24 research outputs found

    Development of a spray-ejector condenser for the use in a negative CO2 emission gas power plant

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    One promising solution for developing low-emission power technologies is using gaseous fuel combustion in pure oxygen when the exhaust gas mixture is composed of H2O and CO2, and where CO2 is separated after steam condensation. The paper presents the results of computational analyses providing to the Spray-Ejector Condenser (SEC) development, which is one of the crucial components of the negative CO2 gas power plant (nCO2PP) cycle development. The proposed design of the ejector-condenser to ensure the high effectivity of vapor condensation and CO2 compression with preparation to separation, ready for application in gas power cycle, is a novelty of this research. Different computational techniques leading to the development and better understating of ejector operation were applied. The main operating conditions in the characteristic connected with the developed nCO2pp cycle points were investigated to evaluate the impact of the operating conditions on SEC performances. The amount of motive water needed for the cooling purpose is susceptible to the inlet water pressure and temperature and strongly affects the generated pressure of the suction stream. The preliminary results confirm that the SEC's basic design and geometrical dimensions can be applied in the negative CO2 power plant cycle. Results from CFD modeling give the possibility to investigate the turbulent flow of water/steam/CO2 mixture together with the condensation process occurring at this same time. It is found that the average droplet diameter and motive water supplying method significantly effects the condensation intensity. The further direction of the presented computational research activities and results is to test various designs of Spray-Ejector Condensers that will enable the evaluation of the direct contact condensation process and develop the final geometrical design. © 2023 The AuthorsDevelopment of a spray-ejector condenser for the use in a negative CO2 emission gas power plantpublishedVersio

    Methods and Techniques for CO2 Capture: Review of Potential Solutions and Applications in Modern Energy Technologies

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    The paper presents and discusses modern methods and technologies of CO2 capture (pre-combustion capture, post-combustion capture, and oxy-combustion capture) along with the principles of these methods and examples of existing and operating installations. The primary differences of the selected methods and technologies, with the possibility to apply them in new low-emission energy technologies, were presented. The following CO2 capture methods: pre-combustion, post-combustion based on chemical absorption, physical separation, membrane separation, chemical looping combustion, calcium looping process, and oxy-combustion are discussed in the paper. Large-scale carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) facilities operating and under development are summarized. In 2021, 27 commercial CCUS facilities are currently under operation with a capture capacity of up to 40 Mt of CO2 per year. If all projects are launched, the global CO2 capture potential can be more than ca. 130–150 Mt/year of captured CO2. The most popular and developed indicators for comparing and assessing CO2 emission, capture, avoiding, and cost connected with avoiding CO2 emissions are also presented and described in the paper

    Methods and Techniques for CO<sub>2</sub> Capture: Review of Potential Solutions and Applications in Modern Energy Technologies

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    The paper presents and discusses modern methods and technologies of CO2 capture (pre-combustion capture, post-combustion capture, and oxy-combustion capture) along with the principles of these methods and examples of existing and operating installations. The primary differences of the selected methods and technologies, with the possibility to apply them in new low-emission energy technologies, were presented. The following CO2 capture methods: pre-combustion, post-combustion based on chemical absorption, physical separation, membrane separation, chemical looping combustion, calcium looping process, and oxy-combustion are discussed in the paper. Large-scale carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) facilities operating and under development are summarized. In 2021, 27 commercial CCUS facilities are currently under operation with a capture capacity of up to 40 Mt of CO2 per year. If all projects are launched, the global CO2 capture potential can be more than ca. 130–150 Mt/year of captured CO2. The most popular and developed indicators for comparing and assessing CO2 emission, capture, avoiding, and cost connected with avoiding CO2 emissions are also presented and described in the paper

    Direct Contact Condensers: A Comprehensive Review of Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Direct-Contact Condensation

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    Direct contact heat exchangers can be smaller, cheaper, and have simpler construction than the surface, shell, or tube heat exchangers of the same capacity and can operate in evaporation or condensation modes. For these reasons, they have many practical applications, such as water desalination, heat exchangers in power plants, or chemical engineering devices. This paper presents a comprehensive review of experimental and numerical activities focused on the research about direct condensation processes and testing direct contact condensers on the laboratory scale. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods and CFD solvers are the most popular tools in the numerical analysis of direct contact condensers because of the phenomenon’s complexity as multiphase turbulent flow with heat transfer and phase change. The presented and developed numerical models must be carefully calibrated and physically validated by experimental results. Results of the experimental campaign in the laboratory scale with the test rig and properly designed measuring apparatus can give detailed qualitative and quantitative results about direct contact condensation processes. In this case, the combination of these two approaches, numerical and experimental investigation, is the comprehensive method to deeply understand the direct contact condensation process

    Thermodynamic Analysis of Negative CO2 Emission Power Plant Using Aspen Plus, Aspen Hysys, and Ebsilon Software

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    The article presents results of thermodynamic analysis using a zero-dimensional mathematical models of a negative CO2 emission power plant. The developed cycle of a negative CO2 emission power plant allows the production of electricity using gasified sewage sludge as a main fuel. The negative emission can be achieved by the use this type of fuel which is already a “zero-emissive” energy source. Together with carbon capture installation, there is a possibility to decrease CO2 emission below the “zero” level. Developed models of a novel gas cycle which use selected codes allow the prediction of basic parameters of thermodynamic cycles such as output power, efficiency, combustion composition, exhaust temperature, etc. The paper presents results of thermodynamic analysis of two novel cycles, called PDF0 and PFD1, by using different thermodynamic codes. A comparison of results obtained by three different codes offered the chance to verify results because the experimental data are currently not available. The comparison of predictions between three different software in the literature is something new, according to studies made by authors. For gross efficiency (54.74%, 55.18%, and 52.00%), there is a similar relationship for turbine power output (155.9 kW, 157.19 kW, and 148.16 kW). Additionally, the chemical energy rate of the fuel is taken into account, which ultimately results in higher efficiencies for flue gases with increased steam production. A similar trend is assessed for increased CO2 in the flue gas. The developed precise models are particularly important for a carbon capture and storage (CCS) energy system, where relatively new devices mutually cooperate and their thermodynamic parameters affect those devices. Proposed software employs extended a gas–steam turbine cycle to determine the effect of cycle into environment. First of all, it should be stated that there is a slight influence of the software used on the results obtained, but the basic tendencies are the same, which makes it possible to analyze various types of thermodynamic cycles. Secondly, the possibility of a negative CO2 emission power plant and the positive environmental impact of the proposed solution has been demonstrated, which is also a novelty in the area of thermodynamic cycles