4,147 research outputs found

    Jazz y percusión corporal. Propuesta de estrategias creativas con el método BAPNE

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    Neuromotricity is one of the most effective resources to possibly work cognitive and executive functions, highlighting its activities through the dual task in the BAPNE method. There is bibliography in Web of Science that provides positive data in several investigations with different types of population. Through the BAPNE method, the activities are structured in a specific way to ensure the learning process. In this way, with an adequate progressive sequence in the motor and cognitive difficulty, the independence of the upper and lower limbs and the voice is sought. The learning process of jazz music resides mainly in imitation, but also in the acquisition of knowledge and skills, the creativity of the teacher is as important as that of the learner, so it is proposed that once a certain level is reached, the latter assumes the role of leader in the activity. From the 32-bar AABA form of the Rhythm Changes, multiple activities can be created, supporting coordination, dissociation and laterality processes, among many other aspects, and thus providing a greater number of tools to professionals in different fields such as education and therapy to better and more widely understand the roots of jazz music.La neuromotricidad es uno de los recursos más efectivos para trabajar posiblemente las funciones cognitivas y ejecutivas destacando sus actividades a través de la tarea dual en el método BAPNE. Existe bibliografía en Web of Science que aporta datos positivos en diversas investigaciones con diferentes tipos de población. A través del método BAPNE, las actividades se estructuran de manera específica para asegurar el proceso de aprendizaje. De esta forma, con una adecuada secuencia progresiva en la dificultad motora y cognitiva, se busca la independencia de los miembros superiores e inferiores y de la voz. El proceso de aprendizaje de la música jazz reside mayoritariamente en la imitación, pero también en la adquisición de conocimientos y habilidades, la creatividad del docente es tan importante como la del aprendiz, por lo que se propone que una vez alcanzado cierto nivel, este último asume el rol de líder en la actividad. A partir de la forma AABA de 32 compases del Rhythm Changes se pueden crear múltiples actividades, apoyando procesos de coordinación, disociación, lateralidad, entre muchos otros aspectos, y brindando así un mayor número de herramientas a los profesionales de diferentes campos como el educativo y terapéutico para comprender mejor y más ampliamente la raíz de la música jazz

    Percusión corporal y blues. Un acercamiento neuromotor a través del método BAPNE

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    The blues is a musical genre originating in African-American communities that over time became one of the most important influences of popular music in the United States. Its didactic application in various educational contexts allows for many pedagogical uses, which is why the BAPNE method structures and teaches it in a novel way through Neuromotricity. Throughout the years, the learning process of blues and jazz music has been based mostly on imitation with the objective of acquiring knowledge and skills for its correct execution. In this publication we creatively propose activities structured in a specific way to ensure the learning process through sequences that focus on the independence of the lower and upper limbs and the voice. For this reason, we offer in this article specific pedagogical resources to understand and work on the basics of this musical genre with multiple activities created from the 12-bar blues form based on coordination, dissociation and laterality processes among many other aspects.El blues es un género musical originario de comunidades afroamericanas que se convirtió con el paso del tiempo en una de las influencias más importantes de la música popular en Estados Unidos. Su aplicación didáctica en diversos contextos educativos permite muchos usos pedagógicos, razón por la que el método BAPNE lo estructura y enseña de manera novedosa a través de la neuromotricidad. A lo largo de los años, el proceso de aprendizaje de la música blues y jazz se ha basado mayormente en la imitación con el objetivo de adquirir conocimientos y habilidades para su correcta ejecución. En esta publicación proponemos de manera creativa actividades estructuradas de forma específica para asegurar el proceso de aprendizaje a través de secuencias que se centran en la independencia de los miembros inferiores, superiores y la voz. Por este motivo, ofrecemos en este artículo recursos pedagógicos concretos para comprender y trabajar las bases de este género musical con múltiples actividades creadas a partir de la forma del blues de 12 compases basándose en procesos de coordinación, disociación y lateralidad entre otros muchos aspectos

    En el Camino de Santiago. Huellas y memoria del Camino en Burgos.

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    Por la provincia de Burgos transita un tramo del Camino de Santiago lleno de vestigios de la ruta medieval, tanto en la documentación y los estudios académicos, como sobre el terreno físico que recorre. Este trabajo pretende reconocer dichos vestigios, en todos sus ámbitos, y así confrontar lo analizado sobre el papel -la labor investigadora sobre el Camino es inmensa, y a día de hoy aún continúa- con lo analizado al pie de la vía jacobea. Recorreremos, los casi 120 km que el camino de las estrellas atraviesa por la provincia de Burgos, explicando cómo, cuándo y por qué, se instaló este eje de articulación Hispánico y Europeo.Along the province of Burgos travels a section of the St. Jame's Way full of vestiges of the medieval route, so much in the documentation and the academic studies, as on the physical area that it crosses. This work tries to recognize the above mentioned vestiges, in all its areas, and this way to confront the analyzed on the paper -the investigative labor on the Way is immense, and today it even continues- with the analyzed at the foot of the route. We will cross, almost 120 km that the way of the stars crosses along the province of Burgos, explaining how, when and why, this Hispanic and European axis of joint was installed.Departamento de Historia Antigua y MedievalGrado en Histori

