59 research outputs found

    Comportamiento electroquímico y en pila de combustible de cátodos fabricados mediante evaporacion electrónica de Pt frente a electrodos comerciales

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    (SPA) Con el objetivo de disminuir el coste de los electrodos utilizados en las pilas de combustible de membrana polimérica se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de la influencia sobre la respuesta electroquímica y en ensayos en monocelda de pila de combustible de alcohol directo, de la deposición por evaporación electrónica de platino sobre tela de carbón. Se han estudiado en las mismas condiciones dos electrodos comerciales con distinta carga de catalizador y dos electrodos preparados por evaporación electrónica de platino. Se encuentra que la evaporación electrónica de platino sobre tela de carbón ahorra carga de catalizador, aumenta la superficie electroactiva y permite alcanzar rendimientos comparables a los de los electrodos comerciales, mejorando mucho la potencia obtenida por unidad de masa de material catalítico. (ENG) In order to diminish the cost of the electrodes used in polymer membrane fuel cells a study of the influence on the electrochemical response and essays in a single direct methanol fuel cell of the deposition by electronic evaporation of Platinum on carbon cloth has been carried out. Two commercial electrodes with different catalyst loading and two electrodes prepared by electronic evaporation of Platinum have been studied in the same conditions. It can be concluded that electronic evaporation of Platinum on carbon cloth saves catalyst load, increases the electroactive surface area and reaches fuel cell performances comparable with those obtained using commercial electrodes, improving clearly the power obtained per unit mass of catalytic material

    Riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular y cerebrovascular a largo plazo en mujeres con antecedente personal de abrupción placentaria

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    Maternal and perinatal health is one of today’s global health priorities. Cardiovascular disease and stroke are the leading causes of maternal mortality. Placental abruption remains a critical concern for maternal morbidity because it has been associated with long-term vascular disease. However, there is neither much literature available in Spanish nor recent evidence elucidating some questions on this topic. Thus, this review aims to synthesize recent evidence on the long-term risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease in women with a personal history of placental abruption. It was found that, through complex pathophysiological mechanisms involving the structure and functionality of the placental vascular network with subsequent extension of vascular injury and production of proinflammatory and procoagulant factors which remain after delivery, major cardiovascular events are precipitated in the medium and long term. High-quality evidence has shown that the risk of maternal complications in women with placental abruption accounts for 2.14, rising even higher for those with severe placental abruption. In the medium and long term, the mortality risk caused by coronary heart diseases is 2.64 and by cerebrovascular disorders is 1.70, with equal risk for both ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. It can therefore be concluded that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risk is imminent in women with a history of placental abruption due to a number of vascular pathophysiological mechanisms. However, this risk is considerably increased when associated with traditional and non-traditional modifiable factors.La salud materna y perinatal es una de las prioridades actuales de la salud global. La enfermedad cardiovascular y el accidente cerebrovascular son las principales causas de mortalidad materna. La abrupción placentaria sigue siendo una preocupación crítica para la morbilidad materna debido a que se ha asociado a enfermedad vascular a largo plazo. Sin embargo, no existe mucha literatura disponible en español ni evidencia reciente que haya dilucidado algunas interrogantes sobre este tópico. Entonces, el objetivo de esta revisión consiste en sintetizar evidencia reciente sobre el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular y cerebrovascular a largo plazo en mujeres con antecedente personal de abrupción placentaria. Se encontró que, a través de mecanismos fisiopatológicos complejos, que involucran la estructura y funcionalidad de la red vascular placentaria con posterior extensión de lesión vascular y producción de factores proinflamatorios y procoagulantes que permanecen después del parto, se precipita la aparición de eventos cardiovasculares mayores a mediano y largo plazo. Evidencia de alta calidad ha revelado que el riesgo de sufrir de complicaciones maternas en aquellas mujeres con abrupción placentaria es de 2,14, que se eleva aún más para aquellas con desprendimiento severo. A mediano y largo plazo, el riesgo de mortalidad por cardiopatía coronaria es de 2,64, y de 1,70 para desorden cerebrovascular, con igual riesgo tanto para el tipo isquémico como hemorrágico. Entonces, se puede concluir que el riesgo cardiovascular y cerebrovascular es inminente en mujeres con antecedente de abrupción placentaria, dado por numerosos mecanismos fisiopatológicos vasculares. No obstante, este riesgo se eleva considerablemente al asociarse con factores modificables tradicionales y no tradicionales

    Late gadolinium enhancement distribution patterns in non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy: Genotype-phenotype correlation.

