and environmental changes. Women of Baol play a substantial role and exert significant influence on the process of maintaining both the social and familiar structures of their communities. As women carry out these efforts, our analysis will reveal how these efforts generate new perspectives.Les femmes, élément central de la vie économique et sociale, jouent un rôle important dans la société sénégalaise. Dans cette thèse nous avons voulu mettre en valeur le dynamisme et l'héroïsme quotidien des femmes sénégalaises, de la région de Diourbel en particulier. Ce dynamisme est étudié à travers leurs activités quotidiennes, la recherche d’autonomie économique, et leurs associations. Diourbel était le centre du bassin arachidier dont les contours se sont modifiés avec le développement de l’arachide et les mutations du milieu. Ces dernières ne manquent pas de conséquences sur la vie des populations, des femmes en particulier qui doivent trouver des moyens pour s'adapter et faire face au départ des hommes et à l'accroissement des charges familiales. En partant des difficultés multidimensionnelles du vieux bassin arachidier, étudiées à travers la mauvaise articulation des politiques agricoles coloniales et nationales, qui ont participé à la crise agricole qui a été aggravée par la combinaison de facteurs anthropiques et physiques, nous avons rappelé le rôle actif des femmes dans la sphère familiale, d’abord et rendu visibles les activités collectives ou individuelles qu’elles ont déployées. Ensuite, les associations féminines se caractérisent par leur diversité dans leurs formes, leurs objectifs, leurs moyens et leur tissu relationnel. Devant les mutations observées, elles sont devenues incontournables et sont perçues comme des réponses féminines. Devant tous ces changements, les femmes du Baol ont leur mot à dire et leur force à apporter pour que l'édifice familial et social reste debout. Face aux efforts déployés par les femmes, des perspectives s'ouvrent

    Liver antioxidant and plasmatic immune responses in juvenile golden grey mullet (Liza aurata) exposed to dispersed crude oil

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    International audienceDispersant application is an oil spill response technique. To evaluate the environmental cost of this operation in nearshore habitats, the experimental approach conducted in this study exposed juvenile golden grey mullets (Liza aurata) for 48 hours to chemically dispersed oil (simulating, in vivo, dispersant application), to dispersant alone in sea water (as an internal control of chemically dispersed oil), to mechanically dispersed oil (simulating, in vivo, natural dispersion), to the water-soluble fraction of oil (simulating, in vivo, an oil slick confinement response technique) and to sea water alone (control condition). Biomarkers such as fluorescence of biliary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) metabolites, total glutathione liver content, EROD (7-ethoxy-resorufin-O-deethylase) activity, liver antioxidant enzyme activity, liver lipid peroxidation and an innate immune parameter (haemolytic activity of the alternative complement pathway) were measured to assess the toxicity of dispersant application. Significant responses of PAH metabolites and total glutathione liver content to chemically dispersed oil were found, when compared to water-soluble fraction of oil. As it was suggested in other studies, these results highlight that priority must be given to oil slick confinement instead of dispersant application. However, since the same patterns of biomarkers responses were observed for both chemically and mechanically dispersed oil, the results also suggest that dispersant application is no more toxic than the natural dispersion occurring in nearshore areas (e.g. waves). The results of this study must, nevertheless, be interpreted cautiously since other components of nearshore habitats must be considered to establish a framework for dispersant use in nearshore areas

    Mise en évidence de l’activité anti-inflammatoire des sous-fractions méthanoliques des feuilles de Moringa oleifera Lam. (Moringaceae) chez le rat

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    Moringa oleifera est une plante de la pharmacopée africaine, très utilisée en médecine traditionnelle pour ses nombreuses applications thérapeutiques. L’objectif de la présente étude était de fractionner la fraction méthanolique de l’extrait hydro-alcoolique de ses feuilles dont les propriétés anti-inflammatoires avaient été démontrées antérieurement et d’identifier la sous-fraction méthanolique la plus active. La méthode de séparation liquide-liquide a été utilisée pour partitionner la fraction méthanolique. Trois sous-fractions méthanoliques (F1, F2 et F3) sont obtenues à l’issue du fractionnement. L’activité anti-inflammatoire de ces extraits a été testée sur un modèle pharmacologique d’oedème aigu de la patte de rat induit par la carraghénine en comparaison à celle de l’aspirine utilisée comme substance de référence. Après administration par gavage, l’aspirine (30 mg/kg) et les extraits (15 et 30 mg/kg) préviennent de manière significative, l’oedème de la patte des rats de la 1ère à la 5ème heure de l’expérience. L’étude montre globalement une activité anti-inflammatoire des sous-fractions F1, F2 et F3. L’effet le plus important est observé avec la F3 durant les trois 1ères heures de l’expérience avec une cinétique d’inhibition de l’oedème comparable à celle de l’aspirine. Ces résultats suggèrent que les feuilles de Moringa oleifera pourraient constituer une source potentielle d’antiinflammatoires dans le traitement des pathologies ayant une composante inflammatoire.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Moringa oleifera, feuilles, anti-inflammatoire, sous-fractions méthanoliquesEnglish Title: Study of the anti-inflammatory activity of methanolic sub-fractions of the leaves of Moringa Oleifera Lam. (Moringaceae) in ratEnglish AbstractMoringa oleifera is an African pharmacopoeia plant, widely used in traditional medicine for its many therapeutic applications. This study aimed at partitioning the methanolic fraction of hydro-alcoholic leaves extract of which anti-inflammatory properties have been previously demonstrated and to identify the most active methanolic sub-fraction. The liquid/liquid fractionation method was used to partition the methanolic  fraction. Three methanolic sub-fractions (F1, F2 and F3) were obtained from the fractionation. Antiinflammatory activity of extracts was tested using pharmacological model of carrageenan-induced acute paw oedema in rats compared to that of aspirin (reference). After oral administration, aspirin (30 mg/kg) and extracts (15 and 30 mg/kg) significantly prevented carrageenan-induced paw oedema in rats from the 1st to 5th hours of experimentation. Study showed overall anti-inflammatory activity of methanolic sub-fractions. The most important effect was observed with the F3 during the first three hours with a kinetic inhibition of oedema similar to that of aspirin. These results suggest that the leaves of Moringa oleifera could be a potential source of anti-inflammatory drugs in treatment of diseases with an inflammatory component.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Moringa oleifera, leaves, anti-inflammatory, methanolic sub-fraction

