13 research outputs found
Atracción hacia nuevas masculinidades alternativas para prevenir y superar la violencia de género
Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Investigació Aplicada en Estudis Feministes, de Gènere i Ciutadania (Pla de 2013). Codi: SBH023. Curs: 2013/2014En el S. XXI la violencia de género continúa dándose y las nuevas realidades
emergentes nos muestran que afecta a mujeres cada vez más jóvenes. Frente
a esto, es muy importante que la escuela, como agente socializador, se
convierta en un espacio donde se construyan relaciones libres de violencia, de
sumisión o desigualdad. Las y los profesionales de la educación tenemos la
responsabilidad de convertirla en un espacio seguro para nuestro alumnado, un
espacio libre de cualquier tipo de violencia. Para ello, es preciso educar a
través de unas relaciones socioeducativas libres, igualitarias y carentes de
violencia. En este sentido, hasta el día de hoy, la coeducación ha sido el eje
central de nuestro trabajo y desde el que hemos conseguido objetivos
importantes. Sin embargo, a la vista del gravísimo problema social que
constituye la violencia de género en nuestra sociedad, los logros que se hayan
podido alcanzar hasta el momento no nos eximen de continuar
cuestionándonos la educación afectivo sexual que estamos transmitiendo a
nuestro alumnado.
Los últimos estudios científicos (Martín & Tellado, 2012; Díaz Aguado, 2001,
2004, 2006) nos muestran como los diferentes tipos de violencia que se dan
hoy en día en los centros educativos, como el acoso escolar, el fenómeno
sexting, o el ciberacoso a través de las redes sociales (informe o gossip) están
asociados a conductas violentas que (re)producen violencia de género entre la
juventud. También resultados del estudio Igualdad y prevención de la violencia
de género en la adolescencia llevado a cabo por el Ministerio de Igualdad
(2011) saca a la luz previsiones como la siguiente: “el 18,9 % de jóvenes (una
de cada cinco) podría ser maltratada en un futuro porque justifica el sexismo y
la agresión como forma de enfrentarse a los conflictos”.
El hecho de ser cada día más consciente de esta problemática social, a la que
se enfrenta la escuela de hoy, ha sido mi principal motivación en la realización
del Máster Universitario en Investigación Aplicada en Estudios Feministas, de
Género y Ciudadanía que enmarca este trabajo. Cursar el mismo me ha posibilitado conocer la perspectiva de estudio que resulta necesaria para llevar
a cabo una investigación rigurosa que analice científicamente los problemas
que acarrea la violencia de género. Asimismo, también me ha hecho más
consciente de la importancia de partir de análisis científicos que ayudan a la
comprensión de las causas de la violencia de género y a conocer las claves
para una intervención educativa consecuente que permita ir transformando
realidades. Con la elaboración de este TFM, mi finalidad última es investigar en
el terreno de la docencia para poder cumplir con el pleno derecho a la
educación de todo el alumnado, así como intentar dar la mejor educación y con
ello, mejorar sus vidas
Dialogic Feminist Gathering and the Prevention of Gender Violence in Girls With Intellectual Disabilities
Adolescent gender-based violence prevention and sexuality education is a topic of current concern given the increasing numbers of violence directed at girls. International organizations indicate that one in three girls aged 15 to 19 have experienced gender-based violence in their sexual relationships that this risk may be as much as 3-4 times higher for girls with disabilities. Following the good results obtained in the research project 'Free_Teen_Desire' led by the University of Cambridge and funded by the Marie Curie Actions Program in the prevention of gender violence in adolescents through Dialogic Feminist Gatherings (DFG), the aim of study is to analyze Its transfer and impact on adolescent girls with intellectual disabilities. The DFGs are here understood as generators of a more dialogic environment for girls in general and we wonder if and how It is extended to the context of girls with disabilities. Thus, the research takes the form of a case study with a communicative approach on a DFGs. The intervention is carried out in a special school located in Valencia during the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 academic years with a group of 19 non-mixed female students, female teachers, and the mother of one of the students. The study analyzes which are the transfer criteria to incorporate the DFGs in a special education context and what is their impact on the prevention of gender violence in girls with disabilities. The data collection techniques consist of two in-depth interviews, analysis of the field diary of 24 intervention sessions and a focus group with seven teachers. It is demonstrated that DFGs are successfully transferred to the special education context of the case study. The results show how contexts of safety, solidarity and friendship are generated which protect adolescent girls with disabilities from relationships with gender violence