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    AIMS Late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) is frequently found in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), there is little information about its frequency and distribution pattern according to underlying genetic substrate. We sought to describe LGE patterns according to genotype and to analyze the risk of major ventricular arrhythmias (MVA) according to patterns. METHODS AND RESULTS Cardiac magnetic resonance findings and LGE distribution according to genetics was performed in a cohort of 600 DCM patients followed at 20 Spanish centers. After exclusion of individuals with multiple causative gene variants or with variants in infrequent DCM-causing genes, 577 patients (34% females, mean age 53.5 years, LVEF 36.9 ± 13.9%) conformed the final cohort. A causative genetic variant was identified in 219 (38%) patients and 147 (25.5%) had LGE. Significant differences were found comparing LGE patterns between genes (P < 0.001). LGE was absent or rare in patients with variants in TNNT2, RBM20 and MYH7 (0%, 5% and 20%, respectively). Patients with variants in DMD, DSP and FLNC showed predominance of LGE subepicardial pattern (50%, 41% and 18%, respectively) whereas patients with variants in TTN, BAG3, LMNA and MYBPC3 showed unspecific LGE patterns. Genetic yield differed according to LGE pattern. Patients with subepicardial, lineal midwall, transmural, right ventricular insertion points or with combination of LGE patterns showed increased risk of MVA compared with patients without LGE. CONCLUSION LGE patterns in DCM has a specific distribution according to the affected gene. Certain LGE patterns are associated with increased risk of MVA and with increased yield of genetic testing.This study has been funded by Instituto Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) through the projects ‘PI18/0004, PI19/01283, and PI20/0320’ (co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund ‘A way to make Europe’/‘Investing in your future’). The Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro, the Hospital Universitario Vall Hebrón, the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, and the Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca are members of the European Reference Network for Rare, Low Prevalence, and Complex Diseases of the Heart (ERN GUARD-Heart). F.d.F. receives grant support from ISCIII (CM20/00101). R.B. receives funding from the Obra Social la Caixa Foundation. M.B. receives funding from ISCIII (PI19/01283). The CNIC is supported by the ISCIII, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of the Spanish Government (MCIN), and Pro CNIC Foundation.S

    Spanish National Hip Fracture Registry (RNFC) : First-year results and comparison with other registries and prospective multi-centric studies from Spain

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    Fundamentos: El Registro Nacional de Fracturas de Cadera (RNFC) es un registro español multicéntrico, prospectivo y continuo, que comenzó en 2017. El objetivo de este artículo fue presentar los datos del primer informe anual y compararlos con los registros autonómicos y los estudios multicéntricos realizados recientemente en España. Métodos: Se incluyeron las personas de 75 años o más atendidas con el diagnóstico de fractura de cadera por fragilidad en alguno de los hospitales participantes en el RNFC, entre enero y octubre de 2017. En el análisis estadístico se utilizó la media y desviación estándar o mediana y rangos intercuartílicos para las variables numéricas y los porcentajes para las variables categóricas. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo global de la casuística y se comparó con los datos disponibles de los estudios previos mencionados. Resultados: Se registraron 7.208 personas de 54 hospitales, con una edad media de 86,7 años (DE 5,6). El 75,4% fueron mujeres y el 36,4% presentaron deterioro cognitivo previo. La demora quirúrgica media fue de 75,7 horas (DE 63,6) y la estancia media fue de 10,9 días (DE 6,7). De las personas que vivían en un domicilio antes de la fractura (75,4%), menos de la mitad (37,0%) volvieron a él tras el alta hospitalaria. Al mes, había fallecido el 7,1%. La comparación con los otros estudios mostró algunas diferencias importantes, sobre todo en la ubicación previa, en el porcentaje de pacientes institucionalizados de novo (7,7-29,4%) y en el porcentaje con tratamiento antiosteoporótico al alta (14,5-36,7%). Conclusiones: El RNFC es la mayor base de datos prospectiva que aporta datos sobre el perfil de los pacientes hospitalizados por fractura de cadera en España. La comparación con otros estudios recientes muestra algunas diferencias importantes.OBJECTIVE: The Spanish National Hip Fracture Registry (Registro Nacional de Fracturas de Cadera or RNFC) is a Spanish, prospective, multi- centric registry, commenced in 2017. The goal of this paper is to present the data from the first annual report and to compare them with autonomic registries and recent prospective multi-centric studies performed in Spain. METHODS: We included persons 75 years or older treated for fragility hip fractures in any of the centers participating in the RNFC between January and October 2017. The descriptive statistics of each variable used the mean (and standard deviation) or the median (and interquartile ranges) for the ordinal variables and the percentage for the categoric variables. A descriptive analysis of the casemix was performed and compared with available data from the aforementioned studies. RESULTS: The RNFC included 7.208 patients from 54 hospitals, with a mean age of 86.7 (SD 5.6) years; 75.4% were women, and 36.4% showed cognitive decline. Mean surgical delay was 75.7 (SD 63.6) hours, and length of stay averaged 10.9 (SD 6.7) days. Of the patients who lived at home (75.4%), less than half (37.0%) returned home at discharge. One-month mortality was 7.1%. Comparison with other studies showed important differences, especially regarding patients newly sent to nursing homes (7.7-29.4%) and with antiosteoporotic treatment at discharge (14.5-36.7%). CONCLUSIONS: The RNFC is the largest prospective database to date that offers data regarding the characteristics of patients hospitalized for hip fractures in Spain. Comparison with recent studies showed some important differences