    Impacts Des Innovations Sur Les Facteurs De Production Dans Le Département De Nioro : Cas Des Semoirs Double Boîte

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    Situé dans la région de Kaolack, le département de Nioro du Rip est le coeur du bassin arachidier. À l’image du reste du pays, la majorité de sa population travaille dans l’agriculture, activité qui est fortement dépendante de la pluviométrie perturbée depuis plus de quatre décennies par la variabilité climatique. À cela s’ajoute un système de production archaïque. Aujourd’hui, face à un défi d’adaptation d’un système de production dans le contexte de CC, une innovation agricole est mise au point. Elle se traduit essentiellement par l’introduction des semoirs double boîte. À cet égard, l’objectif de cette étude est de voir les impacts de cette innovation sur les facteurs de production que sont : le travail, la main d’oeuvre et les intrants. Ainsi, une enquête directe est faite auprès des producteurs et des observations directes sont faites sur le terrain. Ces observations ont permis de bien apprécier l’utilisation des SDB (semoirs double boîte). L’exploitation et l’interprétation démontrent des impacts positifs sur le facteur de travail et sur les facteurs agro économiques. Aussi, des impacts sociaux marqués par la protection sanitaire des producteurs et l’allégement du travail des femmes sont notés. Located in the Kaolack region, the Nioro department is the heart of the peanuts zone. Like other areas of the country, the majority of its population is involved in agriculture. This activity is highly dependent on rainfall, which has been disrupted by climate variability for more than four decades. In addition, there is an archaic production system. Today, faced with the challenge of adapting a production system in the vicinity of CC, an agricultural innovation is being developed. This is mainly reflected in the introduction of double gearbox seed drills. This paper focuses on understanding the impacts of this innovation on the following factors of production: work, labor, and inputs. Thus, a direct survey has been conducted with farmers through questionnaires and direct observations made in the field. These observations have made it possible to evaluate the use of the SDB. An analysis and interpretation of the results have shown significant impacts on labor input. Agro-economic impact is also observed due to the positive effects of microdosing. Finally, there are social impacts marked by the health protection of producers and the reduction of women's work

    High resolution melting: a useful field-deployable method to measure dhfr and dhps drug resistance in both highly and lowly endemic Plasmodium populations

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    Background: Emergence and spread of drug resistance to every anti-malarial used to date, creates an urgent need for development of sensitive, specifc and feld-deployable molecular tools for detection and surveillance of validated drug resistance markers. Such tools would allow early detection of mutations in resistance loci. The aim of this study was to compare common population signatures and drug resistance marker frequencies between two populations with diferent levels of malaria endemicity and history of anti-malarial drug use: Tanzania and Sénégal. This was accomplished by implementing a high resolution melting assay to study molecular markers of drug resistance as compared to polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR/RFLP) methodology. Methods: Fifty blood samples were collected each from a lowly malaria endemic site (Sénégal), and a highly malaria endemic site (Tanzania) from patients presenting with uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria at clinic. Data representing the DHFR were derived using both PCR–RFLP and HRM assay; while genotyping data representing the DHPS were evaluated in Senegal and Tanzania using HRM. Msp genotyping analysis was used to characterize the multiplicity of infection in both countries. Results: A high prevalence of samples harbouring mutant DHFR alleles was observed in both population using both genotyping techniques. HRM was better able to detect mixed alleles compared to PCR/RFLP for DHFR codon 51 in Tanzania; and only HRM was able to detect mixed infections from Senegal. A high prevalence of mutant alleles in DHFR (codons 51, 59, 108) and DHPS (codon 437) were found among samples from Sénégal while no mutations were observed at DHPS codons 540 and 581, from both countries. Overall, the frequency of samples harbouring either a single DHFR mutation (S108N) or double mutation in DHFR (C59R/S108N) was greater in Sénégal compared to Tanzania Conclusion: Here the results demonstrate that HRM is a rapid, sensitive, and feld-deployable alternative technique to PCR–RFLP genotyping that is useful in populations harbouring more than one parasite genome (polygenomic infections). In this study, a high levels of resistance polymorphisms was observed in both dhfr and dhps, among samples from Tanzania and Sénégal. A routine monitoring by molecular markers can be a way to detect emergence of resistance involving a change in the treatment policy
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