19 research outputs found

    Safe and just Earth system boundaries.

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    This is the final version. Available from Nature Research via the DOI in this record. Data availability The data supporting Figs. 2 and 3 are available at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.22047263.v2 and https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.20079200.v2, respectively. We rely on other published datasets for the climate boundary16, N boundary72 (model files are at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6395016), phosphorus73,74 (scenario breakdowns are at https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:d9676f6b-abba-48fd-8d94-cc8c0dc546a2, and a summary of agricultural sustainability indicators is at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5234594), current N surpluses129,130 (the repository at https://dataportaal.pbl.nl/downloads/IMAGE/GNM) with the critical N surplus limit72 subtracted, and estimated subglobal P concentration in runoff based on estimated P load to freshwater131 and local runoff data132,133. Current functional integrity is calculated from the European Space Agency WorldCover 10-metre-resolution land cover map (https://esa-worldcover.org/en). The safe boundary and current state for groundwater are derived from the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (http://www2.csr.utexas.edu/grace/RL06_mascons.html) and the Global Land Data Assimilation System (https://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/datacollection/GLDAS_NOAH025_3H_2.1.html). More information is available in ‘Code availability’ and Supplementary Methods. Source data for Fig. 2 are provided with this paper.Code availability: The code used to produce Figs. 2 and 3 are available at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.22047263.v2 and https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.20079200.v2, respectively. The code used to make the nutrient Earth system boundary layers in Fig. 3 is available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7636716. The code used to make the surface water layer in Fig. 3 and derive the subglobal Earth system boundaries for surface water is available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7674802. The code to estimate current functional integrity is available at https://figshare.com/articles/software/integrity_analysis/22232749/2. The code to derive the groundwater layer in Fig. 3 and derive the total annual groundwater recharge is available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7710540.The stability and resilience of the Earth system and human well-being are inseparably linked1-3, yet their interdependencies are generally under-recognized; consequently, they are often treated independently4,5. Here, we use modelling and literature assessment to quantify safe and just Earth system boundaries (ESBs) for climate, the biosphere, water and nutrient cycles, and aerosols at global and subglobal scales. We propose ESBs for maintaining the resilience and stability of the Earth system (safe ESBs) and minimizing exposure to significant harm to humans from Earth system change (a necessary but not sufficient condition for justice)4. The stricter of the safe or just boundaries sets the integrated safe and just ESB. Our findings show that justice considerations constrain the integrated ESBs more than safety considerations for climate and atmospheric aerosol loading. Seven of eight globally quantified safe and just ESBs and at least two regional safe and just ESBs in over half of global land area are already exceeded. We propose that our assessment provides a quantitative foundation for safeguarding the global commons for all people now and into the future.Stockholm Universit

    A just world on a safe planet: a Lancet Planetary Health–Earth Commission report on Earth-system boundaries, translations, and transformations