    The pivotal functionality of the amyloid protein TasA in bacillus physiology and fitness

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    Biofilms are complex bacterial communities formed on any virtual surface and composed of cells embedded in an extracellular matrix. Studies on Bacillus subtilis have demonstrated this tissue-like structure comprised of diverse exopolymeric substances (eps) including exopolysaccharides, the protein BslA, and TasA and TapA the two main components of the amyloid fibers that confer robustness to the architecture of the biofilm. It has been demonstrated that the genetic pathways involved in formation of biofilms are active in the interaction of B. subtilis with plant surfaces. Indeed, we previously showed that surfactin acts as a self-trigger of biofilm in the plant phylloplane, which connected with the suppressive activity of B. subtilis against phytopathogenic fungi. These findings led us to hypothesize a major contribution of the extracellular matrix in the ecology of B. subtilis in the poorly explore plant phylloplane. In this work, we show that the amyloid protein TasA has a meaningful role in adhesion and biofilm formation over the plant phylloplane, however, despite the inability of the tasA mutant to form a biofilm, it still retained a similar antagonistic activity compared to the wild type strain. An in-depth transcriptomic analysis of the mutant led us to find unexpected variations in the expression levels of over 300 genes, including the overexpression of: i) production of acetoin ii) secondary metabolites and non-ribosomal peptides iii) eps and other biofilm-related components and iv) general stress, among others. These findings suggested that besides the structural role, TasA might have a regulatory function on the physiological stage of the cells. Indeed, an allele of TasA unable to restore biofilm formation allowed us to separate both functions, supporting the importance of this functional amyloid in regulating bacterial physiology and fitness.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Differential pathogenic response in strawberry tissues and organs by colletotrichum acutatum

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    The susceptibility of different tissues and organs from strawberry plants, cv “Camarosa”, to Colletotrichum acutatum was tested using a severity index based on infection response. Symptoms developed on inoculated tissues were characterized along 30 days. Flowers, except sepals, petioles and fruits were the most susceptible organs to the pathogen and they became necrotic tissues at 30 days post inoculation (dpi). Also, well-developed acervuli, which produced masses of orange-pink spores, were observed on these infected organs. An asymptomatic stage or latency phase was observed in green and white strawberry fruits. In spite of they were inoculated anthracnose symptoms were observed only when they became red fruits. On the other hand, strawberry leaves and sepals were resistant to infection by C. acutatum and only small flecks or light brown spots were observed reaching a size of 1 to 5 mm at 30 dpi. Likewise, the susceptibility of stolons and crowns to C. acutatum was evaluated as intermediate at 30 dpi. Finally, the infection process of the fungus on strawberry leaves and petioles was studied using light and electron microscopy. Pre-penetration events were similar on both, leaves and petioles: However, differences between colonization of strawberry leaves and petioles by C. acutatum were observed

    Axial quasinormal modes of Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-dilaton neutron stars

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    We investigate axial quasinormal modes of realistic neutron stars in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-dilaton gravity. We consider eight realistic equations of state containing nuclear, hyperonic, and hybrid matter. We focus on the fundamental curvature mode and compare the results with those of pure Einstein theory. We observe that the frequency of the modes is increased by the presence of the Gauss-Bonnet-dilaton, while the impact on the damping time is typically smaller. Interestingly, we obtain that universal relations valid in pure Einstein theory still hold for Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-dilaton gravity, and we propose a method to use these phenomenological relations to constrain the value of the Gauss-Bonnet coupling

    Fertilización orgánica-mineral del cultivo de amaranto (Amaranthus hypochondriacus L.)

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    de diferentes dosis de fertilización orgánica-mineral en el rendimiento de grano y altura de planta de amaranto; además, de determinar si existe correlación alguna entre las densidades de plantas y el rendimiento. El diseño experimental utilizado fue bloques completamente al azar con cuatro repeticiones. El experimento se condujo bajo el sistema tradicional de siembra directa durante los ciclos de cultivo (2014-2015). Los tratamientos se obtuvieron por medio de la matriz Plan Puebla I, los factores y niveles de estudio fueron: nitrógeno (20, 40, 80 y 100 kg ha-1), fósforo (0, 20, 40 y 60 kg ha-1) y composta de estiércol de bovino (0.5, 1, 2 y 3 t ha-1), agregándose 40 kg ha-1 de potasio a los tratamientos y el testigo (00-00-00-00). Las variables evaluadas fueron rendimiento de grano por m2, rendimiento por planta y altura de planta. Al momento del corte de panoja también se contó el número de plantas por unidad experimental con la finalidad de correlacionar la densidad de plantas y el rendimiento. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (Tukey, p< 0.05) en altura de planta, rendimiento por planta y rendimiento por m2; enambas variables de rendimiento el mejor tratamiento fue 80-20-00 kg ha-1 de N-P-K más una tonelada de composta. Se encontró una correlación negativa significativa (r2= -0.38982; Pearson, p< 0.05) entre el número de plantas y altura de planta; y entre número de plantas y rendimiento por planta (r2= -0.73993; Pearson, p< 0.05).CONACY