    Registro Nacional de Fracturas de Cadera (RNFC): Resultados del primer año y comparación con otros registros y estudios multicéntricos españoles

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    Background: The Spanish National Hip Fracture Registry (Registro Nacional de Fracturas de Cadera or RNFC) is a Spanish, prospective, multi- centric registry, commenced in 2017. The goal of this paper is to present the data from the first annual report and to compare them with autonomic registries and recent prospective multi-centric studies performed in Spain. Methods: We included persons 75 years of age or older treated for fragility hip fractures in any of the centers participating in the RNFC between January and October 2017. The descriptive statistics of each variable used the mean (and standard deviation) or the median (and interquartile ranges) for the ordinal variables and the percentage for the categoric variables. A descriptive analysis of the casemix was performed and compared with available data from the aforementioned studies. Results: The RNFC included 7.208 patients from 54 hospitals, with a mean age of 86.7 (SD 5.6) years; 75.4% were women, and 36.4% showed cognitive decline. Mean surgical delay was 75.7 (SD 63.6) hours, and length of stay averaged 10.9 (SD 6.7) days. Of the patients who lived at home (75.4%), less than half (37.0%) returned home at discharge. One-month mortality was 7.1%. Comparison with other studies showed important differences, especially regarding patients newly sent to nursing homes (7.7-29.4%) and with antiosteoporotic treatment at discharge (14.5-36.7%). Conclusions: The RNFC is the largest prospective database to date that offers data regarding the characteristics of patients hospitalized for hip fractures in Spain. Comparison with recent studies showed some important differencesFundamentos: El Registro Nacional de Fracturas de Cadera (RNFC) es un registro español multicéntrico, prospectivo y continuo, que comenzó en 2017. El objetivo de este artículo fue presentar los datos del primer informe anual y compararlos con los registros autonómicos y los estudios multicéntricos realizados recientemente en España. Métodos: Se incluyeron las personas de 75 años o más atendidas con el diagnóstico de fractura de cadera por fragilidad en alguno de los hospitales participantes en el RNFC, entre enero y octubre de 2017. En el análisis estadístico se utilizó la media y desviación estándar o mediana y rangos intercuartílicos para las variables numéricas y los porcentajes para las variables categóricas. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo global de la casuística y se comparó con los datos disponibles de los estudios previos mencionados. Resultados: Se registraron 7.208 personas de 54 hospitales, con una edad media de 86,7 años (DE 5,6). El 75,4% fueron mujeres y el 36,4% presentaron deterioro cognitivo previo. La demora quirúrgica media fue de 75,7 horas (DE 63,6) y la estancia media fue de 10,9 días (DE 6,7). De las personas que vivían en un domicilio antes de la fractura (75,4%), menos de la mitad (37,0%) volvieron a él tras el alta hospitalaria. Al mes, había fallecido el 7,1%. La comparación con los otros estudios mostró algunas diferencias importantes, sobre todo en la ubicación previa, en el porcentaje de pacientes institucionalizados de novo (7,7-29,4%) y en el porcentaje con tratamiento antiosteoporótico al alta (14,5-36,7%). Conclusiones: El RNFC es la mayor base de datos prospectiva que aporta datos sobre el perfil de los pacientes hospitalizados por fractura de cadera en España. La comparación con otros estudios recientes muestra algunas diferencias importantesThe RNFC has been financed through donations by AMGEN SA, UCB Pharma, Abbott Laboratories and FAES Farma, as well as a Research Grant from the Fundación Mutua Madrileña (AP169672018)