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    The health of the planet and its people are at risk. The deterioration of the global commons—ie, the natural systems that support life on Earth—is exacerbating energy, food, and water insecurity, and increasing the risk of disease, disaster, displacement, and conflict. In this Commission, we quantify safe and just Earth-system boundaries (ESBs) and assess minimum access to natural resources required for human dignity and to enable escape from poverty. Collectively, these describe a safe and just corridor that is essential to ensuring sustainable and resilient human and planetary health and thriving in the Anthropocene. We then discuss the need for translation of ESBs across scales to inform science-based targets for action by key actors (and the challenges in doing so), and conclude by identifying the system transformations necessary to bring about a safe and just future. Our concept of the safe and just corridor advances research on planetary boundaries and the justice and Earth-system aspects of the Sustainable Development Goals. We define safe as ensuring the biophysical stability of the Earth system, and our justice principles include minimising harm, meeting minimum access needs, and redistributing resources and responsibilities to enhance human health and wellbeing. The ceiling of the safe and just corridor is defined by the more stringent of the safe and just ESBs to minimise significant harm and ensure Earth-system stability. The base of the corridor is defined by the impacts of minimum global access to food, water, energy, and infrastructure for the global population, in the domains of the variables for which we defined the ESBs. Living within the corridor is necessary, because exceeding the ESBs and not meeting basic needs threatens human health and life on Earth. However, simply staying within the corridor does not guarantee justice because within the corridor resources can also be inequitably distributed, aggravating human health and causing environmental damage. Procedural and substantive justice are necessary to ensure that the space within the corridor is justly shared. We define eight safe and just ESBs for five domains—the biosphere (functional integrity and natural ecosystem area), climate, nutrient cycles (phosphorus and nitrogen), freshwater (surface and groundwater), and aerosols—to reduce the risk of degrading biophysical life-support systems and avoid tipping points. Seven of the ESBs have already been transgressed: functional integrity, natural ecosystem area, climate, phosphorus, nitrogen, surface water, and groundwater. The eighth ESB, air pollution, has been transgressed at the local level in many parts of the world. Although safe boundaries would ensure Earth-system stability and thus safeguard the overall biophysical conditions that have enabled humans to flourish, they do not necessarily safeguard everyone against harm or allow for minimum access to resources for all. We use the concept of Earth-system justice—which seeks to ensure wellbeing and reduce harm within and across generations, nations, and communities, and between humans and other species, through procedural and distributive justice—to assess safe boundaries. Earth-system justice recognises unequal responsibility for, and unequal exposure and vulnerability to, Earth-system changes, and also recognises unequal capacities to respond and unequal access to resources. We also assess the extent to which safe ESBs could minimise irreversible, existential, and other major harms to human health and wellbeing through a review of who is affected at each boundary. Not all safe ESBs are just, in that they do not minimise all significant harm (eg, that associated with the climate change, aerosol, or nitrogen ESBs). Billions of people globally do not have sufficient access to energy, clean water, food, and other resources. For climate change, for example, tens of millions of people are harmed at lower levels of warming than that defined in the safe ESB, and thus to avoid significant harm would require a more stringent ESB. In other domains, the safe ESBs align with the just ESBs, although some need to be modified, or complemented with local standards, to prevent significant harm (eg, the aerosols ESB). We examine the implications of achieving the social SDGs in 2018 through an impact modelling exercise, and quantify the minimum access to resources required for basic human dignity (level 1) as well as the minimum resources required to enable escape from poverty (level 2). We conclude that without social transformation and redistribution of natural resource use (eg, from top consumers of natural resources to those who currently do not have minimum access to these resources), meeting minimum-access levels for people living below the minimum level would increase pressures on the Earth system and the risks of further transgressions of the ESBs. We also estimate resource-access needs for human populations in 2050 and the associated Earth-system impacts these could have. We project that the safe and just climate ESB will be overshot by 2050, even if everybody in the world lives with only the minimum required access to resources (no more, no less), unless there are transformations of, for example, the energy and food systems. Thus, a safe and just corridor will only be possible with radical societal transformations and technological changes. Living within the safe and just corridor requires operationalisation of ESBs by key actors across all levels, which can be achieved via cross-scale translation (whereby resources and responsibilities for impact reductions are equitably shared among actors). We focus on cities and businesses because of the magnitude of their impacts on the Earth system, and their potential to take swift action and act as agents of change. We explore possible approaches for translating each ESB to cities and businesses via the sequential steps of transcription, allocation, and adjustment. We highlight how different elements of Earth-system justice can be reflected in the allocation and adjustment steps by choosing appropriate sharing approaches, informed by the governance context and broader enabling conditions. Finally we discuss system transformations that could move humanity into a safe and just corridor and reduce risks of instability, injustice, and harm to human health. These transformations aim to minimise harm and ensure access to essential resources, while addressing the drivers of Earth-system change and vulnerability and the institutional and social barriers to systemic transformations, and include reducing and reallocating consumption, changing economic systems, technology, and governance

    Consistency of agricultural drought characterization over Upper Greater Horn of Africa (1982–2013): Topographical, gauge density, and model forcing influence.

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    The negative impact of Upper Greater Horn of Africa's (UGHA) complex topography on drought characterization exacerbated by gauge density and model forcing parameters has not been investigated. In order to fill this gap, this study employs a combination of remotely sensed, in situ, and model products (1982–2013); precipitation (CHIRPS, GPCC, and CHIRP), soil moisture (ERA-Interim, MERRA-2, CPC, GLDAS, and FLDAS), vegetation condition index (VCI), and total water storage products (GRACE and MERRA-2) to (i) characterize drought, (ii) explore the inconsistencies in areas under drought due to topographical variations, gauge density, and model forcing parameters, and (iii), assess the effectiveness of various drought indicators over Ethiopia (a selected UGHA region with unique topographical variation). A 3-month time scale that sufficiently captures agricultural drought is employed to provide an indirect link to food security situation in this rain-dependent region. The spatio-temporal drought patterns across all the products are found to be dependent on topography of the region, at the same time, the inconsistencies in characterizing drought is found to be mainly driven by topographical variability (directly) and gauge density (inversely) for precipitation products while for soil moisture products, precipitation forcing parameters plays a major role. In addition, the inconsistencies are found to be higher under extreme and moderate droughts than severe droughts. The mean differences in the percentage of areas under drought and different drought intensities over the region are on average 15.87% and 6.16% (from precipitation products) and 12.65% and 5.20% (from soil moisture products), respectively. On the effectiveness of various indicators, for the duration under study, the following were found to be most suitable over Ethiopia; VCI, GPCC, ERA, CPC, and FLDAS. These results are critical in putting into perspective drought analysis outcomes from various products