Guia d'actuacions docents universitàries sobre gènere i prevenció de violència de gènere
Aquesta guia és producte del projecte “Prevenció de les violències de gènere des d’una
formació basada en evidències científiques” finançat per l’Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts
Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) dins dels d’ajuts per a projectes d'innovació per a la
millora de la qualitat docent en matèria de violència de gènere (2021 INDOV 0008)Aquest projecte ha contribuït en l'avenç en l'erradicació de la violència de gènere en l'àmbit universitari, a partir de la formació integral de futures i futurs professionals. Aquest objectiu ha estat assolit a través de la creació i consolidació d'entorns de tolerància zero cap la violència i lliures de la mateixa. De forma transversal i al llarg de tot el desenvolupament del projecte, s'ha emfatitzat el reconeixement d’altres formes de violència de gènere fora del context de les parelles.
De manera més concreta, a través de les innovacions educatives basades en evidències científiques, seguint la línia de recerca de socialització preventiva de la violència de gènere, el projecte ha dut a terme tasques de sensibilització envers la problemàtica dins l'àmbit universitari, tot aportant a les aules la reflexió respecte factors d'incidència en la violència de gènere o la construcció de les identitats de gènere, entre d'altres. Per fer-ho s'han dut a terme activitats com la lectura de textos científics sobre gènere i prevenció de la violència de gènere, la creació d'espais pel diàleg i el debat, la col·laboració d'actors socials relacionats amb la realitat de la violència de gènere i la incorporació d'eines tecnològiques per a facilitar la construcció de coneixement relacionat amb la prevenció de la violència de gènere. En aquest sentit, s'han donat a conèixer eines d'utilitat que els hi permeten accedir i participar en la construcció de coneixement sobre la temàtica, com és el cas de la plataforma "Sappho". Tot aquest coneixement ha quedat recollit en un document de recomanacions per la docència universitària compromesa en la lluita contra la violència de gènere
DataSheet_1_CD8+ NKs as a potential biomarker of complete response and survival with lenalidomide plus R-GDP in the R2-GDP-GOTEL trial in recurrent/refractory diffuse large B cell lymphoma.pdf
[Background] Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common non-Hodgkin lymphoma worldwide. DLBCL is an aggressive disease that can be cured with upfront standard chemoimmunotherapy schedules. However, in approximately 35-40% of the patients DLBCL relapses, and therefore, especially in this setting, the search for new prognostic and predictive biomarkers is an urgent need. Natural killer (NK) are effector cells characterized by playing an important role in antitumor immunity due to their cytotoxic capacity and a subset of circulating NK that express CD8 have a higher cytotoxic function. In this substudy of the R2-GDP-GOTEL trial, we have evaluated blood CD8+ NK cells as a predictor of treatment response and survival in relapsed/refractory (R/R) DLBCL patients.[Methods] 78 patients received the R2-GDP schedule in the phase II trial. Blood samples were analyzed by flow cytometry. Statistical analyses were carried out in order to identify the prognostic potential of CD8+ NKs at baseline in R/R DLBCL patients.[Results] Our results showed that the number of circulating CD8+ NKs in R/R DLBCL patients were lower than in healthy donors, and it did not change during and after treatment. Nevertheless, the level of blood CD8+ NKs at baseline was associated with complete responses in patients with R/R DLBCL. In addition, we also demonstrated that CD8+ NKs levels have potential prognostic value in terms of overall survival in R/R DLBCL patients.[Conclusion] CD8+ NKs represent a new biomarker with prediction and prognosis potential to be considered in the clinical management of patients with R/R DLBCL.[Clinical trial registration] https://www.clinicaltrialsregister.eu/ctr-search/search?query=2014-001620-29 EudraCT, ID:2014-001620-29.Peer reviewe
CD8+ NKs as a potential biomarker of complete response and survival with lenalidomide plus R-GDP in the R2-GDP-GOTEL trial in recurrent/refractory diffuse large B cell lymphoma
Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common non-Hodgkin lymphoma worldwide. DLBCL is an aggressive disease that can be cured with upfront standard chemoimmunotherapy schedules. However, in approximately 35-40% of the patients DLBCL relapses, and therefore, especially in this setting, the search for new prognostic and predictive biomarkers is an urgent need. Natural killer (NK) are effector cells characterized by playing an important role in antitumor immunity due to their cytotoxic capacity and a subset of circulating NK that express CD8 have a higher cytotoxic function. In this substudy of the R2-GDP-GOTEL trial, we have evaluated blood CD8+ NK cells as a predictor of treatment response and survival in relapsed/refractory (R/R) DLBCL patients.This research was funded by the Spanish Lymphoma Oncology Group (GOTEL) with the financial support of Celgene (Investigator Initiated Trials Program); no grant numbers applicable. LH-P is supported by the Consejería de Salud y Familias, Junta de Andalucía (RH-0047-2021) and Miguel Servet Researcher Fellow from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. DG-D is supported by the VII Plan Propio de Investigacioín y Transferencia of Universidad de Sevilla [Contrato de Acceso (II.4)/VII PPIT-US]. CJ-C is supported by the Margarita Salas fellowship, granted by the University of Seville (Seville, Spain).Peer reviewe
Formación del profesorado para una respuesta eficaz a la violencia de género en el ámbito escolar desde la socialización preventiva de la violencia de género
The aim of this doctoral thesis is to provide scientific knowledge on the prevention of gender-based violence in schools in order to contribute to the design of an effective response. The objective responds to a reality that shows that gender-based violence is a growing problem that affects younger and younger children (OMS, 2018), and that is present in schools around the world (UNESCO y UN, 2019). In order to achieve the general objective, the doctoral thesis has defined different objectives aimed at obtaining information from different points of view considered key. First, to demarcate the international guidelines, as well as the national regulatory framework regarding attention to gender-based violence in schools. We have also analysed research on the role of teachers in the prevention of violence and teacher training to make this mission effective. Likewise, the international scientific evidence available for tackling gender-based violence in the school environment through detection, intervention and prevention has been brought together to enable teachers to face this challenge with guarantees of success. Finally, the response of educational centres over the last five years has been analysed in order to detect the needs that are arising and to offer a response to them. The methodology developed in the research to achieve the objectives was a qualitative methodology based on the triangulation of data. The results obtained highlight the need for educational centres to have an effective response in tackling gender-based violence, despite the high prevalence of school violence and the consequences of suffering it in childhood. The results also show that there is scientific evidence available on detection, intervention and prevention of gender-based violence in schools. Thus, the main contribution of this doctoral thesis takes the form of recommendations that respond to the needs detected and are offered to schools to contribute to the design of a response in the prevention of gender violence based on scientific evidence of social impact to ensure improved resultsAquesta tesi doctoral pretén aportar coneixement científic en prevenció de la violència de gènere en l'àmbit escolar per tal de contribuir al disseny d'una resposta eficaç. L'objectiu respon a una realitat que mostra que la violència de gènere és un problema creixent que afecta cada vegada a edats més primerenques (OMS, 2018), i que es troba present en les escoles de tot el món (UNESCO y ONU, 2019). Per assolir l'objectiu general, la tesi doctoral ha definit diferents objectius dirigits a obtenir informació des de diferents punts de vista considerats claus. Primer, demarcar les orientacions internacionals referents, així com, el marc normatiu estatal respecte a l'atenció a la violència de gènere als centres educatius. També s'han analitzat les investigacions que aborden el paper del professorat en la prevenció de la violència i la formació de professorat per fer efectiva aquesta missió. Així mateix, s'han reunit les evidències científiques internacionals que es disposa per fer front a la violència de gènere en l'àmbit escolar des de la detecció, intervenció i prevenció, que capaciten el professorat per fer front a aquest repte amb garanties d'èxit. I, finalment, s'ha analitzat la resposta dels centres educatius en els últims cinc anys amb la finalitat de detectar les necessitats que s'estan donant i oferir resposta a aquestes. La metodologia desenvolupada en la investigació per fer efectius els objectius ha estat