1,433 research outputs found

    Angina bullosa hemorrhagica an enigmatic oral disease

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    Angina bullosa hemorrhagica (ABH) is an enigmatic oral disorder described for the first time by Badham in 1967 to define blisters with a hematic content in the oral cavity and oropharynx unrelated to any hematological, dermatological or systemic disease. The ABH is an uncommon disease of the oral cavity distinctively affecting adults, with the highest incidence over the 5th decade of life. This process is considered nowadays to have a multifactorial etiopathogenesis, where mild oral traumatisms can trigger the blisters in susceptible individuals. Certain association on the onset of the lesion with the chronic use of inhaled steroids and, more controversially, with triggering systemic disorders, such as, diabetes or hypertension has been described. Characteristically, the ABH blisters are acute and are located on the lining mucosa, more frequently on the soft palate. Usually, the lesions are solitary and rupture easily, resulting in a superficial ulceration that heals quickly without scarring. The histopathological analysis shows a subepithelial blister containing blood and direct immunofluorescence on the epithelium is negative. The differential diagnosis should consider all oral vesiculobullous disorders with hematic content, including mucocutaneos, hematological or cystic pathology. The diagnosis of ABH is clearly clinical, although the biopsy might be helpful on atypical or abnormally recurrent cases. The general prognosis of ABH is good and the treatment is symptomatic. Although it is an uncommon disease, the angina bullosa hemorrhagica should be considered in the differential diagnosis of oral vesiculo-bullous processes. Acknowledging this entity will help in differentiating it from important mucocutaneous and hematological diseases such as pemphigus vulgaris, mucous membrane pemphigoid or coagulation disorders. In this review we analyze the main etiopathogenic, clinicopathological, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of this enigmatic oral condition.peer-reviewe

    El uso de reforzadores (el acordeón) en el salón de clases, una alternativa actual

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    En ese marco de la Educación sean sumados esfuerzos para poder mejorar la calidad desde un enfoque no solo de manera multidisciplinaria sino desde una percepción más amplia como la transdiciplinaria. En México se conoce la magnitud y prevalencia del fenómeno de la deserción escolar en cualquier nivel académico. Pero lo más relevante, nos proporcionan evidencias que han permitido hacer visible para otros actores la existencia de que el autorreforzador es una técnica de estudio eficaz para los estudiantes universitarios, esto ha sido fundamental para impulsar acciones de aceptación en el ámbito académico con un enfoque multidisciplinario y transdisciplinario. Se aplicó un instrumento a una muestra de 91 alumnos de primer semestre de la licenciatura en educación para la salud de ambos turnos para saber si han utilizado el acordeón como una técnica de estudio o mejor conocido como un autorreforzador que les ayuda a mejorar el proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje

    Radioactivitat : el cas Fukushima. Seqüència didàctica per a l'estudi de la radioactivitat

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    2a versió (2019), a càrrec de Caterina Solé i Maria NavarroRecull de materials de les pràctiques dutes a terme durant els tallers REVIR, impartits pel CRECIM (Centre de Recerca per a l'Educació Científica i Matemàtica). En aquesta seqüència es busca que l'alumnat de 2n de Batxillerat entengui com és un procés radioactiu i com quantificar-lo

    Analysing the Impact of Smart City Networks in Telecommunications Regulation and Standardization: the Spanish Case

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    Since its establishment in 2011, the Spanish Network of Smart Cities (RECI) has worked towards the ultimate objective of making Spanish cities an international reference within the global ‘smart' panorama. This network, originally empowered by the individual experience of many Spanish cities with presence in international smart city projects for over 10 years, has adopted a powerful governance structure, including its own particular network coordination and management mechanisms. Overall, this environment can be considered a fast track to learning in matters of smart cities governance and project implementation and a powerful tool for collaborating with the remaining stakeholders. The final objective of this work focuses on providing a full picture of the impact of RECI on the Spanish smart cities and its influence in policy-making and standardization. The conclusions of this study show the important role that RECI has played in the recent development of Spain as an international reference in the field of smart cities. It also shows a positive correlation between RECIs influence on government and normalisation bodies to guarantee the success of RECI´s participant strategies

    New database to select phase change materials: chemical nature, properties, and applications

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    Today, thermal energy storage materials are proposed as a promising solution to increase the energy efficiency in building sector and to reduce the total energy demand because building sector accounts up to 34% of total energy consumption. Under this situation, phase change materials (PCM) are well-considered as materials to store energy allowing high energy densities (between 50 and 600 MJ/cm3). Available materials to be used as PCM for building application in literature were added to a database for to be used with CES Selector software. More than three hundred PCM whit phase change temperatures between −50 °C and 150 °C and considering commercial and non-commercial PCM were listed and classified by their properties and the values available of the materials have been introduced in this database. The main objective of this study is to generate a PCM database and draw on it in order to facilitate the selection of the most suitable PCM depending on the building application.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme (FP/ 2007-2013) under grant agreement no. ENER/FP7/1295983 (MERITS) and under grant agreement no. PIRSES-GA-2013-610692 (INNOSTORAGE). Furthermore, the work is partially funded by the Spanish government (ENE2011-28269-C03-02 and ENE2011-22722). The authors would like to thank the Catalan Government for the quality accreditation given to their research groups GREA (2014 SGR 123) and DIOPMA (2014 SGR 1543)