    Changes in hydro-meteorological conditions over tropical West Africa (1980–2015) and links to global climate

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. The role of global sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in modulating rainfall in the African region has been widely studied and is now less debated. However, their impacts and links to terrestrial water storage (TWS) in general, have not been studied. This study presents the pioneer results of canonical correlation analysis (CCA) of TWS derived from both global reanalysis data (1980–2015) and GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) (2002–2014) with SST fields. The main issues discussed include, (i) oceanic hot spots that impact on TWS over tropical West Africa (TWA) based on CCA, (ii) long term changes in model and global reanalysis data (soil moisture, TWS, and groundwater) and the influence of climate variability on these hydrological indicators, and (iii) the hydrological characteristics of the Equatorial region of Africa (i.e., the Congo basin) based on GRACE-derived TWS, river discharge, and precipitation. Results of the CCA diagnostics show that El-Niño Southern Oscillation related equatorial Pacific SST fluctuations is a major index of climate variability identified in the main portion of the CCA procedure that indicates a significant association with long term TWS reanalysis data over TWA (r = 0.50, ? < 0.05). Based on Mann-Kendall's statistics, the study found fairly large long term declines (? < 0.05) in TWS and soil moisture (1982 - 2015), mostly over the Congo basin, which coincided with warming of the land surface and the surrounding oceans. Meanwhile, some parts of the Sahel show significant wetting (rainfall, soil moisture, groundwater, and TWS) trends during the same period (1982–2015) and aligns with the ongoing narratives of rainfall recovery in the region. Results of singular spectral analysis and regression confirm that multi-annual changes in the Congo River discharge explained a considerable proportion of variability in GRACE-hydrological signal over the Congo basin (r = 0.86 and R 2 = 0.70, ? < 0.05). Finally, leading orthogonal modes of MERRA and GRACE-TWS over TWA show significant association with global SST anomalies

    On the potentials of multiple climate variables in assessing the spatio-temporal characteristics of hydrological droughts over the Volta Basin

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    Multiple drought episodes over the Volta basin in recent reports may lead to food insecurity and loss of revenue. However, drought studies over the Volta basin are rather generalised and largely undocumented due to sparse ground observations and unsuitable framework to determine their space-time occurrence. In this study, we examined the utility of standardised indicators (standardised precipitation index (SPI), standardised runoff index (SRI), standardised soil moisture index (SSI), and multivariate standardised drought index (MSDI)) and Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) derived terrestrial water storage to assess hydrological drought characteristics over the basin. In order to determine the space-time patterns of hydrological drought in the basin, Independent Component Analysis (ICA), a higher order statistical technique was employed. The results show that SPI and SRI exhibit inconsistent behaviour in observed wet years presupposing a non-linear relationship that reflects the slow response of river discharge to precipitation especially after a previous extreme dry period. While the SPI and SSI show a linear relationship with a correlation of 0.63, the correlation between the MSDIs derived from combining precipitation/river discharge and precipitation/soil moisture indicates a significant value of 0.70 and shows an improved skill in hydrological drought monitoring over the Volta basin during the study period.The ICA-derived spatio-temporal hydrological drought patterns show Burkina Faso and the Lake Volta areas as predominantly drought zones. Further, the statistically significant negative correlations of pacific decadal oscillations (0.39 and 0.25) with temporal evolutions of drought in Burkina Faso and Ghana suggest the possible influence of low frequency large scale oscillations in the observed wet and dry regimes over the basin. Finally, our approach in drought assessment over the Volta basin contributes to a broad framework for hydrological drought monitoring that will complement existing methods while looking forward to a longer record of GRACE observations

    Assessing multi-satellite remote sensing, reanalysis, and land surface models’ products in characterizing agricultural drought in East Africa