la metodologia qualitativa a partir de la triangulació de dades. Entre els resultats obtinguts es destaca la necessitat dels centres educatius de disposar d'una resposta eficaç en l'abordatge de la violència de gènere, tot i l'alta prevalença de la violència escolar i les conseqüències de patir-ne la infància. Així mateix, els resultats constaten que es disposa d'evidències científiques en detecció, intervenció i prevenció de la violència de gènere en l'àmbit escolar. D'aquesta manera, la principal aportació d'aquesta tesi doctoral es concreta en forma de recomanacions que responen a les necessitats detectades i s'ofereixen als centres educatius per contribuir al disseny d'una resposta en prevenció de la violència de gènere basant-se evidències científiques d’impacte social que asseguren la millora de resultatsPrograma de Doctorat en Educaci
"Nobody puts Baby in a corner": placing attractiveness in dancing coupled with alternative masculinities and affective-sexual relationships in Dirty Dancing film
The success and popularity of the film Dirty Dancing (1987) placed it at the center of research interest. Many articles have been published about it, including supposedly critical analyses interpreting it as classist and sexist (Giroux, 1989). However, none of these analyses present evidence about femininity and masculinity models and affective-sexual relationships developed in the film. In this paper, the main protagonist, Johnny, and his antagonist, Robbie, are analysed in the scenes in which they interact with the protagonist, Baby, and the secondary characters, Penny and Lisa. The results show that Robbie's character corresponds mainly to a toxic model of masculinity while the protagonist Johnny's character corresponds mainly to an alternative model of masculinity. The affective-sexual relationships they establish are also reported. In her relationship with Robbie, Penny has an unwanted pregnancy and is depicted by him. Conversely, Johnny introduces Baby in dancing, they start a relationship, and she evolves in the film in improving security and self-esteem. Dancing as an attractive key issue in the film is placed in this last relationship. Finally, the article discusses the possible role of the film in promoting the attractiveness of dance coupled with more egalitarian relationships and alternative models of masculinity
Impacto de los Actos Comunicativos Dialógicos en la Argumentación Matemática del Alumnado con Trastorno del Espectro Autista. Un estudio de Caso sobre Educación Inclusiva
Inclusive education aims to improve the presence, participation and learning of all students. Drawing on this perspective this paper focus on the learning of mathematics, thus we analyze how communicative acts impact on the mathematical reasoning carried out by Asperger’s syndrome students when working within Interactive Groups (IG). We used a qualitative methodological approach. We conducted a case study, using observation as methodological instrument. Results suggest that all students (the ones participating in the study as well as their peers) actively and collaboratively participate within the IG in solving problems. In order to do that, they use dialogic communicative acts, and they build arguments. After the discussion drawing on the fieldwork, and previous research and theories, we can claim that the dialogic communicative acts carried out within the IGs improve mathematics reasoning, thus, mathematics learning of Asperger’ syndrome students. We conclude that IGs are an inclusive successful educational action.La Educación Inclusiva pretende mejorar la presencia, participación y aprendizaje de todo el alumnado. Desde esta perspectiva el presente artículo se centra en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas, para lo que se analizó cómo los actos comunicativos dialógicos impactan en la argumentación de las matemáticas del alumnado con Síndrome de Asperger durante el desarrollo de Grupos Interactivos (GI). La investigación se llevó a cabo mediante el enfoque cualitativo, con el método de estudio de caso y usando la observación como instrumento. Los resultados de la investigación muestran que, en el desarrollo del GI analizado, tanto el alumno sujeto de estudio como sus compañeros participan activa y colaborativamente en la resolución de la tarea matemática, para ello utilizan actos comunicativos dialógicos y construyen argumentos. Tras la discusión entre los datos obtenidos, antecedentes y teorías en las que se centra esta investigación, se puede afirmar que los actos comunicativos dialógicos que se llevaron a cabo dentro de los GI mejoran la argumentación matemática y por lo tanto el aprendizaje de las matemáticas del alumnado con Síndrome de Asperger, por lo que se llega a la conclusión de que lo GI son una Actuación Educativa de Éxito inclusiva.  