    Estructura de la matèria : de Rutherford a l'ALBA. Seqüència didàctica per a l'estudi de l'estructura atòmica

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    2a versió (2019), a càrrec de Caterina Solé i Maria NavarroTreball que correspon a les pràctiques que es fan als tallers REVIR organitzats pel CRECIM de la UAB. La seqüència pretén que l'alumnat de 2n de Batxillerat entengui com es pot estudiar l'estructura interna de la matèria; com podem conèixer la forma i l'estructura d'una cosa que no podem veure. Conèixer l'estructura interna dels materials ha estat sempre un dels objectius de la ciència per la importància que té a l'hora de, per exemple, dissenyar fàrmacs, nous materials, etc

    Un modelo tridimensional de producción de icebergs: experimentos numéricos en el glaciar Johnsons, Isla Livingston, Antártida

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    Las leyes de producci´on de icebergs m´as usuales son: 1) la que considera que la tasa de producci´on de icebergs depende linealmente de la profundidad de agua en el frente glaciar, seg´un una ley obtenida mediante ajustes a observaciones de campo; y 2) aqu´ella en la que el criterio de producci´on de icebergs viene dado por la altura del glaciar sobre el nivel de flotaci´on. El principal problema de la primera es que las relaciones emp´ıricas var´ıan ampliamente de un glaciar a otro, y tambi´en var´ıan con el tiempo, lo que no las hace adecuadas para modelos evolutivos de glaciares, mientras que la mayor desventaja de la segunda es que su aplicaci´on queda restringida a glaciares con frente no flotante. El nuevo criterio de producci´on de icebergs propuesto recientemente por Benn et al. [2] considera que el mecanismo primario de la producci´on de icebergs es la propagaci´on vertical de las grietas superficiales desarrolladas cerca del frente como consecuencia del r´egimen de tensiones extensivas. Este criterio permite el desarrollo de lenguas glaciares flotantes y puede ser utilizado en modelos evolutivos de din´amica glaciar. Sus principales limitaciones son su car´acter bidimensional y la excesiva simplicidad de los modelos din´amicos empleados. Hemos desarrollado una extensi´on tridimensional de este criterio que resuelve el sistema de Stokes completo de la din´amica glaciar, superando as´ı las dos limitaciones mencionadas. Hemos aplicado este modelo al glaciar Johnsons, en Isla Livingston (Ant´artida), mostrando los resultados que, si consideramos la presencia de un cierto volumen de agua de fusi´on en las grietas, las predicciones del modelo se ajustan bastante bien a las observaciones. No obstante, se requieren mejoras en la ley de deslizamiento del glaciar sobre su lech

    Three-dimensional modelling of calving processes on Johnsons Glacier, Livingston Island, Antarctica.

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    Iceberg calving is an important mass loss mechanism from ice shelves and tidewater glaciers for many mid and high-latitude glaciers and ice caps, yet the process is not well represented in prognostic models of ice dynamics. Benn and others (2007) proposed a calving criterion appropriate for both grounded and floating glacier tongues or ice shelves. This criterion assumes that the calving is triggered by the downward propagation of transverse surface crevasses, near the calving front, as a result of the extensional stress regime. The crevasse depth is calculated following Nye (1957), assuming that the base of a field of closely spaced crevasses lies at a depth where the longitudinal tensile strain rate tending to open the crevasse equals the creep closure resulting from the ice overburden pressure

    Thermal Energy Storage in Building Integrated Thermal Systems: A review. Part 1. Active storage systems

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    Energy consumed by heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC) in buildings represents an important part of the global energy consumed in Europe. Thermal energy storage is considered as a promising technology to improve the energy efficiency of these systems, and if incorporated in the building envelope the energy demand can be reduced. Many studies are on applications of thermal energy storage in buildings, but few consider their integration in the building. The inclusion of thermal storage in a functional and constructive way could promote these systems in the commercial and residential building sector, as well as providing user-friendly tools to architects and engineers to help implementation at the design stage. The aim of this paper is to review and identify thermal storage building integrated systems and to classify them depending on the location of the thermal storage system.The work was carried out under the framework of the COST Action BISTS TU1205. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement n° PIRSES-GA-2013-610692 (INNOSTORAGE). The authors from the University of Lleida would like to thank the Catalan Government for the quality accreditation given to their research group (2014 SGR 123). Alvaro de Gracia would like to thank Education Ministry of Chile for Grant PMI ANT1201