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    © 2017 Elsevier Inc. Heavy reliance of East Africa (EA) on rain-fed agriculture makes it vulnerable to drought-induced famine. Yet, most resear ch on EA drought focuses on meteorological aspects with little attention paid on agricultural drought impacts. The inadequacy of in-situ rainfall data across EA has also hampered detailed agricultural drought impact analysis. Recently, however, there has been increased data availability from remote sensing (rainfall, vegetation condition index – VCI, terrestrial water storage – TWS), reanalysis (soil moisture and TWS), and land surface models (soil moisture). Here, these products were employed to characterise EA droughts between 1983 and 2013 in terms of severity, duration, and spatial extent. Furthermore, the capability of these products to capture agricultural drought impacts was assessed using maize and wheat production data. Our results show that while all products were similar in drought characterisation in dry areas, the similarity of CHIRPS and GPCC extended over the whole EA. CHIRPS and GPCC also identified the highest proportion of areas under drought followed closely by soil moisture products whereas VCI had the least coverage. Drought onset was marked first by a decline/lack of rainfall, followed by VCI/soil moisture, and then TWS. VCI indicated drought lag at 0–4 months following rainfall while soil moisture and TWS products had variable lags vis-à-vis rainfall. GLDAS mischaracterized the 2005–2006 drought vis-à-vis other soil moisture products. Based on the annual crop production variabilities explained, we identified CHIRPS, GPCC, FLDAS, and VCI as suitable for agricultural drought monitoring/characterization in the region for the study period. Finally, GLDAS explained the lowest percentages of the Kenyan and Ugandan annual crop production variances. These findings are important for the gauge data deficient EA region as they provide alternatives for monitoring agricultural drought

    Prospects for Imaging Terrestrial Water Storage in South America Using Daily GPS Observations

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    Few studies have used crustal displacements sensed by the Global Positioning System (GPS) to assess the terrestrial water storage (TWS), which causes loadings. Furthermore, no study has investigated the feasibility of using GPS to image TWS over South America (SA), which contains the world’s driest (Atacama Desert) and wettest (Amazon Basin) regions. This work presents a resolution analysis of an inversion of GPS data over SA. Firstly, synthetic experiments were used to verify the spatial resolutions of GPS-imaged TWS and examine the resolving accuracies of the inversion based on checkerboard tests and closed-loop simulations using “TWS„ from the Noah-driven Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS-Noah). Secondly, observed radial displacements were used to image daily TWS. The inverted results of TWS at a resolution of 300 km present negligible errors, as shown by synthetic experiments involving 397 GPS stations across SA. However, as a result of missing daily observations, the actual daily number of available stations varied from 60–353, and only 6% of the daily GPS-imaged TWS agree with GLDAS-Noah TWS, which indicates a root-mean-squared error (RMSE) of less than 100 kg/m 2 . Nevertheless, the inversion shows agreement that is better than 0.50 and 61.58 kg/m 2 in terms of the correlation coefficient (Pearson) and RMSE, respectively, albeit at each GPS site

    GRACE-derived groundwater changes over Greater Horn of Africa: Temporal variability and the potential for irrigated agriculture

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    Greater Horn of Africa (GHA) is projected to face negative impacts on per capita food production due to dwindling nature of water resources forced by climate change and rising population growth. The region has limited groundwater irrigated agriculture and also lacks groundwater monitoring infrastructure. This study (i) employs Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to localize Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE)-derived groundwater changes and analyses the corresponding temporal variabilities and their link to climate indices (Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)), and (ii), explores the irrigation potentials of the localized groundwater. Monthly GRACE-derived groundwater changes showed similar temporal variability to WaterGap Hydrological Model (WGHM), i.e., a correlation of 0.7 (significant at 95% confidence level), highlighting GRACE's potential to provide GHA-wide changes in groundwater. Based on GHA aquifer location maps, the study associated the localized groundwater changes to nine major aquifers namely; Nubian sandstone, Karoo Carbonate, Upper Nile, Ethiopian highlands, Lake Tana region, Kenya-Somalia, Central Tanzania, Karoo sandstone, and Ruvuma. All temporal groundwater changes, except Nubian sandstone and Kenya-Somalia, showed an annual (cyclic) pattern indicating an annual (yearly) recharge cycle. Weak relationships with rainfall and both climate indices were noted. Maximum correlation occurred when rainfall preceded the temporal groundwater changes by several months. Based on water availability (from GRACE), water quality (indicated by the total dissolved substance) and dominant soil types, potential for groundwater irrigated agriculture results showed: low potentials for Nubian Sandstone and Kenya-Somalia areas; low to moderate potentials for Karoo Carbonate, Lake Tana region, central Tanzania, and Ruvuma; moderate to high potentials for Upper Nile and Karoo Sandstone; and high potential for Ethiopian highland. Even though the study has considered relatively short time period (10 years), these results are critical to the sustainable management of the region's groundwater resources and appropriate/informed policy formulation