Lenalidomide plus R-GDP (R2-GDP) in Relapsed/Refractory Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma: Final Results of the R2-GDP-GOTEL Trial and Immune Biomarker Subanalysis.
New therapeutic options are needed in relapsed/refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (R/R DLBCL). Lenalidomide-based schedules can reverse rituximab refractoriness in lymphoma. In the phase II R2-GDP trial, 78 patients unsuitable for autologous stem cell transplant received treatment with the following schedule: lenalidomide 10 mg Days (D)1-14, rituximab 375 mg/m2 D1, cisplatin 60 mg/m2 D1, gemcitabine 750 mg/m2 D1 and D8, and dexamethasone 20 mg D1-3, up to 6 cycles (induction phase), followed by lenalidomide 10 mg (or last lenalidomide dose received) D1-21 every 28 days (maintenance phase). Primary endpoint was overall response rate (ORR). Secondary endpoints included progression-free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS), safety, and monitorization of key circulating immune biomarkers (EU Clinical Trials Register number: EudraCT 2014-001620-29). After a median follow-up of 37 months, ORR was 60.2% [37.1% complete responses (CR) and 23.1% partial responses (PR)]. Median OS was 12 months (47 vs. 6 months in CR vs. no CR); median PFS was 9 months (34 vs. 5 months in CR vs. no CR). In the primary refractory population, ORR was 45.5% (21.2% CR and 24.3% PR). Most common grade 3-4 adverse events were thrombocytopenia (60.2%), neutropenia (60.2%), anemia (26.9%), infections (15.3%), and febrile neutropenia (14.1%). Complete responses were associated with a sharp decrease in circulating myeloid-derived suppressor cells and regulatory T cells. R2-GDP schedule is feasible and highly active in R/R DLBCL, including the primary refractory population. Immune biomarkers showed differences in responders versus progressors
Circulating myeloid-derived suppressor cells and regulatory T cells as immunological biomarkers in refractory/relapsed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: translational results from the R2-GDP-GOTEL trial
Background: The search for immunological markers with ability of predicting clinical outcome is a priority in lymphomas, and in cancer in general. It is well known that some immunomodulatory cells, such as myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) or regulatory T cells (Tregs), are recruited by tumors, jeopardizing antitumor immunosurveillance. In this work, we have studied blood levels of these immunosuppressive cells in patients with relapsed/refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (R/R DLBCL), prior to and along the course of the experimental rituximab, gemcitabine, dexamethasone, and cisplatin (R2-GDP) schedule, as a translational substudy of the R2-GDP-GOTEL trial (EudraCT Number: 2014-001620-29), which included lenalidomide as an immunomodulator. Methods: Blood samples were taken before treatment, at cycle 3 and end of induction. Samples were analyzed by flow cytometry. Non-parametric tests were used. Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare basal cells distributions, and Wilcoxon test was considered to compare cells distribution at different times. Spearman test was performed to measure the degree of association between cell populations. Results: In this study, MDSC and Treg circulating concentration was found increased in all patients compared with a healthy control group and decreased after treatment only in patients with longest overall survival (>24 months), reaching the levels of the healthy group. Likewise, the number of inhibited T lymphocytes expressing Programmed Death-1 (PD-1) were increased in peripheral blood from patients and decreased on the treatment, whereas activated T lymphocytes increased after therapy in those with better overall survival. Conclusions: In conclusion, blood concentration of MDSCs and Treg cells may be good prognostic markers for overall survival after 2 years in R/R DLBCL. These results point to a possible role of these elements in the immunosuppression of these patients, as assessed by the circulating activated and inhibited T lymphocytes, and therefore, they may be considered as therapeutic targets in DLBCL