    Accurate and timely diagnosis of Eosinophilic Esophagitis improves over time in Europe. An analysis of the EoE CONNECT Registry

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    BACKGROUND: Poor adherence to clinical practice guidelines for eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) has been described and the diagnostic delay of the disease continues to be unacceptable in many settings. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the impact of improved knowledge provided by the successive international clinical practice guidelines on reducing diagnostic delay and improving the diagnostic process for European patients with EoE. METHODS: Cross‐sectional analysis of the EoE CONNECT registry based on clinical practice. Time periods defined by the publication dates of four major sets of guidelines over 10 years were considered. Patients were grouped per time period according to date of symptom onset. RESULTS: Data from 1,132 patients was analyzed and median (IQR) diagnostic delay in the whole series was 2.1 (0.7‐6.2) years. This gradually decreased over time with subsequent release of new guidelines (p < 0.001), from 12.7 years up to 2007 to 0.7 years after 2017. The proportion of patients with stricturing of mixed phenotypes at the point of EoE diagnosis also decreased over time (41.3% vs. 16%; p < 0.001), as did EREFS scores. The fibrotic sub‐score decreased from a median (IQR) of 2 (1‐2) to 0 (0‐1) when patients whose symptoms started up to 2007 and after 2017 were compared (p < 0.001). In parallel, symptoms measured with the Dysphagia Symptoms Score reduced significantly when patients with symptoms starting before 2007 and after 2012 were compared. A reduction in the number of endoscopies patients underwent before the one that achieved an EoE diagnosis, and the use of allergy testing as part of the diagnostic workout of EoE, also reduced significantly over time (p = 0.010 and p < 0.001, respectively). CONCLUSION: The diagnostic work‐up of EoE patients improved substantially over time at the European sites contributing to EoE CONNECT, with a dramatic reduction in diagnostic delay

    A randomized, double-blind study on the efficacy of oral domperidone versus placebo for reducing SARS-CoV-2 viral load in mild-to-moderate COVID-19 patients in primary health care

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    15 p.-3 fig.-3 tab.Introduction:The clinical effect of domperidone against COVID-19 has been investigated in a double-blind phase III clinical trial (EudraCT number 2021-001228-17). Domperidone has shown in vitro antiviral activity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and potential immudolatory properties through the stimulation of prolactin secretion.Patients and methods:The efficacy of oral domperidone plus standard of care (SOC; n = 87) versus placebo plus SOC (n = 86) was evaluated in a 28-day randomized double-blind multicentre study in primary health care centres. A total of 173 outpatients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 were included. Three daily doses of 10 mg (30 mg/day) of domperidone or placebo were administered for 7 days. Reduction of viral load on day 4 was the primary efficay endpoint. It was estimated in saliva samples by reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR), as the cycle thresholds detected ORF1ab, N Protein and S Protein genes.Results:A significant reduction in the viral load was observed (p < 0.001) from baseline to days 4, 7 and 14 of the three genes studied with non-significant differences between domperidone and placebo groups. Twenty-three patients (13.3%) experienced adverse events, 14 patients in the domperidone group (16.1%) and 9 patients in the placebo group (10.5%). No patients needed to be hospitalized.Conclusion: Results do not prove the use of domperidone as antiviral in patients with COVID-19.This research was funded by CSIC (grant no. PIE 201980E024) and by the European Commission: NextGeneration EU (Regulation EU 2020/2094) through CSIC’s Global Health Platform (PTI Salud Global). The study sponsor was Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, M.P. (CSIC), Madrid, Spain. The sponsor was involved in the design, data interpretation, manuscript review and the decision to submit the article for publication.Peer reviewe