    Improvement of Remote Sensing-Based Assessment of Defoliation of Pinus spp. Caused by Thaumetopoea pityocampa Denis and Schiffermüller and Related Environmental Drivers in Southeastern Spain

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    This study used Landsat temporal series to describe defoliation levels due to the Pine Processionary Moth (PPM) in Pinus forests of southeastern Andalusia (Spain), utilizing Google Earth Engine. A combination of remotely sensed data and field survey data was used to detect the defoliation levels of different Pinus spp. and the main environmental drivers of the defoliation due to the PPM. Four vegetation indexes were also calculated for remote sensing defoliation assessment, both inside the stand and in a 60-m buffer area. In the area of study, all Pinus species are affected by defoliation due to the PPM, with a cyclic behavior that has been increasing in frequency in recent years. Defoliation levels were practically equal for all species, with a high increase in defoliation levels 2 and 3 since 2014. The Moisture Stress Index (MSI) and Normalized Difference Infrared Index (NDII) exhibited similar overall (p < 0.001) accuracy in the assessment of defoliation due to the PPM. The synchronization of NDII-defoliation data had a similar pattern for all together and individual Pinus species, showing the ability of this index to adjust the model parameters based on the characteristics of specific defoliation levels. Using Landsat-based NDII-defoliation maps and interpolated environmental data, we have shown that the PPM defoliation in southeastern Spain is driven by the minimum temperature in February and the precipitation in June, March, September, and October. Therefore, the NDII-defoliation assessment seems to be a general index that can be applied to forests in other areas. The trends of NDII-defoliation related to environmental variables showed the importance of summer drought stress in the expansion of the PPM on Mediterranean Pinus species. Our results confirm the potential of Landsat time-series data in the assessment of PPM defoliation and the spatiotemporal patterns of the PPM; hence, these data are a powerful tool that can be used to develop a fully operational system for the monitoring of insect damage

    Aprendizaje integrado de contenidos y lenguas extranjeras (AICLE) para enseñar psicología en la universidad

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    A lesson in a psychology course given to university students is presented, using the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach. A total of 78 psychology freshmen college students participated in this experiment. All participants received four lessons in a regular university class. The lessons were about general concepts on psychological disorders. The lessons were taught in English. Different quantitative and qualitative aspects of content acquisition were assessed. In addition, attitudes about and motivation to participate in this bilingual learning practice at the university were evaluated. Results showed a high level of approval and motivation for this methodology, along with a significant assimilation of the content taught. In conclusion, intensifying interaction and diversifying of linguistic skills, as well as adjusting the lecturing time to match the students’ learning capacity and the professor’s second language proficiency, could potentially improve this CLIL experience. Keywords: CLIL

    Distinct Microglial Responses in Two Transgenic Murine Models of TAU Pathology

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    Microglial cells are crucial players in the pathological process of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Microglial response in AD has been principally studied in relation to amyloid-beta pathology but, comparatively, little is known about inflammatory processes associated to tau pathology. In the hippocampus of AD patients, where tau pathology is more prominent than amyloid-beta pathology, a microglial degenerative process has been reported. In this work, we have directly compared the microglial response in two different transgenic tau mouse models: ThyTau22 and P301S. Surprisingly, these two models showed important differences in the microglial profile and tau pathology. Where ThyTau22 hippocampus manifested mild microglial activation, P301S mice exhibited a strong microglial response in parallel with high phospho-tau accumulation. This differential phospho-tau expression could account for the different microglial response in these two tau strains. However, soluble (S1) fractions from ThyTau22 hippocampus presented relatively high content of soluble phospho-tau (AT8-positive) and were highly toxic for microglial cells in vitro, whereas the correspondent S1 fractions from P301S mice displayed low soluble phosphotau levels and were not toxic for microglial cells. Therefore, not only the expression levels but the aggregation of phospho-tau should differ between both models. In fact, most of tau forms in the P301S mice were aggregated and, in consequence, forming insoluble tau species.We conclude that different factors as tau mutations, accumulation, phosphorylation, and/or aggregation could account for the distinct microglial responses observed in these two tau models. For this reason, deciphering the molecular nature of toxic tau species for microglial cells might be a promising therapeutic approach in order to restore the deficient immunological protection observed in AD hippocampus.CIBERNEDJunta de Andalucía. Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo CTS-2035Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el BuenoMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y UniversidadesInstituto de Salud Carlos III. Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. PI15/00957 PI15/00796Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional PI15/00957 PI15/0079